Vaisnava Identity

8 years, 8 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

We are so grateful for this digital link with you, it keeps us going with full faith and confidence in Srila Prabhupada's sankirtan.

HpS - ASA -   AgtSP!...    Thank you for your criticism. It helps us enormously to know what services are valuable.

We are chanting 16 & +   rounds daily,  we realized (finally)  16 is just the minimun,  so always go for more hopefully one day reaching 24 or 32 ..following in your footsteps. Trying to take your Vani as far as we can in our poor condition.  We shaved our head and left big sika,  we are accepting our identity as a Vaisnava monk,  the only identity that really matters, the essential identity...took us so long but here are with your mercy and all Vaisnavas.  Our service to the Temple is mainly through the Bramachari ashram,  harinama, programs, etc  we had a very inspiring and full of service Montreal Rathayatra and very blissfull and instructive Toronto Rathayatra.

ASA - Devotees went the the Toronto Rathyatra and brought some Mahaprasad for us. They were very stimulated by the festival.

Played the bansuri for the sunday school presentation of Ramayana !!  ki jay !!   Hanuman and the army of monkeys, like 29 kids, storming the stage from everywere!  To fight Ravana's army !  Blissful, transcendentally joyful!

We are still hoping to receive harinama iniciation from you Maharaja,  we pray and pray and hope the letter of recommendation will finally come.  Then our life as a Vaisnava monk will be complete and ready to take off further.      The grounding you recommended is always our base camp. 

your aspiring servant


HpS - We are just rough servants in the link. The Diksa comes from Krsna, through our Sampradaya Acharyas. We are just acting under Srila Prabhupada's shelter as we understand he wants us to do. You should also be a link in the chain. 'Yare dekhe...', wheverver you go just tell people about Krsna based up BG, SB ....

May you Sankirtan potency increase and increase!


8 years, 8 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP.

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje. Nosotros por aquí seguimos tratando de volvernos devotos algún dia. El mes de Julio he cogido vacaciones y hemos visitado Radhadesh (8dias). Ha sido una experiencia muy bonita. Los devotos nos han tratado con mucho cariño y el lugar es muy bonito. Tambien hemos aprovechado para hacer otras actividades; Nimai y yo hemos hecho kayak y, por las tardes ibamos todos  a bañarnos a la piscina y al rio con otros devotos del lugar, ya que hacía mucho calor. Despues hemos estado estado 9 dias con el equipo de sankirtan de Avesa Rupa y Adiras. Purnamasi y los niños estan ahora en NVrajamandala haciendo un "Campamento de Verano" y cuando termine se van a otro en Navalakunda.

En cuanto a los permisos para construir en Navalakunda,  despues de 3 largos años acabamos de pasar la peor fase (El Impacto Medioambiental). Espero que antes de acabe el año podamos empezar la construcción del edificio.

ASA - Oooof! Hace mucho tiempo.

Sigo leyendo algunas cartas del blog, lo que me permite asociarme con usted de forma indirecta.

Gracias por el buen servicio que está prestando a Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON y a la Comunidad de devotos.

Sin mas se despide

su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - ASA -- Muchas gracias! Es como vivir con Vds para un rato. Que pasa con las programas con los devotos Rusos y otros en su barrio?   Esta asociando intimo con Srila Prabhupada por sus libros?

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja. AGTSP



Please accept my most humble obeisance to your holy lotus feet.

ASA - Lettuce feet.

Dear Guru Maharaja:

How are you?

HpS - ASA - Aaaaaaaaaa!   Drowning in this ISKCON Sankirtan!

4 principles ok, and 16 rounds and improving!! :)

HpS - Krsna never instructs anything impractical. All your desires will be fulfilled if you work on these two things as central.

We start a monthly program in my neighborhood of KIRTAN, I has mention to you about that, it's in a Yoga center. The last week was the first one and 5 new people has come, they was so inspire, chant holy names, take prasadam and we talk shortly with them, distribute books, was so great, PREACH IS THE ESSENCE (Jay SP!!!) photos attached. Really auspicios in Purusottama these people can chant!! Kirtan: (short video)

HpS - Teach them to dance, clap!

This week I have my Bhakti Sastri Exam 1st module. BG. OH KRSNA!

HpS - Kuruksetra, dharmaksetra!

Next month I start again to give the course "The Spiritual Scientist" with 2 great  Senior devotees. I'm so happy because of that.

HpS - "Give"?  You teach???

My job in the architectural estudio is well, I bring Maha Prasadam always I can, and they get mad! They love it!!! :D (some of them...)

Please bless me to be intelligent in choose always the better option for developing myself in KC. Protect me from myself and my selfish desires, with your blessing I can transcend my false ego. Any effort I make any goal I "get" is because of you, eternally thankful. I cannot express my gratefulness with words.

who always want to improve, your eternal SERVANT.

rati manjari dd

HpS - Watch for Tweets on the conference. et al!!   Japa - 4 principles.

Sadhana Report

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gaura y Gouranga

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias _/\ó_
Estos meses han sido muy intensos y llenos de trabajo, seguimos con el servicio que nos ha otorgado la madre Asta Sakhi actualizando la página de ASA México D.A.S., ahora también actualizamos la página del Congreso de Educación en Houston, apoyamos el servicio con la creación de alguno flyers y comunicados, estaremos apoyando directamente el servicio en Houston, si Sri Krishna nos permite llegaremos desde el día 25 de Jul, también estamos trabajando arduamente con el festival de Jala Yatra en Monterrey, apoyamos en logística, decoración, publicaciones en la pagina del festival y estaremos en la embarcación con los pujaris de Lady Subhadra y Srila Prabhupada, este año hemos tenido más apoyo de los devotos, estuvimos investigando acerca del festival en bote y encontramos el festival de Chandan Mahotsava en el mahabaratha, así que realice un pequeño video de eso.

el festival iniciara en el centro de predica a las 12 de medio día e iremos en harinam hacia las embarcaciones, habrán 3 embarcaciones cada una de ellas llevara a una deidad y un  Swami, el orden acordado fue así:

1.- Lord Baladeva & H.H. Guru Prasad Swami

2.- Lady Subhadra & H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami

3.- Lord Jagannatha &  S.G. Mahatma Prabhu

La sede del festival será en el museo metropolitano, estamos muy entusiasmados con su visita a monterrey, cantamos más entusiastamente la japa todos los días, aún seguimos trabajando en el gobierno pero pronto tendremos casa propia y esperemos poder dedicarnos mas al hogar, Jahnavi  mi hija cumplió 3 años ya y hemos terminado al fin la licenciatura en Marketing y estamos por iniciar cursos de inglés y Bhakti Sastri en línea.

Esperamos poder servir correctamente, gracias por toda la misericordia

su  aspirante a sirviente

Lalita Madhava d.d.

Monterrey, Mx

video promocional -->

HpS - Jaya. Muy bien.  Buscamos a Vd. en el templo en 20-minutos!   Super noticia.


8 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Francisco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, please if you want to accept our humble and respectful obeisances prostrate at his lotus feet.

HpS - AGTPS. We have lettuce feet.

All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to you dear Guru Maharaja.
Sorry for taking your valuable time.
Narayana was born on July 10 at 8:20 PM his weight was 3,220 kg and born by caesarean.
Always wanting the dust of their lotus feet on our heads and wishing that your health is the best, Your aspiring servant useless Nandaraja dasa.

HpS - Very nice. You have other children? How old are they? What is their nature? From his photo Narayana looks like a very serious person. You have Nrsmhadeva Deity?

Querido Gurú Maharaja , por favor si usted lo desea , acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias postrados a SUS Pies de Loto.

Todas las glorias a Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada.
Todas las glorias a Usted querido Guru Maharaja.
Disculpe por tomar su valioso tiempo.
Narayana nacio el 10 de julio a las 8.20 PM su peso fue de 3,220 Kg y nacio por cesarea .
Siempre deseando el polvo de sus Pies de Loto sobre nuestras cabezas y deseando que su salud sea la mejor ,Su inutil aspirante a sirviente Nandaraja dasa.

hope & faith

8 years, 8 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glory to Srila Prabhupada and All glory to all devotees of Sankirtan movement's by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humnbles obeisance unto you:

The last days I read Srimad bhagavatam second canto, keeping the chanting of 16 round, in the morning.

I visit many devotees and new friends who help'me to remember Srila Prabhupada and Krsna.

I know the life is very complicate for keep good relation with everybody, I just try not to cause anyone anxiety. but on this path, certainly I'm not good, I know that there are many minds views, and it's complicate walk on the path of  purity and truthfulness.

Thanks to good friendships, I can keep chanting and follow the principes, reading Prabhupada's books and hearing his lectures. The sankirtan's way is the most important goal to me, not by deliveration, just because i'm very distressed, and I haven't another choise to remove all the sufferings.

The environment is gettin hardest, each time the selfishness, the envy, greed and others enemies, divide us while oppositely the path of lords Chaitanya and Nityananda require us to come together.

Seeing your efforts, I remind hopeful on krsna consciousness, just thanks to your mercy. I joining with another to chant Hare Krishna and try to get hope and faith. Rathayatra comittee (Guadalajara) invites me to join, one more year.

Thanks to your prime example and instruccion; see you at your next visit (Mex).

Hare Krishna, your simple servant aniruddha Krsna Das

HpS - AGTSP!  Paoho.  Thank you so, so, so, so much for 16-good rounds and 4-principles strictly. You are guaranteed to advance!!!     I hope we see when we are in Mexico. Details of course, in the calendar at the website.  Very best of luck beoming more and more integrated with Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.