Bhakti sastri campina grande

8 years, 4 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabupada y a Usted querido Maharaja!

Espero Que se encuentre bien de salud!

HpS - This body does not get diseases, this body is a disease.

Estamos en Campina Grande (Brasil) al norte. 

Estafar Maharaja Dhanvantary Swami. 

-Maharaja Como Puedo Hacer párr Poder Controlar Mis sentimientos? Ser mas inteligente y los antes de Pensar en solitario Dejarme Llevar por ellos?

HpS - ASA --- Buscar mas y mas modos de asociar con devotos!   Eso es!    Eso es la essencia del Goloka, Bhakt-yoga!!!

Su servidora María Bernarda.

ASA - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!    Escribir todos los detalles de un dia y enviar aqui.

Hari bol.

8 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj, pamho, agtsp
we wrote for you on friday but internet did not post it.
we go again

1. you ask do we have friends? friends and acquitances are two diff words for us. we have acquintances in our phd deptt. we preach to them about importance of theological perspective on the basis of Harvey Cox heirarchy.
and manier times when they ask to many questions about anything i say the first question is what is the purpose of this creation ? one fellow asked me meaning of parikshith, we told him summary from sb 1.7 to 1.16. in this way we keep on dropping ideas, but we have not dropped any book (big problem).

ASA - Super!   What ever preaching we do gives us ETERNAL opportunity to do more preaching.

2. our son is very fine. he keeps chanting namaste narsinghaya, he knows it completely. he chants while cycling, defecating etc.  He once heard carana-arvindam from mp3 player. now we wants to hear live telecast of same in any temple. he likes the idea that narsingh dev gives power to him. once he took umbrella and said now i am vaman. once it was raining heavily, he said looks like indra has come.
he enjoys offering,  becaused krsna will make it better and give it back to HIM. all in all v dont deserve this child to elevated for us.
and we dont want him to goto school beyond 5th grade. 
HpS - Very nice.  We think he must be source of greatr satisfaction to your grandparents.
3. our wife is accumulating sukriti, i think she has external locus of control. we went triupati, she stimulated us to go to temple tour of all temples.  she is teaching child from books from temple. right seh and child remembered bg 16.1 for kinder garten school competition. she has been doing real auterities no doubt about it.
HpS - ASA   --- She should be called to Russian to be given a Hero of Matrimony Badge, Double Star.
4. Horse is still uttering mantara. his mind is not completely convinced that this is transcdenctal vibration. thoug he can feel psycho somatic effect in one round.
horse made intresting discovery.   regulation > sponatenity in this world as time is dominant here. sponatenity > regulation in vaikuntha  rasa is dominant there.
for regualtion one should refer bg 6.16-17  noi -2.  the regulation starts with eating (what a simple way)  eat veg food, eat offered food.
then regulation comes to sleeping, then mating, then defending ( can TB explain this). then regulation comes to any other work....
horse is trying to regulate his sleep now.. and hope other things will follow in line.

HpS - Yes, and just chant as much as we can. All the time. Become madmen very quickly.

5. maharaj you have been associated many professor minded people. may be i am also one of them. you once said in hawaii class, they have kinky sex which common people cant even dream  of. (i accept this fault in me, that why hesitate to take first intiation)
can you also elaborate more problems of professor type people ?

passionate horse.
our yoni in horscope is vanar not horse..

HPS - Don't know too much more about professor types.  In America they are mostly just becoming big technicians. even, lamenatably, big gundas. If they can politically destroy their rivals ideas they become famous as scholars. Not, all, but we see many like that.
Just chanting as much as possible is the only solution we see for advancing our Sankirtan, reducing our sense gratification, maintaining our health, maintaining our Church...
....  you really seem to be advancing.    Everyone is different.  All these years of effort are years of effort.  They count.


8 years, 4 months ago by pnd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurumaharaja I didn't write long time as I was waiting when my Mangala Arati Sadhana will be fixed. I am happy to tell you, that my mangala arati is by your mercy stable now.

HpS - We suffer the same thing. Don't want to talk about our problems until we solve them, but a lot of solving them, is to talk about them.   Very nice that your are doing the Cha Cha Cha in Mangala Arati for Radha Madhava! 

We recently came back from Europe where we visited devotees and family to Sridham Mayapur. Before leaving I was able to upload 22 new books in 6 languages and made good work on new engine for Vedabase. Preparing for early access followed by public beta. It is taking time, but should be robust and nice to use.

HpS - Everywhere people report using  What happened to the Share Line, Tweet, button that was on each page. We used it. If it is too much of a problem that is o.k.    Also, as you get more and more languages it seems that you are going to have to put them in a Pull Down List, no?    Do you get Book Distribution Points for every hit?

In Europe I attended one programming course. And after we both attended Hare Krishna camp in Czech. Both were big inspiration. Programming course inspired me as there were people with similar interests, inteligence/logic and skills with whom I could speak knowing they will understand me. I realized that I was missing such association, although they are not devotees. And Hare Krishna camp was big insipiration for meeting all different devotees which we didn't see long time.

Just after you left Mayapur we went to Thailand. It was amazing. Huge relieve after West Bengal, people are polite there, streets are clean and they have culture. On airport they even have Visnu with demigods how they churn ocean. 

First few days we were on south in Krabi. There is nice devotee community there. (Recently we have seen photos how Sudama Sakha Prabhu recently opened Govinda there) After that we went to one small place in half way to Bangkok and stayed for 3 weeks. We rented house from one devotee Russian couple who rents houses.

There are many buddhist temples. We visited two of them in place where we stayed and local monks feels pure and sincere.

From our beach we could see on mountain huge sitting Buddha. Went there for trip and chanted few rounds in the temple there. Architecture and all paintings which they have are very beautiful. It was very peaceful and after the visit we felt very enlightened.

Some photos:

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Very nice!!!   We were hoping to hear from you!   So, you settled back in Sridama Mayapura?    We read that some devotees got a public apology and cash, but you didn't get any cash. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)
Can you send your annual financial report for NIOS.  Where the money came from and where it went to?
Our respects to your good wife.  Are you going to live as Vanaprastha couple??

Bali Yatra

Dear Swamiji,

AGTSP, PAMHO. We are praying to Krishna for your appearance in Bali, even Abhimanyu Prabhu is asking that you come. India is a short trip from Bali. We can easily send you a ticket to come. Abhimanyu and Aghastya Muni will help to arrange some academic programs for you to speak at as well as giving class at the various ISKCON temples here in Bali. Devotees here are always asking why don't you come to Bali and give them their association.

Radhastami was a very nice festival. I made Simply. Wonderfuls for Srimati Radharani and all the children loved them so much. Aghastya Muni's wife asked me to make 1008 for Govardhana Puja. Tomorrow I go to Singaraja on the north side of Bali. I will take Krishna book in English for devotees to study and learn English.

Your servant,


HpS - Let us look at your other letter>>>>>>


8 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! I just wanted to add a few details to the last letter for your consideration.

When I had the idea to attempt a gallery exhibition back east, an old friend came to mind who I asked for help. Blake is a painter and performance artist who is favorable to Krishna Consciousness and fairly well-connected with the Charleston "Avant-Garde."

She went to the trouble of finding a gallery to show my work and a few other artists who were interested to contribute to a group show based on the theme "Body, Mind and Soul." I was under the impression that the gallery would take care of production for us, but as it turns out they're just providing a space, and we have to curate the exhibit ourselves.

This places me in an awkward position because I'm fairly obliged to co-curate an art show with someone who happens to be in a female body and I don't see that as remotely feasible without free communication and probably transporting stuff in a car together, which I should not do as a brahmacari.

Moreover, here in LA I'm helping to organize these college Bhakti yoga clubs which require us to commute some distance to meet my partner Marvin. Neither of us are very competent to work a crowd with kirtan, so we take help from the congregation. Currently, practically all the other men who were helping us now have other engagement, so that means at some point I'll probably be stuck with just one or two desperately needed kirtaniyas in female bodies with no way to get them on site.

So I find myself in a predicament where the kind of service I want to do is already, and will subsequently, place me in a situation which is incompatible with the brahmacari ashram. In the past I simply would have avoided these situations to take advantage of monastic life, but now I'm really trying to serve full on in these types of projects which require me to engage all kinds of people.

By your grace it's not that I'm particularly agitated at the moment, and it's not that I don't value vedic culture; but I am deeply convinced that before westerners will accept the form of Vedic civilization, they must first accept the substance. I feel like sooner or later somebody is going to have to take some personal risks in order to convince people of the value of our philosophy before we have the luxury of preaching very widely in the comfort of our own lifestyle. 

Currently I'm enthusiastic to follow all my vows and to serve Krishna in the most dynamic way possible, but I'm anxious to re-establish my integrity. To me the most natural way seems to be to just change ashrams and carry on with what I'm doing but I would be willing to drop everything and try to redirect my energy if it pleases you.

Your monkey soldier,

Ekāśma Dās

HpS - We gave our thoughts about this a lot in the last letter. If you have to Speak French to do some preaching program then you can take a French course for two years and then do the program. It is just a practical consideration, or you can do other kinds of programs that don't rquire you to speak French.
If the only reason that you want to get married is so that you won't be socially criticised for transporting representative members of the opposite sex to different Sankirtan sites, then it seems that it would be better to jut find some other way to do it than get married.

Look at James Bond!    He's not married, and he does so much good for society.    (Haw!   Haw!   Hare!).   See my point.  You don't have to be an ideal Grhastha to attract people to Krsna consciousness.  There is so much appreciation of Brahmacari life in the world. It has always been that way and always will be that way.
You should get married if you feel a strong compulsion to have someone who will laugh at your jokes.
Talk with a lot of people who have more immediate contact with your than us.   We give our opinions, but we are Sannyasis.

Waiting to hear from you (We will laugh at your jokes if you laugh at ours).

Nice art.


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! Happy Radhastami! I hope Srimati Radharani is being extra kind to you today.

HpS - Yes, we got a side long glance from Her, and it was full of disatisfaction. We have to improve our character and work.

This morning Brghupati prabhu lead us all in Sri Radhika Stava by Rupa Goswami. I think it's my favorite bhajan.

I've been busy as usual out here on the left coast; just a week or two ago I managed to procure my very own sankirtan van to utilize as a transcendental art studio! So lately I've been running around trying to take care of registration, insurance, AAA membership etc etc, and now I'm about 95% complete.

I had to ask my parents to cosign on a loan since I had zero credit, and they obliged to the extent that they even told me I don't have to pay them back. Of course I intend to ASAP, but in the meantime I find myself in a situation where I have total freedom and no expenses for at least a year! I managed to also get practically all the equipment needed for displaying my art in markets and art fairs until I'm prepared to directly approach galleries and art dealers. For now, all I have to do is just chant Hare Krishna, study, paint, do some internet marketing, and practice Kirtan. My sadhana was suffering when I had to do yard work all day and then stay up late to work on stuff but now that I can set my own schedule I'm able to make up for lost time. Since moving into "Vrnda-van" I've been able to attend full morning program in temple daily, chant about 48 rounds, read at least a couple hours etc so I'm just thrilled to be gradually getting back on track.

Just the other day I sent out an email trying to organize some grassroots preaching initiative here in LA and I've been getting an enthusiastic response. I'm trying to at least get  a decent group together to help my friend Marvin with his Bhakti yoga college clubs before I head out to visit the east coast. It looks like I'll be back east a bit longer than usual this year because I'm going a little early to help Your Holiness with Rathayatra,

HpS - Our "Rathayatra" has always been a little part of the Celebrate Nashville Festival. It has been cancelled this year and last year.

...and staying a bit later because we had to push back the date of our exhibition until the end of November. Looks like Krishna is arranging a crash course for me in art curation! My mantra lately is, "if you're not scared, you're not thinking big enough!"

On a related topic I had an opportunity to visit Tukaram prabhu recently and ask his advice about some of the stuff I'm going through. Practically right away he brought up the question of ashram. I think I've already mentioned that I feel uneasy about going into art as a brahmacari mainly because of the social etiquette I'm supposed to follow. If I was just sitting in a temple doing BBT illustrations that would be one thing, but as someone trying to actively engage with the world of contemporary art, I'm realizing more and more that it will be problematic. In addition, Tukaram prabhu pointed out that sociological elements notwithstanding, my whole orientation towards life right now is not really consistent with brahmacari ashram. Because I'm bold and independent and ambitious rather than meek and dependent and aloof. He said it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it has a certain time and place. It's true that I'm not exactly eager for a relationship or a family at this point, but in the meantime at least the type of sacrifice I'm engaged in (embracing the world and offering sense objects into the fire of the senses) seems more aligned with the grhastha ashram. The way I see it is, if I go down the path of grhastha ashram, in the course of performing devotional service either I'll eventually meet someone who is equally invested in the things I'm interested in, in which case a partnership may actually be useful, or I'll just be too busy to even bother and after a few years I'll just go directly into vanaprastha ashram. I guess I find it important to discuss this because I do actually have respect for the ashram of brahmacarya, and I don't want to misrepresent it if I don't find it worthwhile at this stage to follow all the rules and regulations in detail.

I'm actually starting to think that unless one is doing tksp, grhastha ashram might actually be advantageous in some ways for preaching in the modern west. I feel like as a monk, social interactions are limited more or less to an official capacity of giving direct guidance or instructions. But if people don't already appreciate or accept the value system or the authority behind monastic life they are less likely to value or apply those instructions. So if I can befriend people, and set a public example and aesthetic portraying the value system of Vedic thought as attractive and beneficial, I hope that people will come of their own volition to submissively inquire about philosophy. What do you think? Does any of that make sense or am I just trying to justify my maya?

HpS - As you say, it seems like the best approach is to just go ahead with your service and then if you need to make a change, it will become obvious. In general, there is 100% opportunity to preach in the current social system as a Brahmacari. Women respect monks and are very, very greedy to have that kind of association in the proper perspective, as brother, father, son. It has always been that way ans always will be that way.
Prabhupada acted as the "Father" to so many girls. They didn't want him in any other relationship.

I look forward to catching up with you in Nashville soon to serve you personally and find out more about your Art and the Sacred presentation. I'm about to buy plane tickets so I just want to confirm the date. You mentioned before that the parade is the first weekend of October, so does that mean Saturday October 1st?

Your fallen servant,

Ekāśma Dās

HpS - You can always call us or put URGENT in these letters. Again, the Festival here is cancelled. We are just absorbed in writing for the most part now, but it is going on.  We have no particular bodily conception of life. Only "personal service" we can conceive is when people are serving the Supreme Person!
Go ahead!   Lets look at your next letter!

P.S. I think you mentioned me on your recent guru Tattva post. I don't recall bringing up guru Tattva recently, could you remind me what it's in reference to? Thank you : D