Manipur Report and Calendar

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Ki Jay,

Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Sri Guruji's padmacharan that in checking in the block (Blog) recently I found one letter heading After India written by Abhimanu Prabhu who is working in Bali in the  Bhaktivedanta Academy and Bhaktivedanta Dharma School.  I had met one Abhimanu Prabhu who is also an Amirican during my Bali tour. He knew Guruji also very well. Is this the same Abhimanu or another one? I had written letters and send some photos also but he did not communicate me in future. In future, if Guruji reply his letter please mentioned my name as reminder. His mail address also might change or not, but no reply.

HpS - Yes, he is the same person. We were serving together in San Francisco and on many projects for B. S. Damodara Maharaja. We will tell him to contact you as we are in contact with him.

Guruji, I had already mentioned that we are eagerly waiting  Guruji's tentative time table of North East India, specially for Silchar, Agartala, Guwahati and Imphal for taking arrangement and air tickets. I think, now Haridas Prabhu also might be  in Nigeria so no telephonic conversation and mail.

Not only that,  I am eagerly waiting Guruji's final suggestion for going to our Mandir or Not. After Guruji's reply I would arrange a meeting for all the initiated bhaktas for discussion and taking final decision about the  modalities Gurujis visit in Manipur.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - I answered two letters from Haridas Das that he sent from Nigeria. He suggested a schedule that did not leave any time for visits to Bombay, Kolkatta or Vraja. We are taking little time to get opinion of Bombay (Rama-giri-dhari Das), ISKCON Ministry of Education, Kolkatta devotees, so that we can do the best during our six weeks in India.

It is three months until we arrive in India, so it seems that we still have a little time to hear from anybody about their requests, but yes, we should start buying tickets within the next few weeks.

About going to the Mandir, do you mean Thoubal Mandir? As I understand they are keeping an old standard that is not inline with Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON method. Is that correct?

Of course, we would want to ask Banamali Das about his opinion. If he says it is alright and gives suggestions about how to adjust the details, that would be alright. Other wise you can origanize your own programs in your own homes to start with, no?

In any case you can invite people to your home and accept invitations from them and have Kirtan, Lecture (Reading and Discussion), Kirtan, Prasad. Then BG 10.10-11, Krsna will give  us intelligence how to expand more and more.

In NOI Text Seven, in the paragraph beginning, "The conclusion is...", Srila Prabhupada paraphrases the Bhakti-rasa-amrta-sindhu verse, "Adau sraddha...". The exact Sanskrit is in BG As It Is Purport to Text 4.10.

This verse describes the different levels of spiritual development. Look at the translation in BG and then the more detailed explanation in NOI and tell us where you see your level of development. Let us discuss this in some detail and you can also discuss it with the devotees there.

We need to become Uttama adhikari devotees as soon as possible so that we can help others!!!

Jagajivan d urgent

8 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



This is a chat with B Priya dd

Dear Chandra, please convey to Maharaj that my husband was very touched by his message. He was asking about him. He was so happy to hear from him. Thank you for this message!

You can tell him that prayers are defenetly working and he feels much better.


Cmdd: This is the message Gurudeva

Iur useless servant


HPS - Thank you. We should not be concerned with material happiness and distress, no? Life and death. We should stick to our service, in this world and also beyond this world. This we can see that any circumstance is a gift to help us! Use it.

Dear Maharaja : . . .

8 years, 4 months ago by BDianakarla54 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a Su Santidad Hanumat Presaka Swami!!

Hare Krsna, Maharaja acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias. Espero que se encuentre bien y tranquilo. ¿Qué tal el itinerario de clases estos días?

HpS - ASA --- Cada dia, NOD en FMP on line. Miercoles BG por la tarde (Internet), Jueves SB Hawaii (Internet),  Viernes Casa de NGD (Viva), Sabado manana - Bhakti Vaibhava y tarde LOB etc Espanyol (internet).

Disculpe la demora. Me encuentro mejor, ahora en actividades más tranquilas, fundida en los festivales divertida y feliz ¿ qué tal paso Radhastami?

ASA - Oink!!!

Un néctar acá en México tomando asociación de SS Navayogendra Swami. Mis actividades por el momento son en su mayoría dentro del templo, no he hecho más Sankirtan que en Harinama y programas de predica y Food for Life a veces los horarios no me lo permiten, debido a esto he tenido mucha dificultad para hacer mis rondas diariamente como debe de ser. ¿Qué puedo hacer al respecto?

ASA - Busca asociacion. Un companero. Hora de Japa con los devotos en el Templo!!

De igual manera casi no estoy en las clases de Srimad Bhagavatam por la mañana.

ASA - Lea los textos del clase y pregunta de los asistentes cual era el contenido de la discussion

Por los demás, los devotos se encuentran en general bien, de repente resfriados pero ocupados en diferentes servicios y sankirtan viajero. El líder es el Prabhu Jayadeva Hari. Muchas gracias, por el consejo mi relación con las hermanas de ashrama está mejorando, saldremos y haremos actividades juntas cómo ir a museos. Espero porfavor pueda enviarme muchas bendiciones para seguir en el servicio estoy empezando a encontrar  un néctar en cada actividad ¿a qué se debe? Pienso en usted y en qué manera puedo servir mejor a todos. 

Me despido sin más. 

Su aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Diana Karla

HpS - Claro, tiene que aprender la importancia de de programa por la manyana completa, rondas, principios. Entonces va a seguir, y entonces puede discriminar mas detalles de su servicio en esta vida (y despues eterno).   Buena suerte!!!


8 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 



I hope this meets U in really good health.

Brother Ass - AGTSP paoho.  We have a little bit of a stomach ache. Our eyes hurt, the screen is too much. We are exhausted, but our body is running well on a gross level and even feeling subtle life waking up within.

16 R ok they can be better rounds

HpS - We are very alone here in Tennesse and have to struggle to get our rounds done, but they are pretty good, useful.


HpS - Sometimes we read classical stories that include romance from ladies and gentlemen as a side issue. It gives us knowledge of the material world and how to talk to people.


Reading I need a lot of improvement here ¡¡¡ 

I have been better and better.. Radhastami was incredible, I was completely detached I just wanted to be there and try to do some service, but at 4:15pm I performed the puja to RMV, then before the abhishek I was helping all the things .. then Gaura Gadadhara asked me to help her.. and we lead the abhishek...  in Gaura artik the new head pujari asked me please do the puja for Sita Rama  and I ohh wow, then I helped to put Sita Ram pijamas... It was an amazing day lots of mercy ¡¡¡¡ I feel so so good nevertheless at the end of the day I felt mistreated for someone but it was also a HUGE MERCY due to I felt liberated.. I mean I understood that as my coach says to me.. people treat U the way U allow them.. and I said yes... yes.. I realized that in that night  I felt so good and I said not anymore.. HEALTHY LIMITS 

I remember that U always said the devotee is always happy being depressed is offensive ¡¡¡¡ the vision of life has changed a lot,  I do not blame others, I am not always complaining or teasing but I do not allow that others mistreated me, because I treat myself good ¡¡¡ maha mantra, good diet and association uf I can write for hours¡¡¡¡

HpS - How can people mistreat you? You are not that body. You are little cute angel from Goloka. Maybe a potatoe in Goloka or a monkey or... They are angry at something they are projecting on you. It is  in their heart, the hate. Help them have and end to the hate if you can.

Bless the discomfort that takes you to your certainty¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ that is the phrase that my coach repeats to me again and again ¡¡¡¡ I felt blessed by Srimati Radharani ¡¡¡ she always in one way or another reveals me things and call me crazy but in my heart I know that is true.

On Saturday I went to schell and  I met my yoga instructor that I met before in another center and again ¡¡ wow the universe is telling me something... He has been trained by Prema vikasa Prabhu  he is a good person so in october I am going to start yoga there... 

My mom is vegan now, she is not going to surgery she does not want that, she has the strong conviction that if she keeps her diet this tumor may go away ¡¡ My sister and I respect that, she is not depressed nor sad or angry she feels happy, she is very admirable two hips surgery , she walks normal now without her stick and now this illness, but she is GOOD¡¡¡  we have an organic diet well at least my mom and me.. my sister is reluctant.. I am reducing the chocolates.. and eating organic food, not just food... toothpaste, etc, fashion clothes not yet jeje

I feel that I am in the right path now,being a teacher, trying to teach by example discovering myself, not depressed. And now I feel grateful I have lots of things of being grateful for ¡¡¡

we really like our BS class with Trivikrama das from chile, he is the most responsible ¡¡¡ 

Regarding  my last letter, M Isvari told me to write to U about the Bhakti Sastri manegment, then I read your response and U asked her that P Jiva and I write to U, but U did not say what we need to write I do not know if we need a resume or what ??

HpS - In NIMSAR Report we said that we will write to Bh. Rupa Das with copy to you two and M. Rohini. 

Well that's it, we feel good,.  thanks to your inspiration, shelter

Looking forward to see U again in person ¡¡¡¡

your useless daughter 

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Thank you very, very, very much for letting us all share your journey. In the end you can be known with so many others as Santa Candri of Lima. You can have a little statue and pigeons can come and sit on your head.  You have to write a couple of books.  What will they be?


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP!!!   Pfanrh...  Gracias su asociacion.  De donde son los pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani?  Caitanya caritamrta?  Libro de Bhakti-purusottama Swami?

Nuestra respuesta es que los pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani son del Mundo Espiritual "Goloka Vrndavan", también cuando Krsna vino a la tierra y realizo sus pasatiempos, vino también Srimati Radharani, pero Srimati Radharani vino pidiendole a Sri Krsna que a la primera persona que viera seria ÉL, entonces Radharani no habria los ojos, fue entonces despues de un tiempo en que Krsna se presento ante Radharani y Ella inmediatamente abrio los ojos y asi a la primera persona que vio fue a Krsna, claro todo esto ocurrio por un encuentro entre los padres de Radharani y Krsna. 

Caitanya Caritamrta, Krsna en el humor y sentimientos de Srimati Radharani, pasatiempos en el humor de separación "Sankirtan".

Bhakti Purusottama Swami, discipulo de Jayapataka Swami, escribio el libro de los pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani.

Sobre Prabhu Ramachandra mi respuesta a sus preguntas Guru Maharaj:

HpS - Interestante. El es exitoso en su diagnotica? Tiene buen historia con su clientes? Unas de sus presentaciones lo cual me oiyo aparecen diferent de los que estuvo oyendo de autoridades tradicionales y experimento por mi propio experiencia. Me gustaria tener mas asociacion con el. Ya no tiene mucho contacto con los Temples en Lima, no? Anterioramente tuvimos mucho contacto muy agredable

El Prabhu Ramachandra estuvo varios años enseñando en el instituto Vedika de Prabhu Daru Krsna, ahora el prabhu Ramachandra esta haciendo unos cursos de medicina naturista, astrologia y yoga en Huamcayo, Chiclayo y Lima, acá en Huancayo ha tenido seminarios muy buenos a lo cual han concurrido muchas personas, nos parece muy bueno en su diagnostico,  en un momento podriamos organizar para que usted pueda venir acá a Huancayo y dar algunas conferencias en las universidades y televisoras, auditorio municipal, el templo, tenemos algunos contactos que nos pueden ayudar con respecto a las Universidades y televisoras locales y también podriamos realizarlo junto con prabhu Ramachandra, bueno ojalá se de a su debido momento.

<cite><small><big>HpS - En el infierno puede predica Krsna katha tambien!  Hoy dia nos distribuyo en NOI a un periodista.   Tambien hemos recibido carta de su estimada esposa de los actividades en Huancayo.</big></small></cite>

Si seguimos en Huancayo, las actividades marchan bien, sadhana sufriendo un poco para Mangal Artik, 5 am, tratando de mejorar en este asunto, 4 principios siguiendolos, aunque la mente perversa y lujuriosa nos molesta....16 rondas de japa, en las mañanas estamos con el negocio del snack  y en las tardes estamos saliendo a Sankirtan desde hace una semana y media de 4pm a 8pm, hacemos de 3 a 4 horas de Sankirtan de lunes a sabado, hemos distribuido alrededor de 180 libros pequeños, 1 Srimad - Bhagavatam y 1 Caitanya Caritamrta. 

<cite><small><big>HpS - Como entendemos Tulasa le gusta: 1. Asociacion con devotos, 2. Calor, 3. Luz, 4. Agua. Puede pasar unas dias sin agua y entonces mucho.</big></small></cite>

Felizmente Tulasi se ha adaptado al clima de Huancayo y ya le comenzaron a salir nuevas hojitas, tiene luz, calor solar en horarios adecuados, algunos devotos van a comprar algunas cosas al snack y ven a tulasi y la glorifican le dicen palabras agradables, también la adoramos en nuestro pequeño altar.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido que Krsna y Balaram lo protejan, Hare Krsna!!!

Gadai Gauranga Das

Hare Krsna, GGD et al.
Gracias sus respuestas. Con quien esta asociando alla?  Hay unos devotos mayored in Huancayo?  Puede desarollari contacto con la Iglesia Catolica or otros? Puede pedir del Alcalde si puede ayudar e El, por ejemplo en terminos de luchando contra la adiccion a drogas, estabilidad de la familia.

Luz de la Bhagavata es super para predica, no? Puede imprimir unos Textos de, Espanyol, y distribuir, organizar seminarios en temas especificas.   Vamos a Peru en Abril-Mayo!!

Guruji's India visit 2017

All Glories to Sri HpS Guruji Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisanses unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that in the last reply of my previous letter Guruji mentioned that the Air tickets of India for 2nd and 7th Jan. 2017 is not yet confirm. Now the tentative dates of Gurujis Indian visit is confirmed or not?

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!    You can see in the Kapi Dhvaja that we have now purchased tickets arriving in India late 31st December, Delhi, and then leaving India like 15th February, Dehli. Hari Das Das is writing with suggestions for the time in between and we are also waiting little for suggestions from others, then we will fix the schedule.  97% the first 10 days will be in Tirupati and Madras and the last week in Mayapura.  The rest we have to work out.

Please let us know the dates, so as to enable us to finalize the dates of North East India specially for Silchar, Guwahati, Agartala and Imphal. I had requested Haridas Prabhu also to accompany Guruji in the N.E. Progrmme. He also suggested me to request Gurujis valuable time at least for 15-20  days for North East.  

A group of 12 initiated and 2 uninitiated bhaktas did not turn up the Mandir for the last one and half years due to some differences of opinion for management of the Mandir. Last year in presence of Guruji we discussed everything along with Bonomali Prabhu and some other bhaktas of Imphal ISKCON to follow the systems of ISKCON traditions. They accepted everything to implement on that day but even now they are not ready to implement any positive step except the name. They could not follow even the first four rules of ISKCON.

Under such circumstances, Guruji suggested me sometimes ago to go to the Mandir and try to convince them slowly. There are some innocent members who come to the Mandir simply for bhajans and prasadam of old types but not ready about the initial four principles. Then two initiated members supported the innocent other members because they make majority, they don’t care about the rules – their simple thinking is that “ they will run the Mandir in their own way and  need not to take others help for changing or merging into ISKCON tradition”

On the other hand, the main aim of going to mandirs is to increase shradha, bhakti marga (Prema Rasa) of Radha Govinda in the way of Gouranga Mahaprabhu. But in our Mandir, they look us in different way and no good atmosphere for us. As we did not go to the Mandir, our chances of meeting new bhaktas and increase new knowledge were completely stopped.

Guruji, please advise us what to do and what will be our responsibility? Guruji’s advice will be our next step before Guruji is coming. We are ready to follow Guruji’s amtavani in any condition as asirvat.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - It is almost impossible for us to participate in management form 12,000 miles away, but general principle is to follow ISKCON GBC authority in management, Imphal, management, and if there are problems then you  can ask to write to the GBC, then another GBC...  but in all these circumstances we can have so, so, so many nice programs just in our homes with other devotees. Then if there are too many for our home, then we can find some cultural place to do our own program and then ....      a full time installed temple deity...
Age of Kali - Sit together and chant Hare Krsna!!!   Krsna will come and chant and dance and laugh with you with all His friends and associates.

We hope you are reading some of the other letters that we post here to other devotees!
Send some photos!