LAD Report and VP thoughts

1 week, 5 days ago by laksmana-108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

On this occasion I want to deeply thank you for your inspiration for my spiritual life and my particular mission in ISKCON as the day of your glorious appearance approaches.

Your commitment to education, the purposes of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada's books are admirable.

Seeing and following your commendable mission, I have no choice but to try to follow the dust of your lotus feet, tava pace pace. You follow the footsteps of your spiritual master and I trying to follow yours.

Therefore, my commitment to education has also been possible thanks to your inspiration and constant support. You were very close to me in my most difficult moments in ISKCON. And I continue in ISKCON because you also continued in ISKCON in very difficult times.

After researching, trying to teach in regular schools, studying for my master's degree, I discovered that Krishna wanted me to dedicate myself to teaching devotees. Supported by the merciful devotees of Chosica, especially Prabhu Karuna Krishna and Mataji Nitya Kinkary, I continue my work as a teacher of the official ISKCON courses.

In that regard, I have the challenge of trying to help ISKCON Chosica to become a Bhakti Vaibhava examination center. First I have to finish my qualification through the BVB exam that I am seeking. All this can be achieved through the mercy of Atul Krishna Prabhu with whom I have been talking about it.

It is worth mentioning that my relationship with Prabhu began this year when I was part of a BOEX group dedicated to developing question banks for various ISKCON educational programs. In reality I fell into it by your causeless mercy. I always wonder what I am doing in the midst of such an exalted group of devotees. I think basically learning.

You have always supported me to develop in my mission from the beginning. I was your student of Bhakti sastri, then of Bhakti Vaibhava, a more or less informal program, which we can now formalize if we manage to obtain the BVB examination center for ISKCON Chosica.

We also studied practically the entire Srimad Bhagavatam, up to the 11th canto, and for some time now we have also been studying Caitanya Caritamvrta.

I see myself as your eternal student. My small contribution as a teacher is based on what I learn from you, whom I constantly refer to in my classes. Your contribution to ISKCON education is truly great.

Your auspicious Vyasa puja has inspired me to write this, because you are truly a representative of Srila Vyasadeva who, seeing the advent of Kali yuga, dedicated himself to writing for the benefit of the confused souls of this age.

Please allow me to be a humble bearer of your legacy. Bless me to be a good disciple and may you be proud of me. And when it is your turn to leave this world, go with peace of mind, confident that there are devotees who follow you in your great mission to satisfy Srila Prabhupada and who wish, like you, that IKSCON's education be solid so that this great institution, the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya, is sustainable in time and space.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das


HpS - ASA - AgtSP. Thank you. Whatever we have done is at least 99.999% Srila Prabhupada, shielding us and drag, drag, dragging us along with out material attachments.

Eg. To many popsicles.

I take your appreciations as appreciations of him.

I also very, very, very much appreciate your determinations in these matters. In very challenging circumstances you have stayed with Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON and ISKCON Education.

Thank you.

Besides Karuna and Mataji, seems the second half of the orange also deserves a lot of credit, no? Has Mataji, R. Reti Devi Dasi also been an essential element in your ability to do you service?

Then, we only hope that you are acquiring other connections to Srila Prabhupada than just us.

We would feel very happy if we had a Maharaja Bharata et al falldown and you left Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON because of that.

You experience his personal presence in his books also???

formality of report

Hare Krsna, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my obeisances.

we always think that what should we write . Then we are reminded Brothers Ass might have eye pain/head ache. HpS has anyway given a lot for lifetimes.

but are seeing that many letters are getting, finally we decided to write as formality

so now we are struggling to cook by ourselves

ASA - 👍

and due to which the body is not able to withstand long hours and it is erratic. four rules are intact for 16 rounds are some how are going.

somehow managing our job in the litigation process hearing the Vrindavan Sadhu a lot because we have lost sort of reading ability and the concentration for it as of now. Thanks for being there.

HpS - Thank you!!! Do hope that you are experiencing real tangible results from all this effort. As long as we are chanting "Hare Krsna" we are making progress. So, you must have made progress!

It builds up.

We do become happy.

Sadhu is speaking in Hindi?

Go you your next letter.


2 weeks, 1 day ago by Bhadra Rupa d. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

I hope this finds you well.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! 12.08AM here in ISKCON RichMond (Mound), Virginia.

"This body does not get diseases, body is a disease", SPawhh.

Thank you.

Regular eye, ear, throat, mind and now heart problems, but especially allergy reaction.


Yet, we have your association!👍👍👍

I would like to get your guidance: I go to bed at 8.30pm every day and try to wake up at 3am, but I wake up at 1.30am or 2am (don’t need more sleep) so I sleep 4h30min-5h daily.

Is this unhealthy for the body (to sleep 4h30m) in a long term?

Thank you.

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das

HpS - Thank you for posting this here. I am sure that many more people are interested in this topic.

We are hardly authorities in this area but we can make our little, little, comment:

  1. Our doctor, NgD Prabhu, always suggests long enough period of continuous rest. Guess you and I got that with at least 4-hours of rest at night.
  2. Prabhupada says that the real, Rupa Goswami, standard is one (or two) hours a day with Snaps (short naps). Of course, he also says that we (most of us) are not Rupa Goswami, and as far as I know, Srila Prabhupada said that he was sleeping maybe four hours each day, and at most five.
  3. In BG Srila Prabhupada says that anyone who sleeps more than six hours a day is influenced by the mode of ignorance. In a Room Conversation H. H. Tamal krsna Goswami criticizes a devotee for sleeping more than six hours a day, but Srila Prabhupada criticizes his criticism by say, "What does it matter if he does twice as much work as you while he is awake!"
  4. Finally this leads us to the distinction that we must sleep more if we are engaged in hard physical (or mental?) labor. We remember Srila Prabhupada saying (wrsp) that you should sleep for 8-hours before long term driving. Also, medically, your body repairs all the little tears to the muscle tissues etc. while you are sleeping. It is like all the city repair and cleaning crews going to work while the city sleeps. so, if you are engaged in physically stressful activity (like travel) then your body would need good time to repair itself.




Worship Govardhana Sila?

2 weeks, 3 days ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B


[12/4, 1:27 AM] Tungavidya Devi Dasi: This is Tungavidya and Aindavi. Here Aindavi speaking- 

Gurudeva, I'm leaving today Radhakund going back to Houston. It's been a wonderful enlightin time here. During the past 3 months I've been doing seva for Giriraj at the sangam (a flower mala everyday) and doing seva for Giriraj at Tungavidya mataji's house. I have become very attached to Him. I have visited some Vrajavasi sadhu's house and they have told me that they can give me one Govardhana Shila only if I get the permission of my gurudeva. So here I'm asking for your permission, please let me know if it's possible.

[12/4, 1:28 AM] Tungavidya Devi Dasi: I'm begging for your causeless mercy to worship Govardhan 🙏

HpS-ASA - AgtSP, first serve Giriraja in Nila-madhava Dhama as you are serving Him now.

Then get His permission to serve Him directly.

The meandering mind...

3 weeks, 3 days ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports



of a



Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

pamho, AgtsP!

  Responding on some of your ongoing queries with d’ Blog, some difficulties in the format for me, the flow, a bit quirky, jostling questions out of sequence. Since the blog is not always a linear discourse, it will be tricky with this old mind of mine. Regardless, a reasonable challenge and therapeutically appreciated.

  On the personal bhakti hygiene and regulated life style I’m getting consistent in japa, study and occasional rest. Hypervigilance with the mind does need proper engagement, or it wanders into the webs of digital and physical clinginess. Every morning starts between 2- 4 am, with japa and Mangal Arotika daily at home and occasionally at New Raman Reti, usually on special Vaisnava days (of course, they are all special), I will continue this regime till I’m longer here to do so... then wherever I may be.

  “Guaracandra” Prabhu is a friend and shipping supervisor from BBT in L.A. I occasionally order books from him; he posted the info on Maharaja Giriraja Swami.

  In our prior letter, you asked if I had a Brahma-muhurta project. Actually, I do, that is, if writing a “San Francisco Ratha Yatra Roadies” handbook is worthy.

ASA 🦍 🐒 🐒 🐒 perfecto.

  Hoping to complete the SFRY Roadie before this year’s Ratha Yatra, for my service is changing. Last SFRY I was returning the rental truck and grazed a car, year before backed into another. I'm getting too old to drive 25’ Bob-Tail trucks, plus, my bay-area edge is gone, I'm driving in Florida now. Granthraja agrees, so we will see what’s in store this year. The book will also help others who may get thrown into some service.

Thus far, I am fully engaged. When not on seva, I am working on devotees' home maintenance projects (Jagaraini and Akrurunatha are here now, along with Bahushira and his good wife), at least while I can. I am still trying to finish our own garden, and that’s on the back burner. However, I am looking forward to more home-based work.

I hope that this short epistle answered some of your queries, early and late. As mentioned, blog etiquette is a new thing for me.

Bhisma Pancaka Ki Jaya!

Hare Krishna! 

HpSwami ASA - Blog is like a group of devotees out for a Japa walk.

Your post is 👌

Like a peach 🍑

From a tree in Nanda Raja's orchard ripe for Radha.

Wishing you all success in your garden and Sri Sankirtan.

Don't be shy of very big results.


3 weeks, 5 days ago by campa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev!! 😇

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias y sean todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!! 🙏

Espero que usted esté muy bien, con energía y buena salud para emprender este nuevo viaje España-India-España.

Lamentablemente no puedo ir a verlo, era mi plan pero no el de Krsna/mi karma. Mi mamá de 84 años está viviendo conmigo desde marzo, es un gran desafío pero una gran bendición para ella, comparte todo con los devotos y a veces canta Hare Krsna! 😀

Ella lo recuerda con mucho cariño cuando lo conoció en el templo de Urquiza, Buenos Aires.

Hace un mes comencé la carrera de Psicología, se que estoy grande para recién comenzar pero estoy contenta, espero terminar.

Mis rondas y principios están bien, sin muchos cambios. La compañía de Deva Vrata das (como amigo) es una gran ayuda en todo sentido, él es muy entusiasta.

Los devotos de aquí somos sinceros, con dificultades de todo tipo (quién no las tiene), un poco flojos, pero queremos avanzar y nos tenemos cariño y nos ayudamos cuando nos necesitamos. Recientemente vino a vivir una familia vaisnava con 3 niños, que se suman a los 7 que ya hay.

Mi economía sigue escasa pero tenemos lo necesario.

Gracias por su compañía, por su guía, por su presencia gurudev. Usted, Srila Prabhupada y los devotos son mi familia, sólo quiero estar con ustedes eternamente.

Lo veré en su viaje a través de los ojos de otros devotos!!

Más éxitos de los que ya tiene, que Krsna siga elevándolo más y más.

Su discípula que lo quiere mucho.

Campaka Lata dd.



Hare Krsna, gurudev!! 😇

Please accept my respectful obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 🙏

I hope you are doing well, with energy and good health to undertake this new trip Spain-India-Spain.

HpS - ASA -- Very sorry for delay in answering this letter. Very, very sorry!

From Twitter etc I guess you know why.

Wish we could do more.

Unfortunately I cannot go see you, it was my plan but not Krsna's/my karma. My 84-year-old mother has been living with me since March, it is a great challenge but a great blessing for her, she shares everything with the devotees and sometimes chants Hare Krsna! 😀

HpS ' Super, SUPER, SU SU SUPER! 😃

She remembers him fondly when she met him at the temple in Urquiza, Buenos Aires.

A month ago I started the Psychology degree, I know I am old to just start but I am happy, I hope to finish.

My rounds and beginnings are fine, without many changes. The company of Deva Vrata das (as a friend) is a great help in every way, he is very enthusiastic.

The devotees here are sincere, with all kinds of difficulties (who doesn't have them), a little lazy, but we want to move forward and we love each other and help each other when we need each other.

HpS - Incredible. Srila Prabhupaada's energy is all over the world.

As other movements fall apart eg. Industrialization, Lord Caitanya's will flourish.

Krsna will give all of you a part, no???

Recently a Vaishnava family came to live with 3 children, which adds to the 7 that we already have.

My finances are still scarce but we have what is necessary.

Thank you for your company, for your guidance, for your presence gurudev. You, Srila Prabhupada and the devotees are my family, I only want to be with you eternally.

I will see you on your journey through the eyes of other devotees!!

More success than you already have, may Krsna continue to elevate you more and more.

Your disciple who loves you very much.

Campaka Lata dd.


HpS - Thank you so much. We are trying to answer more mail better.

You news is like sunlight.

Yes, Yes, Deva vrata Das as a friend is very nice person.

He has been 90% of any success we have had on this trip so far.

You get news from Twitter and ASA Carnival and this Blog?

You have any animals?

You are guru for you classmates.