Priyasakhi DD, respuestas.

Hare Krsna estimado Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, muchas gracias por Su pronta respuesta.

HpS/ASA - This time, agtSP, has taken 3-weeks. Please don't give up on us!

HpS - The same tooth that rotted and had to be pulled recently on the right side, seems to be now rotting on the left side. Doctor said it might happen. 🙂

Por una parte lamento mucho que "sufra", por otro lado entiendo que para una persona santa como Usted, todo es una "enseñanza" consciente de Krsna.

Por una parte yo estoy feliz de tener dolores en el pecho porque pienso más seguido en que puedo dejar este cuerpo. Por otro lado pienso en que los niños que tengo a mi cargo aún necesitan mucha guía espiritual y no tengo la suficiente fe, porque creo que quedarían muy tristes y quizá se enojen con Krsna.


Are we becoming trapped by the third trick of Maya? Do we think that we are the supreme friend and not Krsna? Are we trying to steal His place of honor like Maharaja Bharata with the faun?

Seems that not just our old age but also Kali-yuga is reminding us that everything can change a lot at any moment. So making plans for the next few months or years is necessary, but we need to be really ready to adjust, taking constant shelter of the the Holy Names as giving us intelligence to plan.

Muchas gracias por Sus iluminadoras palabras Guru Maharaja, las pondré en acción según mi comprensión👏

¿Qué edad tienen sus hijos?

Sukadeva 11 años

Indira Radha 8 años

¿Qué está haciendo su estimado esposo?

Jagannatha Caran sigue en su trabajo.

Está ayudando en el Comité de Iniciaciones para ISKCON Chile.

Dentro de unos días viajará a México a buscar su título Universitario, visitar a la familia y asistir al templo. Creo que no hay Ratha Yatra éste año en México.

Disculpe por no escribir en inglés. He aprendido muy poco.

Muchas gracias Gurudev por TODO👏

Priyasakhi DD.

HpS - It is fine. We use We know enough Spanish to make small corrections if it makes mistakes.

So, nice to get your association.

What is Jagannatha Carana Das' occupation?

Chanting & Preaching

4 weeks ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Gory to Srila Prabhupada, and All Glory to ISKCON's devotees.

Dear Gurudeva: Please accept my humbles obeisances unto you.

Thank a much for all your tireless decotional service. You're an exceptional example of dedication and surrender.

HpS - There are, agtSP, better.

I continue to remain in Krishna's consciousness, chanting, reading, followin the principles, with mangala aratik, and taking asociation with some devotees.

I try to share all that I have, but as Srila Prabhupada say in SB 1.1.10, "It has become very difficult, therefore, to raise the spiritual standard due to the present distorted values of human society."

I have finished from your past Vyasapuja to the Nrsimha Caturdasi the reading of the 12 cantos of the srimad Bhagavatam, I continue studying it along with the base books (NoD, NoI, Iso, Lob, BG) (and Krishna book) and his readings that you publish (asa Carnaval and YouTube).

I would like to know your opinion about:

Geographically, the country of Mexico is constantly divided by the day on which festivals and ekadasis should be celebrated. Many times there are doubts whether one day or another, There are at least 3 different calendars published by iskcon devotees in addition to those outside of iskcon, which do not always coincide in information. the gbc told us that we should follow gcal, but personally I can't always consult it for each particular place, on the web:

([Mexico].txt) there are only two places for mexico, in USA there are more and some places of Mexico are more close to USA places.

The doubt are first on Ekadasi time for broke fast. What to do when we don't know the specific time and other calendars give different options?

HpS - AgtSP. Read letter we just wrote to Asta-sakhi Devi Daaaaaaaasi!

Breakfast is always (or almost, almost, almost always) after sunrise on the day after ekadasi, and within like 6 x 48 minutes after that. Like 6am to 10AM.

Use the calendars as best you can and Krsna will not blame you for making a fine mistake, no?

When I started reciting the 16 rounds I never counted how long it took to complete each round, but it took me about 2 and a half hours or a maximum of 3 hours.

Over time I began to be more careful in the pronunciation because although I sometimes managed to do rounds in less minutes I realized that I didn't say many words well, in an average of 300 mantras I had 108 good ones, but that took me rounds of up to 20 minutes or more, so I started to recite more slowly but without getting my tongue tied, and I I have been reciting between 11 and 13 minutes per round, with this I have not been able to reduce the chanting to less than 3 hours. What it's better?

HpS - I have the same problem. Maybe Jiva Goswami has the same problem.

Pronounce clearly like we draw a picture of Krsna clearly. Chant with meaning, e.g. "Oh, Radha, please pray to Krsna and Rama to engage me in Their service."

Try to chant at a good pace.

Then, I guess we have to accept however long it takes as Krsna's arrangementn and His delight.

About Preaching, some people tell me that it takes them from half an hour to an hour to chant a round,

HpS/AS - One round???!

... and when they do not follow any of the 4 principles,

which is the best thing to start encouraging them to follow,

if they say they want to be devotees but their personal situations, it complicates things for them.

In the book of NOI and in the book Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, Srila Prabhupada invites them to live in the ISKCON centers, but many say they cannot go, or there are no centers nearby or the centers that currently exist are not available to receive them. What can you advise them?

Thanks you for all your advises, your crew member,

AniruddhaKrsna Das

HpS - We see the SB advises Karma yoga first: By serving Srila Prabhupada one develops attachment for hearing and chanting, then sees the Deity, then joins ISKCON, lives in an Ashrama.

Srila Prabhupada created all kinds of opportunities for service such as Rathayatra where all kinds of people can help according to their Karma.

Of course, adau sraddha... if you can judge that someone is on a higher level e.g. ready to take initiation, then engage them at that level. if they are on the platform of ruci then engage them in raganuga bhakti!


Very nice to hear from you!!

Los planes de Krsna

¡Todas las glorias al movimiento de Sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y sus discípulos como usted que cada día entregan la conciencia de Krsna como el más grande tesoro!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Estamos leyendo las diferentes noticias sobre usted, le agradecemos que siempre las envié y mantenga su misericordiosa y constante atención sobre sus niños, que el Señor Nrisimhadeva proteja su sankirtana, energía y sus próximos viajes.

Estuvimos revisando la posibilidad de viajar a España pero no podré lograrlo porque el centro naturista donde trabajaba mi esposo decidió cerrar inesperadamente porque gasta demasiado en impuestos así que por ahora tenemos que resolver la situación de ingresos económicos, justamente ocurrió durante las gestiones de la celebración de Nrsimha caturdasi, aunque no tenemos la pureza necesaria para apreciar las flores tratamos de hacer una humilde ofrenda, estuvimos comprometidos con nosotros mismos con algunos arreglos de flores para las Deidades así que tuvimos doble frustración: primeramente la oportunidad de tener su vapuh : ( y también meditando que talvez la preocupación por el festival era únicamente apego a nuestros planes, pero de pronto el Señor envío la ayuda abundante para Su festival mediante sus sinceros devotos, será que al Señor Nrisimhadeva le agrada mucho las flores? De cualquier forma esa experiencia la tome como una misericordia de un inmerecido relacionamiento con el Señor.

Gurumaharaja disculpe la molestia, leí que su próximo Vyasapuja será en la desaparición de Śrīla Jiva Goswami, es correcto mi comprensión? pensábamos que sería durante la desaparición de Sri Locana Das Thakura como los últimos años, he conocido varias fechas auspiciosas de celebración desde que lo conozco, por favor me gustaría entender porqué algunos maestros espirituales tienen una fecha fija y para usted y otros maestros espirituales cambia cada cierto tiempo?

Para poder observar apropiadamente y satisfacer al Guru parampara, cada qué tiempo y qué consideraciones debemos tener presente para estar atentos a estos cambios de fecha?

Como ex- sankirtanera obstinada pero sin ánimos de abrumar queremos externar que sabemos que realmente es muy difícil o casi imposible pero si la fecha de Vyasapuja u otra fecha abre alguna muy minúscula posibilidad milagrosa para llegar a México por favor contemple este aliento de vida para sus aspirantes a sirvientes de este lado del mundo.

Por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas.

Envío algunas fotos de nuestro servicio en Nrsimha caturdasi, junto con mi esposo nos tocó vestir a Sus Señorías Radha Madana Gopal y Goura Nitay.

Vuestra aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


All glories to the Sankirtana movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his disciples like you who every day surrender Krsna consciousness as the greatest treasure!

HpS/ASA - Still giving up attachments.

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful bows.

We are reading the different news about you, we thank you for always sending them and maintaining your merciful and constant attention on your children, may Lord Nrisimhadeva protect your sankirtana, energy and your upcoming journeys.

ASA - Thank you!

We were reviewing the possibility of traveling to Spain but I won't be able to do it because the naturist center where my husband worked decided to close unexpectedly because it spends too much on taxes, so for now we have to resolve the financial income situation, it just happened during the celebration of Nrsimha caturdasi, although we do not have the necessary purity to appreciate flowers we tried to make a humble offering, we were committed to ourselves with some flower arrangements for the Deities so we had double frustration: firstly the opportunity to have their vapuh : ( and also meditating that perhaps the concern for the festival was just attachment to our plans, but suddenly the Lord sent abundant help for His festival through His sincere devotees, could it be that Lord Nrisimhadeva really likes flowers?

Anyway, did I take that experience as a mercy of an undeserved relationship with the Lord.

Gurumaharaja, sorry for the inconvenience, I read that your next Vyasapuja will be on the disappearance of Śrīla Jiva Goswami, is my understanding correct? We thought it would be during the disappearance of Sri Locana Das Thakura like the last few years, I have known several auspicious dates of celebration since I have known him, please I would like to understand why some spiritual masters have a fixed date and for you and other spiritual masters it changes every some time?

In order to properly observe and satisfy the Guru parampara, how often and what considerations should we keep in mind to be attentive to these date changes?

ASA-UG - We use, agtSP, a program called VCal. Here are the results that it calculated:

Appearance Day Calculation

Date : 12 Jan 1948

Time : 22:01

Location : guam [United States of America]

Latitude : 13N26

Longitude : 144E46

Timezone : +10:00 UTC+10


Tithi : Dvitiya

Tithi Elaps. : 6.75 %

Naksatra : Sravana

Naksatra Elaps. : 6.65 %

Paksa : Gaura

Masa : Narayana

Gaurabda Year : 461


Gaurabda 538 : 2 Jan 2025 [disappearance jiva goswami]

Gaurabda 539 : 22 Dec 2025

Gaurabda 540 : 10 Jan 2027

Don't know why we calculated it as Lochana Das Thakura one year.

As a stubborn ex-sankirtanera but without the intention of overwhelming, we want to express that we know that it is really very difficult or almost impossible, but if the date of Vyasapuja or another date opens up some very minuscule miraculous possibility to reach Mexico, please contemplate this breath of life for your loved ones. aspiring servants from this side of the world.

HpS/ASA - O.K. Sometimes the sea turns boiling hot and sometimes pigs have wings!!! 😟

Yet, best place to meet is in the Sankirtan of Nimai of Nadiya?? In this body or the next.

Please excuse our offenses.

I am sending some photos of our service in Nrsimha caturdasi, together with my husband we had to dress the Lordships of him Radha Madana Gopal and Goura Nitay.

HpS/AS - Not 'had', 'got'! Great honor!!! GREAT HONOR!

Your aspiring servant,

Asta Sakhi dd

asa - such nice photos~~~

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna, Gurudev


I'm very glad to hear you 😊

I'm trying really to serve Lord Krishna so I increased japa rounds, with expecting that He will take from me more and more material and give me spiritual engagement .

My dear wife not paying tenis so often, you know, the body getting older every day.

Dear Gurudev I know it's shame but I forgot the date of my initiations in Mayapur Dham

Believe that is 11 november but the year I was forgot. If you can help me with that.

Hare Krishna

HpS/ASA -"

"Indradyumna Das, (Imre Sitas), 2008 Nov 1, (1960Dec 14)"



News from Indradyumna das

4 weeks, 1 day ago by Indradyumna Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudev


I'm ok, for the moment in Serbia,

HpS - Good God, you all! We have been worried about you for months!! Year (?).

Such a relief to hear from you.

Does your wife still play tennis.

Krsna is the ability in man.

... chanting 20 round en japa every day. Grape 🍇 and fruits 🌳 are ok .I'm not driving truck that much, sometimes buses.

Sorry,I lost cellphone and all links to Internet. One off the reason I was offline,

Sorry for my laziness 😔

Hope you forgive me

Hare Krishna

HpS - 🙂 We just glad to hear from you. What results do you get from 20-rounds/day?

Madrid to India

Hare Krsna, Gurudev. Pfamhr.

Tlga Srila Prabhupada!

All glories at your lotus feet!

HpS/ASA - Robot Feet.

Gurudev, here Deva Vrata das.

I hope you eat well, as I saw you this morning, splendid and resplendent.

HpS - You know, we all know, no? It is one of the great challenges in ISKCON, how to cook for Krsna. How to eat for Krsna!

In material world seems always some problem with eating.

Gurudev, regarding the possibility of going to India and spending time with you....

¿Can I know the details of your outbound flight and also your return flight to try to buy on the same flight?

I am very happy that I will be able to see you in Spain, Krsna willing. I am aware that everything is for your and Srila Prabhupada's mercy.

Thank you gurudev.

Hare Krishna

Deva Vrata das

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! paoho. I just WhatsApped it to you. Got it? If anyone else asks, I will tell them to contact you.

Usually don't publish the final details, just the general times and places.

Try to protect our prominent God Brothers like H. H. Jayapataka Swami.


Hare Krsna Gurudev. Pfamhr.

Tlga Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a sus pies de loto!

Gurudev aquí Deva Vrata das.

Espero que usted eate bien como lo ví esta mañana, espléndido y refulgente.

Gurudev, con respecto a la posibilidad de ir a India y pasar tiempo contigo....

¿Puedo saber los datos de tu vuelo de ida y tambien de tu vuelo de regreso para intentar comprar en el mismo vuelo?

Estoy muy feliz de que voy a poder verte en España, Krsna mediante.

Soy consciente de que todo es por tu misericordia y la de Srila Prabhupada.

Gracias gurudev.

Hare Krsna

Deva Vrata das