Personal and Mandir report
HpS - We are with Maharaja in the most intimate way as long as we are developing his Sankirtan for Srila Prabhupada!
🙂 👍 👍
HpS - We are with Maharaja in the most intimate way as long as we are developing his Sankirtan for Srila Prabhupada!
🙂 👍 👍
Hare Krsna, Dandavat Pranam
I am trying to upload some photos and videos of Bhakti Swarupa Damodar Swami Maharaj Vyas Pujah celebrated in our Mandir.
Your fallen servant
Yamuneswara Das
HpS - ASA - AgtSP! Thank you. We can see the photos and hear the video clip, but no clips of Kirtan of the
Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻
Please, accept my humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Gurudeva, I am writing to inform you that I am already in Mayapur.
HpS/ASA - AgtSP. We have seen this Post in the list of Unanswered and wanted to answer sooner!
Here I have the association of Gaura Gadadhara DD. She has been helping me a lot in several ways.
HpS - Our respects to her and her English husband.
In a few days I am going to Ekacacra to participate in the "Holy Name Retreat" with Devaki Mataji. Then, in the first days of January I will take some seminars at the "Spiritual Culture Institute" here in Mayapur.
Thank you, Gurudeva.
Praying for your causeless mercy 🙏🏻 :
Mitravinda dd.
HpS - Send us news of these events. Who is Mataji? We know several Devakis. Is so nice that you are finding old friends in Goloka/Mayapura. Hmmm??? Maybe just the same when you die.
What is the ''Spiritual Culture...''?
HK Gurudeva 🙏
All glories to You 🙏
Dear Maharaj, pls accept my heartfelt gratitude for being so kind by asking about my husband's whereabouts. I shall gladly relate to You everything about him at length.
He is an uninitiated disciple under the guidance of His Holiness Bhakti Anand Haridas Swami Maharaj and son of Your disciple Nandini Devi Dasi. Professionally, he is a soldier! He has been regularly chanting, hearing Bhagavatam(whenever he finds time) and following the four regulative principles. Given to unpredictable and demanding nature of his job, he has deliberately been holding his desire of being initiated in check. His chanting also is affected in adverse situations like hard field postings where he had to give time to his job only. While having meals he had to partake onion and garlic -- strictly forbidden for spiritual aspirants although he stays far away from liquor, meat or any other intoxicants. He had sought valuable counsels from many devotees before and they all suggested that he should wait till his job tenure expires. But I seek Your esteemed suggestion also in this regard. Would it be proper for him to seek initiation now or should he wait still further?
HpS - AgtSP! I don't know.
Hari Das Swami can give advice. If no alcohol and liqour, then the onions and garlic may be O.K. as he is a soldier and cannot get other stuff.
All respects to him. Hope he can do this very noble service for Krsna and Bharata.
Dear Maharaj, I beg Your permission to add one more final wish. I had long been thinking about my second sacred reformation by Your Holiness only.
So pls be merciful upon me and tell me when such an auspicious time would arrive in my life ?
I feel I have written at length and wasted Your valuable time. Pls forgive me as I am Your ignorant child who has none but You as the only shelter.
Gurudeva, below I am attaching some photographic memories captured during my marriage.
Your fallen servant,
Brajeshwari Radhey Devi Dasi
Silchar, Assam, India
HpS - Second intitaiton. When do you get up in the morning? Same every day??
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I am chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regulative principles. We are trying to serve Paramananda Gaura Nitai to the best of our abilities.
We are back in Atlanta after 6 weeks in India. It was a good trip, Guru Maharaj.
Me and my parents went to Mayapur for 5 days. We stayed in the Conch building, which was so convenient, especially for my parents.
We started reading Srimad Bhagavatam - just the verse and translation - and we read two or three chapters every day. We are in Canto 3 chapter 31 now. Our plan is to finish reading the entire Bhagavatam, Chaitanya Charitamrta, Prabhupada Lilamrta and Bhagavad Gita within next six months.
HPS/ASA - 🐵 Wow!
Praying for success in this endeavor Guru Maharaj.
Mayapur during Kartik was a wonderful experience. Mangala Arti in Mayapur is my most favorite experience Guru Maharaj. H. H. Jayapatak Maharaj was also there during our visit and he gave SB class on a couple of days.
Damodarashtakam and arti during the evenings were intense. We also got a tour of TOVP and its majestic to behold. Visiting Mayapur after 6 years was so fulfilling Guru Maharaj. It was a spiritual boost.
I will be in Houston for the Vyasa Puja Guru Maharaj. I am eagerly waiting for Jan 13th Guru Maharaj.
The first draft of the verse book is also ready Guru Maharaj. I have sent you the details on Whatsapp. Please let me know how we can proceed on that. It would be wonderful to release it on Vyasa Puja day Guru Maharaj.
HpS - What we saw on WhatsApp was too advanced for us to review, so I think I asked for a Word file. We haven't heard back from you. Did you send it??
I think the print layout and then verse organization would need work to get the idea of what we were hoping for.
It is like just putting the arms where the legs are but what you have done seems 90% fine.
Did you go for any solitary walks in Mayapura??
Your Humble Servant
Sri Rama Krishna Das
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Querido Gurumaharaja por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.
Muchas gracias por sus enseñanzas diarias a través de su ejemplo. Nuestras humildes oraciones para que su energía entregada a Śrī Kṛṣṇa sea buena para su sankirtana.
Compartimos el reporte de la salud de nuestro hermano espiritual Akinchana Krsna prabhu.
Tenemos contacto con su padre, el señor Ramón Franco, quien tiene mucho respeto por UD y la comunidad Hare Krsna, a la que conoce aproximadamente desde 1970 ... y tiene la sospecha de haber visto directamente a Srila Prabhupāda en Ciudad de México. El señor Ramón está entregando información a algunos devotos que lo han contactado. Toda la familia de prabhu son muy amables y están cuidando a Akinchana Krsna en el hospital debido a un serio problema en los pulmones, lo único que solicitan son las oraciones de acuerdo a nuestras prácticas religiosas.
Reporte del 22 de Diciembre
El médico reportó a la familia la buena noticia de un importante avance dentro del cuadro serio de salud, Akinchana Krsna ya está respirando por su cuenta y esperan poco poco ir retirando los aparatos y medicina de apoyo, y que muy pronto pueda mostrar más progreso; a través de un audio que queremos compartir por este medio su padre informa que no tiene coma inducido pero si medicina para dormir para que él pueda percibir la energía espiritual de sus amigos, lo han visto apegado a su japa a pesar de las dificultades lo que inspira a su familia a agradecer que sea un devoto de Dios y no pierda el tiempo en otras cosas, así que expresan con mucho agradecimiento que sea un devoto, están profundamente agradecidos por las oraciones de los devotos y agradecimiento a usted porque tienen la certeza que este pequeño pero gran avance es por las oraciones de los devotos, su padre es muy conciente que son pequeños avances y lo está tomando con una paciencia ejemplar.
Akinchana Krsna prabhu siempre nos ha hablado de su amistad con muchos practicantes de vida espiritual y ahora los estamos viendo unidos en oración, especialmente en la orden Sufi estan orando constantemente por él y porsupuesto los devotos de Krsna.
Solicitamos a nuestros hermanos espirituales que por favor nos acompañen con más oraciones y canto de rondas por Akinchana Krsna prabhu.
Compartimos foto de Akinchana Krsna prabhu en uno de los servicios que más quiere, el rey Prataparudra.
Vuestra aspirante a sirviente
Asta Sakhi dd.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Gurumaharaja, please accept our respectful obeisances.
Thank you very much for your daily teachings through his example. Our humble prayers that his energy given to Śrī Kṛṣṇa will be good for his sankirtana.
HpS/ASA - Thank you! The same to you and 'the other half of the orange'.
We share the report of the health of our spiritual brother Akinchana Krsna prabhu.
We have contact with his father, Mr. Ramón Franco, who has a lot of respect for you and the Hare Krsna community, which he has known since approximately 1970... and has the suspicion of having seen Srila Prabhupāda directly in City of Mexico.
HpS - We had delightful talks with him. As i remember he was working with Volkswangon.
Mr. Ramón is providing information to some devotees who have contacted him. All of Prabhu's family are very kind and are taking care of Akinchana Krsna in the hospital due to a serious lung problem, the only thing they request is prayers according to our religious practices.
HpS - With attached photos in front of us we will chant japa for his spiritual perfection!
Report of December 22
The doctor reported to the family the good news of an important advance within the serious health picture, Akinchana Krsna is already breathing on his own and they hope to soon remove the devices and supportive medicine, and that very soon he will be able to show more progress;
Through an audio that we want to share through this medium, his father reports that he does not have an induced coma but he does have sleeping medicine so that he can perceive the spiritual energy of his friends.
They have seen him attached to his japa despite the difficulties, which It inspires your family to be grateful that you are a devotee of God and do not waste time on other things,
so they express with great gratitude that you are a devotee, they are deeply grateful for the prayers of the devotees and gratitude to you because they are certain that This small but great advance is due to the prayers of the devotees, his father is very aware that they are small advances and he is taking it with exemplary patience.
Akinchana Krsna prabhu has always told us about his friendship with many practitioners of spiritual life and now we are seeing them united in prayer, especially in the Sufi order they are constantly praying for him and of course the devotees of Krsna.
HpS - 🙂
We request our godbrothers to please accompany us with more prayers and chanting of rounds for Akinchana Krsna prabhu.
We share a photo of Akinchana Krsna prabhu in one of the services he loves most, King Prataparudra.
Your aspiring servant
Asta Sakhi dd.
HpS - Thank you, Prabhu Vanamali Das et al, so much. We hope that everyone can help Bh. Guiermo in Monterey also. Thank you!!!