Presentation - Report n ° 1

All Glories be to your lordships Sri Sri Goura Nitay
All glories be to Srila Prabhupada
Please Maharaj, accept my most respectful obeisances

My name is María de los Ángeles, I am 27 years old, I am from Santiago de Chile and I am a cook.
I met the devotees on the Harinama sankirtan program on Saturday in April of last year, the devotees distributed me some books, and very lovingly invited me to attend the temple. Immediately the next day I went to the Sunday party and I liked it a lot; The truth I felt at home since long ago I had the feeling of searching for the spiritual and from there I did not let go, I began to sing rounds a little and to follow the regulative principles, I was participating in the programs and in May of this year the Very loving devotees integrated me to the service of garlands for your Lordships and since that time is my fixed service. I tell her I'm happy, I feel very blessed.
I must also add that I am working in the restorant of the temple from Monday to Friday and every day I can practice what I like to cook for the Lord, serve the devotees and of course distribute prasadam.

Maharaja, for you I feel great inspiration: for your preaching, your humility, and your various qualities.

When you came to Santiago de Chile in January of this year I fell down at your feet, I managed to see Prabhupada through you and I felt a lot of emotion.

I just wish I could have your blessings to get more dedication and attachment to the chanting of the holy name, to continue serving the devotees and to be a contribution to the Hare Krishna movement.

My most humble obeisances.

Bhaktina Maria de los Ángeles

HpS - Hare Krsna. It is very nice to meet you! Try reading the Teachings of Lord Caitanya.   We will be in Santiago en June-July.

Muchas Gracias Guru Maharaja

8 years, 2 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports


Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis más respetuosas y humildes reverencias, soy Danistha devi dasi de Santiago, Chile. Quería agradecerLe enormemente Su carta de respuesta. Usted me inspira mucho, al ver Su ejemplo de vida a seguir y por la asociación con Usted, a través de su respuesta, inmediatamente he adquirido entusiasmo cuando casi lo estaba perdiendo. Muchas Gracias por aceptarme, mejorare mi canto de rondas!, debido a mis anarthas muchas devotas me han dado la espalda, más algunas me han dado su asociación, espero mejorar y ser cada vez más Consciente de Krishna aún con mis limitaciones.

   Su sirvienta,

   Danistha devi dasi.

HpS - ASA -- We try to hold on to a little place in the dust at Srila Prabhupada's feet and pass on the messages he gives to us. You can do the same, no?  Little postman delivering big message!

Nació nuestro hijo

8 years, 2 months ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todos las glorias a Srila A.C  Baktivedanta Swami Prabhupada 

Todas  las glorias a S.S Hanumatpresaka Swami

Reciba mis humildes reverencias gurudeva me postro a sus pies de loto dando gracias por tanta misericordia sin causa recibida.

HpS - ASA -- Oink!

Querido maharajá 
Le escribo desde Guadalajara , México cantando 16 rondas entusiastas , siguiendo los cuatro principios , sigo en mi servicio de ofrecer comida a Srila Prabhupada y realizo la puja todos los viernes, estos últimos meses me dedique a pulir y reparar la parafernalia dañada así como ayudar a los pujaris a realizar ceremonias , aunque me ayudan más a mi al servirlos que yo a ellos .

ASA - Muy bien!

El 4 de noviembre ; durante el mes de kartika, siendo las 16:08 mi esposa dio a luz un varón; al principio estuvo un poco mal , le tuvieron que hacer  cesaría de emergencia pero ella y el bebe ya está bien gracias a krsna y a su misericordia gurúdeva.

HpS - Ooof!  Si, la concusion es bueno aun hay sufrimiento para todos! 

Tan sólo a sus 22 días de nacido , lo lleve al festival de Ratha Yatra en su edición 40 , se lo ofrecí a sus señorías Jaganatha , Balaram  y Leidy Subhadra 

Krsnha me dio la fortuna de participar en el festival subiendo el kanupi del carro de Leidy Subhadra y me invitaron a dar un taller sobre el canto del santo nombre el Maha mantra Hare Krsna, fue muy néctario para mi y motivante relacioname con las personas y los devotos , apesar de que yo no se nada krsna hizo sus arreglos  .

Este domingo 18 de diciembre le aremos la ceremonia de nombre para el bebe , a las 11 de la mañana , mi esposa y yo pensamos  hacer una combinación de un nombre devociónal y otro normal , Podría ser Damodar André a usted que le párese? , alguna sugerencia que nos pueda hacer acerca del nombre o cualquier   otra ? , le pedimos su misericordia sin causa para  nuestro  hijo.

ASA - Maybe Damodar Daniel, Bengali and Christian Spiritual Names??

Hago oracion al señor krsna para poder ir a verle en su proccima visita espero verle pronto 

Su muy pequeño e insignificante, aprendiz a sirviente.
Perdone nuestras ofensas 

Mandali Bhadra Das

HpS - Muy hemoso su hijo en el foto!   Tiene trabajo, Vd???

Accepting Krsna's Plan

8 years, 2 months ago by aja.govinda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dearest Esteemed Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

A few days ago it dawned on me that I was postponing my service to Krsna. I kept making promises to him that once I have a permanent assistant professorship job, I will start a preaching center or temple in whichever city or town I am in. But then I realized, that I cannot postpone it. My greatest fault is postponing the important tasks, paying useless attention to meaningless issues, mismanaging my priorities, and most importantly I lack time (and money) management. Time management, especially or particularly in my sadhana and money management in terms of not wasting money in material things and using money to serve Krsna. Instead of setting aside time for japa, kirtan, reading Prabhupada's books, engaging in the tasks which will liberate me, I focus on the temporary only. And the reason for this is my attachment to fulfillment of my desires. I am so attached egoistically to certain perceptions of me and others' perception of me, that I give all my mind's attention to only this, instead of internal development. Most of my time I complain to have given that devotee this or you have given this karmi that much. Why have you not given it to me? It is hard for me to accept that the Lord has given me exactly what I need. Bitter medicine to the ears for me, but a truth I have to learn to accept. I compare myself to others and complain. This is where I waste my time. I was highly inspired by your words: "Life is like a Battle of Kuruksetra. May die at any moment, but that is not our concern. Our concern is to fight from our assigned position and accept what Krsna arranges." This has motivated me to give up my time wasting complaining, and to just serve the Lord with what I have, from the position I am in. However, it is easier said than done, especially for a lazy lethargic like me. Before I can start preaching, I need to cultivate internal spiritual depth. I need to get the association and blessings of the Vaisnavas. At least I can start from there. That is something my mind can easily accept. I can start from inviting Vaisnavas into my house and holding kirtan and bhajan sessions at my house. However, I don't want to procrastinate...I don't want to just leave it to the future. It must start now. Maybe a New Year's resolution. I contemplate on where my life is going, where I will live, what I will do, who I will be with. But wherever or whatever it may be, I know I want my Guru, my parents, and Vaisnavas to be a part of it. I want them to come to my house and stay so that I may wash their feet, serve them, and take their blessings. I want to have a temple in my house in the main living room where I would offer arati and puja every morning and evening before and after work. I know this is the life I want, no matter whom I marry, where I work, what my profession is, or where I live. Writing to your blog Guru Maharaj is like a personal journal to Krishna that opens your heart to guru and Krishna.

Your aspiring servant,

Aja Govinda Das

HpS - Yeah!   Good idea!       Of course, one of the best ways to cultivate the internal development is to act in KC externally. Chanting with the Jaw and Paws will change the heart.

Push inside and outside.

Is there anyone you can invite to your house for KC activities???!!!  Of course, even Pantheistc ideas are the first step. Get a cow, keep it in your apartment and invite people to come and feed it straw!

Who are you associates there???

Hare Krishna Hare Rama

8 years, 2 months ago by Devarsinaradadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Hare Rama

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a Ud Guru Maharaja

Querido Gurudev

Aqui le escribo desde  Argentina. Estamos en primavera, pero ya se siente la llegada del verano en unos pocos dias. 

Este año no estuve comunicado con ud. No escribí al blog ni me conecte a japa joe. Le pido disculpas. Este año espero retomar el contacto de forma continua con Ud. 

Este año hice el modulo 1 y 2 de Bhakti Sastri, y el año proximo si todo sale bien, sigo con los modulos siguientes. 

Estuve asociandome con devotos seguidamente. Eso me mantiene en el sadhana, adoracion a la deidad, etc. Pero en momentos de soledad, a veces me cuesta mucho controlar la mente. Sobre todo en el canto de japa, siento que no lo estoy haciendo con la conciencia adecuada.

Siempre medito en Ud y en Srila Prabhupada, y estoy muy agradecido. Todo avance que yo pueda tener, es gracias a su misericordia.

El proximo año espero ser util para su sankirtan y predica.

Muchas Gracias por leer mi carta y mi reporte anual

Mis reverencias a Ud, Guru Maharaja


Devarsi Narada das

HpS - ASA - Good to hear from you. If you are always thinking about us then why don't you send some news from time to time!!   If we are Krsna conscious then life is a great experience at every moment!

We will attach a photo!

Jay Radhe! Hare Hare!.Budanath.

8 years, 2 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other


Agt Nitai Nimai!!!

Hare Krsna Maharaja!    I´m Budanath das from the little mountain.

HpS - We live on Hillcrest Dr.  It is not even a little mountain, but the view is down hill in all directions. Maybe we will live on Govardhana soon and get back to our service to Radha and Krsna in spiritual bodies!

I here, too, it's cold, fog.

I would like to share with you a little my thoughts. I, as always, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but out of mercy, growing in Krsna consciousness.

If God, Krishna, is a person, then, a person like me who walks half mystical half-devotional paths (I recognize that it costs me to be pure). When objects begin to lose their literal meaning, when things and people tell you things, and they communicate things to you from other people, some not physical (I do not mean ghosts in bodies of people, I know the differences), but that reality begins to have another sense of time and place, without past or future, better no pre post concept, only line concept of contacts.

Is this a stage of the personal fulfillment of the powers of Krsna, and then, perhaps, of the realization of Krsna and his associates?

HpS - The way you describe it, it could be. It is such a different state of consciouisness that with such a little description we can't say if it is Spiritual of Material.  Sounds useful!!

Is this why, if it is true, that you first have to make friends with Krsna's associates, God, in order to access Him?

HpS - If by "God" you mean Maha-visnu et al, yes we most likely will get realization, contact with them first, but Lord Caitanya gives a glimpse of Radha Krsna right from the very beginning.

If true, this process is a shadow of the original mystical process that is the association of Krsna ???

HpS -  Huh?

These are things I ask myself, that I want to share with you, I imagine looking for advice and revealing the mind confidentially, like old acquaintances, friends. And respect and pride for your advice, your listening, like that of an old friend, because although I am so stupid, one way or another I have these concerns.

Is it in the purest state to go mad spiritually?

HpS - Socrares said that to ordinary people it would seem that way, but to good Christians and ISKCON Dudes it would be comprehensible.

I have to admit that I am not reading anything lately, but I try to meditate on Krsna and the teachings of Prabhupada with the things that happen to me every day. In general, my life is quite mystical, but many times I am afraid that it is only an illusion and not a real spiritual advance.

It is a fear, only that, I do not want to complain about Krsna, he has always behaved with me beautifully, it is just that I am afraid of being stuck or confusing Krsna's association with the material magic of Krsna.

If I speak without precaution I would say that Krsna is happy with me, that is why he lets me advance, but his friends who do not feel as committed as Krsna, tell me that I have to improve a lot, a lot, that I am very ugly for Krsna to see me.

Thank you for all your work, for being there teaching us the sweetness of Krsna's association and for answering the letters.

That goes well, I hope to write before next time.

Hare Krsna

Jay Radhe Jay Krsna Jay Vrndavan

HpS - Read a little of CC daily!!!!!  Five minutes befor each meal, read something. It becomes and addictive habit. Then you will have an intimate counsel, because, yes, we can get caught on the mystical material platform, for billions of lifetimes!  Don't miss Prabhupada's association.