Karuna Mayi report

8 years, 1 month ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud.

HpS - ASA -- "Este cuerpo no recibe enfermedades, este cuerpo en una enfermedad."

En primer lugar quiero disculparme por no haberle escrito antes.

Estoy cantando mis 16 rondas, y siguiendo los 4 principios.

En Cusco tuve una lesión en la columna que me mantuvo casi un mes en cama con descanso médico.

ASA - Interesante!  Mucho introspeccion!   Por que no escriba de esta nosotros!?    ¿Escribiste un libro sobre poesía mientras estabas incapacitado?

Luego, hace dos meses, vinimos a Chosica motivados por un proyecto de Harinam que incluía al final del proyecto ir a India, pero no se pudo concretar por  falta de seriedad de los organizadores.

Ahora voy a seguir  trabajando con mi mente, hacerla mi  amiga, y poder colaborar mejor con mi familia hacia adelante.

Por ahora sigo haciendo guirnaldas para Sus Señorías.

Últimamente me he sentido decepcionada con algunos devotos y devotas, entiendo que estamos en el mundo material y trato que esto no afecte mi vida espiritual, solo me alejo para no cometer ofensas y cada vez mi círculo de amigos se hace más pequeño.

Usted es siempre mi inspiración

Intentando ser mejor discípula...Karuna Mayi devi dasi.

HpS - El círculo de amigos que Vibhishana, hermano de Ravana que era devoto de Vishnu, había en Lanka también era muy pequeño. Dijo que estar en Lanka era como ser una lengua rodeada de dientes afilados.

Prabhupada era amable con personas que eran simplemente buenos Karmis. Nuestro verdadero amigo, amigo profundo, está esperando con profunda angustia que regresemos a Él. Somos muy crueles.

Como esta su arte????
Escriba de Lima. Una nueva Gabriela Mistral.

Haz que la gente llore por lo que ha perdido.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope Your health is alright.

First of all I want to apologize for not writing to You before.

I am chanting my sixteen rounds, and following the four principles.

In Cusco I had a spinal injury that kept me in bed with medical rest almost a month. Then, two months ago, we came to Chosica motivated by a Harinama proyect that included at the end of this, a  travel to India, but it couldnt be concreted because of a lack of seriousness from the organizers.

Now I am going to go on working with my mind, make her my friend, and be able to collaborate better with my family onwards.

For now I am making garlands for The Lordships.

Lately I have been disappointed with some devotees, I understand we are in this material world and I try that this, does not afect my spiritual life, I just walk away so as not to commit offenses and  my circle of friends becomes smaller.

You are always my inspiration.Trying to be a better disciple...Karuna Mayi devi dasi.

PND - answer

8 years, 1 month ago by pnd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

> We arrive in India on the 31st Dec. and are supposed to get to Mayapura for the SGGSanga about 10-12th of February.

> Will we see you all?

I hope so. We are planning to be there that time and we are looking forward to meet you.

Please let me know if I can do something for you.
My phone number is 07548...


> How are you?????

Well, it is getting better. Trying to use my time properly.

Over last years my health went worse and worse, but month before kartik we started to go with Madana Priya dd to one chinese devotee here who does accupuncture for 32 years. It seems that my headakes are 99% gone and general health is much improved.

> Also, can you erase all Annual Reports more than 4-months old???

Everything older is deleted.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HPS - Thank you. Your health news is amazing. He was puncturing for any specific zones or organs? Yes, we see that the older Reports have been removed. Now we can look at the new ones!

Madrid - Dandava das

8 years, 2 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, dear Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you're fine in all aspects.

We are having a bad times ... ... ... You are so far, but I don't know why you're the only person who I can explain this with. I don't like others devotees can read this, but maybe it works for them. . . .

Thank you for all and I'm sorry for my English.

I hope see you soon in Madrid.

Your fallen fallen fallen fallen servant, but wanting to improve (this ins't a joke and it's true too)

Dandana das

PD. I'm sending a copy this letter to Yadunandana Swami (Siksa Guru)

HpS - Hare Krsna. We sent a letter with a copy to Maharaja to your e-mail address.   In general, we want to help in these situations. Of course, we are not Krsna, but we have a little job to do in his army.  This requires people write to us regularly, otherwise things get so big that we can't give much practical help immediately. We have to read the SB together daily for practical results. There can be happy life in ISKCON. If we don't see it, we just have to learn how.

From Kalindi Devi Dasi 12/18/16

Esteemed Guru Maharaja:  Haribol!  Please accept sincere dandavats and pranams! All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!!

1)  Very happy to read about extremely successful Houston festivals, black-tie dinner, Psychology and the Sacred along with June symposium and contracts with Catholic U and Nat'l Library (so far!!)!!!!  Question:  We are still planning to meet you in Seattle June 2017 at your kind invitation and be of whatever service we are privilged to offer.  (Wish my health would allow for sleeping, eating, etc on a 5-day train ride.  Sorry).  Keep us appraised of your changing needs and schedules as the date approaches, please.  Also, if there happen to be any secretarial services I  can render for this event (or any other) please let me know!


2)   Looks like your bank account is fine right now.  Please let us know if you need any unexpected help, especially when you are out of the country.


3)   Have been communicating with dear Kamagaiatri Devi Dasi frequently.  She is special - so sincere with so many good questions about life in general and devotee life in particular.  Thank you for introducing us in Boise!!


4)   As Dave prabhu mentioned to you, our local ISKON community ran into difficulties.  We have taken a little break from attending for about a month until tempers settle down and some level of organization reinstates itself.  We have a new, smaller meeting place now.  We attended last night, and it seemed things are getting back on track.  We had been doing lots of service, while many younger folks, doing not so much.  So we also resigned from those services, except donations.  Now, the seva seems to be more evenly distributed and carried out in a more or less efficient and harmonious manner, which is great!  I have used the time to double my own sadhana bhakti efforts, especially working with my mind, which I'll tell you more about in my Disciple Report before the end of January.


5)   Govinda Priya Devi Dasi has begun a Vishnavi study and association group on the 2nd and 4th Fri nights each month.  We happened to be out of town on the 2nd Fri and will be out of town visiting Dave P's relatives on Christmas on the 4th Fri.  So I will begin attending in January.  All reports are that it was well-planned, began on time(!!!) (I expect no less from GPMataji) was well-received with all 5 or 6 matajis well-studied, taking notes, asking questions and greatly enthusiastic.  Govinda Priya DD teaches Deity Worship in Mayapur 4 months each year and is one of the few who are allowed to tend to and dress the Glorious Pancha Tattva.  She is one of the most outstanding, accomplished ISKON women I have ever met and it is a joy to know her and be friends with her!!


Ever taking the dust of your lotus feet and grateful for your undeserved mercy!


Your Aspiring Servant,  Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you for the wondeful news. No, we didn't see any news from Dave about problems in the Yatra. Of course, there were demons in Vraja when Krsna was personally present causing miscarriages for the girls, what to speak of ISKCON Sacamento!     If we deal with them they can stay within a reasonable range, and from the broader perspective they have a PERFECT function in KC, then we can be very happy on the Sankirtan platform with our friends, in the Yatra.

We are looking at planning West coast tour now. We have to go South America 21st June so we would visit the West before. Maybe start end of May, Northern California, Portland, Boise, Seattle, Vancouver???  Any suggestions?


8 years, 2 months ago by abhinanda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Título: Usted Guru Maharaja

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias!!!

Querido Guru Maharaja:

Reciba nuestros buenos deseos para su magnífico sankirtana.

Cuando pienso en cómo mejorar mi vida espiritual viene a mi mente toda la fuerza espiritual que Usted Guru Maharaja, despierta y motiva en nosotros.

Algunas veces estamos sin rumbo en el mundo, pero después de verlo a Usted Guru Maharaja entiendo y creo firmemente que nuestro Srila Prabhupada tuvo gran éxito en su misión.

Entiendo que este mundo es temporal y un lugar de sufrimiento, pero Usted Guru Maharaja lo ha hecho un mundo mejor, con una finalidad y objetivos claros y elevados.

Más adelante podremos ver que tenemos la oportunidad de recibir la herencia de nuestro Srila Prabhupada que pasa por Usted Guru Maharaja, dotándonos de regalos insuperables, que de otra manera sería imposible recibir.

Le agradezco al Señor Krsna por su misericordia infinita de ponernos en contacto con un rayito o granito arena de Sus pies de loto, que es Usted Guru Maharaja.

Cuando la historia resalte el papel de Srila Prabhupada, la historia también hablará del ejército de monos valientes y fieles que llevaron el mensaje a todo pueblo y allí está Usted Guru Maharaja.

Finalmente le pido perdón por tratarle inapropiadamente por la cercanía que usted nos manifiesta, sin embargo la inspiración que Usted Guru Maharaja nos muestra encenderá nuestros corazones y como una antorcha olímpica nos pondrá en la carrera de la misión del movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Espero reencontrarme vida tras vida, una y otra vez con Usted Guru Mahraja y poder contribuir en su servicio eterno a los pies de loto del Señor Krsna.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay

Su aspirante a sirviente Abhinanda das

HpS - Thank you....  We just arrived in Mexico. There will be a lot of atmosphere here of Sankirtana and Vyasapuja. It is an interesting mix. Canto Seven Prabhupada says that Krsna is the original Guru. So we have understand so many manifestations of Guru, from Krsna. Then we can do something for "our senses".

Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)


Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias. TLGSP

     Tal como hablamos, le envío una foto de mis Deidades y otra de las Deidades de mi hija. Ahora en invierno les ponemos un abrigo; aquí en la sierra de Madrid hace frío. 

     Me gustaría que me explicara lo que me dijo en su última carta acerca de Jaghanatta [Jagannatha]. Yo pensaba que tenía esa forma porque cuando volvió a Vrindavan y vió a Radharani entró en éxtasis y Balaram y Subadra después de verlo, también entraron en éxtasis.

ASA - No tengo historia directa de Prabhupada, pero Krsna has visto Radharani antes de volver a Vrndavana, en Kuruksetra, no para la batalla, pero despues en otro evento.

Jayananda dijo que Prabhupada dijo es Krsna con la opulencia de Kurukstra, Dvaraka. No se mas ahoradecir mas.

     Ayer en Madrid, estuvimos haciendo  Sankirtan con los niños Gurukula. Fué una idea de Purnamasi y salió fenomenal. En una hora pudimos distribuir alrededor de 50 libros por misericordia de S. Caitanya Mahaprabhú. También distribuímos galletas de mantequilla y bolitas de coco. Los niños estaban muy contentos y nosotros también. 

ASA - Jaya! Sankirtaneritos!   Va a ser seres humanos increibles, no?

Hablé con Janardan y me dijo que ya le envió la carta. ¿La ha recibido?

ASA - Nada recien y no 'record' de algo bien pasado!? Esperamos.

     Le envío un afectuoso saludo quedando siempre a su servicio.

HpS - We just arrived in Mexico after just a few hours here in June. Very nice.