Jay Rama

Todas las Glorias  Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias  a Su Santidad Hanumatpresak Swami

Maharaja porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Continumanete le oro al Señor Nrsimha para que lo protega. En Julio de este año tome Su refugio formal en su escala en México con recomendación de las autoridades.

Mi padre, Alfredo es taxista y mi madre, Marivel es profesora de niños en una Primaria, tengo tres hermanos menores, Alfredo, Cristian y Antonio todos son estudiantes, uno estudia Derecho y los demás el nivel medio superior. Ellos, mis hermanos han venido por lo menos una vez al templo, mis padres me visitan seguido. A mis hermanos les gusta la música, practican al menos un instrumento,  yo a veces mrdanga y cartalos, pero me gusta más pintar. Mis abuelos son comerciantes y campesinos, mis tías maestras de educación y enfermería. Mi familia grande es grande. 

Cambiando el tema y a  unos días de su visita me siento emocionada, feliz y nerviosa de poder acompañarlo en su vyasa puja y servirlo en su misión ¿cómo puedo hacerlo de una manera más específica?

A veces me siento decaída y digo: sería mejor estar a fuera y no hacer más servicio pero esta idea no da placer a mi alma y por lo contrario entre más lejos de Krshna menos sabor encuentro. 

Distribuyendo libros todo es mejor, di setenta libros hace unos días no podía creerlo pero no es nada quisiera dar todo mi tiempo a esa sola instrucción. Ahora nosé que vaya a pasar pero le pido sus bendiciones para poder seguir adelante. 

Su más insignificante sirviente: Bhaktin Diana

HpS - Los Iniciaciones - Diana, Vd, no?  Esta Blog no tiene forma, solamamente name.  Pero now esta Diana es Dadhi-sara Devi Dasi. Serviente de la hermana mayor de M. Yasoda. Claro Ella tiene tan mucho afecto, amor, para su "nephew" como su propio vida, y mas.

Sea un ejemplo para su familia. Va a ver gran reacciones.

Busy fool

8 years, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are fighting our Kuruksetra. This blog is a wonderful Sadhu Sanga.

I just read the letter from Aja Govinda Prabhu, and realized the same is happening to me. He wrote:

"A few days ago it dawned on me that I was postponing my service to Krsna. I kept making promises to him that once I have a permanent assistant professorship job, I will start a preaching center or temple in whichever city or town I am in. But then I realized, that I cannot postpone it. My greatest fault is postponing the important tasks, paying useless attention to meaningless issues, mismanaging my priorities, and most importantly I lack time (and money) management. Time management, especially or particularly in my sadhana and money management in terms of not wasting money in material things and using money to serve Krsna. Instead of setting aside time for japa, kirtan, reading Prabhupada's books, engaging in the tasks which will liberate me, I focus on the temporary only. And the reason for this is my attachment to fulfillment of my desires. I am so attached egoistically to certain perceptions of me and others' perception of me, that I give all my mind's attention to only this, instead of internal development. "

This year was particularly intense, house building, applying for a job at the university, my job, started a relationship with a lady, uff. Although i feel good cause i'm about to move into a devotee's community where i will be able to attend morning program everyday and i got a job as a professor at med school, which will allow me to improve my sankirtan, my sadhana was seriously disturbed. As a result of that then the mind starts wondering, comparing your life with other devotees life, lack of enthusiasm for spiritual practice and an emptyness sensation.

We know nothing is worthy without 16r/4p, but we fail again and again.

I was meditating on this, "Why you are extremely busy all the time?"   The only conclusion we can make, is that is a psychologic issue, something rooted in our mind.

We are seeking for a lazy intelligent life. But for the time coming we make this vow, starting from january 1st:

Chant 12 rounds before breakfast (9 am), 4 rounds before lunch (1 pm) and 4 extra rounds (to repay my debt) before dinner 9 ( pm). As top priority agenda. And report every sunday to this blog.

Blessings please,

Your fallen, very fool and busy aspiring disciple,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - ASA --  BHISMA!!!    A powerful vow!   The gods tremble!!  But so nice also... and really so simple.    Just a matter of priority and then I sure you will see immediately that it is the best, best thing to do!!!     See you Sunday, January 7th.

12/22/16 report

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

These days we are doing the renovation of the flat we live in. Specifically, the temple/living room and the hall. For that we have finances. The house is 45 years old and it needs fixing. There was mold on the walls. Air was going through the windows, which is nice in the summer but not in the winter. The restoration will include the windows, walls, floor, electric wiring. For furniture we do not have finances right now.

HpS - ASA -- Very nice! If you die soon it will mean good income for you descendents when you sell it also!

Doing all that work and living and working in the same place takes a lot of energy and good organization, cleaning, etc.

Reading Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur's commentary on Bhagavad-gita.

ASA - Jaya!! Please share what you read... !

One point is that BG we have to interpret, only rightly so. For example, Krsna says to Arjuna”Fight”. This does not mean that I should go to war and kill people around. It means, do your duty, according to your nature, by following Krsna's plan (which is a good plan for everyone) and [hopefully] for His satisfaction.

I'm in the process of digesting our last exchange.

Next two weekends will spend with devotees doing bhajans.

Health challenge – for years dealing with lack of energy. Few months ago diagnosed with high lactose intolerance. Was doing Bioresonance therapy and it looks the intolerance is normalized. Still, have to take care of intake of milk products. Also, the sciatic pain and general back pain are there. When standing or walking 2 to 4 hours, the spine pain is so strong that I almost cannot think. Trying to do yoga asanas to mitigate, as it looks there are no other things that are there to rejuvenate the “dwindling machine”.

HpS - Do you have Iyengar Yoga studio where you live?

Catching up with your classes on e-sanga and Saturday StartMeetings.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - Thank you very, very much for you association.  We are planning on making a strong contribution to the Sannyasi Guru GBC Sanga in Mayapura the 10-13th of February. Is there a collection of instuctions (guess mostly letters) that Prabhupada gave on the topic, especially the instruction that the GBC position could be for life?

Update from a month ago.

8 years, 1 month ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj!

Hope your time at your home base is treating you well and you’re staying warm!

HpS - We came South to Mexico. Warmer here. Less stress on the Machine.

Rounds and 4 principles are going well. Sadhana is over all progressing.  I’ll be going to Radhadesh for the first time this January for Mellows and am excited about that!

ASA - Other places in Europe also???

I got accepted into a master’s program starting this Spring and am not sure whether to go through with it. I’m still paying off loans for undergrad so not sure if it’s the best time to dig deeper into debt.  It’s also a tough program, and I hate sitting in classrooms (*for info systems engineering). One of the Matajis has a godbrother who has an Ayurvedic clinic in Vrindavan and he needs more qualified medical profressionals, I might see if that's an option worth exploring.

 I have this crazy idea (a book of crazy ideas actually) to start my own venture. With some background in the medical field and IT field, and organzing various Bhakti clubs and Festivals,  and being naturally creative (thanks Krishna), I think Krishna will hit me with an idea worth launching.  I was reading a few Forbes articles and came across Potato Parcel – a guy actually decided to send messages on potatoes…he makes 25-grand a month. Simple ideas like that took off are mind-blowing to me! Anywho, that’s been on the mind quite a bit lately.

ASA - Get a partner in madness!

I've also been spending time at the temple with Gopiesvari dd who’s SS Radha Madan Mohan’s "personal stylist/artist". Shes been sharing some outfit, altar, and gopi dot/make-up ideas for the Deities. Perhaps one day I can become her apprentice and eventually serve SS Radha Madan Mohan similarly on the altar (got a long time before that happens though). It's amazing because everything she sees, she automatically says "this would like nice on Krishna." Her spiritual vision and devotion is sooo inspiring. 

Besides that,  it’s getting cold and we’re trying to do every act as an offering to Krishna. Traveling to NJ for a Kirtan festival  this weekend.

My parents send their deepest regards and obeisances.  We will all be going to Richmond for your Vyasa Puja with Subala Saka prabhu’s family. Please forgive any offenses we may have inadvertently committed.

Thank you for kind mercy maharaj.

Your aspiring servant,

SuGopi dd

P.S. Wasn’t sure if this qualified as an annual report or not so submitted generally.

HpS - ASA -- Our respects to your father. He really impressed us, made our heart ring, with the feeling of the honor and character necessary for a military man. Of course, your Mother (and Sister) also without a doubt.  We are a little confused that devotees were eating grains on Ekadasi during the University program!

For Vyasa-puja we will be in the airport in Houston. Looks like some devotees will come there. 1.15PM - 4.15PM. A really transitory affair, no?    Thank you for the excellent news.  Watch for big gifts from Krsna for little you!

Dear maharaj Hare Krishna

8 years, 1 month ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Goura nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories for you maharaj

Hare Krishna,

I’m David Leyton. I’m from Santiago of Chile. Please accept my humble reverence. Please, forgive me for my affront because of my ignorance.

I’m working for a collection agency that serves banks. I’ve been working here for three years and this has helped me to pay my economic hardship.

I’m fulfilling the four principles, I chant sixteen Japas every day and serve on Prabhupada’s festivity in Iskcon Temple on Fridays.

In March, my wife and I decided to hold a Bakhti Vriksa in our flat. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. We were inviting people during four months, but we only had two meetings. After winter, I gave up and resolved to put off the meetings as soon as I have the chance to do them again.

Some time ago, I met Jagannatha Caran Das, Prya Sakhi’s husband and we agreed to send you my recommendation documents, so I could start my initiation in 2017. I’m very interested and excited about it because I know that this will let me to have a better quality of life and to start a family. This is a very important step because I’ve gone through hard times to have a spiritual life and Krishna Consciousness has given me all support I needed. I know that because of Krishna’s, Prabhupada’s and your blessing I can move forward in a secure, honest and protected way.

Please, could you tell me what you think about me? Do you think I’m ready to start my initiation?

HpS - Basically if you can chant 16-enthusiatic rounds a day and follow the four principles strictly with good relations with you local Temple community, and as far as you can ascertain, you can do this for the rest of your life, then, yes, you are ready to become a formal student, initiated, in the Bhaktivedanta School of Love of God. Yes, you may have doubts about your ability to follow forever if you encounter surprises from THE WITCH. That's O.K. If you have been able to do it for at least six months and that leads you to think that you can do it the rest of your life then you seem ready for Hari-nama Diksa.

Regarding my wife, she supports me in my spiritual path and she is really happy about it. She’s an English teacher; she teaches communicational English and this year she got a Master Degree in English Linguistics.

Now, she’s reading the book “Ramakatha” by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and she’s listened to some parts of the book during some classes in the temple. But she’d like to know if this is a reliable source and if there are Phrabupada’s books about Lord Rama’s or Shiva’s pastimes.

ASA - http://www.vedabase.com/en/rkd  very nice.

Thank you Maharaj for giving me this beautiful opportunity to communicate with you, for advising me and encouraging me during the hard times that I’ve lived.

Your servant,
David Leyton, Haribol Maharaj

HpS - They all become our great asset as we advance in Krsna consciousness. What do you think of this verse:  http://www.vedabase.com/en/bg/2/40 ?

"Campina grande"

8 years, 1 month ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted querido Guredeva, espero que se encuentre muy bien en su servicio a Srila Prabhupada.

No he podido comunicarme por que no tenia internet, hace dos semanas finalizamos el Bhakti Sastri con Dhanvantari Swami, estoy muy feliz de haber podido concluir el curso, me sirvio mucho para comprender la importacia del servicio devocional y de la necesidad de la vida espiritual.

HpS - Muy bien. El porcion Este de NdlD es increible.

Por otro lado como le habia escrito en la otra carta estoy relacionandome con un devoto discipulo de Guru Prasad Swami bajo la orientacion de Dhanvatari Swami y el nos aconsejo que siguieramos conociendonos y haciendo servicio juntos, y nos recomendo que fueramos al templo de Fortaleza y seguir haciendo sankirtana, despues pensamos ir a Mexico a seguir con nuestra formacion con Aravinda Prabhu, quisiera saber si hay algun servicio que pueda hacer por usted, espero poder verlo pronto, muchas gracias acepte mis reverencias su sirvienta Maria Bernarda

HpS - Aparece que su servicio actual es increible. Algo para Juana de Arco o alguien. Trata de ser una buena servienta de la Madre Yasoda.

Mas noticias de aqui!

Un poco historia de Vd. y su familia desde su juventud. Cuales el primero memoria que tiene?