Reporte nro 1

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

First week passed and we couldn't achieve our vrata, I was traveling, what a challenge to keep on with sadhana while traveling. I offer my respectful obeisances to you for being able to accomplish such a difficult deed.

We finished our 16 rounds every day, and we will give it a try again this week.

27th january i have my first meeting in the university to coordinate everything.

Tomorrow we go out with our local FFl program 45 lts watermelon juice and 900 sweets. The dean of med school called us and told us that his wife wants to participate in the program and that we should cooperate!   Krishna's Magic, I was looking to make contact with university and now it comes to us.

I feel sorry cause you are not coming again to Mar del Plata. And make me think that we are not really doing anything useful for your Sankirtan. At the same time I'm glad you can rest from so much travel. I hope some day we can establish something similar to psychology and the sacred.

We are determined to accomplish our vrata. 

We need it.

See you in the blog next sunday, Dear Gurudeva,

Your fool fallen servant,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - Prabhupada said that if we keep trying to achieve a good goal we will be successful.    We want to come to Argentina, MDP, at least we may be able to see each other in Sanntiago in June, July, no???  Bring photos, power-point show with music, chorus.   More watermellon.

Urgente for my adored guramaharaja

8 years, 1 month ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho Gurudeva. TlgaSP

I very happy that you are in India. Here I am  sending you my second offering. I dared to put urgently in this letter following in the footsteps of my brothers... it is not my custom but I wanted to know if you read this offering and not stay in anxiety like last year. I can send you my reports with the word urgent? Thank you very much for you request dear Gurudeva.

Nama om visnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale srimate hanumat presaka swami iti namine

Nama om visnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale srimate bhaktivedanta swami iti namine

Remembered Gurudeva

Now, in this spiral of life

I feel more distant but also closer

Of his great mercy , of his great soul

Allow me to take refuge in your feet with longing

The Infinite mercy of sri krsna

I give myself wonderful gifts

Allow me to correspond, not be thankless

And take care of them, inspire them with confidence

Trust in the service of each dawn

Confidence in the pure desire to do

Do a service with love and pleasure

To please the greatest being

Thanks Gurudeva! Thank you Prabhupada!

For always inspiring me every morning

Thank you for coming to this cruel world

Where without the sun, we are left undone

Do a service, do it with love

Is the most sublime for the heart

Infinite thanks for giving us so much!

My life is nothing without your command

Allow me to obey let me do

What you tell me and so please

To his heart, to his great love

You are the greatest that krsna gave us

With much love, of  his attempt to disciple: Rjpj dd. Açept please obeisances of Franco and Gopalito

HpS - Thank you for the letter. No, you should not put "Urgent" unless something happens like Franco has been elected mayor of Cordoba or Lord Nityananda came to teach you how to dance. Otherwise we won't be able to respond to yours or important letters when they come. Now we are traveling like the devil being chased by the Sudarsana cakra. Programs all the time, so we have been a little slow with the mail. But we will answer. We give reports in the Letters to the Editor and the Guru-tattva section of the Kapi Dhvaja about what mail, disciple reports we make.

You offering is very nice, enlivening. As much as you can get out with the devotees and let people hear the Srimad Bhagavatam and Holy Names etc! So much fun. How old is Gopal?

Urgente- Ofrenda

8 years, 1 month ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

La magia de Hanumatpresaka Swami

HpS - Esteemed Social Communicator, we only have our little cellular phone for reading and writing, so we read your essay when we get computer!

Con tus ágiles pies, has recorrido todos los continentes con la bandera de Hanuman, como el enviado del Sr. Rama, en busca de Sita.

Tus medianas manos, han participado de números mágicos para la audiencia infantil, así como verdadera magia para todas las personas a las que predicas las glorias de Hari.i

Nos enseñaste que los pensamientos están en el corazón, y con el, nos llevaste por los diversos capítulos del SB, como olvidar esas horas intensas y llenas de emoción, esas respuestas a muchas preguntas. Gracias a Ud. camine por los capítulos del SB segura y feliz, muy lejos de la perfección de esas grandes almas, pero muy cerca de la luz iluminadora que emana del conocimiento proveniente de las grandes almas.

Más que radio programas (emisora de radio), el face, whatsapp, con Start meeting, nos transmite verdadera protección y contención, un refugio seguro contra maya y sus secuaces. Una ventana abierta para entrar en la Conciencia de Krsna. 

Cuando recuerdo haber participado de tan maravillosos programas, con grandes personalidades, prédica a tiburones, que Ud. inspiró en sus discípulos, por todo el globo terráqueo, con ayuda de Krsna el omnipresente. Al igual que Prabhupada, vemos que su éxito se debe a su sincero deseo de complacer a su adorado maestro espiritual. 

Cuando leo las significativas cartas que Ud. escribe a todos sus bienquerientes, ellos con fe y devoción en sus palabras mágicas, maravillosas y graciosas. Veo como conoce, protege, apacigua, da esperanza, corrige, da cariño. Según sea la necesidad de muchos tontos discípulos o seguidores que no apreciamos a veces sus instrucciones.

Quiero pedirle perdón por todas mis ofensas, nunca intencionales, por todas las veces que pude haberle faltado, ofendido, fallado. 

Quiero agradecerle, por aceptarme como su discípula, por amarnos incondicionalmente, por existir en nuestras vidas, como la esperada primavera, la mejor estación, por venir siempre y apreciar nuestro país, con su esplendor histórico y su cultura tan emparentada a la cultura Hindu. Por escoger al Perú para mil y un películas bellas como "La luz de la bhagavata", "El juego de dados", seguro que hay mucho más por hacer. Por los inolvidables viajes a Chiclayo, Tarapoto y fuera del país. 

Hoy siento más que nunca que esta relación entre Guru y discípulo es eterna y Ud. siempre vive en nuestro corazón por medio de sus instrucciones, que deseo atesorar y cumplir fielmente, como aire de vida, como palabra de Krsna. 

Este año celebramos juntos, y así esperamos continuar sirviéndolo ahora y siempre porque Ud. es el enviado, el muy querido y esperado, el más venerado, nuestro amado maestro espiritual.

¡Krsna siempre lo bendiga!

¡Jay HpS! ¡Jay Srila Prabhupada!

¡Jay movimiento de Sankirtana del Sr. Caitanya!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

Realizations urgent

8 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva




I hope this meets U in really good health!

The celebration of your Sri Vyasapuja here was pretty good. All were in a servant mood. I feel so happy with too many Godbrothers and Sisters. Subhra dd was sending me pictures from U in Houston... jaya I feel so energized

I   am right now in Miraflores I was on a bench chanting some rounds and then I see the grass. so I thought why not chant om the grass. I put my shoes off and started to chant the whole atmosphere changed a lot. I chanted enthusiastic rounds. And I inmediately think of my Beloved Gurudeva.. shelter and guidance. He is right we just have to chant. Yesterday I was at Patrak's he gave me a book called Japa... and some crowns for my Radhika.  I feel so blessed to have such nice true friends.

I continue with gem therapy. I work with the moon.. Being at the ocean, see the sun and moon makes me feel so blissful..

Yesterday we have a meeting with Nimsar.. I am the secretary again jaja so on sunday it comes the report. We gave from Houston. Devotees were happy. I am.on vacations but I gave therapy to people... 

I have communications with Madhumanjari dd. I admire her a lot...  we have our phone numbers so I may not bother u much.

So that's it I will continue chanting... Jambavan will meet U in Mayapur... Hope to be there, 

See U soon thank U for the DTC s they refresh us a lot.

Your useless aspirant to be servant of the servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS Maybe we can be grass in Braja and Radha Krsna can walk on us.

Our computer battery is dead, so writing from our cell phone. Hope to charge the computer today and write longer letters better.

Take shelter, give shelter.

URGENT - from Pune

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Extremly sorry for all delay.

    Just back in Pune, was in Home town. Father had a sever heart attach, so was not in a possition to communicate
    with anyone for last one month. He is stable now but under medicine.

    And due to bad schedule for last one month, my health got affected also.

    Are you in India now ?

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

Hare Krsna. Agtsp. Paoho. We were all really worried about you!  Hope you father is getting big benefit out his health crisis.  We are here. If you look at the DTC for today. 3(Tu) it has our phone number. So we should go to Pune on the 1st  Februrary and then leave on the 3rd for Navi Mumbai?
Please take care of your body.