Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj(I have joined the blog)

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

All glories to Sri Gouranga and Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hope you are in good health.

I would like to inform you that I am the son of your disciple Krsna Swaroop Das, Silchar, North East India. By the mercy of the Lord I have got the inspiration to join this blog.  Please forgive me Guru Maharaj for any offences I committed unto your lotus feet out of my ignorance during the short association I had with you during your last  visit to North East.From now onwards I shall try to keep in touch through this. Please be merciful to answer any silly questions which I may ask to you in future. Please inspire me to serve you and Srila Prabhupada.

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

Your ignorant servant


HpS - Hello, Bishal et al. Thank you for your letter. Our respects to your father, family, community. We did not feel offended in Silchar. Wonderful opportunity for preaching.

Are you chanting on beads regularly?

We publish our newsletter today at the webpage.

ASA-Perú little urgent

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho. AGTSP!

I'm looking forward to have your assotiation again by ASA FMP. Now, I'm doing it myself and some days in the temple.

I've have a nice conversation with Karuna Krishna Prabhu about education and we agreed to work together as ASA under your protection and blessings. I'm nobody, practically nothing, without your protection.

I'm presenting myself as a member of ASA-Perú and I'm thinking of join people together in a conglomerate as ASA-Perú with a broad perspective, no attachements or administration bandages for now. In time, I think, people that really want to work together can get together in a more formal team. I still have the desire to have a formal institution in peruvian educative system. I have to be a little patient cause experience tells me that the most difficult part is to create a team. I've been in several that couldn't become something lasting.  

As M. Yugala suggested and talking to Karuna Krishna Prabhu, seems that Maturesh Prabhu is a nice option for Bhakti sastri examiner. I think that if we create a team around him we can work well. Again, it should be as ISKCON-Perú.

I hope your sankirtan is going well, and please, your blessing for mine.

Thank you for being always there for me when I need you. I want to be a help for you not a burden.

Trying to be a decent disciple,


HPS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!   AGTSP.   paoho.   It is very nice to hear from you. We went out early to talk with one Diocean Catholic Priest. He has the Kripa Foundation. It is the biggest NGO in India with 169 branches. They counsel and very much help people with chemical addiction and aids. He is head of one of the three Jungian groups in India and it turns out he is friends with Radha-natha Swami. We will work with his organization. Then we changed some small Rupee notes into big Rupee notes and visited a professor of Harsh's at the IIT Bombay Campus. One of the top three institutions in the country. He also appreciated Solaris very much and is very doing work in objective scientific verification of yoga. He likes Srila Prabhupada's books.  Home through rush hour like Lima traffic. It is 35 degrees Celcius here in February. 

We are really 70-years old. Can die of heart failure anytime, but in general O.K.

Go ahead with your own Sankirtan relationship with Srila Prabhupada with the perspective of your friends in ISKCON and the ISKCON institution, GBC et al. We may be able to see Jayapataka Swami in Mayapura.


Hare Krishna Gurudev

Por favor acepte Mis humildes reverencias a Sus Pies de loto

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada

El motivo de Urgente es por que El Prabhu Lomasha quiere hablar con Usted  de alguna manera , por skipe o whats app u otra posibilidad, pienso que es por asuntos familiares con su hijo

a Su servicio Adi Yajña Das

HPS - Es casi impossible para nosotros mientras estamos viajando. Primero el tiene que enviar por parte de otro o su misma una explicacion general de lo que quiere hablar. Es casi cierto que no podemos contribuir consejo particular a el por que no conocemos la situacion particular!

Ekadasi !!! Urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope this meets U in really good health !!!

HpS - ASA -- About 50/50.

We really miss iur daily  association. !!!

I do not know what will be the future in education in Iskcon peru.. Everything is not well organized. Too much politics, ego.. pffff. My desire and my calling is to be an educator but if things continue like this.... regarding to your question .. Yes I would love to teach in Houston !!! Let's see what Krsna wants. But I have the feeling that peru will not be my permanent resident [residence].

I would like to continue teaching SP 's books 

I continue with FMP.. Bhadra Vardhana & Sananda, Indulekha, isvari, carlos rold join. Association is everything ! I also join through skype with Dhanya lalita in the evenings we share our experiences and also chant 4 rounds.

HpS - ASA -- You will certainly develop mystic powers from this.

I am.on vacations. I continue giving gem therapy. we preach a little bit. I use the little cottage that is in my garden for doing therapy. I feel good helping others.

Today we fast nirjala till 1pm

My mom and sisters are sick.. but the 3 of us continue with enthusiasm!!  3 ladies one dog and now one kitty. We are like draupadi and  say: Hey Govinda !! Hope U are there!!!

Thank U for all iur inspiration

See U in June

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - It is 11.17AM. Up at 2.15AM, chanting, P A C K I N G, 20-people offering Dandavats, donations, cloths, flowers. 45-minute drive at 4.30AM through the jungle to the airport. Check-in.. ... arrive Guwahati. 20-more devotees. Lunch/Breakfast. Check in . SCREAMING over the loudspeakers. Pushing in the lines. Security. Almost droping computer.

Some chest pain, but not much.

Calling, recalling, discusssing NIOS joining Sthapatyam magazine of Vastuveda as a publisher. Sending letter to them. Now 1-hour until flight. The announcements are so loud that they really hurt the ears.

Battle of Kuruksetra.

Kali-yuga is like a storm, but you have your umbrella. Use it. Get nice things done. They will last. Give others umbrellas and teach them how to use them.

Out respects to the Start Meeting Sanga!  What gems do you use?

O.K.   Continuing with our Sankirtan.


8 years, 1 month ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj


I am very much concerned (and convinced) that I have caused an aparadha to you due to my Vyasa Puja offering.

Please forgive this neophyte! KC is not always easy for me (if at all), and I am constantly overwhelmed by the material modes of nature. It is of course no excuse, but rather an explanation of my offensive tendencies.

I thought it may be helpful to reveal a bit of my worldview of ISKCON in the spirit of 'guhyam akhyati prichati'. I mean no offense, and feel I should have been more straight about this with you from the outset, but I am constantly besieged by the mode of passion, and therefore am constantly making mistakes.

I beg your pardon in this regard.

Your servant,

Janardan-hari das.

HpS - Hare Krsna!   I don't think we have been able to see it yet. If we did, it didn't strike us as offensive. It is important to see both the good and bad qualities of people and organizations, then we can help them!

Urgente Ofrenda Vyasa Puja 2017

8 years, 1 month ago by Devarsinaradadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias al movimiento de sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Todas las glorias a Ud. Guru Maharaja

ASA - Hare Krsna. This is not "URGENTE", but thank you for the letter!!   We will try to read it as we get time from this travel!!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

nama om visnu-padaya krsna- presthaya bhutale
srimate hanumatpresaka -svamin iti namine

Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a SS. Hanumatpresaka Swami quien es muy querido por el Señor Krsna debido a que ha tomado refugio a Sus pies de loto

om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Nací en la más oscura ignorancia, y mi maestro espiritual
abrió mis ojos con la antorcha del conocimiento. A Él le
ofrezco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Querido Guru Maharaja

Solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento hacia Ud. Siempre que intento escribir una ofrenda hacia ud me remito a canciones de los acaryas vaisnavas. En esas canciones se glorifica al maestro espiritual de una forma muy amorosa y profunda. Y leyéndolas, veo que cada una de ellas describe perfectamente su carácter.

mahapraboh kirtana-nritya-gita-

vaditra-madyan-manaso rasena


vande guroh sri-charanaravindam

Recitando el santo nombre, danzando en éxtasis, cantando y tocando instrumentos musicales, el maestro espiritual está siempre absorto en el movimiento de sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Debido a que está saboreando la melosidad de la devoción pura, a veces sus cabellos se erizan, su cuerpo se

estremece y lágrimas fluyen de sus ojos como olas. Yo ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a los pies de loto de tal maestro espiritual. ( Sri Guru astakam - Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura)

Este verso me recuerda a Ud. en varios mangalaratik verlo danzar, cantar y tocar su flauta, extático, incluso antes de que el altar se abra, y las deidades nos den su darshan. Sin duda,  Ud., tiene ese darshan  de Gouranga y Nityananda en todo momento, y toda la atmosfera se vuelve espiritual y trascendental cuando Ud. esta presente.

bando mui savadhana mate
jahara prasade bhai, e bhava toriya jai,
krsna-prapti hoy jaha ha’te

Los pies de loto del maestro espiritual son el único medio por el cual podemos alcanzar el servicio devocional puro. Yo me postro ante sus pies de loto con gran respeto y veneración. Por su gracia uno puede cruzar el océano del sufrimiento material y alcanzar así la misericordia de Krishna. ( Sri Guru Vandana -  Srila Narottama das thakura)

Guru maharaja, su misericordia sin causa es el único medio por el cual puedo trascender todas las desavenencias de este mundo y alcanzar el amor a la divina pareja. En momentos en donde este mundo me pone pruebas difíciles, y cuando la mente me predica erradamente, haciendo relucir mis anarthas, en ese momento, Ud. Aparece; sus instrucciones, su ejemplo,  sus palabras, como las armas necesarias para que pueda salir adelante. Su gracia y misericordia incluso en los sueños, aparece en el momento justo. Todo avance que yo pueda tener no es más que su divina misericordia. Simplemente debo ser fiel a sus instrucciones y las de Srila Prabhupada, ese es el refugio.

Sin duda alguna, respetuosamente me postro a la misericordia divina de sus pies de loto.

ekākī āmāra, nāhi pāya bala,
tumi kṛpā kori', śraddhā-bindu diyā,
deho' kṛṣṇa-nāma-dhane

kṛṣṇa se tomāra, kṛṣṇa dīte pāro,

tomāra śakati āche

āmi to' kāńgāla, 'kṛṣṇa' 'kṛṣṇa' boli',

dhāi tava pāche pāche

¨No encuentro la fuerza para seguir solo el sankirtana del santo nombre de Hari. Por favor, bendíceme dándome sólo una gota de fe para obtener el gran tesoro del santo nombre de Krsna.¨

Krsna es tuyo. Tienes el poder para darmelo. Simplemente soy tu sirviente corriendo detrás de ti gritando: "¡Krsna, Krsna!" (Ohe Vaisnava Thakura – Bhaktivinoda Thakura)

Guru Maharaja, Ud. tiene ese poder. Ud. me da el néctar del santo nombre. Con solo recordar su carácter y personalidad, Ud. es mi inspiración para el Hari nama.

Por favor perdone mis ofensas, y disculpe mi poco criterio para escribirle esta ofrenda.

En Ud. y Srila Prabhupada encuentro el ejemplo a seguir en la vida.

Espero este año tener mas comunicación con Ud.

Muchas gracias Guru Maharaja

Feliz Vyasa Puja!!

Su sirviente (aspirante a servirlo mejor)

Devarsi Narada das