7 years, 6 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

I have to say, what an exalted soul, to me, seems to be my first client Mr. Luis, from Portugal.

I am just going to post office after bank, to have the shipping rates for his coil. 18 wired Garuda Absolute Abha Vortex Coil(copyright in my and Garuda's name=cc4.0 licensed and of course time-stamped also with our blockchain nem).

I just see Lord Caitanya and Nitai (same name as my wife:), or the Priya is not there, but nobody calls her Nitai Priya, only Nitai, that's sweet, Avadhutas are, hehe :) :). Anyway they surely dance hahahahaha.

This Luis or client is one of the nicest persons, for he is such a theist, that he knows how to use psychology!! (he can energize very well water with devices he sells, and of course he has much also PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequencies) machine for health and machines of course to shield from all the bad EMF today.

Like he says the devil of the industrial age EMF (electromagnetic frequencies). Tesla himself was also terrified by the vast damage to humans his AC current had, so he was one of the biggest opponents for his own youthhood's simple invention, the induction motor EM or better known as Alternating Current or AC (50Hz, same as our nervous system. That's why this electrosmog has almost the same effects on human body as the lead poisoning in same time would be. heh, Maharaja ain't this the very very thing historians say why Rome was finally raided for good:) HR HK

HpS - I don't know exactly. One audiologist here, bit Indian gentlman, said that these new low energy flourescent light bulbs are great on energy reduction but they produce a very high frequency sound and the result is that people are becoming deaf in that frequency.

Seems that we should all be pure devotees and then we can adapt this new technology properly and even Krsna will send us proper sastric sources. Prabhupada said one time that 2 or 3 dozen televisions were enough for the whole world. Live in the village. Grown corn, squach and beans, make puppet shows and naturally develop mystic powers like flying on magic carpets. We Norther people have to become heavy metal workers to fight with nature but natural human life is in places like Ecuador, free bananas, coconuts and greens!  See you there, polar bear!

My picture below.  Send some of yours!!

about pigeon

7 years, 6 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

ASA - Nanuk's letters are hot!    Wouldn't recommend them unless you are a higher Madhyama-adhikari devotee, but they are also really profitable for us technological types.

PAMHO! ok Maharaja I will try to contact this alcoholist (ASA - alcoholic (Alhambra (Alcatraz)) again, but because he was reading without permission his sister's facebook, I will wait for a half year, and who says he is my circle, I just hanged around with him and his family, because these opiate user's of ISKCON with diksha I couldn't anymore for I am the one who snitched him, but he had the agenda to preach to him, not me, I have very much work, when he just lies there, XXX(Name withheld to not freak anybody out - TB) , in opiates. So Maharaja why I should also break the four principles when I got over it. Hanging with people in many promille (1000?) drunk, is though very common for me. Never heard my own thoughts or plans between these loud people. Always knowing better than oneself how things should be done in 3 promille intoxication (What is promille in this context?).

Hare Krishna. And that XXX actually has done theater as this pigeon should, for he was a Famous, haha, actor in very small villages, at summer, when he was young. But he has experience, at least of suffering. But I just want these guys to meet up. Hare Krsna.

I already helped my ABC so much that he took my only DEF in my life, just like these guys, for DEFs are so stupid that they believe more the opiate user's style, that's almost 100% sure..... Hare Hare!!

Please thine Highnesses visit my Shop!! :

ASA(UG) - We visited but didn't see how to use the stuff. It is very, very beautiful.

From the Green Mountain, Pamashto, Peru.

TLGASP.  Querido Guru Maharaj ,por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias, a sus pies. Gracias una y otra vez, por su misericordia de aceptarme como su discipula, se que no puede haber avance en la vida espiritual sin la misericordia de Krishna y sus representantes, los amados maestros espirituales que van por el mundo dando misericordia, en respuesta a los deseos sinceros de querer regresar a Goloka, cuando realizamos nuestra verdadera constitucion y felicidad de eternos sirvientes de Krishna, gracias Gurumaharaj, por aceptarme subir a su barca que nos ayuda a cruzar este turbulento Oceano de nescencia, llevo en mi corazon sus instrucciones dadas en mi Iniciacion como la mas importante Guia para el resto de mi vida, los 4 principios, las 16 rondas y seguir a mi esposo, que es un devoto de tantas cualidades.

HpS - Jaya, Yadu-nandana!

Seguimos fijos todo el Sadhana, programa completo 16 rondas ,Mangala arati, clase del Srimad Bhagavatam, Govinda, Gaura Arati, clase del Bhagavad Gita.... estoy estudiando Bhakti Sastri con Prabhu Laksmana, nos asociamos con los devotos de Tarapoto, seguimos con los Retiros Espirituales en Conciencia de Krishna, que esperamos sea mas fuerte, luego que construyamos la casa Templo en las montañas verdes , que ya estan creciendo y produciendo la tierra, que hemos puesto por nombre Vrindhavam y Nueva Govardham, estamos trabajando en este projecto, estos ultimos 3 años, pedimos sus bendiciones, para terminar este nuevo hermoso hogar de sus Señorias Krishna y Balaram, sin ellas no podremos lograrlo, aca donde abunda el agua,rios, los manantiales de agua pura y la tierra ofrece en abundancia sus frutos, tal vez para el proximo año, tengamos la bendicion de su  santa Asociacion, habra un lugar especial para su descanso, como sabe tuvimos que mudarnos por aca , ya que aqui la delicada salud de Prabhu Yadu se estabiliza. quien intenta servirlo de corazon... Apurva Sundari devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- Fotos, fotos!    Good fotos.  Un Power point with map of where you are in Peru. Who is there with you? What you are growing for your Deities?  Map of our land and neighborhood.    Nice Bhajan, Kirtan.

Thank you all for your association, determination!!!    Now Second Initiation (3rd (4th...)))

Personal Sadhana Report

7 years, 6 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I hope you are getting some rest and recovering from your hectic sankirtan in South America.

HpS - We are, AGTSP!!!    Paoho...  but we also have to deal with the hectic Sankirtan in Murfreesboro, USA.  Ha!   Ha!   Hare!

It is so inspirational to read about your travel and preaching in the blog. I visit the blog everyday to see if you have posted.

HpS - Goodness!!!    Puts more pressure on us to post decent things!!!!

Last month has been very inspirational as well as challenging.

I went to Boise in the beginning of July to take darshan of HH Gopal Krishna Maharaja. This was my first time meeting Maharaja. It was a very nice experience.

HpS - We had a very wonderful dream of him. He was very affectionate to us but we felt that our birth and early culture has given us very dirty character.

Then a couple of weeks back, I got somehow pulled into a dispute between two devotees when I had been consciously trying to avoid getting involved. It was really bad. My chanting suffered a bit. I always considered ISKCON my happy place. It broke my thinking that nothing could go wrong in Prabhupada's institution. I didn't know what to do but in hindsight I think it was orchestrated by Krishna to force me to take more shelter of your lotus feet and demostrate that it is the material world and there is no happy place here.

HpS - In 1974 when we moved into the Temple these things were very tough to deal with, problems in ISKCON. ISKCON San Francisco and ISKCON KRSNA book. Then the Upadesamrta was published and it helped SO MUCH!!   Texts 4, 5, 6 make it clear that there are different levels of devotees and how to deal with them. Of course, there are more and more details as we read P'pada's books.   Avoid the material attachments in other Second Class devotees like us.  Make frienship with them in their purified aspects and preach to their innocent side.  Duck, smile, pat on the back.

What you wrote in the previous Kapidhvaja gave me lots of inspiration to chant with focus after being disturbed - Hold the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada in your heart and chant the maha-mantras there for his satisfaction. I have been chanting 16 rounds everyday and following the four regulative principles strictly.

HpS - You are an inspiration for all of us.

Sankirtan wise, we distributed 49 Bhagavad Gitas last month. Our monthly goal was 45. We have been reading Srimad Bhagavatam in the morning call and are in the second chapter of the first canto now. I gave my first Saturday feast talk too. I think it went ok.

We distributed 10 NOI's by mail and one in Kroegers.

My yonger brother got an admit to do his Masters in University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and he came to the US last week. I am going to the east coast during the labor day weekend to meet him. Since it is 1 hr ahead of Tennessee time, I should be able to attend the FMP during my stay there.

HpS - Great. We will have a big online program that weekend.

Yesterday we celebrated Balarama Purnima in the temple and had Julhan yatra. I was remembering how you asked me in Chennai, if I knew who the author of Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna song was and when I guessed it was Narottam Das Thakur, you corrected me saying it was Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for your causeless mercy and for inspiring me everyday by your example.

Your Servant

Srinatha Krsna Dasa

HpS - Tell us about your parents!!!   Family!

Pratijalpa Asleep in Manipur?

7 years, 6 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Adorado Gurumaharaja: Please accept my obeisances a your feet of lotus!

HpS - ASA - Carrot feet?!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories a Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

My sadhana report: I had a hard time getting up early. As almost for two months I did not get up and was worried, but I think if I try to do the best I can, at least I leave the conscience somewhat quiet. Again I am putting all my effort into doing so and there is always a taste and that makes you try the next day. The good memories that remained in me of the devotees like prabhu kanupandit, p Natabara, so many mothers who inspired me with their example as mother Jambabati, mother Mdhumanyari, mother Astasaki, make me stay and of course his inspiration.

I remember the service of my mothers to you. The Magalartiks in Chosica and everything I lived and learned. All this makes me stay enthusiastic in krsna consciousness. I am very grateful to all the devotees who helped in my spiritual life. I am following sadhana morning and evening.

As always fulfilling the number that I proposed of rounds and readings. After time I went to the preaching center to see M bbs and I was very happy to see that four people from those invited in the street went to the program. Them in some way.

Gopalito has had some friends but always temporary for the changes. I was very worried about him and his association in the colegio.pero understood that really I can do nothing but give the best of me and I pray to krsna to protect a lot gopalito and us to take care of him, since he does not have anyone else Than to us.

I'm still working on selling handicrafts and I'm getting used to working freelance. I walk about five hours a day and I get used to it. I return tired but happy, because I can also preach.

Thank you for your blessings Gurumaharaja!

It is also my wish and wish of Franco to go to Manipur.

He likes to tell me a lot because he sees a calmer atmosphere, less people than in other places in India.

Thanks for all Gurudev, please forgive any offense in this letter .. trying to serve you: Japa prati jalpa Radha dd.

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!!!  Here is wikipedia link:   Maybe in Spanish and seems could be translated very easily. 

If you go to YouTube and look for "Manipuri Dance" you will find incredible things. Maybe you can pick out some of the best. Send us the links. If you get early you will chant better rounds. If you chant better rounds you will have more intense intelligence how to serve Krsna by ... organizing a Manipuri Dance school in South America ... getting a grant for studying Manipuri dance, music, art for 6-months with your family in India. . . 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada Hare Krishna

7 years, 6 months ago by Cynthia in Personal Sadhana Reports

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada, my humble obeisances maharaja,  i do not caculate how much time i have not written here,

HpS - Lonnnnng time.  AGTSP!!!  Very nice to see you in Chile and here.

. . . but i hope in a practical way to continue learning from his preaching, thanks to sri isopanisad of bhaktivedanta swami i am vegetarian, and we know about vedic culture.

Sometimes listen his class, i understand very well his position as representative of krishna and how cautious we should be in taking the initiation.  Actually my position is not to take siksaguru-diksaguru, of any sampradaya vaishnava until i get to be really sincere in my appreciation in this part. It would be very useful for fallen souls like us to have their lectures translated into a book, in order to appreciatte more their preaching from perspective of psychology. There is really a lot of information, i wanted  to tell him that in the end we graduated with a university degree,

HpS - Jaya !    Very well done.

. . . and we  hope to study later a magister in art and musicology, or perhaps another study related to educational philosophy and vaishnava.  I hope to  keep in touch with  you for mercy of Sri  Nitay, write letters to learn from your perspective. Regarding my daughter Mikaela, she is five years old and i am working on our eating habits. She apparently  has two civil nationalities, of  spanish nationality and chile. Thanks to the astrologist  vedic Nilton dhanatha  of Perú we understand your natal chart...

Excuse the english, ...  excuse my offensses ... i hope continue appreciate  the books the Srila Prabhupada in my life. I have the srimad bhagavatam and bhagavad gita and i still can not pass the first song. 

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!  Do you chant "Hare Krsna" mantra with faith some time each day?   Do some regular prayer?