Preguntas sobre "los grandes transparentes"

Todas las glorias a Radha Krishna y  Sri Goura Nitai

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

¡Feliz Janmastami!

Esperando que se encuentre muy bien, le escribo esta vez por algo más personal.

HpS - ASA -- Su vida personal es mas Surrealista!  Prov0cative!

Cuando usted estuvo presente en Chile yo no estuve muy bien de salud, creo que mi cerebro funcionó un 50%,  pero ya me siento mejor.

ASA - Si eso es 50% pienso va a ser Albert Einstein si funciona todos los 'cylinders'.

Recuerdo una conversación donde usted mencionó algo de las entidades sutiles. No entendí muy bien esto, además es un tema que acá en el Yatra de Santiago no se habla mucho.

Yo he pensado mucho en esto. Entiendo que hay muchas dimensiones y realidades paralelas, hay cientos de Semi Dioses que no podemos ver, pero están presentes y a veces podemos sentir.

HpS - Las cu-cu-cucarachas puede ver nosotros, seres humanos?

Hay entidades que están para ayudar a las personas como los Semi Dioses, los Gandharvas y las hadas, pero también hay entidades que no son favorables.

ASA - Bhutas, pretas, kusmandas.

Por skype usted me dijo que hay información sobre este tema en las Sastras y que hay muchas especies de seres sutiles negativos como Bhutas, Pretas, Kusmandas, Viniyakas... ASA - Si.

¿Estas entidades sutiles cómo pueden influir en las personas? ¿Cómo pueden influir en la mente de las personas? ¿Y qué se debe hacer en estos casos?

ASA - Como nosotros podemos influenziar las cucurachas? Cuando entramos en la concima y start the light...   Mejor refuguio es cantar HK/HR sin desviacion, "Eso no funcunciona!".  No importa si funciona o no,voy a servir a Krsna y cantar, HK/HR sin desviacion....

En relación a las entidades sutiles hay muchos surrealistas que también sabían de estas cosas, que existe otra realidad. Muchos surrealistas eran videntes. Por ejemplo, Roberto Matta * hablaba de “los grandes transparentes”.

Y dentro mis surrealistas mujeres que mas admiro, dos de ellas pintaron acerca de esto. Leonora Carrigton y Remedios Varo.

Leonora Carrigton nació en Inglaterra y Remedios Varos nació en España, pero ellas vivieron en México por años  hasta el día de su muerte. André Breton dijo que México era el país más surrealista de todos.

Como muchos surrealistas, Leonora Carrington estuvo encerrada en un hospital psiquiátrico cuando joven.

Buscando en google encontré estas imágenes/pinturas que tiene relación directa con la existencia de seres que no podemos ver.

Gurudeva me gustaría mucho que usted me pueda hablar de estas cosas.

Mañana es Janmastami! Y está de visita en Santiago Srila Virabahu Maharaja.

Por favor reciba mis dandavats.

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

*Roberto Matta es el Surrealista Chileno más importante de toda la historia. Nació en Santiago el 11 del 11 del 11. (11 de noviembre de 1911)

ASA - Fecha bein raro! Todo eso es una pelicula. Somos espiritual no materia. No somos caraters en a movie.

You should be the most sane person in South America. Then it would be Sur Realismo!

Unos enlaces a art surrilista!  Los fotos adjuntadas son super!

Informacion acerca de su esfuerza: 

Hari Bolo

7 years, 5 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Gurú Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

ASA - Nos es igual!

Bueno, como siempre seguimos en Huancayo,

ASA - No deseas nada mas!

. . . . seguimos sobreviviendo. Tuve unas dificultades con mi salud, ya no como frituras, ni harinas, el arroz lo estoy dejando de a pocos. Estoy comiendo cosas mas sanas y orgánicas.

ASA - Cuidado no se convierta en un conejo: Gadia El Mal Conejo.

Bueno, por otro lado nuestro sadhana es 5 am mangal artik, 16 rondas de japa, 4 principios regulativos, luchando con mi lujuriosa mente.

ASA - Tiene que apreciar lujuria es el deseo perturbado llevar cosas disfrutable a Krsna!

Mucha política en Huancayo entre los devotos mayores, muchas diferencias y ofensas. Esperamos que algún dia mejore todo esto.

ASA - 2-minutos despues de su muerta.

Prabhu Jagat Bandhu viene a Huancayo para el mes de septiembre, dará unas clases de Srimad-Bhagavatam y Bhagavad Gita, también una conferencia en la Universidad (aún por confirmar).

Vi la carta que le respondió a mi esposa y me ayuda a tener más inspiración en los libros de Srila Prabhupada y en el sankirtan.

Bueno Gurú Maharaj me despido. Hare Krsna.

ASA - Ayer estuvimos comprando una caja de NOI y otor de Luz de la Bhagavata del BBT.   Oink!   "Stack them up were you can see them and get them out".

Su restaurante, snack, atraya nuevo gente? Clients regular?

Report from Chile, Bhaktin Sole Oyarce

7 years, 5 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krsna Maharaja,
How is it going? How is your health? I imagine the body tired but its awareness as high as ever. How merciful to be able to associate with a pure devotee, and to be sheltered at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.

ASA - Always a struggle with the material nature, no?   On the other hand Her sitimulation can also help us to engage in devotional service. Purify your reactions to Maya, don't give them up!

Maharaja, I was silent for some months without writing anything. The truth has had ups and downs, spiritual life is like a roller coaster, and this last time I've been a little low, my energy, my mood, I have not sung well my rounds, I've had negative thoughts. I avoid feeling guilty, understanding that carrying a spiritual work is difficult, sometimes you just have to have will and keep going, in the fight with the witch.

ASA - Jaya! You must have worked for Mother Teresa in your last life.

However, I am following all the regulative principles, except for the singing of my rounds, which is weak, but day by day making the effort to continue with more force.

HpS - If you don't finish them, then keep track of your debt and when you have the chance make them up!

Please give me your blessings Maharaja not to fall. Could you give me some instruction as to how to follow my Sadhana with more enthusiasm and commitment?

HpS - I don't know your specific situation, but a three very general principles are 1) Associate with devotees, 2) Associate even more with devotees and 3) Call devotees on the phone for friendly talks.

With regard to services, with Abhimanyu Das we are running Food for Life, we are already part of the service globally, being advised by very loving devotees of Cordova and Australia. The team has grown a lot, there are more and more devotees who want to join, whether with donations or providing in the kitchen. We have had some mishaps, such as conflicts, which I believe are inherent in our material condition, the ego in the middle, wanting to have reason all the time and seeing the negative in others, unsaid words, and the result? The conflict, but my learning is to practice tolerance, patience and empathy, I can still obey the devotees who sing Hare Krsna.

HpS - NOI-3, Enthusiasm is more important than tolerance, try to find out what is the cause of the conflict and turn it into a cause for harmony!   Super Chica with her cat, Super-kitty!

Also we are with the kitchen of the Sunday party, the care program for devotees and cooking one day a week to the deities at the time of Brahma Muhurta. We are happy, and personally, I pray Jagannatha much to take me on duty, and from one day to another begins to take many services, which arrived without looking for them personally. I hope to serve Srila Prabhupada properly and that he can feel satisfied,  the service is what does not allow me to fall and keeps me steadfast in my love and thought towards Sri Krsna.

On the other hand, I tell the authorities of the temple of Chile my intention to take refuge with Maharaja Dhanvantari, clearly there are a number of requirements, which I fulfill, only need to take the course of bhaktas. I think that at the moment they are even more demanding than previous years, giving the feeling in the environment that there are many obstacles to take shelter or initiations, stressing a little relationships, I just hope that that improves and the deals are with love and from the trust.

And as far as my material life is concerned, I change jobs again, I'm in a school helping children with "special needs" who are part of an "integration project" I'm also in charge of "school coexistence" This, until our Travel to Brazil to go with Maharaja Dhanvantari be concrete, please give us your blessings.

Maharaja thank you very much for your patience in reading our letters, for solving our questions, for our doubts, for helping us clear our minds, for helping us to advance spiritually. My obeisances Maharaja, I am eternally grateful to have the possibility of associating with you, that it is my Siksa Guru, that brings us closer to Krsna, to have the possibility to be a witness of his Sankirtana, of his preaching. Many thanks Maharaja,

From Chile, in separation
B. Ma. Soledad.

HpS - ASA -- The Indian friends like very much to participate in  Food for Life. Quite rightly they do not like to give money, but will come and cook, distribute, and then when they see a need for bhoga, a vehicle, they will join together and buy it!!   Mehra bharata mahan hai!   My India is great!!!  It can be the very greatest.

Keep up the effort, you will learn how to be an ISKCON woman following the Leader, Srila Prabhupada, personally.


7 years, 5 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to Guru Maharaj HpS.

Hare Krishna.


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Thank you so much for the reply.

Please let me know which flight to book and the details required for booking. Indigo tickets will be available as Indigo flies daily IMF-KOL. Please mail me the details at  x x x

As for H.H Haridas Maharaj, we are expecting him just before Radha Astami. We discussed with Banamali Prabhu and we are already planning the programmes for Guru Maharaj.

In fact, if only Guru Maharaj would agree we would like to have your holy presence for a longer period of time here. Once we sort things with Dr. Samresh I hope we can do better planning. How do I contact him Guru Maharaj? Besides the email of course.

Can we have a japa retreat at Kakching, the place donated to ISKCON recently.....?

Anticipating your merciful reply soon Guru Maharaj,

Yours most fallen servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - ASA -- Did you see this post:
Time was running out. We had to buy the tickets. The exact itenarary is there.  Indigo on Nov 1st and Nov 4th. Will send you Dr. Samaresha's phone number to your secret address above with copy to the Yamnuesvara Das et al.

We can do a wonderful program. Put Manipur at the lead of ISKCON Yatras!

Would like to stay longer this time . but . you see how tight it is also for Mayapur and Kolkata.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja. Sadhana Report.

7 years, 5 months ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I want to thank you for coming, always incomparable, fills us with enthusiasm and looking your complete dedication to Srila Prabhupada's service, inspires us tremendously.  How are you Gurudeva?

HpS - Well enough to chant our rounds!!

We are very worried about those cramps.

HpS - We have an agreement with our stomach that it will get better if don't overindulge in milk sweets.

We would love to be able to visit you some day.

HpS - How is that???  We are visiting right now!

I will try to be brief (I am very happy)

House and plans: We moved to Chorrillos, it is near to the sea, is nice and quiet. We are starting to plan to have an atelier [altar?] with Gandharva, to begin with the Hare Krishna crafts that Gandharva told you, we want to be able to work at home in an activity that keeps us connected with the pastimes of our beloved Sri Krishna.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada said that we could maintain ourselves with devotional paraphernalia. Peru is especially good for that. Start with small ideas and test the market. What things are you thinking of making??

Attention to His Lordships:  I will like to comb Subhadra's hair, in a braid as the temple deity, so, our dear Deity have not hair, but I know how to make small wigs of embroidery threads (soft cotton threads), is it okay if I make one to Subhadra? Do you allow me to do that?

HpS -  Hmmm?   I don't know. Never heard of that before, but we do put clothes on them, crowns, also it is for your home deities not institutional deities.        O.K.  Try it and see if She likes it!

And Gurudeva, why we should not worship the deitys of a solar eclipse?

HpS - I don't know the details. I think it is because the influence of Rahu and Ketu is very prominent. It is like the pregnancy of Diti in the evening - bad time to get a child.

About regulatory principles-studies: We are following the 4 principles, singing 16 rounds daily. We are trying to get up every day for Mangalartik. In winter I always have difficulty doing it every day, but every time we do it more often, there are ups and downs, but we continue to strive. We are taking Bhakti-sastri with Prabhu Laksmana, I must confess that I have neglected my studies, I strongly wish to resume my reading habits.

Improving the Japa: thanks to Gandharva prabhu, I discovered that sometimes I chant omitting 2 Krishnas, or the Hare of the end. So, To correct it now I sing reading the Maha Mantra. I would like to chant with a better attitude.

Service in Wilson: 

-We are doing pujari service 2 Sunday a month (I LOVE to dress and adorn Them very much!)

-We will take care of the general prasadam one Saturday per month.

-Nitya Kishori and I, cooked cupcakes, cookies, and other sweets for the festivals.

And we also have talked with the authorities because we want to commit ourselves in more service, so we will support Jagat Pavitram Prabhu  in the Saturday program, want to stay in the temple for Mangalartik on Sundays. 

Preaching Plans: We (Gandharva, Nitya Kishori and I) are organizing meetings with friends (in houses), to talk about different topics from the perspective of Bg and SB, themes such as happiness, spirituality, body and soul are themes that attracts to many people. Gandharva gives the talk. Also we give them prasadam. People like to share their point of view and their experiences. We try to make them feel very comfortable and give them support (Some go through cancer experiences) We are surprised to see how many people are looking hard to get more awareness.

HpS - Jaya!  They then tell their friends about the englightenment they get and they come to ask questions.   Complete Sankirtan. Nothing else needs to be done.

Thank you for your valuable time and you countless mercy Gurudeva.<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

All Glories to Sri Pancatattva, Sri Guru Parampara, Srila Prabhupada and to you!

Trying to serve

Indira-sakti devi dasi

Chorrillos, Lima-Peru.

HpS - ASA -- Aren't Chorrillos a kiind of fried cake stick stuffed with condensed milk?  Are you working?
Is Nitya-kishori Devi Dasi going to gymnasium for weight lifting?

Hare Krsna Gurudev

7 years, 5 months ago by gurudev in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj,

I offer my respectful obeisances to you, hope you kindly accept it.

HpS - ASA  --   Of course!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is a puppet of your disciple, or perhaps more precisely a puppet disciple of your, who is trying to address you, crying out for help, out of desperation and hopelessness.

HpS -- You also!?    We have the same problem.   Of course, even Narottama Das Thakura!!   Regular things like Full Morning Program, 16-rounds, pull us through the days and we can really see that maybe we make some progress to such a very, very, elevated world as Sri-dhama Vrndavana.


It is like in the midst of an exhausting and confusing condition.  Moments like when Arjuna, before the Kurusetra battle approached Krsna saying: Karpanya-dosopahata-svabhavah .. 

                ‘Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me clearly what is the best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me.’

Yes, I am in the midst of tribulations not knowing what I should do, acknowledging my precarious condition, I cry out for your help. But there is a big difference between Arjuna’s surrender attitude and mine.  There are traces of rebellious attitude originated from a very rooted false-ego; that even is refraining me to run toward you, like your little child that I used to be.

HpS - Smiling, we have to comment that you have always been a little bit of a proud child, but that is O.K.  Radharani all the Gopis are little bit proud in front of Krsna.  This process, community, keeps building up. We go years with different fruits ripening, and then we harvest them.

The remembrance of a meaningful experience in Vrindavan, during the first trip to the Holy dham under your full guidance and protection is my source of inspiration and strength now.  Once, In Varsana -Vrajamandal Parikram; in a childish rebellious attitude, I was walking away from you all, then realising that I was about to get lost not knowing where to go. I turned back toward you, and there you were, watching me from the distance, and immediately, you showed me the path..  so, I just followed you.

This remembrance is giving the strength and pushing me to turn back toward you again. Here you are, watching me from a distance and ready to show me the path again?

HpS - ASA ---  We can try.  We are also learning so many things about how to do proper service.   It is hard even serving on the level of a civilized person, what to speak of Vaikuntha Dhama or... We can hope that your sincerity will inspire Srila Prabhupada to use us as his instrument.


I cannot write details of my personal circumstances in this media. As I mentioned to you before, the blog blocks me ..  Can I have the opportunity to communicate with you through another less public media? Please.

HpS - As always!   We have done it before.    This Blog is like the situation after a class. The class is public, so many people join, then after the class maybe 10, 15 people gather around and ask more intimate questions. It is naturally limiting who will attend. Your questions and perspectives are always so useful for so many devotees. You can articulate things that they can't so they see your well structured questions and say, "Ah, just what I was trying to say", and then read the answer.

Make this Blog some work.

Some people only like the Class, some only the Blog, some Individual Discussions, but doing some work to participate in all these media to some degree is our mercy on others.

Can you try writing to [email protected] with the participation of some responsible male member of your community if you are a lady (as I think you are). We will be very interested in communicating for the benefit of ourselves and the whole world!!


Thank you Sir.

My respects to you, Sir.

 Please forgive me for my offenses to you.

Your puppet disciple