
7 years, 6 months ago by campa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurumaharaja. 

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies y sean todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.


Gurudev espero que usted esté muy bien. Quería compartir con usted que estoy en una etapa de mucho sufrimiento mental, tengo mucha inseguridad como persona.  Estoy haciendo un trabajo con esfuerzo de ponerme al cuidado y protección de Krsna. En mi vida tuve otras etapas de crisis parecidas. Usted podrá pedirle a Krsna que me ayude a sanar?

HpS - Hare Krsna!     Hare Rama!!!

La vida condicionada es muy sufriente cuando uno se siente separado  de  Krsna . Por favor usted me podrá dar un consejo?

HpS - No consejo detallado sin asociacion detallado, pero claro canta HK/HR tan mucho como puede. 64x108 veces cada dia minima es super. 16x108 in cuentas y mas mientras esta cocinando etc. etc.

Estoy tratando de cantar las 16 rondas, siempre estoy ofreciendo las preparaciones a Krsna, leo sobre Krsna. También quería comentarle que estoy en pareja con bhakta Damián, él se hizo devoto, es muy entusiasta. El me habla de Krsna todo el tiempo. Canta 4 rondas y ahora está tratando de subir la cantidad. Con él lo vamos a ir a ver a Chile. 

Gurumaharaja usted siempre está en mi corazón y en mi mente. Realmente quiero ser una buena devota. Se están manifestando en mi tantas anarthas, ver mi falta de amor es muy triste. 

Muchas gracias por ser mi maestro espiritual.

Esperando poder algún día entender que significa servirlo, madre Campakalata dd. 

Hare Krsna. Lo veo pronto.

HpS - Estuvimos con mucha asociacion en Santiago, no?  Era muy feliz para nosotros verse!!!   Ya como esta Vd?    Damian estaba alla?   El es mas viejo que Vd??   Tiene que pensar in Kunti devi. Ella era solo pero sentiendo presencia de Krsna!!!

Hare krsna, maharaja

7 years, 6 months ago by Hector gonzalez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Desde hace varias días había querido escribirle, pero por alguna u otra razón no había podido. 

HpS - AGTSP paoho. For one month wanted to answer your letter but we could not do it because we have been traveling and then means we have many people to meet with every day and no time to meet with peopl in letters.

Aún sigo viviendo dentro del templo en la Ciudad de México. Bastante servicio y variado: raja bhoga, lavar parafernalias, cambiar a la murti de Prabhupada, sankirtan y tengo tres grupos de bhakti vrksa con al rededor de 6 o 7 personas cada uno.

HpS - Very nice!  Is it still the same?

Y estamos preparando un campamento de verano en el templo junto con otros devotos, en el cual vienen devotos de la congregación, por lo general personas nuevas, a quedarse por dos o tres semanas al templo. E intentamos compartir un poco con ellos sobre cosas básicas: etiqueta, cómo hacer los servicios y algunos grupos de estudio y lecutra de los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - For new devotees we like "Prabhupada", the condensed "Lilamrta", biography of Lord Caitanya from Intro to SB, "Science of Self Realization" and read the Texts of Upadesamrta with a Brahmana explaining  each one.

El sadhana va bien, estamos retomando el estándar de terminar las rondas antes del amanecer y mantener ocupada la mente con estudio y lectura personal. Y siguiendo bien los principios. 

HpS - Es un desafio para nosotros tambien con campamiento solo aqui pero estamos adjustndo.

También quería darle las gracias por su asociación el día de ayer acá en la Ciudad de México y esperando que haya llegado con bien a Perú. Estoy muy feliz de haberle visto de nuevo. Es como un bálsamo para el corazón poder verle nuevamente.

 Se despide, Su aspirante a Sirviente bhakta hector. 

HpS - No podemos recordar bien a Vd!!  Un foto?   Algo mas detallado.

Sankirtan report

7 years, 6 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva 

Pamho Agtsp

Disculpe tardarme tanto en escribir, en estos 8 meses hicimos maratones de Sankirtan en colombian, Panamá  y México, tambien trabajamos mucho en Bhakti Vrksa. Todo se lo debo a su infinita misericordia muchas gracias.

Ud me había pedido que lo llamara por teléfono y me daba 2da iniciasion en Gaura Purnima pero fue muy dificil, el presidente del templo de Mexico df P Maharsi d y la madre Asta Sakhi dd me dijeron q estaban desacuerdo con q tome 2da y quería preguntarle si Ud esta de acuerdo en q lo llame en alguna de estas fechas especiales para tomar 2da para mi seria un honor ser aceptado por ud.

También me pidieron preguntarle si ud esta deacuedo con que viaje a la india en Kartika o en Gaura Purnima cuando Ud considere mejor si ud considera bueno q valla, pues el año pasado cuando ud me pidió viajar a india el templo no tenia muchos recursos y no me dejaron colectar pero ahora me dieron la oportunidad de colectar mis tiketes .

Gracias por su inspiración contante, soy un perro a sus pies. Espero su respuesta.

Su aspirante a Discípulo

Vrajendra Kumara Das


Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Pamho Agtsp

Sorry for taking so long to write, in these 8 months we did Sankirtan marathons in Colombia, Panama and Mexico, we also worked a lot in Bhakti Vrksa. I owe it all to his infinite mercy, thank you very much.

HpS - Our mercy is not "infinite", but Srila Prabhupada's and Krsna's sure seems very, very deep to us!   All glories to your mercy also! We feel very humble to see your Sankirtan.

You asked me to call him on the phone and he gave me a second initiation in Gaura Purnima but it was very difficult, the president of the temple of Mexico, P Maharsi d and the mother Asta Sakhi dd, they told me that they disagreed with q that I took 2nd and wanted to ask him if You agree that I call you on any of these special dates to take 2nd for my it would be an honor to be accepted by you.

HpS - I don't remember that we discussed Second Initiation after all this time but it seems like we certainly might have discussed it then.

It is not clear. Maharsi Das and M. Asta sakhi DD did not think that it was a good idea for you to take Second Initiation last Gaura-purnima, but now they think it is good idea?

I was also asked to ask if you are willing [for us] to travel to India in Kartika or Gaura Purnima when you consider it better if you consider it good q fence, because last year when you asked me to travel to India the temple did not have many resources and not They let me collect but now they gave me the opportunity to collect my tiketes.

HpS - Hare Krsna. We can tell you that distributing books and keeping the association of devotees like Aravinda Das et al in general is very good, but we cannot give you detailed advice that it is good for you to take Second Initiation in just a few days or go to India without more detailed knowledge of your life.

We just had very nice talk on the phone with the help of Govinda-pramodini DD and we were also surprised to hear that you are associating with a lady with perspective of getting married. As I remember when we last talked you were trying to remain an enthusiastic Brahmacari.

Second Initiation means that now we are Ladies and Gentlmen for Krsna. So, these things, like marriage, going to India for pilgrimage, Second Initiation, should be part of our exemplary social relations. Of course, you can keep contact with us through the Blog and we do make the effort to be in Mexico for even personal contact, but even if there is not so much of that then we can be in touch with the leaders of your cultured community such as Temple President and others with whom we have relationships and then give good advice on these details.

So, (1) Asta Sakhi and Maharsi were not agreeable for you to take Second Initiation last Gaura purnima, but now they think you have made the proper progress to take this nice step forward?  (2) What is the name of your financee? Is she a member of our glorious ISKCON community? Tell us about her.

Waiting for for your delightful answers with great enthusiasm, like Lord Balarama!

Thank you for your constant inspiration, I am a dog at your feet. I am looking forward to your response.

Your aspirant to Disciple

Vrajendra Kumara Das

Mexico DF

Pd: Sorry I did not serve you the two times I came but we were from Sankirtan marathon.

México df

Pd: disculpe no servirlo las dos veces que vino pero estábamos de maratón de Sankirtan.

Bhadra-rupa Das Becomes PhD!

7 years, 6 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

From: Luis De La Calle 
To: HpS (HHR)  
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 7:01 PM
Subject: Report of the dissertation defense
Dear Hanuman Presaka Swami Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

I am in Bali since 3 weeks ago and dont have the chance to connect with your blog due to i am constantly traveling and i dont have my computer: i apologize not to write you in your Blog.

I would like to shear that my Ph D dissertation defense in sciences of education at Geneva university was very successful, specially when the president of five juries said " you are from now a doctor unanimously ".

By mercy of Srila Prabhuoada I got a very high mark/grade. 

I attached two pictures with the jury commission during and after the defense.

Please, could you give me your blessings to use the knowledge of this degree FULLY for SANKIRTAN?

Thank you

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das


Dear Doctor De La Calle,

Congratulations! I think you never had much other interest in doing this other than helping Srila Prabhupada. Please, please, please write to the Blog as often as you can. There we can get you into the Education Network.

If you look at our last Kapi-Dhvaja you will see the draft of the current ISKCON Education Journal which is just starting.

Congratulations. Take a little rest, light work, then get some perspective on where you go from here.

We will send a copy of this letter to Maha-buddhi Das, our mutual friend, and post it on the Blog.


T r y i n g T o be a Real Monkey warrior

7 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 


I hope You are Ok ¡¡¡

HpS - ASA --- '@'pnp~~

Thank U all so much for this visit ¡¡ We have learned a lot about the appropiate relationship between Guru - disciple

I have a general question ¡¡ I was at the altar yesterday and one devotee was reading about Nectar of SP. Then He says that SP always was very enthusiastic to preach even if He was tired or not too healthy and this immediately remind me Your very goodself, I have the feeling that some of us are too pushy ¡¡¡ and wanted that U support our programs, we want that you be there to present something etc and we do not think very much about your energy, health, etc., I do not know how do you feel about that ¡¡ sometimes we are pretty intense . Please kindly forgive my offenses ¡¡¡ May U give us some comments about this.. The aim is that we have to serve U not the other way around.

HpS - Some people are very much Karma yoga, I want to do, my Guru, devotees, to do what is fun service for me.  Others are more thinking about engaging everyone in Krsna's service for KRSNA.   Like you suggest, we have to go from Karma Yoga to Bhakti-yoga.

I continue with Pujari in Wilson once a week, give Bg class once a week, and I am planning to go to Chosica once a month ¡¡¡ Adhoksaja prabhu has requested our help in pujari. But actually RMV is helping and saving us ¡¡¡

Trying to chant 16 enthusiastic and sincere rounds 
Making more friendship with devotees 

Yoga classes, cardio -....we are reducing the pasta in our diet ¡¡ 

but we keep in our heart what U said when we were having breakfast 

CUANDO HAY QUE COMER SE COME haha but I had gain weight :( but it was with prasadam so I guess is ok je 

I attend a Seminar about Gem Theraphy I had studied this before, but I did not have a certification and that is a must always. it was very expensive but now I can pay, I have recovered in many aspects including my income. My Guruji of gems is an argentinian Agustina Lozada she is well known and recognized she is like my grandma. So I continue helping people in that area, for some devotees has been kind of shocking but since a little girl I was very interested in these kind of things. 

I went with Yasoda to buy some gems for my patients and then we looked a church I asked her can we enter?? she was kind of surprise she felt supported and we find a little Lord Jesus that looks like Gopalito their worshipers even puts chocolates and toys near Him it was so cute, and makes me think that catholics one day may appreciate our deities and do not think that are idols

We treasure in our heart all the precious moments that we shared with You, specially with Jambavati's father .. we just saw the letter from her... We will invite him to our place ¡¡¡ He wanted a copy of the picture of the two of U, which is kind of interesting the photo of my father is included in the picture  ¡¡¡  he reminds me my father :( I feel unprotected sometimes so I have to be the iron cmdd haha but anyway we are very enthusiastic and enlightened  with your last visit

We had sadhusanga with rohini kumar, maria ¡¡¡ 

Ulyses is missing you already as we are ¡¡¡ Thanks for comming to our home 

The phrase of yours that most touched me was this "The definition of our yatra must be our study of the Srimad Bhagavatam" I like SB very much ¡¡¡ SO it is my desire if You give us your blessings to start a PDP course.. Actually we are starting a group with Priyasakhi dd (chile) study of the first two cantos I have the need to revise them again and again even if we are starting the Bhaktivedanta course ¡¡¡¡ I can not believe it ¡¡¡ 

I teach in the Faculty of Psychology so we are going to share your presentation about Jung.. the director asked all the teachers to focus on Psychology in our classes ¡

Well that's it my report in Ekadasi 

Please any advice, instruction, complaint about ourselves. we will appreciate it very much. Tell me in which way I can serve U. I feel i am not doing anything

Thank you for always being there for us

trying to be useful

candramukhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna.   I think your letter represents a lot of people. You are doing quite well. Unless we shock our Godbrothers and Godsisters a little bit with our unique preaching activities (Gem Therapy) then I think we are not really giving our full selves to the preaching. We surprise them, the surprise us, Candravali surprises Radha!

My peal really helped by allergy.

More results with more people sucked into your world. When is your Mom going to take first initiation, Haw!   Haw!   Haw!

Very nice fotos.

Manipur Report India Schedule

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada Maharaja!!   All Glories to Sripada Maharaja!!  

All Glories to Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

All Glories to HpS Guruji Maharaj !!

Please accept my humble obeisanses unto HpS Guruji Maharaja’s padama charan that I had read recent reply of my previous letter regarding the inauguration of my newly constructed house. I can imagine Guruji's impression of material world. In my openion, as a grihasta it is the responsibility of a father for his childred. I will try to follow the systems of Banaprastha and Snyasa after retirement from service and completion of my son and daughters's marriage ceremony. Everything is possible only after the blessings of Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprobhu. 

I came to know from the blog that the last part of Guruji's tour in India is planning for N.E. India specially Manipur. Which date will be more convenient of Guruji's programme in N.E. and in which places? 

I could not get any communication from Haridas Swami because He was also on tour at Bali or somewhere.  If possible I will try to take His suggestions also. What will be about Tripura, Silchar, Guwahati etc.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Guruji Maharja! Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that in last letter I had mentioned that on the Ratha Jatra I narrated the 9.4.50-64 of Bhagavatam in an audence of above 70. In the narration not only the sloka and the translation, the purport of A.C. Prabhupada I took references from Gita and Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu in relation with the character of Ambarisa a true bhakta of Krsna. Broadly discussed the qualities of a Brahmana and the the differences of a Brahmana and a Beisnava. As mentioned in the Bhagavatam clearly that Durbasa Mahamuni was a Brahmana he was not a Beisnava. The meaning of Bhakti and seva. Again on the 23rd July, my turn is comming, so I am now preparing for the difficult task and related explainations.

HpS - Those are very advanced subjects. Very wonderful you have audience to discuss those things!    Is there some sequence, system, that decides which verses, Cantos, you are discussing?

We want to know Guruji's planning of N.E. India programme for our planning.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

All Grories to Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji's Padamacharan that last Sunday the 23rd July, 2017 I had narrated the Bhagatam 9:5:1-15 slokas as a rotation among our four bhaktas. 

Now I am reading the Bhakti Rasamrita Singhu 1 : 2 : 58 in the sloka about the prema bhakti. In the last part of the sloka referred Bhagavatam 10:33:6 in the purposrt of the sloka Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that Devaki, besides being the name of Vasudeva's wife, is also a name of mother Yasoda, as stated in the Adi purana: dve namni nanda bharyaya yasoda devakiti ca. "The wife of Nanda has two names - Yasoda and Devaki".  What it exactly means? Please explain.

HpS - ASA -- I don't know. Sometimes it is like that. People call you by different names.  Of course "Devaki" means of, daughter of, Devaka, which can mean celestial or divine and Yasoda can mean she gives "Yasha" or opulence. So Yashoda is also celestial.  People can call you "Mukta", "Yamunesvara". 

Guruji, I could not hear Guruji's amrtabani for the two to three weeks, I think you might be very very busy. What about Guruji's health? May Krsna helps you.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das 

HpS - If you look at letter from Ambarisa Das about "NIOS Movie" today, we write in detail about our health, energy. We feel very bad we cannot answer all you letter immidiately. You are representative of Manipuri which is great state!! Your are one really nice guy!

We feel like we can be of service.

We have similar requests about schedule from Rtu-raja Das and Bishall.  Here is what we wrote to Bishall!

HpS - Hare Krsna, Bishal et al.    In other letter on NIOS movie I give our current health and energy report. We saw the other letter, but could not answer. You have seen our Calendar, no?

Sept 28-Oct 25th = Delhi, Vraja, Ujjain, Bombay, Australia.

25th - 7th = Kolkata, Mayapura, North east.  Two weeks.  We would, could, just stay with you in Silchar and get good results but our assigment now includes other parts of India, Spain, USA, South America.  What about Manipur and Rtu-raja's Temple?   How can we use those two weeks best for the benefit of everyone?

Yamunesvara Das:  What do you think?  How should we use those two weeks?