Viplavah - Brazil Travel urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope this meets U in really good health !!!!!

I love what I do. This year has been a great blessing for me. I took many workshops in order to improve my teacher and therapist skills. Now I work in one of the most prestigious university in Peru in the field of Journalism. Jaime Bausate y Meza. I have the freedom to teach English the way I like to teach. They read SP papers, I do some little yoga sessions in class. And when they do their presentations they recall that.

I give Bhakti Sastri to mexico, Spain and Bolivia. I do pujari just once a month.

And also I continue developing my gem therapy now with aromatherapy, by the way Gurudeva U told me twice about SP and aromatherapy but U did not tell me the whole story, may You be so kind and tell me the story ...Thank U so much.

ASA -Gauri das Pandita Das told me that he was personally fanning Srila Prabhupada during the Srimad Bhagavatam classes in Bombay(?) and he saw one very nice flower bush and picked one flower and offered it to Srila Perabhupada before the class and before he started to fan him. Srila Prabhupada smelled it many times during the class. He did this the following day and maybe the day after that.
Then he was late getting to the class so he didn't stop to pick a flower and when he got there Srila Prabhupada and started to fan Srila Prabhupada, SP looked at him and held out his hand signalling, "Where is my flower?". So he stopped fanning and went to get the flower for the day. Afterwards SP explained that the flower's fragrance was very nice for adjusting his Prana.

On december 15th I will be on vacations so I would like to translate Viplavah, maybe we can make a team along with Lad?

ASA - Abhirama Th. Das also wants to help. I think he talked with Jagat-guru Das and Mathuresa. Yes, start translating and article that you like and co-ordinate with the Thakura. Is that O.K.? The idea is to produce a second Journal for Hispanomerica that can interact with 'Viplava'. Thank you. Yes, occupy the LAD.

I am having conversations with Devakinandana d, it is my desire to go to Brazil and join all of U. I humble request your blessings.

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. Mathuresa Das is supposed to be talking with Devaki about the travel. We plan to go to Cuzco and Bolivia and then go from there to Brazil. We only plan to stay for one week then go to Argentina, then back to Pay Roo.

Thank U Gurudeva for all your support

Looking forward to see U in march

Candramukhi dd 

Big big news from Mar del Plata

Hare Krishna beloved and esteemed Gurudev,
Please accept muy humble obeisances!!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
I know by the blog, twitter and kdh how you are. But how is your pear tree?

ASA - She, He, It, seems to be doing O.K.    By S(he(it))'s Karma it is forced to stand out in the heat and cold and drink from one leg.  Oooof!   So far it has given one full sized fruit and two short ones. It is not getting any taller fast, 2-meters. Our rose bush is about the same. The gardener thought it was a weed and chopped its head off but still blossoming. How are your trees?

I really liked your proposal to Anuttama Prabhu. We have to make that step!!

I'm glad that your India-Australia tour was a complete success. And that you are recovering. Such great news that you are coming to South America very soon. I hope you can visit Mar del Plata this time.

ASA - So do we. We would like to ride there on the back of a tiger.

Spiritual life: improved a lot after we moved six month ago to Sri Govardhan, our eco village. Living close to a temple sorrounded by devotees makes things much more easy. 
16r 4p ok. Attending mangala aratik 3 times a week. 
We have to improve a lot the quality of our japa.
Material life: Still working as ayurvedic doctor. Our clinic works great. Next year we are going to leave mondays free of work to increase reading and studying. So the scheme will be tuesday to friday to town to work and saturday to monday stay at the farm to enhance spiritual practices.
We started teaching at the university, med school. Big challenge, great preaching opportunities. If you come i hope i can arrange a program there for you.

HpS - That is the program we did at the State Medical College in Manipur: Science, Psyche and SPIRITUAL Health, the Encounter of Carl Jung with the Ancient Mysticism.

Family life: we are getting married to Julieta mataji december 7th. Only civil. Fire ceremony after  one year of living together. She is daughter of a devotee, mother Maria. Very well educated and very fond of living with devotees. She has a very similar level of insanity as myself. Our astrological compatibility is very good. We have His Grace Srila Virabahu prabhu as asram guru. We are reading  also heart and soul connection by the GVT.
Madhu Mangal (Manu) and Bhurijana (Benjamin) are great. Also the Sri Govardhan atmosphere was wonderful for them. They attend gurukula, Madhu is chanting 4 rounds regularly. They have nice service attitude.
Preaching: Mostly to our clients at the clinic. Distribute books at work, like 12 per month average.
We are inviting many devotees to our farm to preach in town. Bhaktigouravani Swami was here last month and this month Hh Mahavisnu Swami and the harinam ruci. On January bramacharis from Buenos Aires mandir are coming
We quit all other engagements to focus in improving personal sadhana and bhajana.
We are creating a study group to start Bhakti Sastri. Prabhu Laksmana Agraja Prabhu kindly provided us with their study guides. The plan is two hours studying individually then 1:30 hs once a week we gather and discuss. Communication via wapp.
We plan to start next january.
Yesterday we had a meeting with Ambarish, Madhavendra Prabhus and Rati Manjari dd to start coordinate your argentinian tour.
Let's read second viplavah issue.
Your stupid disciple,
Nikunja Bihari das.

.HpS - Thank you! Marriage in Kali-yuga seems to be the best use of a bad bargain from any point of view. If everybody blesses you then could be useful (for you and everybody).
Our regards to Madhu and Buri. They got initiated?? Julieta? Maja-jana!...
Interesting you write and we just started having heart arythmias. Every now and then the heart misses a beat. NGD suggested a little more salt one time. It worked, but it really pushes us to think, we can have heart failure at any moment. How ready are to grab our hand luggage and go to the next vehicle. We want to develop an eternal little place at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. Remember our features, our friends, our family. We left them!

We hope your Mission becomes more and more clear. Are you headed in the right direction to understand that? Is this your last life in the materal world?!


7 years, 2 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports

{{Please, confidencial Maharaja}}


Esteemed H. Rama,
We read your letter and we can't say too much because you asked for it to be confidential. Is there some reason. Are you hiding from the Incredible Hulk or Batman or your Wife's Lawyer?     Your report and the topics you discuss are of very universal interest. So nice to hear from you!!
Our Base Camp here in Tennessee was started because of our relationship with Nitai-gaura-sundara Das, so there is a very, very tiny ISKCON community here, mostly retired Indian professionals and intellectuals.

We have a 10foot x 10foot cave, office, and little then an old be nice trailer home attached with no heating. It works for a Sannyasi. So it is difficult to arrange for guests except for couple nights. Some over night hospitality for Ladies and Familys with our congregation members. Neares ISKCON Farms and Temples are rather distant and remote: Murari Farm and Atlanta Temple. But.... why not write some public letters and we can begin to devlop our association that way!   We actually miss hearing from you!


Reporte de Sadhana

7 years, 2 months ago by RukminiQuispeTapia in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Guru Maharaja, estoy aquí en Arequipa luchando con la  mente, en el trabajo hay mucha presión, no me siento muy bien ahí,  pero estoy tratando de entender que como Grhastha lo necesito para mantener el templo.

Mi sadhana está mucho mejor, 16 rondas, servicio de pujari lunes, sábados y domingos, Mangala Arati sábados y domingos, clase de Bhagavat Gita sabados y Srimad Bhagavatm domingo estrictamente.

Estoy apoyando más en la predica y organización de templo, ya llego el momento de hacerse cargo y asumir más responsabilidades. Trato de comunicarme todos los días con los devotos, ya entendí la gran importancia de la asociación, ojala tenga muy buenos resultados, por favor sus bendiciones para tener la suficiente inteligencia y fuerza para mejorar los programas y predica en Arequipa.

Asu servicio

Rukmini Sundari Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna! Mataji!!    Muchas gracias su maravillosa carta. Desculpa demurra responder pero somos media flojo y estuvimos viajando por India y Australia. Espero puede leer Kapi Dhvaja y DTC. Somos mucho recuperado en energia del viaje a India+, pero claro tenemos 70-anyos en est Burro EEUU y la viajez viene.

Pero, no hay obstaculo para serviciio devocional.

Hace dos meces desde su carta?  Que ha pasado?? Festivales??   Quien asista el Templo por la manyana???

was it any way :)

7 years, 2 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

Nanuka: Mortal sins?

HpS - ASA - One of our Disciples from India was worried about this news. So we wrote to H. H. Prahladananda Swami about this and he said that some senior devotees had talked to H. H. Saccinandana Swami about this some time pasted and Maharaja had stopped keeping association with a female Secretary as far as he knew.
Maharaja is not in our circle in ISKCON, so we don't know much more in the way of details.
Thank you.