Viplavah - Brazil Travel urgent
Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva
I hope this meets U in really good health !!!!!
I love what I do. This year has been a great blessing for me. I took many workshops in order to improve my teacher and therapist skills. Now I work in one of the most prestigious university in Peru in the field of Journalism. Jaime Bausate y Meza. I have the freedom to teach English the way I like to teach. They read SP papers, I do some little yoga sessions in class. And when they do their presentations they recall that.
I give Bhakti Sastri to mexico, Spain and Bolivia. I do pujari just once a month.
And also I continue developing my gem therapy now with aromatherapy, by the way Gurudeva U told me twice about SP and aromatherapy but U did not tell me the whole story, may You be so kind and tell me the story ...Thank U so much.
ASA -Gauri das Pandita Das told me that he was personally fanning Srila Prabhupada during the Srimad Bhagavatam classes in Bombay(?) and he saw one very nice flower bush and picked one flower and offered it to Srila Perabhupada before the class and before he started to fan him. Srila Prabhupada smelled it many times during the class. He did this the following day and maybe the day after that.
Then he was late getting to the class so he didn't stop to pick a flower and when he got there Srila Prabhupada and started to fan Srila Prabhupada, SP looked at him and held out his hand signalling, "Where is my flower?". So he stopped fanning and went to get the flower for the day. Afterwards SP explained that the flower's fragrance was very nice for adjusting his Prana.
On december 15th I will be on vacations so I would like to translate Viplavah, maybe we can make a team along with Lad?
ASA - Abhirama Th. Das also wants to help. I think he talked with Jagat-guru Das and Mathuresa. Yes, start translating and article that you like and co-ordinate with the Thakura. Is that O.K.? The idea is to produce a second Journal for Hispanomerica that can interact with 'Viplava'. Thank you. Yes, occupy the LAD.
I am having conversations with Devakinandana d, it is my desire to go to Brazil and join all of U. I humble request your blessings.
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. Mathuresa Das is supposed to be talking with Devaki about the travel. We plan to go to Cuzco and Bolivia and then go from there to Brazil. We only plan to stay for one week then go to Argentina, then back to Pay Roo.
Thank U Gurudeva for all your support
Looking forward to see U in march
Candramukhi dd