
7 years, 2 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis repetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

ASA - Si!

Hare Krishna, Gurudev es grato escribirle mientras escuchaba a Aindra prabhu y viendo fotos de SS Bhakti Swarupa Damodara por youtube, hemos tenido la asociacion de maharaja Pralhadananda Swami en Lima en estos dias muy nectareos, acabamos de realizar el seminario ¨Legado Cientifico de Oriente¨ en la ciudad de Huancayo gracias a sus bendiciones hemos podido tener exito en este servicio, distribuimos Bhagavad Gita y otros libros de Srila Prabhupada. hemos tenido el auspicio de la Embajada de la India y nuestras relaciones estan creciendo a traves del embajador interino Vijay Kumar Kukreja y el Dr. Aayam Gupta.

Gracias a la asociacion de los devotos seguimos inspirados en el servicio y el canto de los santos nombre en japa y kirtan.

mis reverencias querido Gurudev, Hare Krishna.

HpS -ASA -- Gracias su carta. Son noticias super. Con quien estaba trabajando en Huancayo???

Hemos oido nada mas de sus relaciones con La Junta Nacional. Son tranquilos?

Jay Braja and Vasis!!!

7 years, 2 months ago by Braja in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Although it is the first time I write, I met you in Vrndavan a long time ago and since then I have followed you.
For some time I have intensified my practices of Bhakti-yoga (I am already a certain age) And I would like to share with you a little my accomplishments, and listen to your sweet and wise answers.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho.  Well we will try but they may be sour and stoopid. AgtSP!!  All glories to your service.

I wish with all my heart to become crazy for Krsna, and feel that every atom around me serves to remind me that He kindly lets us ignore Him at every moment, in every atom, as the personified forgetfulness, matter.
A father, a friend, a beloved, a well-wisher, who is able to endure our refusal to look at him in every step and look we make in his material body, the separation of Krishna personified.
The personified goodness of the Supreme Father.

More than ever I realize that accepting time-space-context is another bad action towards the impatient play of receiving our attention at every moment, and getting angry, too.

ASA - Well it may be useful for purification and for preaching, no?

In a recent letter he talks about the madness, the madness of Lord Caitanya. Please talk a little about that madness, and yours too, for the pleasure of this insignificant, das das anudas, lost

I saw fire, I saw water and earth explode where I looked. 
I saw my body untouched. 
Thirsty for the nectar of the Sun and the Moon of the East. 
Oh Nitai Oh Nimai !! 
Now I understand your great bodies, 
The nectar rivers that deliver, 
They are very very large 
So big that God has to get bigger To be able to distribute them.

HpS - ASA -- Srila Prabhupada, Krsna Das Kaviraja, speak about Lord Caitanya's ecstacy at

Is O.K. no??

Our ecstacy in many ways is just to try to avoid 'ecstacy' of tongue, belly and genitals (NIO-1). Beyond that, in Kirtan we get some regular enthusiasm to dance. We do feel that inspite of our hypocrisy and selfishness, by Srila Prabhupada's mercy, we are becoming a little light internally. By your nice letter and enquirey we get motive to advance.

Who are some of your associates?  Can use Pseudonymns if you like, Eli Fant, Camel La.

adored gurudev. august and september report

7 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accet my humble obeisances a your feets of lotus

ASA - Lettuce feet.

todas las glorias a Ud !

ASA - Todas Glorias a los Devotos Reunidos.

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

ASA - !  ! !    !!! 

we are living in the rolling countryside in the middle of the mountains. my sadhana is regular

. We had problems with the police hahaha !! the neighbors complained about seeing the box.

HpS - "box" ??

but now We are camping now. Gopalito goes to the river and is happy.

I have some projects of preaching in this area, with dance. I ask for your blessings. please pray for us to travel to India. excuse me that just write to you we are living alone with sunlight through solar panels and I have almost no contact with the internet. I wish you very happy in vrndavam dham !! I remember and miss him very much Gurudeva, but I will take refuge in serving him through my service. You. he told me in my dream: he has to see his life ... also dream recently with Srila Prabhupada, I saw him happy ready to predict putting on his coat. I ironed his clothes. what eyes so expressive and what vitality I saw in Him !! It is the first time you remember .. having dreamed of Srila Prabhupada

. I forgot to tell you that a few months ago I gave a dance workshop in a city near Cordoba. It was nice experience.

gopalito has ladhu gopal as a playmate !!is you good and great friend!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending me information about manipuri dance. I want to rehearse more than what I see .. it is strange that I always saw this dance but now I just like it so much !! .. much more than baratha natyam u odissi.

I will be sending you the links that I like. bimbabati devi dasi and almost all dances like the avatar stotra are so beautiful !! thank you for allowing me to serve you in this way, allow me to meditate with great love and feeling in this SACRED ART.

I also ask you to pray for my beloved Gopalito son and for a franc to be closer to a good association of devotees.

thank you for all your inspiration.

 your aspiring maid: japa prati jalpa radha dd.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!  AGTSP.   What is Sr. Franco's Mission!??

Remembering Sripada Swarup Damodara Maharaja....

7 years, 2 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!

PAOHO at Your sweet Lotus feet.....we miss the feet so much!

HpS - Must be Srila Prabhupada's kindness on one of his more hyposcritical of his disciples.

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Hope our mail finds Your good self at the best of health.

HpS - We're all going to die!  (Then take birth again).

We are missing Swarup Damodara Maharaj so much....on the occasion of His 80th Vyasa Puja. Glorifications will be held at Shree Shree Radha Krishnachandra Mandir as well as at Shree Shree Radha Damodara Mandir, Toubul. Already feeling ecstatic....we are starting Nagar kirtan at 2pm from Sripada's Samadhi till the  Toubul temple today. Tomorrow we are planning to distribute books and some spiritual items along with a calendar ....of course not to forget the grand prasadam. We are still working on the cake too!!! We are eagerly waiting for Your grace and mercy dear Guru Maharaj.

Haridas Maharaj will be arriving here on 25th Nov. We will continue with our Bhakti Shastri classes  the moment Haridas Maharaj permits us to do so.....we are eagerly waiting for it.

Guru do we go about subscribing Solaris? If possible we would like to start distribution on 20th Dec, Guru Maharaja's Vyasa Puja. Last sunday we started some book distribution....  the first to go from our hand was Vaishnava song book, 2 copies of NOI had been distributed today.....feeling very happy about that.

Your struggling, humble servant

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Very, very nice report. We are inspired!!    Can you send some photos of RIMS program  to [email protected] so that we can use them in our NIOS Report???
"Solaris" is still very individual. Watch for news about participation etc. here.  Our respects to the Professors and at RIMS.    Martial arts school!!!
We have so much to do for H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 2 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

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Submitted by mukta singh on Thu, 11/23/2017 - 06:33

HpS - Received by ASA 27 Nov.


All Glories to [Srila] A.C. [Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila] Prabhupada, Sripada Maharajam [Maharaja],

All Glories to Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda, Ki Jay!

Guru Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that after Guruji's reply I have more courage for reading more and more books. The meaning of Guruji's sankirtan is reading and chanting more.

As Haridasa Swami informed me that the Navadwip parikrama will start from the 18th Feb. 2018 by registration so we have booked Air Tickets  for the 17th Feb. 2018  and reaching Navadwip by evening and leaving Mayapur on the 4th March. After the parikrama we will go to Jaganath Puri by train on the 26th and will return on the 28th morning. We will join the Goura Purnima at Mayapur.  If Guruji’s India programme is fixed it will be a golden change for us to see and served Guruji during Navadwip parikrama. We are trying to join in the English speaking team (group).

The quotations reffered by me is from the BRS. I will mention the exact contects in my next letter because I am now in the Office and could not remember the sloka nos.

The kinds of Bhakti is compare with Sugarcane-liquid sugar-redsugar-white sugar- specialised sugar as Bhava-prema-sneha- Raga (rati)- Mahabhava. Mahabhava is only in Radharani and not others. Prema is the condence form of Prema. All such sintoms were spring up in the hears of the bhaktas by the marcy of Bhagavan Sri Krsna and  the representatives of Krsna. 

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Because of the strain on the body we have decided not to come to India again in January. If we live that long I guess we will come at end of year 2018, but very, very much want to hear about your Yatra programs in Nabadvipa,Puri etc!!        Who is translator of your BRSindhu???


Jagamohan Das

7 years, 2 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna por favor Acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Mi Querido Gurudeva gracias por responder.

El Sadhana que estoy llevando ultimamente es un bastante irregular voy a intentar mejorarlo haber si se me despejan las dudas.

Intentando ser su humilde sirviente Jagamohan Das.

HpS - Siempre hay nuevas desofios, oportunidades, situaciones, entonces nuevo reaccion de nosotros. Como va a servir VD Srila Prabhupada. Comunicar con Srila Prabhupada con experiencia DIRECTA por media transparente de associacion de buen devotos, libros, paramatma, deidades!!

Feliz ano nuevo!