Personal Sadhana Report
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!
It was so nice to hear from you when I was in Boise. I had a wonderful time in Boise. This time, my yonger brother Sriram had also come. I got sick just before leaving Boise, and there is no better place to get sick! All of them were taking such good care of me. I definitely don't deserve it, but such is the nature of Vaishnavas that they show love and compassion to everyone.
I have been chanting 16 rounds everyday and following the 4 regulative principles. On a few days, I feel nice satisfaction after my rounds, but on most days, it eludes me. My morning program is not stable and I can see from your instructions that stabilizing my morning program will help fix that. It is a work in progress.
The university program we started here concluded for the semester last week. It was a decent start. About 15 students on an average attended every program. Lots of improvements can be made there. We will start the program again next semester.
The soundcloud account ( now has 228 lectures. On an average about 35 lectures are heard in a week. I have dowloaded most of your Srimad Bhagavatam lectures from esanga to be uploaded here. The filenames need to to cleaned before uploading them. If any of my godsiblings have a recording of your lecture that isn't there in iskcondesiretree or in esanga, I request them to send it to [email protected] so that all of us can have access to that.
I have been travelling a lot in the last couple of months. I was in Dallas last week. My office had arranged a "look-see" trip to help us make our decisions regarding relocation. I went to Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji temple for the sunday feast. I loved the deities. Kalachandji had such a big smile and He reminded me of Lord Varadharaja in Kanchipuram. I experienced the aspect of Krishna being personally present in the deity form. It was a surreal experience. It was as if Krishna was reciprocating to my feelings after taking His darshan. I mostly think I'll be relocating to Dallas next June, but I want to make the decision after coming back from India.
Next week, I am travelling to India. After the visa interview, I am going to Mayapur for a few days before joining Radhika Ramana Prabhu in Kolkata on 19-Dec. On 20-Dec, the day of your Sri Vyasa puja, his friend is taking us around Kolkata to show us the places where Srila Prabhupada performed his pastimes. This would be my first Vyasa puja celebration. How would you like me to serve you Guru Maharaja?
HpS - Write shorter letters. Ha! Ha! It is hard because there is so much happening, but you have to pick the highlights. Prioritize. So much ahead of you!
Then we travel together to Vrindavana the next day where my parents join us. I again beg for your mercy so that I can go to Vrindavan in the right mood and see beyond the veil of Kali yuga.
HpS - See attached foto!
Your servant
Srinatha Krsna dasa
HpS - Wow! You are so fixed in service. Please get fixed in getting up early or it seems you may burn yourself out! O.K????
We are you servants!
Please get up early in Vrndavana. Smell the air. Walk quietly for a little bit!