Bhagavat Purana is Superior. The Voynich Manuscript, probably a Big Joke on Scholars

2 weeks ago by etasa in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Gurudeva,

Same old, same old, as they say. Nothing particularly exciting to add, except that existence feels more like waiting to complete a jail sentence in this realm than anything else. Evil always seems to pervade over good in every corner of this world.

One may wonder: Is what we were promised in the sastras truly delivered, fully developed, or attained (for the lack of a better term), or is it all a fantastic hoax? Humbly, I reiterate the question from my previous report that remained unanswered:

HpS - AgtSP. Previous report?? Did not see it! 😲

So, nice to hear from you.

"The devotees of the Lord, therefore, make the best use of the bad bargain by utilizing the temporary creation in the service of the Lord."

We are in a prison. There is chance for psycho-therapy, occupational training, family counseling. We want to get out, but right now this is the best place for us. We become ready for the spiritual world. Not dumped back into prison again after three months out because of our violent nature and inability to make money nicely.

We can even become psychologists and guards!

I would like to ask about CC Madhya 22.158, regarding siddha-rūpeṇa. I've read a brilliant article by Vraja Kishor Prabhu on Madhurya Kadambini titled Why Our Japa Still Stinks, where he suggests a logical progression to improve Japa by using the eight steps of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra as a template. The immediate goal would be to finally reach some substantial improvement in concentration, thus leading to nishta-bhajan (Dhyana and Samadhi). The author emphasizes that after Pratyahara, or trying to leave behind the "false" identity to stop distracting thoughts successfully, it is crucial to fill that gap with a "real" identity fit and ready to serve Krsna in a particular way, embracing this role internally, Dharana. Even if, at the beginning, it is a faceless character, chanting from such a role is what allows more depth while chanting.

Of course, this seems to be a very personal practice, but this devotee insists that if we think we are not qualified for it, we shoot ourselves in the foot. What is your advice on this matter? What do you suggest as reading/practice to start working towards that step? Is any specific approach facilitated by the spiritual master, or does it all fall into a homogeneous, holistic, general instruction?

ei nivedana dhara, sakhira anugata koro, seva-adhikara diye koro nija dasi

Thank you very much for giving me shelter, Dear Gurudeva.

Respectfully and affectionately,

Your servant,

Etasa Krsna Das

HpS - Preparing for Friday night class. Stomach ache. 90-degrees Fahrenheit. 🙂

Same as you, no?

We think about above a lot.

We remember Srila Prabhupada says, that for every stage in the Astanga yoga system, there is a corresponding stage in the Bhakti yoga system.

In our practice it seems so.

Above description of stages in contrast seems fine. We see little different but not means we are better.

Don't remember exact list from SP of the comparisons.

Eg. we take Pratyahara as the change when we stop letting the drum play us and we play the drum.

In the beginning it is very gratifying to the senses to beat the drum in regular strong strikes. It is sense gratification.

Because it is dovetailed with Hari kirtan it is like Nama-bhasa. It liberates us. We like the freedom.

Yet, we are not withdrawing from the external sensual experience and hearing the meaning of the Mantra or trying to use the percussion to ornament, illuminate, the Mantra. When that happens, even though it may not be ecstatic for the senses, we feel ecstasy, satisfaction in illuminating the meaning, punctuation, for the Mantra.

We take it to a deeper level.

Of course, the senses begin to like this position more than their blind, juvenile, gratification with no depth.


Is one idea.

Chanting and Dancing obviously handle aZana and prAnayAma, no?

Four principles, Tri-sandhyas ~= Yama, Niyama.

When you come to Goswami ... ? .... nistha/ruci... you start Raganuga Bhakti. Goswami, male, female, eunich, must be very intuitive: Gita = jitAtmana prasAntasya paramAtma samAhita, Intro to NoI = Once one becomes goswami everything else about how to advance will be automatically revealed.

So, our use of Srila P's books becomes more intuitive, not so regulated and linear, German, when we reach goswami - Pratyahara/dharana/dhyana.

Also, not like quantum jumps - You are Nistha! or you are Ruci!

More like a Bell Curve.

I might be little bit of neophyte, mostly Nistha, beginning Ruci and sometimes Prema (once every five years).


If we want to discuss more we should organize a colloquia, no? 🙂

References: To Dance in the Downpour of Devotion: A Summary Study of Madhurya Kadambini by Vraja Kishor.

Picture: The Book of Hours at the University of Chicago

Requesting your blessings and guidance

2 weeks, 3 days ago by madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj.

Please accept my respectful obeisance and gratitude.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Pray this finds you well, and healthy in every aspect (as much it can be).

It was very inspiring, enlightening, and touching reading Balabhadra Prabhu's letter. I couldn't help, but some tears came out, it was out of appreciation for Balabhadra Prabhu's greatness and humility, being vulnerable, revealing his mind (oh Krishna, it is a precious gift, a Vaisnava treasure that he kindly is sharing with all of us).

My humble prayers to Krishna, may Sri Krishna reveal more and more of the sweetness of His heart to Balabhadra Prabhu and then, he can keep sharing with us, so we can chew that nectar too. Jai Srila Prabhupada!!

On the other hand, I wanted to let you know that finally, I got a ticket to Spain ( Sep 8th -Nov.25th) and then India (Nov 26th - Dec 30th), with your blessings may this plan take place..

HpS - We, agtSP, always remember a citation from the KRSNA book where Srila Prabhupada says that great devotees, like Narada Muni, go from different Holy Places to others and in route they meet and deliver many innocent people. So, while traveling   expect Krsna to send innocent people. Have literature. Peanut prasadam.

  1. We have to be pure: 16/4/FMS.
  2. Krsna will send innocent, curious, people.
  3. They have to be tolerant of mistakes in our preaching to understand what is the real situation of this material world.

There is another issue that I humbly request your guidance and blessings. My younger sister (Madhan Priya) who has been away from Krishna Consciousness, has shown some interest in reconnecting with devotees despite the challenges of her current circumstances; to encourage her and help her to reconnect with devotees, I am thinking of inviting her to visit Spain and spend some time with devotees while I will be there, and if you consider this appropriate, I could try to help her to do so and ask authorization to [from] H. H. Yadhunandana Swami for her to stay on the farm too. Maybe this can be an opportunity for her to regain faith and trust in devotees and Krishna Consciousness. Is this okay Gurumaharaj?

HpS/ASA - We don't know the details of the situation, but in general I think the New Vraja Mandala Yatra is great!!!

The only thing is that they have limited space to accommodate people so you have to be careful about that!

For yourself and her self, no?

I think Yugala kishora Dasi and Yasoda from Peru are coordinating that.

My parents passed away long ago and I haven't seen my siblings for almost 20 years, it seems that I won't be able to visit Peru soon, so if I can help to spark a bit of my siblings' spirituality and connection with Krishna, it would be a good fortune. I want to ask for your authorization to invite Madhan Priya to Spain and perhaps India if you consider it appropriate.

HpS - Again we don't know the details of the travel, her character etc. but in general it seems like a fine idea.

Ladies need to be a little tough and adventuresome to travel and stay in different places but some girls are like that, love it.

My Mother was that kind of person.

Thank you Gurumaharaj.


Madhumanjari dd

HpS - Thank you!!! We pray that you can get free from all of your 'vasanas' from this life and previous lives. You seem to have been involved in Vedic culture for several life times.

Reporte de Medio Año

2 weeks, 3 days ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, espero se encuentre bien.

Sigo en Huancayo, por lo pronto.

Salgo a Sankirtan solo 3 o 4 veces al mes.

Trabajo con un devoto por lo pronto y colecto algunas veces con la Astrología.

4 principios, 16 rondas y Mangal Artik 5 am.

Lectura del Krishna Book.

Me despido Guru Maharaja. Hare Krishna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja, please accept my respectful obeisances, I hope you are well.

HpS/ASA - 👦 🐒🐒🐒 .. . 🐽 We are 97% dead. 🙂 Maybe just like you. It 🌞 is at 7.31PM. Body has some acid indigestion we are 55% deaf etc. Yet, we are being permitted to do some simple work in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan movement! Thank you for you letter.

I'm still in Huancayo, for now.

I go out for Sankirtan only 3 or 4 times a month.

I work with a devotee for now and collect sometimes with Astrology.

4 principles, 16 rounds and Mangal Artik 5 am.

Reading the Krishna Book.

I say goodbye, Guru Maharaja. Hare Krishna.

HpS - AgtSP. Thank you!!! Please turn all your activities into Sankirtan, no? If you do astrology, connect it to Sankirtan?

Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!!

Let us go to the next letter!

COme with us. Make comments as you see necessary.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

Personal Reflections

2 weeks, 6 days ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to Srila Prabhupada; all glories to your good self, his devoted servant and disciple.

So many things have been going thru my mind since my last letter.

HpS/ASA - We, agtSP, have so, so, so..., so,..... so, ... so.. many thoughts that go through our mind, no? In one nights sleep, so many dreams, morphing into different things!

I think about the temple every single day still. I think about the devotees there: wondering how they are doing, if they ever think of me. I think about the offenses that I must have committed in my past life (lives); offenses that have led to this current separation from devotees: such agonizing sadness.

HpS - Visit once a month on Sunday with your pitbull tied up outside with a water bol. [Hari Bol!]

I sit outside in my backyard in the evening hours. It's peaceful and quiet. I find myself reflecting on what kind of life I was living before I came to Krishna consciousness: lost, dazed and confused.

As a child I was often lonely and alone, walking along the deserted beaches of NY, wondering why I was born.

As a young adult I got lost in the hippy world of drugs, sex and rock n roll: always asking myself what I was supposed to do with my life.

As my youthful years continued to pass on, I became more and more scared of a bleak future. It was then that I came to Krishna consciousness.


Now, I'm an old man...


...with most of my adult years having been lived as a devotee.

These days I find myself feeling sad because I still don't know what is Krishna consciousness;

HpS - Ha! Ha! Ha! Most people never ask!

Of those who ask, most people stop asking or caring, no?

I still don't know what is happiness, or what is love.

HpS - You must know or you would not be thinking that you don't have it, no?

Do you miss not having PeaMeakey?

I can only understand that I am getting older, and death is coming closer with each passing moment.

HpS - Then you will get a new body! You will be a Major League baseball pitcher with thousands of fans. Girls smiling to get you autograph.

You will be rich and famous

and ???? never go to Church on Sunday!!!

All the root beer you can drink.

Nothing for worth lamenting??

Or maybe we will all be with Nimai in Nadiya???

Yes, I understand the Bhagavad gita because I read it daily, even as much as I read Srimad Bhagavatam, chant Hare Krishna every day and worship my Deities every single day.

But my realizations are extremely shallow at best, and offer little comfort as a result.

Coming to terms and accepting these facts makes me very sad and unhappy.

My greatest moment of comfort is in the early morning hours, doing my japa in the peace and quiet of my living room temple, with some soft flute ambiance.

How I wish that those mangala hours could hold back the rising sun which results in dogs barking and people rustling and hustling about, disturbing my thoughts and meditation.

There is some solace when I am reflective on my life during those warm evenings in my back yard.

The evening air is cooling and inviting, pacifying my mind. Too bad the darkness follows soon afterwards.

HpS - What about your Uber clients? Any talk with them about the Taste in Water, the Light of the Sun.. the..??

Whatever happened to those evenings when devotees used to come to our home and celebrate Krishna katha, kirtan and prasadam? Where are they all now, in my hour of need for their friendship and association? So sad that they are so close, and yet so far. Where and when did I go wrong? In the Bhagavad gita Krishna says "suhrdam sarva bhutanam." He is the ultimate friend; He hasn't left me: and yet this loneliness and sadness prevails in my heart. How is it that I didn't see this period of separation and sadness coming?

I could go on and on in this manner in this letter, but I will not because I do not wish to simply lament for the sake of lamentation in some mood of self-pity. I simply needed to share these thoughts with you because I literally have no one else to share them with. Please kindly bless us, my wife and I; and kindly forgive me for annoying you with my foolish sentiments and thoughts.

Your lowly servant,


HpS - AgtSP. Paoho. Please talk with Niti-sara Das about what service you can perform at Banki bihari's Temple. What mistakes you should avoid and tell us the result!!

Remenbered Gurumaharaja

2 weeks, 6 days ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Remembered Gurumaharaja please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. all glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to my dear Gurumaharaja!       

   I hope You are in good health and always happy in Your wonderful awareness of our beloved Govinda.    

Please forgive me for taking so long to write to you. We were very sick with Dengue. Franco and Gopal got sick while I was still well so I was able to take care of them. but then he gave it to me. They were very intense pains... that made me think... it's not so bad to leave the body 😅 I thought it was a relief from so much pain that I felt. I didn't leave the house for a month. and happily I have already recovered.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!! Paoho..... Death is the sum total of all possible bad experiences. Being a carrot is like having Dengue your whole life, no?

I was trying to make a nice letter for you but I always saw so many flaws in it that I never finished it. I hope to send it to you soon. This letter is only to inform you that I am still alive in this body and that I offer you my tolerance to pain and despite that by the mercy of him Gurudev I maintained my strict morning and evening sadhana and my beloved rounds and readings,etc.

HpS - When we do Mangala arati we forget we have disease.

   Also tell you that whenever I read a verse, whether in the morning or at night, something happens to me during the day that has to do with that verse that I read. I feel Prabhupada so alive... he is speaking to me... He is so wonderful and I feel so lucky to be able to read him and be eternally grateful for His sacrifice... that he made for us... ... I speak to Him in his photo thanking him a lot, asking you to allow me to follow you eternally and help you in your mission... I am still looking for my way on how to do it.  I think I am good at always preaching to new people and apparently that is my service. I still remember when you asked me: is his newsletter for devotees or for new people? . I think from the experiences I've had, I can say that he talks to new people.    I'm looking at how to lead the dance well with the wonderful verses from Prabhupada's books and the main idea of ​​what we do.  I also see myself as I have been slowly understanding Krsna consciousness.    

   I ask for Your blessings please Dear Gurudev to be able to help Srila Prabhupada in his mission... so many people are suffering a lot... it has been 12 years that I have been talking daily to people in Córdoba... and sometimes I just go on the bus and I have intuition to tell the person next to me. Do you like to read?  and they tell me yes or more or less... and I give them the vedabase. Then they tell me how you knew it was so bad and they start crying because they have a relative with cancer... I get a lot of stories like that... and I always thank Prabhupada for this knowledge that he gave us.                   

HpS - Amazing. Most everyone is suffering, but they don't show it publicly.

  Thank you Gurumaharaja for your sweet association in Peru... now I dreamed about you 4 times... and I can write to you... and I think... there will come a time when I write to you and you no longer respond to me... I still don't want to talk about you. He will leave us this year... but I must understand that I will be able to listen to him and serve him in my dreams, while I am in this body and eternally.                      

  Please forgive any offense in this letter.  Gopal my son turned 12 on MAY 15. Please ask for your wonderful blessings for Him. He wrote a message to you. Can I send it here in my next letter?

HpS - Sure!!

Please accept obeisances from Gopal, Franco and mine.          Without realizing it I deleted all the new WhatsApp chats... I hope I didn't delete his message. I was worried about that. I still haven't received Asa's number from him to give it to Franco.

HpS - We just WhatsApped our number to you!!

      In an old letter you ask me if I remember my previous birth... I don't think I remember anything. Sometimes I think I would like to know. maybe it helps me improve my service now. Should I investigate it?

HpS - Not necessary of regular Sankirtan and Meditations. Can make us more serious about our Yoga in this life!!

     trying to please his beautiful heart: Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi

P.D.Were you able to see the video offering to You that I made for Your vyasa Puja?

HpS/ASA - Yes. Dance on fire until the end, music (Hari Kirtan) is your only friend.

It's the song I did for Prabhupada. I sent it to you in writing on the last day of the celebration for Srila Prabhupada's disappearance. The audio of my voice still needs to be improved, but I wanted to offer it to you in His vyasa Puja.

HpS - Thank you! Send Art-Gopal! Lots... !

Maybe look at "peterdraws" on YouTube to get some communication skills. He has 1-million followers.

Be nice if they followed him to Nabadvip where Nimai is playing.

Urgent news_Report from Lalita Gopi DD

2 weeks, 6 days ago by dolores lalita chavez in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Solamente me estoy reportando, aunque no son noticias urgentes. Y es que solamente retome el Priority Code que nos dio durante el programa del domingo pasado, 30 de junio 2024. Angirasa (ACBSD) y yo estamos bien, aunque mi caso es que tengo problemas con presencias sutiles. Así como el de la mataji Divya Drsti, quien en algún tiempo expresó en un FMP. Nos hemos apegado a las oraciones para el Sr. Nsrimhadeva y eso nos ha ayudado mucho. Y, por supuesto, mi esposo me apoya mucho, ya que él también tiene la facultad de percibir dichos entes.

La rueda del tiempo nos está afectando en la salud y en nuestros apegos materiales. Cada vez mas le tememos a situaciones nuevas y al entorno, en general. Le agradezco su misericordiosa asociación en los programas de Mangala Aroti, que nos ha dado la constancia para perseverar en el canto del Santo Nombre y en el canto del gayatri. He estado cantando las 16 rondas, aunque cuando entro a clases, me vuelvo irregular.

Le agradezco su misericordiosa asociación en los programas de Mangala Aroti, que nos ha dado la constancia para perseverar en el canto del Santo Nombre y en el canto del gayatri. He estado cantando las 16 rondas, aunque cuando entro a clases, me vuelvo irregular.

Todavía estamos con el trámite del retiro de la UNAM y simultáneamente vamos a retomar impartir clases durante este semestre Otoño 2024, para poder participar (via Zoom) en el Congreso de Ecología y lo Sagrado. Asimismo, he estado tratando mejorar el nivel de inglés.

Hemos seguido de cerca la información sobre la fundación del North American Teacher Training College y los felicitamos por tan grande esfuerzo y la oportunidad de servicio para todos. Mi esposo y yo estamos analizando y tratando de hacer arreglos para poder visitarlos el próximo año 2025, con la intención de poder participar, según nuestras capacidades.

Que Krsna le brinde salud y nos permita seguir con su santa asociación.


I'm just reporting, although it's not urgent news. And I only returned to the Priority Code that you gave to us during the program last Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Angirasa (ACBSD) and I are fine, although my case is that I have problems with subtle presences. As well as that of Mataji Divya Drsti, who at some time expressed in FMP.

We have stuck to prayers for Mr. Nsrimhadeva and that has helped us a lot. And, of course, my husband supports me a lot, since he also has the ability to perceive these entities.

The wheel of time is affecting our health and our material attachments. More and more we fear new situations and the environment, in general.

I thank you for your merciful association in the Mangala Aroti programs, which has given us the perseverance to chant the Holy Names and gayatri. I have been doing 16 rounds, although when I go to class, I become irregular.

We are still in the process of withdrawing from UNAM and simultaneously we are going to teach classes during this Fall 2024 semester, to be able to participate (via Zoom) in the Congress of Ecology and the Sacred.

Likewise, I have been trying to improve my English level.

We have closely followed the information about the founding of the North American Teacher Training College and we congratulate you for such a great effort and the opportunities of service for everyone.

My husband and I are analyzing and trying to make arrangements to be able to visit them next year 2025, with the intention of being able to participate, according to our abilities.

May Krsna grant your health and allow us to continue your holy association.

Your useless servand

Lalita Gopi DD

HpS - Thank you for the news!!

Respects to Sriman Angira rasa Dasa.

What is the Congress of Ecology and the Sacred???

If we were intelligent we would be afraid of material life from very young age, but old age is a good friend of a devotee, so that we begin to be afraid of material situation.

Our short term memory, intelligence, like our hearing, diminishes, so we rely more on our intelligence, perspective, understanding, Buddhi.

Then we begin to see how fundamentally unstable, unintelligent is this world.

So..... Hari Bolo! We are more inclined to grab the rope that KRSNA is throwing, no?