Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja por Nanda Raja das

7 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Francisco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja.
All glories To Srila Prabhupada.
All glories To You dear Gurudeva.
If you wish, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances, prostrate at His Lotus Feet.
On this very auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, I would like to try to describe some of your unlimited qualities.

ASA - Maybe a Fools Dictionary before you get to page two. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Every day you show us the path that leads you back home, with your acts and your instructions. Of Father, of Teacher and it perfectly shows us what it means to surrender at the feet of Guru and Krishna. Totally dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of Srila Prabhupada. He gives us his love in a sublime way, without rest, he sacrifices his well-being, for ours, he is always preaching for the benefit of all the suffering souls.
You awaken us from this horrible and deceptive nightmare by showing us the sweet reality of Krishna consciousness.
How much we have to thank him, that would be of us without his mercy. I always think of You and infinitely thank Lord Krishna for that. Remembering you makes me think of Krishna and remembering Krishna makes me think of You.
I pray for your good health and
thank you very much, dear Gurudeva, I hope to one day be worthy of the dust of His Lotus Feet. Or blows of His Staff on my head.
Your aspiring servant
who longs to be useful to you.
Nanda Raja das.

Todas las glorias A Srila Prabhupada. 
Todas las glorias A Usted querido Gurudeva.
Si lo desea por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, postrado A Sus Pies de Loto.
En este muy auspicioso día de su Vyasa puja, desearía tratar de describir, algunas de sus ilimitadas cualidades.
Usted día a día nos muestra el camino que lleva de vuelta a casa, con sus actos y con sus instrucciones. De Padre , de Maestro y nos muestra perfectamente lo que significa rendirse a los pies de Guru y Krishna. Totalmente dedicado a cumplir los deseos de Srila Prabhupada. Nos da su amor de manera sublime, sin descanso,        sacrifica su bienestar, por el nuestro, siempre está prédicando en beneficio de todas las sufrientes almas.
Usted nos despierta de esta horrible y engañosa pesadilla mostrándonos la dulce realidad de la conciencia de Krishna.
Cuánto tenemos para agradecerle, que sería de nosotros sin su misericordia. Siempre pienso en Usted y agradezco infinitamente Al Señor Krishna por eso. Recordarlo a Usted me hace pensar en Krishna y recordar a Krishna me hace pensar en Usted.
Oro por su buena salud y
gracias  muchas gracias Querido Gurudeva, espero algún día ser merecedor del polvo de Sus  Pies de Loto. O golpes de Su Bastón en mi cabeza. 
Su aspirante a sirviente
que anhela poder serle útil.
Nanda Raja das.


HpS - Thank you. If we can just be humble servants of Srila Prabupada: 16-nice rounds, 4-principles strictly, full morning and evening program, Sankirtan party, then we are old we will be able to think about our lives and enjoy it for a second time.

Nuestro reporte - Hare Krsna

7 years, 1 month ago by Palika Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverens a Sus divinos pies de loto!

HpS - TLGASP.  Pfanrh.  Pienso no tenemios pies de loto. Mas probable pies to zanhoria pero mejorando.

Esperando que Krishna lo proteja y lo mantenga bien, le escribo para primero agradecerle por su infinita misericordia.  Mi familia (Caturatma Goura das, Parvati and me) somos muy afortunados por tener su asociación.  Quisiera reportarle que por sus bendiciones hemos obtenido el grado de Química en la Universidad San Marcos y ahora queremos dedicar nuestro tiempo a retomar nuestro servicio mensual de cocina para RMB Chosica aunque Caturatma prabhu piensa en apoyar un programa Bhakti Vriksa, que nos puede recomendar?

HpS ASA -- No conocemos los detalles de su situación, pero nos gusta la idea de centrarnos en el desarrollo de ISKCON Callao. Por supuesto, esto también debería aumentar el servicio de RMB. Quimica de la cocina.

Parvati terminó la escuela con buenas notas y continuará con sus clases de danza Bharatanatyam con Gopesvara group.  Queremos motivarla a que cante rondas y estamos pensando estudiar juntas los libros d de Prabhupada ya que a ella le gusta mucho leer. 

Le pido a Krsna que podamos seguir teniendo su santa asociación y seguir aprovechando el FMP así como la asociación de los devotos de Callao y poder hacer programas. Hoy estamos reunidos en casa de prabhu Abhirama junto con varios devotos y trajimos nuestras deidades.

Por favor perdone nuestras ofensas.

su caída sirviente,

Palika devi dasi

Vds, Abhirama, Maria y Patraka Das, no?

Pat-Truck das

7 years, 1 month ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!!

Please please please accept my humble obeisances at your feet


How are U?

Well, as usual we are struggling with life.. .

HpS - Jaya!   So were the Pandavas!    We weren't born to be happy..

. . .next week I will be admitted in the hospital for another surgery.. doctors say this will help me a lot .... this year has been very very very hard for me not only in health but also in spiritual life... i have to deal with some problems i cannot tell in this letter but i would like to talk with U next time U come to Peru...

Struggling with our rounds but trying to get them done!! reading NOI again.. trying to be a good example .....   my sister is getting more interested in Krsna consciousness ...now she is reading Bhagavad Gita and she is so excited!!! all the family is following EKADASI with enthusiasm...we are making progress step by step

hope next year i can come back to work and continue my studies 

i want to thank you for always being there for me and my family... taking the time to ask for me and being SO patient !!

Patrak Das

HpS -- Hare Krsna.  Thank you for always translating the Kapi-dhvaja. After Back to Godhead I think it is the oldest periodical in ISKCON.   Hmm!   The Sankirtan Newlsetter is probably older!  If you had not met Srila Prabhupada what would be your physical situation now?   This Yoga has helped your physical body, no??  Then also, the emotional pressure would have been terrible and you probably would have had to look for shelter in something terrible.

Karma, Karma, Karma.   Is better to have the situation that you  have now than to be a gopher and eat a lot of worms.   Oooof!   Just so long as we can remember Krsna an do some service. We can be Gophers in Braja.

Please write about your school work. Are you ready to leave your body and then navigate to another one?

Anual Sadhana Report // Indira-Sakti Devi dasi.

7 years, 1 month ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances.<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

¡All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

¡All glories to You!

I hope that the mantle of love and sweetness

of our mother Srimati Radharani always covers you.

Thank you  so much for your mercy ! How are you Gurumaharaja?


Devotional service: We have the opportunity to have good association, to be able to do service in different ways, at home, on weekends in Wilson as pujaris with Gandharva, Nitya Kishori and Bhaktin Rukmini . We are also trying to cooperate with the pujari leaders, facilitating coordination and communication with all the other pujaris via whatsapp (I discovered that Wilson's temple has 23 pujaris!) We had a first meeting in November (13 attended) 2 maha cleanups were done (the second one led by prabhu Raghunat was perfect!) It was very nice and we were all very enthusiastic n_n.

Votes: 4 Principles ok. I'm struggling with my mind to chant 16 rounds a day early, before doing something else, in other way it's harder.

Answers of previous letter and plans with Gandharva: In a previous letter you asked me what kind of crafts we thought we would do, so, at the first moment we had planned to make "retablos" to begin with. I did not answer you before because there were many changes. Gandharva and I get along well, but in services that involve plans, joint coordination, administration, things get complicated. When Prabhu Daru Krishna saw my astrological chart, he said that on an occupational level, both Gandharva and I should do things independently, because it is very badly aspected. We love each other  and we are frustrated that we do not understand each other at that level, but for the sake of having a life with fewer arguments, we are willing to lean on what each one can do. Is that right, Gurudeva?

HpS - I don't know the details and if Krsna wishes He can do anything He wants with our Karma, but there are devotees in ISKCON who I love and respect quite well but we have completely different administrative styles, so we have to work at a distance and not get involved in details just as you are saying.

Job-occupation-sankirtan: You also asked me if I was working, and well, I've been doing freelance work in graphic design, but nothing steady. However, work is something I want to do, I do not feel comfortable with the fact that Gandharva is the only one who works. I feel that I can contribute economically, Is that right Gurudeva?

HpS - Doesn't sound bad. Try to help him from a little distance. Keeping house and spending time with your families and friends is not at all a waste of time for a lady. Sankirtan!

On the other hand, I would like to be able to start developing an educational project for children, Gandharva supports me, he asks me to make a research. I'm interested on Montessori pedagogy. The astrologer told that educational activities are well aspected. What do you think about this Gurudeva?

HpS - Talk with The Patraka Das, no?

Preach: We are happy because our dear friend Carla (student of Gandharva and owner of the apartment that we rent) wants to become a devotee, we read every thursday The Teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with explanations given by Gandharva. It's vegetarian already for one year. Yesterday, during the kirtan to our deities, she asked Sri Jagannatha to help her to be what He expects from her. It was very heart touching see her with tears in her eyes, see a devotee get closer to Krishna is amazing!! n_n.

HpS - ASA --  !!!     Krsna is the preacher, no?   We are trying to be little servants in His endeavor!!

I thank you infinitely for your valuable time and for your guidance

May Sri Nrisimhadeva always protect you

Please excuse me for my offenses

your eternal servant

Indira-Sakti Devi dasi

HpS -Hare Krsna!!  Come with us to the next letter.  Of course, it will be the 'last' letter when we post them.

Respuesta Jagamohan Das

7 years, 1 month ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna  mis humildes reverencias  Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri. Guru Gouranga.

Las 16 rondas voy a intentar mejorarlas  con su misericordia y la agricultura que he estado haciendo es el recoger aceitunas  a cambio de aceite de oliva recien esprimido para Krisna.

Ss Jagamohan Das

HpS - Jaya!!   Esta mundo es un replica de Goloka!

All glories to Advaita Acharya!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sripada! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!!

PAOHO at Your Lotus Feet...

Hope Guru Maharaj has received the photos  of the RIMS programme that we sent on the nios mail few weeks back. We are continuing SB classes with Banamali Prabhu. Nagar kirtan every sunday after SB class.

On 14th Jan next year...will be a year old after first initiation...going by tithi. May we offer pasta again ....this time to RadhaDamodara at Toubul...planning to do some Vaishnav seva on this day....invited Yamuneshwar Prabhu too.

On 25th, happens to be Foundation day of ISKCON, Imphal, after the temple programme we took some devotees from Australia and Guwahati to some local Govinda temples. One of them was Advaita Acharya temple....simply got lost with the beauty of the Lord. Felt like a huge weight have been lifted off my head. Advaita Prabhu was so beautiful...smiling and full of life...got to hear some pastimes too....it was so nice.

Getting 3 days holidays from karmic duty...so will be attending Mangalarti daily for the next 3 days....including the New year's Day too!! %Thank you Guru Maharaj for endless mercy

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna, Sarada-Gaurangi Devi Dasi.  Thank you for the news....   We are still remembering your visit in Delhi with your family.   Are you taking these Bhakti-sastri studies?  If everything procedes well then you can take Second Initiation and serve Radha Govinda in that capacity also.
We got the pictures and have answered by the Yahoo adress. Sorry this Blog mail has fallen a little behind. I guess it has been the Christmas and New Years holidays.

My respects to everyone and we hope your Japa is more and more profound!!!!   More and more.  What plans does Krsna have for our lives??   What can we do for Him from our own Godly potency.