Urgent from Chile

Hare Krishna Maharaja
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay
All the glories to you


Maharaja, I am Ma. Soledad de Chile, wife of Abhimanyu, do you remember me?

HpS - Yes!!

I hope your health goes well within what you can and that illuminates the souls of everyone with whom you associate. I did not write to him months ago because I'm not having a good time.

HpS - Especially you should write if you are having a bad time, no???

Materially everything is happening in the best way for me in relation to the labor and the economy, unfortunately my spiritual life is in decline. Maharaja, I am writing to you because I need your instruction, of any word you can give me to get out of this I am falling into, I will be sincere with you, as I believe it is the only way in which I can move forward. I have only talked to a Mataji, and I need to be honest and reveal my mind to those who do not judge me, as this is very painful for me.

A few months ago I began to question myself a lot about the dynamics of the devotees, until one day I woke up completely discouraged, without mood of singing my japa (I was doing very well for many months, singing with enthusiasm) until that day I did not sing, and so I take a couple of months, without chanting Hare Krishna (I'm afraid to post this here, because unfortunately Maharaja there are devotees who will read it and they will criticize me and speak ill of me,

HpS - In the material world EVERYONE is criticized!    It is compared to a cricket that makes noise and keeps us awake at night, but search and search and you can't find it (SB Canto Five, Forest of Material Enjoyment). You must learn to avoid the demoniac attachments in of the members of this Blog and take advantage of the friendly aspects. NOI-4 & 5!

...I still do not know how to fight in my mind against that) , little by little I began to lose enthusiasm for doing service, I stopped having enthusiasm for going to the temple and for being surrounded by some people. My guru instructed me not to stop going to Prabhupada's house, and I failed him, for a long time I felt that I was practicing tolerance and mental obeisances towards those whom I see harming other devotees, but I think I did bad, since it would not be as bad as it is now. I feel that I have a crisis Maharaja, I know it is Maya, I know that it is because I have not understood the instructions and teachings of the scriptures, I know that it is because I have not determined to take my spiritual life seriously, but I need a guide that can help me. to say what to do in these moments in which I feel disappointed and with pain inside of me because of what is happening to me. Sometimes I find it hard to understand how being Krishna Consciousness pure love, there are people who do so much harm to others, defacing and offending them, what position should we take to be spectators of those situations? How is it done to maintain enthusiasm? Who advises me to read about spiritual practice being grihastas? I know it will not come from heaven, I know I must have discipline, but Maharaja sometimes I feel that I can not and suffer.

Please forgive me for needing your instruction, for not being able to tell you something positive. With Abhimanyu we are coordinating Food For Life, the only service that I have in charge, and every time I execute it, I offer it to Srila Prabhupada, to you and to Maharaja Dhanvantari. The only thing that I have clear is that the realizations that I had I will never lose, all the time I was fixed I felt spiritual pleasure, I lived intensely, I felt love for the devotees that surrounded me, I still want my environment to be Conscious of Krishna, I preach in my work, wherever I go I carry Krishna in my heart, trusting firmly that only He is the controller, and I strongly ask every day for strength to understand what is happening to me and find solutions, I do not want to fall anymore Deep in the claws of the Mayan witch, I do not want to sleep in the illusion of this material world, I want to go back to Krishna.

Waiting for you to be very well Your humble well-wisher, Ma. Soledad Oyarce.

HpS - Well, again, you should have been writing to us, our someone like us, earlier. Getting free from The Evil One is not easy. Prabhupada says it is declaration of war on the material nature!   In contrast we have a very nice person to help us fight with the Black Witch!   She is the White Witch. Photo attached below.

Just call Her name, Radhe!   Hare!  Until you get connected.

We have 18,000 verses in SB and all its following books, like CC, because there are so many varieties of attachment, envy, in spiritual life. Aditi trying to kill her sister's children in the Fifth Canto. She was  very advanced devotee, but she wanted to serve Krsna, the ways SHE WANTED TO SERVE HIM and she was so angry at how her sister was serving Him, picking clothes for feast for Janmastima etc. that she wanted to eliminate her sisters children from the "Temple".

So that is a little idea.

1. ISKCON as and institution.

2. ISKCON as your friends

3. ISKCON as you and Srila Prabhupada.

Can you live in all three?

Srila Prabhupada wants you to chant Hare Krsna. You. Personally. He will hear it.

O.K. for first round of ideas?

Vedabase or Message for PND

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are in good health at the time of receiving this letter.

Where in this transient earth are you right now?

HpS - Based in Murfreesboro, TN until 14th February.

I forgot to tell you before that your disciple Vrajendra Kumara Das won the Srila Prabhupada's book distribution marathon here in Santiago with over 3.000 books ! I'm a lucky man because he is my friend.

HpS - He reported, but did not say he had won!

This morning, before FMP, I was working in home all the time and later helping to prepare a delicious Prasadam to the Lord and to share with my daughter, my mother and my sister's family (Vishvanat and their children): its called "Humitas", typical from Chile (and latinamerica but with differents names, for example its called "Tamales" in Peru, but with variations in the recipe. Consists in a paste of ground corn with spices and dressings...). We had a familiar lunch, and then I sat down in front the PC to write this letter. 

I writing to you because I read a letter from your disciple Prahlad Nrsimha Das on the blog. He tell us about his work in Vedabase and says he needs help for importing Spanish. I would like to help, but I don't understand what is the support PND needs for Vedabase. So I would like to know what is the specific service and I hope then be able to know how to help. Off course, only if you consider I could be qualified to do it.

Please, Guru Maharaja, forgive all the mistakes that this foolish human being makes in the communication to you, and also my faults.

Your aspiring disciple and servant,
Carlos Rold

HpS - Pablo and M. Isvara Devi Dasi are already giving some help, but there is a lot more to do. The Spanish BBT wants all the books on the webpage. If he reads this then we can commnicate here about what he needs. If he doesn't see it then please remind us and we will try through Yahoo...

Your recipes sound like something Lord Jagannatha, Subhadra and Baladeva would like!!!

VGD sankirtan report and Vyasa Puja offering

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada and the Parampara!

Two months ago we had the auspicious visit of HH Mahavishnu Swami and the Harinama-Ruci team, a lot of Harinama was done in the streets and also the distribution of books and Prasada. It was really very inspiring to have their association. Currently, I continue my service in Gouranga Restaurant, and I am also participating in the Sankirtana marathon. At the present moment, I have distributed 268 books of the BBT in Spanish and Portuguese.

HpS - ASA - Wow!!!

I commented that I would travel to India, in my previous letter, in 2018 but now my trip has been suspended. Anyway, I hope to participate in that great pilgrimage trip for the following year.

I hope to see you on your next visit to South America. I will post more news on the Blog, I am very grateful for your previous response as well.

Vyasa Puja Offering.

In the scriptures, it is well said

brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva
guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja

"According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Kṛṣṇa. By the mercy of both Kṛṣṇa and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service "CC Madhya 19,151

This verse reminds me that is only by his total mercy that a soul as insignificant as I can follow the path of devotional service. I am really far from practicing as it should be and to have proper care of the seed of devotional service, so I hope to continue receiving his mercy and blessings to advance spiritually. I can only Thank you so much for being so kind to this conditioned soul. You have many qualities. Your sadhana is very exemplary, you are always dedicated to preaching, your kirtanas are very joyful, and your knowledge of the scriptures is worthy of admiration. You are a great inspiration in the life of many, and in my life, to engage in Harinama-Sankirtana. Thank you very much and please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

Your aspiring servant. Vijaya Govinda Das

HpS - Thank you!!! You are on the right path. Just learn to travel faster! Thank you for the fotos.

Dandavats Maharaja


Agt Guru Gauranga

Hare Krsna Maharaja. 

I wish You are perfect in all aspects. I am Bhakta Pablo of the Parikrama ,from Spain, the father of Varuna (he is now 10 years old, is Ok)

HpS - No, he should be 15-years old.  Ha!   Ha!  Ha!    So nice to hear from you.

How are You? I am ok. I stay now in Nueva Vrajamandala with Radha Govinda Candra as hosts.

HpS - Ooof!   We talked with Yadunandana Swami for one hour-fifteen minutes yesterday, after several months. He is President.

I had speak with the authorities about be your formal aspirant to initiation, and they say that I must do the disciple course, but it does not have to have a problem, that your opinion is the most important thing. Today I sent the official request, please, let me be Your aspirant Maharaja __/\o_

I have been here for a month after near of 3 month of pilgrim and near four thousands kilometer thinking what to do with my spiritual life and my increase of work and study that I could hardly sleep…one year sleeping max 4 hours, after working and studying, and some days without sleep, then when I finish of work, I take one Parikrama from Spain to Roma-Jerusalem, because I have seen that what I will go to teach Varuna, only to work and be effective like a machine…no. After a lot of consideration, I decided enter in the Vanaprastha Ashrama, live in the house of Krsna with the permission of Srila Prabhupada and Sadhus, and begin to train my death through Seva (now I have 8 years divorced, and I am 39 years old). My though was wait until Varuna was 12 years old, but is possible is to much late to teach to Varuna everything I can.

Please, let me be Your disciple, now I am confidently.

Please, let me be one pearl in the threat.

If You go out of this world without be my Guru Maharaja, what will be of my after Your departure?

HpS - Krsna is the Big Boss always. He makes adjustments for the Little Bosses.

I have a lot of Anarthas, but today I surrender fully to You, Your lotus feet and Your soul (Srila Prabhupada?)

Please be merciful towards one fallen soul like me.

Your eternal servant, Bhakta Pablo.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Just stay at Nueva Vraja Mandala with Yadu Maharaja, Venu-dhara, everyone for a few years. You will get so much intelligence about your personal, individual, eternal service to Krsna.

Hare Krishna Gurudev

         TLGASP. Hare Krishna querido Gurudev, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies.  Muchas gracias por su contestacion a mi anterior carta, aqui le mando algunas fotos, disculpe que no se poner el power point, con nosotros han comprado, Mahavirya, Narayan, Dayal, hemos plantado  principalmente muchos platanos, toda clase de frutales, peanuts, yucca, vegetales, flores para nuestras deidades.

Por favor acepte este humilde poema dedicado a usted querido Gurudev;

                                                     Sembrando vas las semillas de la Salvacion

                                                     en el nocturno abismo de nuestras frentes

                                                    con el canto auspicioso de los Santos Nombres

                                                    del Senor Supremo.

                                                   Como rumor propicio de una fuente de agua,

                                                   cristalina y pura, asi son la fuente inagotable,

                                                   del verdadero conocimiento,que con amor nos entregas. 

                                                  Despiertas al dormido, que vive muerto,

                                                  despejas las sombras,vana voluntad de la ignorancia,

                                                   iluminas nuestras vidas senalando el camino,

                                                   que aunque a tientas por la obscuridad que gobierna este mundo,

                                                   podemos con Fe, seguir en el, guiados por su hermoso , claro

                                                      Canto, amado y eterno Gurudev.                                                                                     

Disculpe Gurudev, las faltas, no son muy buena con la computadora.Maharaj por favor considere la posibilidad de darnos su misericordiosa Asociacion, aqui en Pamashto,a mediados de abril, que regresa a Peru, hariamos las coordinaciones con la Universidad para que de una clase o dos.Que Krishna lo conserve en buena salud,quien intenta servirlo de corazon, Apurva Sundari DD.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!!    Muy bien oir de Vd.    Como esta el Yadu Das, todos. Aparece tiene las mejor ofrendas en el mundo para Gaura-Nitai, Krsna-Balarama!

Mas fotos.  Noticias de sus relaciones con su pueblo!  Recetas!