I think one as a sannyasi product in our society

7 years ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

A gbc homo(status)puppet, ass full of this friendly little stuff: little little,, hope not so little, that they will eat you, haha:

 Those who are mad after capturing and enjoying the imitation peacock, as well as those who have a pessimistic view of the imitation peacock but lack any positive information of the real peacock—both are illusioned by the modes of material nature.
Mukunda-mala-stotra mantra 3, Purport:

The material nature is not at all beautiful, for it is an "imitation peacock." The real peacock is a different thing, and one must have the sense to understand this. Those who are mad after capturing and enjoying the imitation peacock, as well as those who have a pessimistic view of the imitation peacock but lack any positive information of the real peacock—both are illusioned by the modes of material nature. Those who are after the imitation peacock are the fruitive workers, and those who simply condemn the imitation peacock but are ignorant of the real peacock are the empiric philosophers. Disgusted with the mirage of happiness in the material desert, they seek to merge into voidness.

One should be very much pessimistic of this material world.
His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada's Disappearance Day, Lecture -- Los Angeles, December 9, 1968:

There is nothing good within this material world; everything is bad. So we have manufactured something good and something bad. Here... Because in the Bhagavad-gītā we understand this place is duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam (BG 8.15). This place is for misery. So how you can say, in miserable condition, how you can say that "This is good" or "This is bad." Everything is bad. So those persons who do not know—the material, conditional life—they manufacture something, "This is good, this is bad," because they do not know everything here is bad, nothing good. One should be very much pessimistic of this material world. Then he can make advance in spiritual life. Duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam (BG 8.15). This place is full of miseries, and if you study analytically, you'll find simply miserable condition. Therefore the whole problem is that we should give up our material conditional life, and in Kṛṣṇa consciousness we should try to elevate ourself to the spiritual platform and thereby be promoted to the kingdom of Godhead, yad gatvā na nivartante tad dhāmaṁ paramaṁ mama (BG 15.6), where going, nobody comes back to this miserable world. And that is the supreme abode of the Lord."

HpS - Thank you. In the Hitopadesa the King of the Deer tells the King of the Turtles (or the other way around )as we remember) that this material world is a tree and all the fruits are bitter or poisonous, except for two









. . .  poetry and the company of gentlemen. We could change that to Krsna Katha and Sadhu sanga, no?

Solar Warden Project

summer dreams

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva




Happy Birthday to Huber Hutchin Robinson

HpS - He is a unique ass.

Thanks for you nice reply to   my annual report.  It was very touching when I read Krsna misses U… I will focus more on my 16 enthusiastic rounds, and the rest will follow.

HpS - He does. Don't [too] shy.

I have some issues about keeping good association, some of the authorities in general do not inspire me at all, generally I do not go to the temple, just for me service and festivals no more.  I am going to go to the temple this Monday to take prasadam with one Bhaktin who is living there and my friend Krsna sevini dd (JPS) I guess that I have to do something about this issue, if I want to have changes.

HpS - I was in that mood at one moment and Sesa Das said, "They are people!".   <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.png" title="cheeky" width="23" />  Oops.   I smiled and shook my head. They are not supposed to be what I think they should be. Most likely I have as many faults as other people and as many good qualites, just in a different position. So, try to help those who need it, take help from those who can do it, and be friends for Krsna with my peers, pears, bears...

My service is the same: Once a month pujari in Wilson, once a month in Chosica, and helping for the festivals in pujari and as advertisement as well.

HpS - That is good.    Are you on an endless journey or work with the universities, or can you see how you can adjust to a sane level of work (and do sankirtan there)?

 Bhakt Sastri tutor (Spain, Cochabamba and Mexico)

I have good news ¡¡¡¡¡ After 15 years as regular teacher in Alas Peruanas University , this year I am going to be hired as a full time professor , I will teach mathematics, English as well, and also help with administrative work, etc. In addition, in Jaime Bausate y meza University today in your Birthday I am starting a summer course Basic English II. With that I can give more support to my mom and sister. I guess that I have too much male energy  jaja. On the other hand I hope to be with U as much as I can, in March my schedule will be full, but when one wants to have your saint association Krsna makes the arrangements.

HpS - "My little girl is a Professor!"   Your Papa must be happy with you!

Talking with ARTD, LAD at all about calendar development... That helps our utsahan ¡¡¡ hope to be useful.

HpS - There is a letter from the Isvari Devi Dasi with some proposals and details.  More!

I also continue training and helping people with holistic therapy I attend seminars to be more and more professional and now I make soap as well.

HpS - Monkey and Piggy use soap, hand soap and dish soap.

On February 14th I am going to travel to Trujillo the Birth place of my dad, I did not know it, so I will go to a resort next to the beach for some tourism and relax, the city is so stressing, pollution, bad smells, noise.. too much, then I may be energized for this semester. I will join FMP that is not negotiable. We will carry SP Books for our trip.

HpS - If you go swimming you will have to have to wear a disguise or your fotos will be published all over the internet. <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />  <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />  <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />  <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />  <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" /> 

Taking Ulysses?    No...      Bring him a present.   A nice smelling stick from the beach. Does he ever run on the beach?

This year I want to travel to new places maybe next year to India January and February hope to find a good group or partner.

HpS - Don't go to India.... go to Vrndavana!   Mayapura!!!

PS: Is there some aroma that Nrismhadeva or U like??

HpS - We like manly smell life catsup and black pepper.

Thank U for your support and blessings

See U pretty soon

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Go ahead. You have really made a great success of your life so far.

Hare Krsna - Gurudev

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Guru parampara.

Gurudev, Hope you are good in health and doing well.

we are getting prepared for to travel Chhattisgarh ( Feb 9 - 26, 2018 ) for to tell about Krsna to all, whom we are going to meet.
we prepared topics from BG, SB for house holders, youth, school going student, college student etc.

we have set goals, meetings and classes for this travel and determined to keep trying till the end of this life with whatever
we have. we are not going to complain to Krsna that he has not given me this and that.we would keep fighting for best for Krsna
without thinking about expected results. We would keep tying whether we are alone or with many. This life is fixed for Krsna only.

Yeah, we know you are upset with me as we did not contributed anything to - "Viplava" for upcoming edition, as of. But we can assure you that we can be delay but we are not allowed to disobey your single word. we are dedicated to your words. This life is for you.

HpS - We are not upset!!   It takes time to see how you can fit in. When I understood how much Srila Prabhupada wanted the Bhaktivedanta Institute I surrendered, but could not see immediately how I could help, but then I saw my niche.

We are deeply thinking, what we can contribute to you, to Srila Prabhupada, to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, to Sril Bhaktivinoda Thakur
and to this mission with little pending time with me so that we can please you and all.

Guru Maharaj, we are very hopeful and positive on your instructions on the path of bhakti so we pray for strength to follow you.

Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Best luck with your preaching tour. As soon as you preach you will get more knowledge about how to preach....


7 years ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

I think they thought we were joking ; hahahahahaha

HpS-ASA - Radha and Krsna's pastimes are flooded with joking?  Who are "they"????

Aspira a lo celese, que siempre dura

7 years ago by arina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Hanumatpresaka swami! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you? I hope you’re always happy and full of knowledge!

HpS - We hope so also, but it is a battle of Kurkusetra, by the unlimited mercy of Srila Prabhupada we go forward!!

I had passed christmas holidays in Nueva Vrajamandala. I like stay there.

HpS - Lucky, Dog!!

I was thinking about in what way i’m going to serve Krishna. What I want to do with that life?

Grihastha ashram is good, i feel  some kind of atracction to that, but it seems very… ¿agobiante? epecially because of children. I Heard in some of your lessons that is the option of be married but not have children.. Please can you explain me more about that?

Because I understand that if you married it is a duty to have children. I supose that if you don’t want children so don’t have sex. Ok i think is possible.

I think in my case is good have a partner to help us each other in our spiritual progress. But i don’t want to get tangled up more of that i am now.  I would like to have that support and can share and help to the other person in spiritual way.

So it would be ‘’legal’’ option to be married but don’t have children?

I was thinking in other option that is monastic life. It seems very nice… I have been seeing interviews to young monks and nuns. They look really happy and soul-clean. Intelligent guys. Is beautiful how Krishna finds the way for establish contact with differents persons by diferent ways.., He knows everyone!!

These nuns are catholics, they have good ‘’ashram’’ without much distractions, live  without contact with opposite sex and have the asociattion with other nuns. Does exist ISKCON ashram for matajis like monastery??

This summer I want to stay in Nueva Vrajamandala for 2 months, without any contact with Mantri Rama. I think it can be interesant to see how reacts my mind and emotions… because  normally when i am in temple the life turns light for my mind because is enganged in doing service. So I don’t know… let’s see what Krishna has planned, i’m sure is something nice.

I started to wake up at 4, drink water J, and chant 16 rounds, then mangala arati, read a little… and go to university with finished rounds. Is nice to start the day in that way it satisfies me a lot, and i have energy and optimism  for the rest of the day.

I think about doing some ‘’Mantras on the grass’’ or ‘’Kirtan Grass’’ hahaha, in the university maybe 2 times at week during the hour of rest.. Stik some posters over the campus ‘’Stay higth forever in transcendental vibration!!’’  

We started to distribute books, we have 15 boxes!! Is very nice that devotees are motivated with sankirtan, next week we want go to streets.

I finished Sri Isopanisad, I like when Prabhupada says ‘’Uno puede apreciarlo a Él en proporción a lo que se haya entregado a Él’’… is difficult to surrender to Krishna suffering the material disease.. so I want to be cured of this disease!

Thank you very much for all the service you do helping Krishna’s children to meet their father. Thank you!! thank you!!!

Your servant, Arina.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!  AGTSP..  Esteemed Arina, we don't remember you!!!  Are you black, white, red, yellow, male, female, human, tiger, pigeon!

We can go directly into Vanaprastha ashrama but that is very difficult for a girl, but some times is possible. There are couples like Vaisesika and his wife and Virabahu Das who have lived as Vanaprastha.

Really the first step is to get fixed in being a devotee. Get initiated, matiriculated, and then after a year or two as fixed devotee your Varna and Ashrama service becomes very clear, but yes, one can directly into Vanaprastha, emotional relationship but no gross relationship.


Jagat: January Report - Bh. Vrksa

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

El 2018 estoy comenzando con 2 grupos Bhakti vriksha establecidos. En el grupo Nimai Nitay (Callao) nos reunimos cada semana en casa de Prahu Abhiram y hemos hecho planes de prédica para Enero, Febrero y Marzo para atraer a más personas a la conciencia de Krishna. En Chosica, en Febrero tenemos planeado distribuir alimentos en una población pobre.

En Febrero termino de dar el curso de Introducción al Bhakti Yoga en Wilson, luego espero dar ese tiempo para abrir un nuevo grupo Bhakti vrisha en Lima.

Muchas Gracias Guru Maharaj por darnos inspiración en el Servicio Devocional

Hare Krishna,

Jagat Pavitram das


HpS - Jaya!    TLGASP!!!!   Pfanhr.  Y su ashrama? Esta quedando en papel de Brahmacari??   Super fotos.