Report from Santiago de Chile

HARE KRISHNA Dear Guru Maharaja !!

How is your health?

ASA - Srila Prabhupada said (they say), 'This body doesn't get diseases, this body is a disease.' We are purifying our material attachments, using this material attachment. 

And, where on the planet are you right now?

ASA - We are sitting our our big, old, donated desk. It has three drawers on each side. This way we sit cross legged and then our feet don't swell up. Also puts us as high as the window and we see all the cars going by which keeps us awake. Where are you sitting?? Planet desk, Murfreesboro Tenneessee, "The City Dedicated to Creating a Better Quality of Life".

I'm writing to you because 3 different subject matters, but, off course, in some way they are all connected.

1. I sent you a letter on december 5, telling you my experience working on the Ratha Yatra Festival, and you said to me the 2 following instructions: "Next write about a Sunday Festival in Santiago. Distribute this letter locally." So, until the moment, I have concreted only the second instruction that you gave to me. Last wednesday, january 15, I could translate our letter and sent it first to the email group that your chilean disciples use to communicate, and later I posted the letter on the Facebook group we use to coordinate the Ratha Yatra communications, there are almost 500 devotees in that group. Was amazing to do it, many devotees reacted and posted comments about the letter, they really love you, some friends and family said to me phrases like "Maharaja is a surreal genius...".

ASA - You letter was nice. You should be a Journalist.

2. Saturday, january 20, we had an online meeting with your disciple PND. He showed to me how to do the importation from english to spanish on Vedabase. The first mission he gave to me is to import the second chant [canto] of the Srimad Bhagavatam. So far I have been able to import chapters 1 and 2, they are already imported! I realized it is a lot of work, easy to do, but takes time, but I love to do it, I feel this is a blessing to me, I'm a writer, I love words and language, this is a job for me! While I was importing, I readed every verse of the conversation between Sukadeva Goswami and Maharaja Pariksit. I have no more words to describe my feelings about it, just gratitude. What a conversation they had! My heart resounds and vibrates with every word they share... someone like me does not deserve this...  All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

ASA - ...and how many more people will be able to read it because of your effort!

3. My brother in law, Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur Das, during the past year, was working on organizing a tour to India, about yoga and ayurveda, in association with a travelling agency. So, the opportunity to get a low cost ticket to travel was presented to me. I have never left Chile and I have never traveled by plane. I have to ask for permission in court and the procedures are flowing positively. If everything goes well, I will travel with the group on February 14. But I will not participate in the tour with them. If everything goes well my plan is to go to Vrindavan and be there during 2 months and later come back to Chile. If I do this, I probably can not travel to visit you during your visit to South America. What do you think about, Guru Maharaja?

HpS - ASA --- Hmmm. Going with  devotees who have some knowledge of ISKCON India is very useful. To go alone is like going to New York city alone. Vrndavana may still be cold then. Again, you have to know who to meet. We can give you some help.  Of course, it would be nice to see you when we are there. So we are kind of in the middle. It is nice to get a chance to go to Vrndavan, but better with a guide and we will miss you when we are there. Chant Hare Krsna, talk with some more devotees and you can make a good decision, both seem possible to me.

And my last question in this letter! May you let us know how will be your travel itinerary during 2018?


Many thanks, Guru Maharaja, for your patience with this foolish human being and, please, forgive the mistakes I commit (and without etiquette) in my communication to you. I really wanna be your disciple someday.


Your aspirant to disciple and servant,

Carlos Rold. 

HpS - ASA --- Yes!!   Report on the Sunday Feasts in Santiago!

Con los devotos de Iskcon en el Callao

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Hoy estuvimos en casa de Abhiram Prabhu, pudimos compartir con los devotos (algo de 14 devotos) en un taller de “adoración en el hogar”. Contamos nuestra experiencia adorando a nuestras deidades en casa los últimos 10 años, cantamos, compartimos prasadam y conversamos un poco. Estamos tratando de entusiasmarnos y formar una comunidad con los demás devotos (as) de Iskcon Callao, para estudiar y leer diariamente del Srimad Bhagavatam, ojala podamos lograrlo.

Acabamos de llegar a casa, y con Karuna hemos leído su respuesta… Muchas gracias por darnos ánimo, por ahora aquí participando con los devotos de Iskcon en el Callao.

       Que Nrshimhadeva lo siga protegiendo…

           Anandamaya das and Karuna Mayi dd.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Please accept our obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Today we were at Abhiram Prabhu's house, we were able to share with the devotees (some 14 devotees) in a workshop of "adoration at home". We count our experience worshiping our deities at home for the last 10 years, we sing, we share prasadam and we talk a little. We are trying to get excited and form a community with the other devotees of Iskcon Callao, to study and read daily from Srimad Bhagavatam, I hope we can achieve it.

We have just arrived home, and with Karuna we have read your answer ... Thank you very much for encouraging us, for now here participating with the devotees of Iskcon in Callao.

        May Nrshimhadeva continue to protect him ...

            Anandamaya das and Karuna Mayi dd.

HpS - Jaya!   The more we approach Krsna, the more He can approach us.  Krsna has only one goal: To enjoy. He is so anxious about that that He wants our particular help!  Of course, He knows that His parts and parcels enjoy most to see Him enjoying...     Get more service soon!

HpS - ¡Jaya! Cuanto más nos acercamos a Krsna, más puede acercarse a nosotros. Krsna tiene un solo objetivo: disfrutar. ¡Está tan ansioso por eso que quiere nuestra ayuda particular! Por supuesto, él sabe que sus partes y parcelas disfrutan más al verlo disfrutar ... ¡Obtenga más servicio pronto!

Adoracion! Viaje a India.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Hare Krishna.

Todas kas glorias a sri Guru y Gauranga, srila Prabhupada ki jay.

Querido gurudev hoy llegue a la India New Delhi, mañana tratare de ir al templo de Isckon en Delhi el 24 viajo hacia Calcutta, Mayapur donde me encontrare con maharaja Bhakti Marga Swami para empezar mi servicio. Sus bendiciones por favor para realizar un buen seva para los vaisnavas.

HpS - Hare Krsna / Hare Rama!!

En la embajada de la India me dieron una visa por 5 años, es muy bueno para venir seguido al santo dhan.

Gurudev si las autoridades de Lima no llegaron a coordinar con Ud para dar clases en el templo por favor acepte la invitacion para ir al templo de Huancayo los devotos estaran muy felices de recibirlo y escuchar de ud.

HpS - Por que no?  <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />   Tenemos muy buen relaciones con todo!  Pero espamos si pudimos ir a Huancayo tambien.

El dia q piense es mejor nosotros tenemos clase de bhagavad gita los dias miercoles y sábados.

Su sirviente parama karuna das.

HpS - O.K. Noticias de su viaje!  Un Diario con much cosa que aprece muy simple pero leyendo despues de 5-anyos va a ser un tesor!

Urgent! JSd Lima - Peru

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are in good health.

HpS - Pretty good but Monkey was reading a medical book and thinks we might have Anthrax, Agina, Arthitis or Apoplexy. He hasn't got beyond the "As" yet.

I am very happy about your next visit to Lima.

Monkey (Tom Brown) - Will there be mangos? Should we bring our own water?

Looking forward to see you. Please forgive me for the long silence, lots of work and something at heart, at mind, feeling disappointed with some authorities attitude

HpS - Radharani has that problem with some of Her authorities also.

About your schedule, aspirants here, Juan, Miguel Angel, Rukmini and Lourdes, are asking me about the day for initiation, also authorities, you say saturday 10th march, so is OK. Also they are asking me to perform the ceremony. Will be very great to have the sacrifice for the evening program, in this way much devotees and guests can be present in this auspicious ceremony, getting also the invaluable benefit.

HpS - O.K. but we have heard that you Peruvians do human sacrifices. So they will get new bodies afterwards, right?

I wish to ask you to have a day for a meeting on education. On march I will be again full time at work, so for me will be all right monday to thursday at evening or saturday morning or afternoon.

HpS - Can you co-ordinate with the Gangamayi and the Isvari and the Abhirama Thakura? The basic calendar has been posted here. Just look at the last letters and use the "Calendar" filter and it should come up quickly. I mention this because the Junta de Wilson wanted some meeting and Abhiram had some artists to meet (want to go?), and Mathuresa Das may come.

Also young devotees, now parents, in Chosica are asking about a gurukula. They are asking Atmananda dasa (JpS) if will be posssible to use the former brahmacari asrama.

Despite all the stuff and mess, to my surprise last december Wilson centre authorities asked me to lecture again on Bg. So since last 31st december I am going again to ISKCON Lima. New year, new time. I am on january vacation at work, so taking advantage to go with Adi Lila every saturday and sunday to attend evening program, lead kirtana and associate with devotees, I was missing everything very much.

And now authorities asked me to teach again the Introduction to Bhakti-Yoga Course. I will do my best. Please give me your blessings to do well. I hope you and Krsna will be pleased. Also will be a great opportunity to teach ISKCON Disciple Course too.

Also I was very happy coordinating godbrothers and godsisters for the last Vyasa-puja, was a success! Aratik, puspanjali, pujas to you, SP and 6 Gosvamis; meaning of VP; your biography, your last year homage to SP, homages from disciples and lot of prasadam, mahaprasadam, cake. Thank you very much for the virtual connection. I personally count 132 different preparations among salty, sweet, salads and nectars.

I am working as teacher at secondary school, two years ago in History and Geography at one school I don't want to go anymore, last year in Arts, Religion and Civics at other now pleasent school. This year they want to hire me again.

Adi Lila is always doing noon offering and aratik monday to friday at Wilson. My son Krishna is 13 years old, going to 2nd grade secondary, learning with the Waldorf method. And now he is taller than me haha.

Thank you very much for having accepted me as your disciple, I hope one day I will be some useful.

Your eternal servant,

Jiva-Sakti dasa.

HpS - Thank you for the news. Maybe the Candra-mukhi Devi Das can be the central secretary for the Calendar for this HPS/ASA tour.   Then return from BsAs.  Then go to Goloka. You can teach science to the monkeys there!!!!!!    BooMM!


Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  I trust that all is going well for you in terms of your devotional service and your over-all state of health. 

HpS - Well, we have news that we will die within a few years. I happened to my father and grandfather and seems to run in the family.

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten you, and all of the many times that you have been very merciful to my wife and I by visiting our home.  There is no measure to how much gratitude we had treasured due to your kind visits.

I had it in mind to share some personal realizations about getting old, but I need to wait until I am in a more sober mood, so that I will know exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it.  But be it suffice to say that things are moving along with our BG gatherings and sadhana.  I will make a more honest effort to remain in touch with your good self: Hare Krishna!

Yls, Bbd

HpS - Super!!!!   ISKCO Boise!!  Always an adventure

Hare Krsna Maharaj

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obeisances. 

I sent you a message several days ago in response to your reply but it seems to have not gone through. Maybe because I used my phone and it didn't save properly..? 

So, in which case, I feel empty to have not heard from you in a while, so I shall try and remember as much of the message I wrote to you previously ;) And a little more ;)  

The school that I go to is public, so that's why I suppose some issues may have arisen from. Anyway, problems are everywhere in this world, no matter what environment we are in. 

At the moment, I am studying the following subjects: English, Maths B, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Chinese and a Diploma in Business. I don't particularly enjoy all of them ;) but Philosphy and Business are fun and interesting. Last year in Philosophy, we had a topic on the existence of God. It was quite fun, but we had to analyse the theories of specific scientists and philosophers and use their ideas. It was unfortunate I could not integrate any of our beliefs into the test. I argued for the existence of God, since we had to examine both sides. The opposing arguments were, to some extent, quite compelling, I may admit ;) but I still recieved an A on the exam :). 

There are no drama teachers for our grade as there were not enough students interested to study the subject, so that they had to cut it overall. 

Currently, I am not entirely sure what I want to pursue as a career in the future. But I do know this - my father always had a desire to open a restaurant, so it is my wish to fulfil that dream. I enjoy cooking as well, so hopefully it may work out in the future some time. Although, my mother says that this may be a hobby for me, rather than a primary job. She wants me to study in University and get a good job. Perhaps, once I have established a profession and earn a substantial income, I may then think about opening either a restaurant, named Krishna's Kitchen, or a food truck. This may be my service to Lord Krsna. I guess my studying Business now will help me in this task for the future. Perhaps I should further my study in something related to Business... I'm so clueless as to what to study. I enjoy everything (except for maybe mathematical and scientific things ;)) There are too many options. I hope you may guide me. 

HpS - Hare Krsna, Mataji!    We did get your letter. I think maybe even twice. We try to answer within three days but some times it slips. We put news in the DTC how many letters we have answered if it is getting slow.


We did answer it, and very much our perspective is that it is most comfortable for girls to set their career from their family perspective. If you marry some genius and he becomes Prime Minister of Australia or does epic Star Wars movies, or repairs watches in a carnival, then that will determine a lot what you do, no?

Stay flexible. If you like technical things like accounting then a degree in that would be O.K.  If you want something more general then History is good if you have good teachers. Education is also very super. You learn a lot about how people think. Everybody needs to employ teachers and it can be very closely dovetailed with KC!

I also remember I asked my father if he ever wanted to be temple president. He said no, but if he were to have a role, he may be the head in charge for the kitchen :) This may be a difficult task, but I also desire to open a temple one day. I remember my father saying, Srila Prabhupada said that there should always be chefs in the kitchen, preparing something for the deities. I would like to establish such a standard ;) May be difficult.. I don't know. My mind runs wild sometimes. 

HpS - Ha!   Ha!   Ha!       Ours seldom stops!

In addition, I wanted to ask you some random, non-related questions :) 

1. What is the importance of chanting the Panchattatva Mantra before and after completing a round? I have heard that it does't really do much and we don't necessarily need to repeat it, but I have also heard it helps rectify the sins we have committed during the time of our chanting that round.

HpS - I have never heard that Srila Prabhupada gave a specific rule, but in general there is: which give the general principle!

2. Why, on Dvadasi, do we have specific times to break our Ekadasi fast between? Also, what happens if one breaks it later on, not during the designated period? Or not even at all?

HpS - I don't know. I think it is a valid consideration in how the universe works. When we eat grains there is a cosmic effect. So the timing in terms of the Sun and the Moon has a result.

Another one: During the last five days of Kartik, Bhishma Pancaka, when some devotees fast on fruit, etc., should they break their Ekadasi fast (if it so happens that Ekadasi falls during the 5 days) with grain? And if they do break with grain, will their Bhishma Pancaka fasting be broken?

HpS - Hmmm.  Again I don't know the details, but I think the Panchaka always starts with Ekadasi (11th day) and then goes to Purnima (15th day). Kind of standard is Nirjala ekadasi and then even water breaks the fast. If you want to become pious (or maybe dead) quick then you can do Nirjala and then live only on water for five days and chant a LOT of rounds, but consult a doctor!

Sorry, there are like 5 questions there ^^ :) 

Please guide me in both my spiritual and material life. 

I sincerely hope your health is in good condition Maharaj and we are all waiting for your return to Brisbane. Please come, if you can. 

Hare Krsna :) 

Yours servant, 

Lakshmi Dasi

HpS - All respects to everyone. What is Bhima doing?