Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

Hare Krsna, Gurudev Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Sripada, and

Guru Parampara,

Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay,

Radha Krsna Ki Jay.

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja! I have downloaded Gurujis amritabani reply of my previous letters. I am so happly to get Guruji’s reply and I thing I am just siting with Guruji’s and discussing about different topics. Yeatarday, Sunday the 28th Jan. I went to Imphal ISKCON Mani Mandir and joint the Bhagavatam class at 7.30 a.m. then went to Nambol Bazar around 12 km from Mandir for Nagar Sankirtan. We 14 members participated the Sankirtan. I had informed to Banamali Prabhu and Dr. Sarda D D about Guruji’s letter “Many members want to come to Manipur in the middle of October” It is a golden chance for us to serve them and the timing is a good period. During the month of October, falls the events such as Tarpan End on the 9th, Durga Pujah- on the 16th & 17th, Mera Wayungba on the 24th. For information I want to know Guruji is accompanying with them or not? Are they initiated Prabhujis and Matajis, the approximate numbers and their professions. Dr. Sarda informs me that the team will be doctors, is it correct? Then the programme will be selected and the venue will be better at RIMS as previous lecture progrrame. This time if Guruji spare some days for N.E. Reason specially Silchar, the prabhujis and matajis of Silchar will be happy. They have requested me to arrange some days for Silchar and other bhaktas also may get the opportunity for darsan and serving Guruji personally. Bhaktas from Tripura and Manipur also can participate jointly. It will help us to self introduction and mutual understanding among the bhaktas under Gurujis guidance. My service end from the University on the 28th Feb. 2022, after four years. Yours fallen servant, Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Thank you so much for this information. The devotees here are struggling to fix their calendar. They have now recieved request to sponsor big Kirtan festival during those days, so they are working to make some decision. You information is very , very valuable.   SANKIRTAN!!!!!


Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura  Nitay

todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada

todas mis reverencias a tu querido Gurudeva espero se encuentren pleno en su servicio para nuestro señor Krishna y su amada srimati Radharani.

que comento con nuestro servicio en el templo de CHILE. 

emos estado en el templo de Perú (lima), y ahora estamos en México, el miércoles iremos a CUERAMARO (MÉXICO) para apoyar un programa en la finca del prabhu Aravinda das, con el prabhu Hari Bhakta das.

estaremos saliendo el 6 de marzo para el Perú, para saber con qué usted y qué usted está informado desde Chile que tengo mi permiso para tomar la iniciativa con usted.

estoy muy feliz de poder seguir sirviendo a ti ya los devotos.

cambiando de tema un poco y tenido un sueño muy extraño. ..

-el sueño es que estamos haciendo sankirtana en un parque, estamos dando los libros a las personas pero también podemos ver los demonios que se burlan de nosotros, cuando nos acercamos a ellos les cortamos la cabeza con una espada y después puedo ver como estoy atrás de Guerrero defendió los libros de sila Prabhupada. Así seguimos caminando y dando nuestros libros preciados.

Acá me despido y agradezco su atención. 

Su sirvienta María Bernarda.

HpS - Jaya!     Pienso Carl Jung le gustaria mucho su suenyo!  Enfoque mucho en su vida actual. Pienso que va a ser gran cambios en el futuro. Va a pasar diferentes niveles bien diferente y la presente va ser parte grande de los que siguien.

Nos vemos pronto!!    Revencias a sus companyeros de Sankirtan.....!!>

current iskcon 2 building on node 8609 and 8788

Hare Krsna, Maharaj,

We thank you for constant motivation and appreciation though we dont deserve that.

HpS - We are more fallen than you.

It seems that there are many letters being written to you. We can not understand the opportunity why  we have  opportunity (every one also in ASA has it) to get little association of yours through daily SB Workshop.

HpS -  God helps those who help themselve. (In BG)

we thank you H.G. Nikunja Bihari Ji and  your esteemed self for your comments and keeping us in your thoughts.

we feel that we are not fit for this movement. first of all we have serious psyc problems. we are married but we dont have FFA. we never focussed on making friends.

HpS - Hey, you could become President of the United States!

HG Urmila Mataji says we our making small improvements, we dont disagree, but may be we can  put more concentrated efforts.
we will be very frank , it might seem offensive to readers,but our intention is not to offend any one.

1.  we think HH HpS is the one from whom we want to take intiation, problem is we dont know when he will stop intiating (he planned 2014)and moreover he plans to leave his body in 2024, which means we have less time and we are not qualified enough. If  we dont get  intiated by him, we will try to get intiated by his disciples whom he will give charge of intiation.

2. Having identified our disqualification, we have very little clue how increase qualification esp in our situation.  We are not able to find Asrama guru  who can follow his understanding of  guru-tattva and more over guide us forward.

HpS - As we keep reading there is a lot of just plain facts in Prabhupada's books. Then, yes, keep looking around for sane people. They don't have to be in ISKCON, just like you don't have to be in teir religion. Just so long as they are devotees of God. Sometimes they come to your church, sometimes you go to theirs.

3. we can not find karma yoga guru also as of now. primaly becasue we dont know what we are,
  a. ) are we  royal counsellors, or  irresponsible kstariya-sudra surrendering to upastha vegam, 
  b.) are we householder  or impersonalist tyagi affected by upastha vegam
  c.) are we karma yogi or janan yogi
    d.) irrespective of what we are, how our talents to current ISKCON.

4. in temple when we go even weekly for morning program,  we interact with brahamcharis, we recognize more brahamcharis  then grhasthas

5. Nikunja ji asked about such problems we are facing even in Mumbai. He is right , the temple here is great congregation is great. We recommend it to majority of people. But we can not  find devotees to whom we can reveal. we will be changing our city  of residence so even  if build relationship now we  are not sure we can continue meeting them.
we have seen there many groups in temple who have taken to nationalism, defending hinduism, varna-asram as there major focus over SB. so we fear interacting with them as might loose sight.
 6. HH Hps said " most of them are in the same situation as you and me. " i dont know but this thought seems to be misery enjoys company. if everybody  is also suffering lets be friend with them and  may be accept and forget our suffering.
kneeling down

HpS - One thing I see is that our lives in ISKCON currently may have many problems, but I do not see any better situation. We want heaven on Earth, but the heaven we desire is like a heavenly planet. Best if we are in a transit lounge on earth.

Why fight with your wife our husband. We are both going to be dead in just a few moments. Better to have make the best use of a bad bargain and then feel our heat becoming purified. Where else can we get opportunity righ in our face of having chance to purify our arrogant hearts!

Big deal to become a Saint. May take a some time, but the progress is eternal.

Happy Nityananda Day!!!.PabloParikrama.

Agt SP


Jay Radha y Krsna.

Jay Krsna-Balarama

Hello Maharaja

I am Bhakta Pablo of the Parikrama, from Spain.

First of all happy day of the Appearance of Nityananda and Varaha.

ASA - Thank you.

I just wanted to tell you that one day like today I have had a strong realization about Sadhu-sanga, the association of devotees more advanced than one, especially of the same mood. Especially Sadhus, literally, and a poor wretch like me, lacking opportunities to associate in person with true Sadhus, licks the jar closed praying that one day I can taste the inside of the jar of honey.

HpS - You seem to be doing pretty well!

You can not believe the thanks I give for knowing You, for the influence You exert on me. For the respect, and the example that I see in You as a true master of the secrets of Yoga. Of the service and devotion to Radha-Krsna, Balarama and all the great personalities.

HpS - AgtSP!

I can not really complain, I have many great souls to inspire me besides You within ISKCON, people like You, make my heart can dream of pure devotional service.

Thank you very much for all Maharaja.

I hope someday to be able to fully please You, and to become a soul, to claim to be the servant of the servant of a servant of Radha-Krsna in Vrndavan.

Forgive me for praising You, I know it's not good for You, but a soul has to give thanks for His presence in our life.

I wanted to write a poem or a power point, but I could not, I hope to quote a song by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, subtract a bit from my silly sentimentality.

(1) Alas! Now I realize that all of my days had passed uselessly, for I never had the great fortune of associating with the devotees of the Lord. Therefore, instead of hearing from them about the process of attaining the topmost goal of human life, I have wasted my time simply working hard to earn money.

(2) This is such an unfortunate calamity, for I now consider that I have rejected pure gold simply to become attached and devoted to a small clod of dirt. In other words, I have abandoned the bright-faced golden devotees of the Lord to associate with filthy dirty persons who are averse to Krsna. Thus in their company I have passed my entire life dazed in madly intoxicated vanity.

(3) Whenever I saw someone decorated with the signs of a Vaisnava like tilaka, neck beads and sikha, etc., I would laugh at them within my mind, considering them to be completely insane. Regarding this attitude of mine to be the most highly cultured behavior, I have thereby robbed myself of the transcendental association of those touch stone-like devotees. So now in the end I am wondering . . . where has all this nonsense led me to?

(4) On the strength of my material education, I became puffed up and completely overlooked the most auspicious form of spiritual life, which is available only by devotional service. Thus I have completely steered clear of the ultimate goal of life. But now in my old age, all of this polluted material knowledge I worked so hard for is dwindling, for my memory is gradually fading away. Just see how I am captured and tormented in enjoying the fruits of my previous material activities!

(5) Now I have just one last hope. If only the devotees would be merciful to this sinful rogue by sprinkling me with one drop from the bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, the nectarine ocean of pure devotion, then I will be satisfied. By the sweet influence of that single drop, I will instantly and effortlessly become liberated from the strong grip of this material world, and thus I will finally be able to cross over the ocean of nescience.

Hare Krsna Maharaja


HpS - "May the land of Srila Vrndavana where Subala and the other wonderful cowherd boys, who are all dear friends of Sri Krsna, play, where Lalita and the other splendidly beautiful young gopis, who are all filled with love for Srimati Radharani, enjoy transcendental bliss, and where Sri Sri Radha-Krsna thirst to enjoy wonderful transcendental amorous pastimes day and night, become manifest in my heart." 1.15.

Thank you for your association over all these years.  More to do, more to do. We visit Spain soon.


Hare krsna! Please accept my humble obeisances, agtsp and his faithful followers.

My name is Marcos, I am 37 years old and I live in Madrid.

In the last 16 years we have met several times in Madrid and Guadalajara.

I have always been inspired by his focus on devotional service, his kindness and his humility.

I would like to be in contact with you because, although I do not currently meet the standard (16 r, 4 p), if some day by mercy of krsna I reach that standard, I would like to ask you to initiate me in the chanting of the Holy Name.

Thank you very much for your patience, time and attention.

Hare krsna!

HpS - AGTSP.  It is nice to meet you. We hope to get to Spain soon. Here we are!     How is your family?


Hare Krsna Gurudeva, acepte mis postradas reverencias a su divino ser, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Este es un pequeño reporte de la semana, rondas y principios Ok, siguiendo tus pasos, empecé a leer el Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, respecto al verso ATMARAMA, pienso que debemos saber sanscrito, de otra manera no podré jamas entenderlo, el unico consuelo es que al final se resume que la meta final es el servicio devocional.

HpS - CC es gran!

Siempre hemos escuchado que Sri Advaitya acarya es Maha Visnu, en el Antya lila del Caitanya Bhagavata, Vrndavana Das Thakura explica que Advaitya Acarya es Sada siva, ¿como podemos conciliar esto?

HpS - Es como Querido a su esposa, Papi en desayuno con sus hijos, Oficial Gomez cuando va a oficina como policia. El es Avatara.

Mahaprabhu siempre se mostraba reticente cuando le mencionaban que Él era Krsna mismo, Vrndavana Das Thakura narra que Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu clamaba y rugia muchas veces diciendo que Él era Krsna mismo y se subia al trono del señor Visnu...  he sentido algo de temor leyendo esto.

HpS - Eso es la cancion de Gaura arati.

Encontré muchos pasatiempos que no habia escuchado antes de Mahaprabhu y Sri Nityananda, (Nityananda prabhu y Srimati Malini Devi), la relacion entre Nitay y Advaitya Acarya etc.

HpS - Quien es el traductor?

Estoy leyendo y traduciendo un libro de 800 paginas, (los 18 Puranas) del ingles al español , utilizando el robot y haciendo correcciones, hay mucha informacion nueva para mi, como por ejemplo: ¿porque fueron 21 veces las veces que Sri Parasurama mató alos Ksatriyas? Tambien como es que debido a una mentira de una vaca, éstas se volvieron impuras de la parte de la cabeza, y solo puras de la parte posterior; Como es que Brahma en un principio tenia 5 cabezas etc.

HpS - I heard that Srila Prabhupada asked one devotee how he liked the biogrphies in the first canto and the devotee said that he liked them, then Prabhupada explained that he had spent long hours recearching them in the Puranic Encyclopedia in the library.

Tengo una gran duda, es respecto a un terreno de 200 metros que compré hace muchos años en Cusco, lo hemos cercado hace poco y pensé que seria bueno construir "una casa", conseguí un libro extenso de Vastu Sastra, pero no se si  valdrá la pena o servirá de algo, tengo 48 años, vivo solo y no tengo ningun plan para el futuro, mi mente me quiere engañar y me quiere hacer creer que podria ser un lugar para Tus enormes deidades de Jagannatha, Balabhadra y Subhadra...

HpS - Haz lo que es practico, simple. Mantener flexibilidad. Mas que seguimos la programa basica, mas recibiremos inteligencia como expandir nuestra servicio.

Externamente todo parece estar yendo bien, rondas,  principios, cuidado de una enorme Tulasi con hojas de hasta 6 inches de largo, tallando  dos Garuda Stambha y pintando a las deidades, pero no hay amor  por Dios... algo de apego, pero queda la necesidad de asociacion, Sadhu Sanga se refiere a asociacion con devotos mayores, si fueran devotos "RASIKAS" sería la gloria completa, muchas veces escuchamos que si deseamos la asociacion de devotos mayores, debemos  de volvernos devotos mayores. Quizas algo faltó, ilusamente pensabamos que para hoy habrian muchos devotos retirados en la orden de vanaprastha y sannyasa a estas alturas, pero vemos que hay devotos de  bastante edad, ocupados en negocios o en buscar una manera de mantenerse sin depender de Krsna.

No se quien es Nanuk, el año pasado sentia envidia de la comunicacion que llevaba Usted y él, despues leí  lo irrelevante de sus dudas respecto a Prabhupada poisoned, y hoy disgustado por la forma como Te escribe.

HpS - Si, es una persona con aspectos mezcla. Eso es la predica, no, purificando la mal, aumentando el bueno.

Mi Prabhu, solo deseo seguir Your instrucciones, Your words are laws for me,  always...

Me sorprendió leer que no hay referencias de Srila Prabhupada respecto a cantar el Panca Tatva mantra entre ronda y ronda, hace mucho tiempo que no lo hago, para empezar, ofrezco pranama a Sri Guru, al guru Parampara y al Panca Tatva, luego tres mantras :

tri-bhaṅga-bhaṅgimaṁ rupaṁ



smarāmi nanda-nandanam

“Yo recuerdo a Śrī Kṛṣṇa, el amado hijo de Nanda Mahārāja, quien posa en una forma curvada en tres partes y juega hermosamente con Su flauta en medio del círculo de gopīs.”


nāmaiva paramā-gatiḥ


tasmān nāma upāsmahe

“El Santo Nombre es una piedra de toque (cintāmaṇi) trascendental y la meta suprema. No hay nada superior al Santo Nombre. Por lo tanto, yo adoro al Santo Nombre.”

avighnaṁ kuru māle tvaṁ

harināma-japeṣu ca

śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇayor dāsyaṁ

dehi māle tu prārthaye

“Oh, Mālā, por favor haz que mi canto de harināma esté libre de obstáculos. Oro por que me concedas la posición de una doncella sirvienta de Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa.”

al terminar las 16 rondas, otrostres mantras:

nāma-yajño mahā-yajñaḥ 

kalau-kalmaṣa nāśanam

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prityarthe 

nāma-yajña samāpanam

“El yajña de cantar el Santo Nombre es el más elevado de todos los yajñas, ya que destruye todas las impurezas de la era de Kali. He completado este nāma-yajña para la felicidad de Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa y Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.”

patita-pāvana nāma

nistarāya narādhamam


caitanyāya namo namaḥ

“Oh, Santo Nombre, tú eres el salvador de los caídos. Por favor, libérame, pues soy el más caído entre los hombres. Me postro ante ti una y otra vez porque eres la personificación de Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa y Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.”

tvaṁ māle sarva-devānām


tena satyena me siddhiṁ

dehi male namo ‘stu te

“Oh, Mālā, es cierto que tú puedes conceder la perfección más elevada de las personalidades divinas (guru-varga). Postrándome ante ti, oro que me hagas perfecto como ellos.”

Recitando estos mantras antes y despues, y teniendo en cuenta la profundidad de las oraciones, puedo concentrarme más y tener más respeto por el Holy Name, si me distraigo siento verguenza, pienso que esta ayudando mucho, en realidad éstas son realizaciones personales, es algo incomodo saber que  alguien mas las leerá, pero estoy de acuerdo con Your Super Blog. Tambien algo disgustado con el cuestionamiento de Kaunteya das respecto a Tu programa para Brasil.

Muchas gracias por todo lo que está haciendo para  el desarrollo de mi vida espiritual, una deuda impagable, trataremos de llevar almas a Sus pies.

Always praying for Your mercy: naradhama amalakaruna das.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!    Pienso Krsna va a responder a sus deseos pronto.