hare krishna

6 years, 10 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

Maharaj here it's the letter which i wrote to the manor.

hare krishna i want to go back

hare krishna prabhu pamho agtsp.

Hare krishna I am Bhakta Carlos from Barcelona i did Sabbatical in 2016 hope you remember me.

Prabhu i am thinking seriously on going back to the manor if you gave me the blessings. now my family business are practically over so i can practice Krishna consciousness whit more freedom and confidence.

What i want its just get there to the lotus feet of the Vaishnavas to hear advice and options. also ask HH Hanumatpresaka Swami what he thinks its best for me.

I would like to do services in the Gosala. maybe be there for some important time like a year to get a recomendation and be initiated.

Altho i have the power to write this letter i have so many fears, so please be merciful whit me and dissipated them of my path.

I will be waiting for your answer.

greetings HARE KRISHNA

ys Bhakta Jorge Carlos Florez Llanos

HpS - We are traveling so we only have moments for letters. Of course, it seems fine to do service in the Manor. I don't know the details. The most important thing is with whom you will work and not the project.

Tarangaksi dd - Personal Report

6 years, 10 months ago by Tarangaksi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS- What is your relationship with your father?   Do you have brothers?

Mostly I visit my father twice a month. He is dedicated to his sales business of natural and organic products. Whenever I visit him, we talk about different topics such as health, education, how to earn money-investments, national reality and family. He likes to read. He has bought many books for most of his life, so, through him, we knew Krsna consciousness. He was looking for Yoga-Asanas books and finally found Bhakti Yoga. He was regularly participating in the programs with the devotees. He sang 16 rounds for about 2 years. Then, great trials came into his life and he decided to depart from Krishna consciousness. He says: "Krishna Consciousness made me weak and I could not resist temptations", but we know that it is not true. He says: "The man himself is the one who chooses, decides and builds his own destiny." However, once he was very ill, he called me and asked me to be with him. He listened to the maha mantra for hours and drank maha water from Tulasi. We also did massages with Ghee to release energies. He doesn't want to accept that his Krishna consciousness is still there. We hope, in any moment, he would return to the devotees association and the process.

About my brothers. Henry is my older brother. He is very noble and likes to help others. He is supportive and always takes care of his family. He studied, for a while, psychology, sociology and electronic engineering, but he didn't finish any of the careers. Finally, he decided to have his own business of cell phones, tablets, laptops... He also likes music a lot. Since he was 12 years old, he plays different instruments: guitar, flute, quena, zampoña and electric organ. He likes prasadam very much. He listen to vedic philosophy and agrees on several aspects, but he doesn't want to be involved yet.

Guido is the second brother. He is very charismatic, charitable and generous. He is always looking for information about issues related to the unconscious-the mind, the conscience, the karma, the power of attraction ... He is on the search of finding a meaning to life. We always talk him about philosophy but he doesn't accept it easily. He prefers to be informed by several sources and try to apply what he believes convenient. He is also dedicated to his own technology business. He is very curious about electronic inventions.

They are both married and have children. They love prasadam. They are always taking care to m. Gauri.

Thank you very much, dear Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much for your holy association.

Trying to follow your instructions,

Tarangaksi Devi Dasi (t'aksi)

HpS - Super, super, super!!!   Thank you.  So nice to see you all.

Adorado Gurudeva

6 years, 10 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports


 I hope you are very happy in your wonderful and transcendental Krishna consciousness. With regard to my sadhana, I realized that I'm still the same, just half a mile and the other half not, because I'm in the little house. It's so small that I do not want to bother Frank. but now franco is very busy in making the mud house with trunks and bottles and is finishing, s small and lnda for a half rustic taste like mine. I also make an oven and cook wood, and when I distribute prasadam I think that he does sankirtan also in his hands. I will improve my sadhana now that I am recovering from the strong work of January, February.

on January 12, just the day of his birthday, pass a pretty strong test, which implied that he delayed me with my reports to you. Please, excuse me. Whenever hard situations happen to me, I can not speak, I'm speechless, my throat gets clogged with an extreme feeling of sadness. but ... now I see it as the hand of my sr. Krishna acting so that I wake up and always remember that this world is a prison. I try to feel the last verse of the sri sksastaka: you will be my lord even if you mistreat me with your abrazo or you destroy my heart, you will be my only love object. ... and remember it calms me and even gives me some happiness.

also remember the text 22 chap 1 of song 1 of the SB, where it says, that in this era the good feelings of the human being will be destroyed, but we have chosen His divine grace as captain of the ship to cross the dangerous ocean of kali. ..jay gurudev! Srila Prabhupada! thank you very much

increase the number of rounds after this test and I ask krsna intelligence to act in this world where you must be distrustful, measure everything you say and lie to take care of yourself. It costs me and it tires me to have all this. I only ask you, dear Gurudeba, to pray for us please, to have a good association and I thank you very much for this. I apologize if I committed any offense in this letter. Thank you for being in this world and taking care of us. I hope and always wish with all my heart, to be able to give back. The day of His appearance is the most important day of my life. All glories to January 12! please aveptereverencias defranco, gopalito and his attempt to disciple:

 J.P.Radha dd.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for your news, but now you are going to move to another city?

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev

6 years, 10 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Guru parampara.

Thank you so much Gurudev for wonderful words, URL : http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/9168,
Your words are always strength / Shakti for me. It gives me determination. Makes me worriless. There are no thinking now. All clear.
I mean, no doubts, no worries, no thinking anymore.

Promise, would go with spiritual life only, would focused on spiritual life and won't think about the details too much. And result you already told me.

Would keep you posted further developments.

Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Hare Krsna. We got your notice that your IBM Director pushed you to resign quickly. In Sannyasa Ashrama we get the formal realization that we may die at any moment. We give up support from family, business, religious institution and learn to depend completely on the Super soul. In other Ashramas we take shelter of the illusion that we have some other refuge: e.g. a good job.

So, what will happen next? Maybe Krsna pushed you our quickly because He has urgent need of you in another situation.

MIs Reverencias Maharsh y me voy a presentar.

6 years, 10 months ago by wilfredo in Personal Sadhana Reports


Mi nombre es Wilfredo Martinez y soy aspirante a recibir refugio y solo debido a su Misericordia que usted me brinde se podra hacer realidad. Soy de Peru. Vengo asociandome utlimamente mas de 2 años copn los devotos de Isckon Lima. Canto Las rondas de mantra Hare Krishna y acudo a templo regularmente, el dia 10 de marzo de 2018 podre conversar con Usted y recibir su bendicion. Soy aspirante a sirviente enterno. Envio una foto de mi persona y aparesco con chaketa blanca y recibiendo el diploma de introduccion al bakty sastry.

Wilfredo Martinez

HpS - Gracias, Wilfredo. Era un honor encontrar a Vd. en Wilson. Has leido nuestra http://www.jayarama.us/peru/archivos/guru-tattva-es.txt?     Las ideas son claros?   Espero nos vemos mas aqui en Peru.


6 years, 10 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. We have like 15-hour days now. The pressure is intense as usual when traveling so we will have to wait to answer letters unless they are marked URGENT in the Title.   We sure hope to post results in the DTCs.

Very best wishes for your Sankirtan of the Holy Names!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmKlh39xO08 , 

HAre Hare

Ruska, meaning the thing in finnish when all the leaves, especially in Lapland turns into yellow  orange and red, and whatever then finally, after diseases even, different patterns, coloured too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivkar_Bapuji_Talpade

Nanuk H.