Calendario de viaje no urgente***

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

¡Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! 

Por favor asepte nuestras humildes y respetuosa reverencias Gurumaharaj deseamos cada día se busca bien, mi esposo y yo queremos preguntarle si usted tiene un kartik a Sri vrindavan dham este año ??? Estamos planeando un viaje en familia y una familia de amigos de Monterrey también lo es en nuestro deseo es verle en el santo dham si Krsna lo permite pero no quiere para planear coincidir en su próximo viaje a Sri vrindavan dham, le agradezco si tiempo y nuestro pequeño hijo ya se recuperó por completo de salud gracias a Krsna 

Su insignificante aspirante a sirvienta Ānanda maya devi dasi

HpS - ASA = No somos seguro de nuestras planes para Kartika. Despues de esta viaje a Peru espero cosas mas claro!!

Sankirtan Report from Our ASA Sankirtan Leader

On ‎Saturday‎, ‎February‎ ‎24‎, ‎2018‎ ‎01‎:‎26‎:‎32‎ ‎PM‎ ‎CST, Mishra Illo <[email protected]> wrote:
Gauranaga. Humbles and Glories.
I just read the Kapi Dvaja. In New panihatti Dhama I was personally introduced to Srila Prabhupada by Tamal Krishna Goswami, that weekend in February 1975. He brought me in and had me set a flower on Srila Prabhupada's desk and said "This is Bhakata Michael , he joined our party at a young age." Prabhupada looked at me and said "Very good."
Then Srila Prabhupada said "You are all Vaikuntha men," (we were immaculately shaved up and adorned with tilak and dhotis.) "I am very grateful that you are assisting us in distributing our literature. I am always thinking of you boys in the vans." and " Stay brahmacharya if you can. My guru maharaj went directly from brahmacharya to Sannyas, You will save yourselves a lot of trouble if you are able to do that."  He added that "You have a good leader with Tamal Krishna Goswami, you follow him and I will be pleased." 
Yesterday the wife and I went to El Rancho for sankirtan. 5 people bought Srila Prabhupada's books from us. The last one to a man that had repeatedly gone to Kalachandji's restaurant. Everyone got a maha flower garland from Sri sri Radha Kalachandji. 
We are months away from being able to get to Mayapur. In the mean time, I have a lot of work to do and there is the sankirtan mission of Lord Chaitanya to worry about. 
Yours, Mishra Bhagavan Dasa
HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!!   AgtSP.    Seems to me that you and Arron can live together peacefully and help each other.  It comes from realizing that I have to decide to be happy and not depend on others, using their association to become happy and not sad.
Of course, always heading for more renunciation.
We posted your letter as it is in our Blog.
We are in Houston lecturing and on "Lord Caitanya, the Ideal Preacher of Srimad Bhagavatam" in preparation for Gaura-purnima and we have distributed 15=TLCs so far!
Thank you.
Please join the Blog and write there!!   Your news will help many people. -


6 years, 11 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias a Sus pies

Gracias por su respuesta, voy a  organizar las cosas para viajar con usted cuando venga a Argentina, hablando con Panca Tattva, y organizandome. en una semana comienzo a hacer sankirtan para colectar y empezar a mover

A Su servicio

Adi Yajña Das

HpS - ASA --- Muy bien!!     Y tambien si tiene observaciones de problemas en su Templo esta Blog is buen situacion para hablar un poco como bienquierente para sugerencias como mejorar la situacion de un perspectivo general. No es buen sitio para hablar de personas especificas por sus nombres en la comenza. Primero clarificando las principios basicas de la problema.  Esperamos sus ideas y notiocias.


6 years, 11 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias Gurudeva

Hare Krishna!!!Aqui  le queria comunicar que me voy del Yatra de Buenos Aires, quizas me refugie un poco en Mar del plata con Panca Tattva colecte y vaya a India

Es mucha la decepcion que tengo de Los mayores, todos ininputables, si te enojas sos ofensivo si gritas sos agresivo,

Maha Hari se fue a La India con la novia, no es publica sus cuentas, muchas cosas de  su carrera dudosa y ahora con la novia viviendo juntos en India, cobrando 2000 dolares por mes, esta inflado el salario, mucho boga y poca tapas  y el es Mi autoridad? y del Yatra? y Srila Virabahu no lo entiendo

Gunagrahi Prabhu es devuelta Swami, estamos como los babaji y las viudas

Los principios son para los nobles , yo ahora estoy enojado

me canse siento que no puedo confiar 

me  voy antes de que me enoje mas , por  las ofensas  que arruinan todo aunque se que Krishna ve mi corazon. no soy comprendido en esto y  pienso que Usted no me va a llegar a entender con esta carta pequeña

Mucho Maquiabelo

PD: vendi el Smart phone y regale la computadora, no mas tecnologia, solo lo necesaria

haciendo Yoga y leyendo mucho, tratando de cuidarme de mi mente, y de los que se dizfrazan de corderos

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Yes. It is hard to understand any details in such a short letter. Also, there are not other letters, so we cannot understand any details or fourth. Also if your technology is gone we don't know if you will read this, but we hope you do.

We hope to go on serving Srila Prabhupada by chanting Hare Krishna on serious fashion. That has solved all these social problems for us. 

If a Brahmana does not like a kingdom them he can look for shelter, peacefully, soberly, with another King.

 When we don't travel we can keep more communication on issues like this by internet. When we travel we are in contact with so many people. Of course when we travel we can be personally present and contact so many people.

 Thank you.

some doubts from chile

6 years, 11 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev please accept my humble obeisances to your feet. Eventually, i find a moment to write you while my children sleeping. i hope this letter finds you well dear Gurudev. 
some changes, we aren´t working with prasadam anymore, they forbiden us in the building we live, because of risks prevention with gas. So my husband is dedicated to tatoo & airbrushing´s works ...
As far as i am concerned, i go out to sankirtan some days a week.... i am reading almost all days, in english from veda base, lately i have been reading "dharma: the way of trascendence"...and the start meeting program save my life every days thank you very much for that. 

 However, i am dealing with depressive and negative feelings about my self and my life after the whole situation that happened... despite haven´t stoped chanting my rounds and take care of my children this have became more and more hard to do with this state. Nevertheless without Srila Prabhupada and your mercy, its a fact i would be so much worse.

HpS - ASA - It is very nice to hear from you!   Try reading the books by Krsna dharma Das on

Maybe Krnsa will send another kitchen. Maybe a beter situation in partner ship with other devotee family.

Don't be depressed. Your history as a devotee as we know it is really very good: Book distributor, mother, daughter, wife. The SB is FULL of falldowns. Look at your present situation. Your present challenge which has unique aspects that no one has ever faced before and get up and get to work. So many people you read this get strength from you association.

I dont want to become a ungrateful person but i can´t help feeling like this, sometimes i think i need to face my sadness and just accept it, accept this as my karma, my quota of suffering, as you told me once...we are not looking for happiness but purification...and probably this is an other oportunity for i realize that. 

HPS - Yes. Was Druapadi happy? Kunti??   Radharani???

Well, in the other hand, i have some doubts about the deities worships standar for kids, i was trying to include my older son, syam, 3 years old, and he is very very enthusiastic, actually he ask me to do it every morings, and daya (1 year 3 months old) she always point the altar saying "jaya jaya" asking me for put her close to the deities, so i dont want to ignore the enthusiasm they bring maybe form other lives, i dont know... but, a devotee showed me some excerpts from srila prabhupada´s letter that saying a mother can´t worship the deities until her children stop to use diapers and stop being breast feeding... and a child can´t help with the worship of the deities until the 10 years old!!!

HpS - ASA -- Is this from letters from Srila Prabhupada? Room conversations? I never heard it before.  It also may be the standard for installed deities in the Temple.

For this in the house then we adjust like you say to the devotees, old or young, to have facility to see and touch Krsna. Of course we need to keep things clean, but after changing diapers we can clean our hands properly etc.

I feel very confused now about it....i dont understand the reason why, and the contexct of these letters... 

this is exactly what i read:

"las madres que tengan niños pequeños no deben cocinar para las deidades o adorarlas hasta que dejen de lactar a sus niños, y hasta que el niño no use mas pañales". Carta de Srila Prabhupada, Hawai, 8 de junio, 1975

" No le des la Deidad de jaganntha a los niños pequeños porque no lo cuidaran apropiadamente y haran ofensas" Carta de Srila prabhupada, hawai, 30 de marzo 1969

" (los niños) pueden aprender a adorar a la deidad a los 10 años, no menos, antes de eso puede ayudar.Pueden aprender como hacer reverencias, como bailar, cantar, hacer guirnaldasm limpiar utensilios del arati. Esas tambien son diferentes partes de la adoracion a la deidades" Extraxto de un manual de adorazion en el hogar.

 (of course mi intention its not give to my little daughter the deities in her hands, because i understand its not a good idea)

HPS - The First letter is for the worship of the Temple Deity in Hawaii as far as I understand. The other letters are correct, but the children can do arati before ten if they can be clean and treat the house deities properly. They can watch, They can help. Prabhupada explains that even he was little he would sit by the kitchen door and watch the cooking.

As much as they can do in a clean proper fashion they can do.

so, humbly this are my questions:

- as far as i know the standar for jagannatha baladeva y subadra its not the same as the goura nitay standar, isn´t?

HPS - Jayatritha Das told us that Srila Prabhupada said that Lord Jagannatha is 80% merciful. He forgives offenses 80%. Gaura Nitai 100% except for Vaisnava aparadha etc.

- as far as i know, until the 5 years old all the reactions of my children´s offenses goes to me, so i always think."

HPS - Maybe. If they have free will and intelligence to discriminate then they have to take responsibility for the actions they do also.

i assume the responsability of any reaction but i prefer he could have that good samskara & the good habit since now instead than he never do it" its wrong thinking like that? 

- this is a standar for a temple or for a home?

- i see the oldest son of my husband, nitay, who is 10 years old, and he is not interested in krishna counsciousness at all, so i believe "now is the moment for do all that i can" ... 

but honestly iam confused about this topic...

nevertheless i´ll send you some photos of the last nityananda trayodasi.

thank you one more time for your existence and for be there always for your disciples,

your aspirant servant,

Indu-lekha devi dasi

HpS - AgtSP - Hare Krsna. Yes, first get people involved in Krsna consciousness and then add the rules and regulations.

Temple standard is higher. Keep things clean and punctual in your house and then left the children, everyone serve Krsna in a natural way. Chanting, dancing, cooking, offer Bhoga, license, flower, fan, ... ornaments, clothes.  That's a lot. Go looking for flowers with your family. INvite friends to see you dieties.

educación sástrica URGENTE!

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP!
As I have been commenting lately, my focus on my service to ISKCON is now directed to the sastric education. I want to contribute with renewed educational technology that I am learning and remembering in my master's studies.
There is still a lot of work to be done to continue developing bhakti sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava, at least in Spanish. I ask you, please, to allow me to add things to your brilliant and unparalleled study guides "tava pace pace". Especially in matters of dynamics and other reinforcement and feed-back exercises, etc. Even Spanish still needs to improve.
I also urgently ask to formally participate in the curricular development group on Saturday mornings. I have requested my inclusion on several occasions. The first objective is to continue studying and also to prepare myself to continue teaching. And of course, the educational material will be transferred to Spanish.
Please, if you think it is convenient, send me the material and the links to my gmail, which I understand would be the means of communication for the group.
[email protected]
I'm still worried about the subject of the BS and BVB examination center. I hope it is resolved in your visit to Peru.
Thank you very much.

HpS - From our (imperfect point of view)Education in ISKCON is in much disorder, but we are going ahead!!!  You should write to Srinivasa das with a copy to me. I will Skype you his address.

If your participation is integrated it will be wonderful.