
6 years, 8 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

hare krishna dear guru naharaj

please accept my dandavat Pranaam, all glories to stila prabhupad

Have been reading about your travel, health. It’s inspirinh to see how you are following your guru.  . . . . . . [Good News] ...

please keep the communication confidential

your servant

Nilachala Chandra Das

HpS - ASA -- O.K.   We sent short note through Yahoo.  Did you get it!   Please send some report on Kala chandji Dhama, Family!    Srinatha Das is moving to Dallas in June.

Spain 29 Aug to 12 Sep??

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you? Thank you for your frequent communication through Twitter. It helps me remember my position in this world. 

HpS - AGTSP. Sorry that it has taken 2-months to answer!  Getting little regulated in Tennessee after all this travel. We will ask Brother Ass to Tweet regularly.  He knows three songs: 1) I am here (so he doesn't lose contact with the flock, 2) Here is food, 3) Here is danger.

I am very busy all day long (Sadhana, family, School Teacher, CPO, Gurukula... ), but I am happy to be very connected to Krishna devotees.

I would like to know if you are considering to come to Spain. Surely, I am being very selfish...

HpS - Yes, we are looking for ticket now. What about August 29th - Sep 12th?   The ticket is about $850 from East Coast to MAD or BCN.   That would be $55/day.  Is it worth it?   Could we contribute enough in that time?   It would be Janmastami.

Hoping you are fine when reading this message.

Your servan,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Our respects to Jayanta Das, Nimai and all the devotees. We would like very much to come to Spain!

Trip report

6 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Tomorrow U will be in Richmond jaya ¡¡¡

ASA - This letter was sent 2-months ago.

Gurudeva this trip was so great for my Sadhana, mental and health in general

My coach says that one is the way it is everywhere. And it was really encouraging to have the sea just in front of me when I woke up. My whole life wanted to live in front of the ocean.  I joined FMP chant gayatri in front of the sea, attend Nrismhadeva deity, breakfast and then go to the beach for more chanting... lucky me thanks Srila Prabhupada there were vegetarians restaurants nearby, I avoided to eat grains,instead I took some fruit, milk and so forth

My rounds improved a lot, gayatris as well. I could feel me connecting with nature, etc. I met one girl, who I can tell she was religious, she was evangelical, she was so sweet. You can tell she was a GOD girl haha a Good girl.

On Siva Ratri I went to the Gita asram I met Patraka there, very nice to be with him, I went there to ask for blessings to the best of all vaisnavas in order to improve my faith and devotion. 

I really liked Madhumanjari's letter she is so so nice, some of us write here, I am doing this I am doing that and even if she is much more advance than many of us, she still feels she needs to improve I really admire her, and feel so fortunate to have her friendship and association

I talked with Jambavati m some godbrothers sent me money for her I will give it tomorrow, her father has lost his vision and he needs more medical cares...

In the afternoon I sent to You the Itinerary for your revision.

I feel more relaxed now, my new work needs me focus.. I am attaching some pictures of the resort I was hosted

Ulyses liked the stick from the sea that I brought to him haha, thank U Gurudeva.

HpS - It probably had incredible smells!

In one picture I am with my jacket with S from Super girl haha

I was careful with my pictures as U advice me, and in general, thank U for being so kind, and for always instruct me firmly but with love also

I am very excited about the spiritual retreat because it started on March 16th my birthday :)

Having U here is the most great gift ever

See You soon soon soon

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna!    We can always be on a "Vacation" with Krsna. Helping Him in His many adventures with many people!!!       Thank you for your news.   The more you improve your life, the more you improve the world.      ABAT!

Let us look at one more letter!!!  Then write a report about the GBC College.

Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 8 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obeisances. 

Sorry I didn't reply to your message sooner.

HpS - ASA --- <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />  That goes for us like 50-times. Of course, we published in the 'Kapi Dhvaja' that it was impossible to answer anything but 'Urgent' letters while we were on tis Marathon trip. So here we are 'catching up' on our mail. Very nice to hear from you all!

Generally I recieve an email when you have edited my post, but it seems that it didn't come this time. And as I had not heard your response, I simply decided to check the website and I saw the 'Recent Content' section and under that 'My Content'. From there I saw you have already replied to my message a while ago ;) We learn something new everyday.

ASA - Some of us are slower! 

Yes! Peru sounds like a very interesting idea. I would like to visit. Perhaps when I finish year 12, I will be forever free. I may do whatever I want - travel. 

Yes, you do have a point. Haha. But these games occupy his whole day. He barely spends time with the family. Hopefully, over time his preferences and interests will change. 

Thank you for your answer. Your anwers are always satisfying ;) I very much like the analogy you provided. After I asked my father several questions, he also told me that Lord Krsna told Arjuna, "The intricacies of Karma are very difficult to understand."

I believe Rukmini's solution to her 'career' choice was marriage, wasn't it? In these contemporary times, women are looking to start their career before anything. Even if they were ready, a man must also be there first ;) Anyway, my father also used to say get married to a rich man. Perhaps he might be helping in planning something for me. Hehe.. Only time will tell. Maybe I won't ever be married.

ASA - Krsna is a jealous Dude (He is also very rich).

But this is why I want to travel after high school for a while. I hope it will allow me to 'find myself,' I guess you could say. I would like to visit all the overseas temples. Also, I want to go to the Polish tour and the Radhadesh Mellows and Kirtan Mela. It will be a nice experience.

HpS - Yes. Tirtha-yatra. Visiting Holy Places with the real focus of meeting spiritual people. There are probably 1000 people who are friends of your Father who would be very glad to host you and give you guided tour of their Yatra.

Gaura Purnima is coming up. I will be participating in a little drama. 

Thank you for your ever clarification to my doubts :) 

Maharaj, I hope for your everlasting good health condition so that you may visit us soon. This year perhaps? If not, next year maybe. Otherwise we may come and visit you ;) 

Hare Krsna! 

Your annoying ;) servant, 


HpS - ASA --- Been following the Kapi Dhavaja?  We keep it going out with news!    The tour was 6-six countries, 11-weeks and change of residence 22-times. Exhausting but well worth the investment.

Are you learning anything useful in school?  How is your family?  Has Bhima won the Lottery?  Temple???


6 years, 8 months ago by Gino in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,  Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami:
Apreciado Maharaj, permítame presentale mis reverencias postrándome ante usted como muestra de humildad y obediencia y además presentación,

HpS - ASA -  Todas la glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Somos solamente servientes de nuestra Acharya Fundador. Postraciones para el! 

Soy Gino Carrión Quevedo de 48 años, nacido en Lima Perú y viviendo con mi familia desde hace casi 20 años en Madrid España. Tenemos con Rosemary (mi esposa) 5 hijos y adultos e independientes a la menor de 20 años que aun vive con nosotros.
Mi esposa ha sido miembro de la Iglesia Mormona desde que era una niña y tú me has llegado a la Iglesia incluso después de haber bautizado a nuestros hijos. Serví con dedicación en la Iglesia siendo ordenado al oficio de sumo sacerdote.

HpS - Muy bien!  Hallelujah!  ]]]}} 

"Whatever inspires man to good continuously is from God" (We remember from Book of Mormon or Doctrines and Covenants

Guardamos en nuestros corazones las buenas experiencias y buenos principios aprendidos y puestos en práctica, aunque un riguroso, el estudio doctrinal y el teológico por nuestra parte, fue haciendo preguntas sobre la doctrina de la Iglesia sintiendo que no solo no eramos leales con los que nos gustaban los lugares locales . Si no que tampoco nos sentíamos leales con nosotros mismos.
Así me despedí de forma respetuosa y cordial de las personas en el mundo, dejando mi cargo que venía desempeñando.
Esta decisión fue meditada y fundamentada, por lo que ahora habita en mi un sentimiento de haber hecho lo correcto.
Tengo la certeza que Krishna guía nuestros pasos y tiene planos para cada uno de nosotros, cada paso y suceso en mi vida en estos últimos meses así que yo confirman.
Una carga extrema en mi trabajo habitual sumado a las horas de dedicación en la Iglesia y al desencantamiento por sucesos tristes y desagradables trajeron una crisis de ansiedad y depresión. Aunque la experiencia fue traumática la terapia con un especialista, me ayudó a volver a conectarme conmigo mismo, tomé la valiente decisión de actuar de acuerdo a mi conciencia y abandonar los dogmas que había defendido antes sin ninguna base.
Fue después de que mi vida dio un giro rotundo, no solo dejó mi servicio en la Iglesia Mormona sino que llegó hasta mi forma física relacionada con la filosofía hinduista para ser más exacta Autobiografía de un Yogui de Paramahansa Yogananda.


Pero tú querías saber más que asistía a un centro de meditación Self Realization Fellowship, sin embargo no era lo que buscaba.
Aún queda en mi memoria, imágenes y experiencias de viajes Hare Krisna en las calles de Lima o haber comido en su comedor en el centro de mi ciudad.


También había visto y tenido una interrogante, que era aquella que hacía tan feliz a estas personas.

En el mes de diciembre del año pasado hicimos una visita al centro de ISKCON de Madrid, lo teníamos pendiente, hacíamos más de 6 meses y nos volvimos vegetarianos, así que sabíamos que la experiencia sería buena. Las personas que viven con la madre y el niño no están infectadas con alcohol y drogas.

El sentimiento que nos acompañó fue de abundante paz, antes había visto y leído sobre la vida de su Divina Gracia AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, también había visto muchos videos sobre conferencias impartidas en España y Sudamérica por distintos swamis, entre ellos los de usted.

Continuamos asistiendo infaltablemente a los fines de semana, los domingos son especiales, no solo por el Kirtan sino por las conferencias.

Pero faltaba algo que nosotros estábamos acostumbrados a hacer y que ya formaban parte de nuestra forma de vida y que es el servicio.

Krishna envió un domingo a Yadunandana Swami y tuve la bendición de que me escuchara y tomara atención a lo que había sido nuestra vida y el deseo de servirnos desde donde nos mandasen.

Ahora prestamos el servicio actualmente como ayudantes en la cocina los fines de semana.

Y recibió un ciclo de clases de Iniciación en el Bhakti Yoga impartidas por uno de sus discípulos Mantri Rama Dasa.

Paralelamente sigue con la lectura del Bhagavad Gita y enseñanzas de Srila Prabhupada a través de sus libros.
Tenemos un pequeño altar en casa, y ahora nuestro hábito desde que despertamos es el de un devocionario, es decir, limpieza, meditación y rondas, etc.


Toda la escuela tiene ahora un fundamento sólido e incluso científico y filosófico, no existe en nuestro corazón. la mujer a la iglesia a la que pertenece, básicamente porque en ella hay personas que siguen amando incondicionalmente.

Somos respetuosos como antes de las ideas de los demás y sus verdades alcanzadas individualmente, nuestras creencias no se basaran nunca en el ataque de las demás.

Quiero seguir avanzando en mi progreso espiritual y hacer un esfuerzo en ello con la humildad de un aprendiz ignorante que se somete a las enseñanzas de sus maestros.

Es por ello apreciado Maharaj, que humildemente el ruego que me tomé en cuenta como un aspirante a discípulo suyo.

Que Krishna sigue bendiciendo sus pasos para seguir siendo bendecido con sus enseñanzas, me despido dando mis reverencias ante sus pies.
Su sirviente
Gino Carrión 
Hare Krishna 

HpS - ASA --Estimado Gino Carrion y otros,
Gracias por su carta. Es muy vivificante. Mi esposa y yo investigamos LDS por medio de unos misionerios que nos visito y compartir ensenyanzas. Leí el Libro de Mormón y Doctrinas y Convenios y tuve una estrecha amistad con varios mormones.
Por lo que puedo entender, ISKCON y LDS tienen muchas cosas fundamentales en común. Por supuesto, hay diferentes religiones para diferentes personas en diferentes situaciones, pero la base es la misma: y el siguiente verso.

Comprender 'gurú' es un tema ilimitado, pero hemos expuesto nuestras ideas básicas en: Por favor léelo y cuéntanos tus pensamientos!

cmdd reporting

6 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope your eye recovers pretty soon, thank U so much for all your example and austerities. I need to learn from U, utsahan, niscayad, dhairyat ¡¡¡

I am a little delay with my rounds, FMP for me is at 5am… For instance, On Wednesdays I leave the University at 11pm so be up for mangal artik is a little hard, plus last week I had the flu.. pfff this body is a disease. But I am trying my best to follow your order. Jaya Rama

Regarding installation of Srila Prabhupada’s murti, well since 2014 when I quit to be chief pujari the authorities do not listen to me, I mean my opinion, so I just do what they ask me, obviously if it is proper. So they arranged an installation ceremony, a fire sacrifice was performed, along with an abhishek, I lead the abhishek. This murti inspires respect. And since the moment He arrived lots of things came to light. I know that U recommend not to do it, but the problem is that they need counselors, ask first, anyway, my personal realization is that The Acarya is now there, so ¡¡¡¡¡¡ He will not allow anything improper to occur.

We also participated in the Sri Nrismhadeva abhishek,we bathed 3 murtis, the one in the temple, Caturatma, Palika, Parvati’s and mine.  Anandamaya gave the class, very nice class

Jiyada Nrismha Prabhu is my student BS and Padapadma student, and one devotee from Mexico.

 Regarding Bhativedanta studies… I am not as active as I used to be, I have no time to read the whole material, So I beg for mercy I would like to join as a free student.

HpS - Sure!   Don't forget that you are working for Krsna.  Don't work for anyone else.  He is very clear. He wants regular SB reading (w/ devotees) every morning.  Of course, you can adjust times. He will send all the money He wants to send. He is nice person.

Regarding the holistic part, I am doing it, but just for me, some patients occasionally, my job in the 2 universities is very demanding

Personal life: Once U told me for a devotee there is no personal life… I was wondering about one question U asked me: What is the plan of your life?

Well now, I can respond that question:

I have a commitment with my mother, she is sick and I have to fulfill my duty as a daughter

My parents educated me in such a way not to depend on anyone, my mother not once told me “when U get married…etc, nor my father  haha for him I was his jewel  haha. Well I have always depended on Krsna’s mercy. But I support myself; I act now as my father haha well in terms that I pay the expenses of my home.  I am kind of accustomed to do things by myself and to be I can say independent, I looked one photo of myself back in 2012 and if U see my smile, I was completely happy, there are always problems but really I was really happy and that was before my Romeo and Juliet relationships hahaha, So I said to myself my dear candramukhi there U have your answer hahaha. I have learned to know myself pretty well and I am subconsciously blocking that romeo and Juliet area on purpose, in order not  to suffer, I do not know if that is Ok or not, but I guess that is something that I need to work or maybe not.

HpS - Really make Gopal, you Deities, your family. Of course, if They want to come in the form of empowering a husband, brother, son, second dog, father.....  O.K.   but why think that it is someone different?!

Regarding the fashion magazines the truth is that I do not spend my money on those I just go for a shopping mall twice a month and pick up something that I like I guess it is a matter of good taste hahaha (my ego talking).

HpS - I think Srimati Radharani would do the same.

The thing is that is now I am just interested in giving support to my family. Not only material, spiritual as well. Even if my sister and mother are favorable to my beliefs they are not actually devotees. So I am feeling that I need to practice more my Spiritual life.. I need kind a Spiritual Retreat. I always remember my days in NOVA GOKULA waking up at 3:30 am attend mangal artik, SB Class, chanting rounds. Dhanvantari Maharaja there, devotees, the cows, the horse, the peacocks, I am sick of pollution, traffic jam, etc. Every day in Lima one girl is rape, murderer or beaten. I need some break… So I was wondering if I can go to Alachua, San Francisco Ratha Yatra, or Festival in Tennesse… what do U think? Which are your instructions?

HpS - These are all short visits. We will be traveling a lot. Maybe visit end of September.  Can you get away from work for more than a few days?  What about November in Chile?   Other suggestions?   Move to Chosica with your family and share a car with devotees for daily commute??

So sorry for this long letter I will just try to write on ekadasis , actually this letter was from yesterday..

HpS - Is fine!   Nice to hear from you.

I had a very nice dream of U this morning, U arrived U asked to talked with me and M Astasakhi, then I asked my sister to take us pictures, You enter in a room and all the devotees were there.. U embraced the prabhus it was really nice :)

HpS - ASA -- Yes it was very nice.

Thank U Gurudeva for always being there

Hope not to be a burden

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - How does Ulysesses get exercise? Nice photos!