
6 years, 8 months ago by Namacarya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

here is Nama reporting to Vraja (you)


I haven’t wrote here lately

‘cos been busy with school greatly


It is like this: family, job, japa and security

plus added lectures and exams, it took energy severely


School is nearing the end

in about ten days it will be completed


In nine months I went through 40 exams


HpS - ASA - Wow!!!


Most were with best marks, thanks Krsna and His attendants


I think and meditate on you daily

It comes smoothly and naturally


Of course, there is much more to write and discuss

For now, hope these few words will be enough


Your aspiring servant writes this simple song

Being grateful for your loving gong



HpS - Then you can't post the new disciples on the list right now?


URGENT. PabloParikrama

6 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports



I am Pablo Parikrama.

How are You? I wish you are perfect in all aspects, especially with Krsna.

Please, I want to ask some confidential questions, so I'd appreciate it if it was private, please. I would have written to an email but I do not know any.


. . . . . .

HpS - ASA --- Awwk!   We ust can't handle detailed discussions with everyone. When we did that we had 4-500 letters a month!    First, put your topics in a general sense. Don't mention specific names, but the general topic. Then we can deal with that for the benefit of five more people who have the same inquietudes. As necessary we can then move to private e-mails for short details!  That works the best.

Please Maharaja, give me advice and instruction please. I beg you.


Hare Krsna



6 years, 8 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana

Hare krsna mi muy querido Gurudeva, PAMHO, es una alegría saber que Ud. está viniendo a Perú, vimos fechas de su estadía en perú esperamos ir una de ellas.

HpS - ASA - Si, era sumamente bueno y productivo. Era muy inspirador ver Vds!!

Mi reporte es el siguiente; He estado levantándome a las 5.00 am, cantando 16 rondas, 4 principios bien, adoración a las deidades de casa y a las silas, con mi esposo Gadai estámos leyendo el S.B. C. 3 C5, es maravilloso encontrar muchas enseñanzas de los éxtasis de srila Prabhupada, también le cuento que los devotos de chosica nos regalaron una tulasi, ella está creciendo muy bonita.

HpS - ASA -- Canto 3, Vieira y Uddhava, Vieira y Maitreya!

He estado haciendo un sankirtana pausado, participamos de la marathon, ahora para Nrshinja caturdasi p. Gadai y P. Bhakta Percy, están comprando libros para organizar una marathon con algunos devotos sankirtaneros amigos que tenemos. También en unos días un devoto nos está donando una cantidad de libros, es una alegría ver que muchos devotos se unen cada vez más a este movimiento de sankirtana.

ASA - Siguiendo sus pasos, hoy dia, 6PM es programa intra-fe. Llevamos uno libros con nosotros y vamos a ver si podemos comparator Gaura vani con los Buddhistas.

Otra buena noticia es que las 60 silas  ahora están en argentina y por ahí un devoto las pueda traer ahí le envío fotos de ellas.

Aquí en la casa nueva que estámos viviendo hacemos programas los domingos, consiste en un almuerzo y lectura del bagavad gita y canto no es algo formal todavia,  hay unos jovenes nuevos que Gadai Prabhu predicó en la calle, uno de ellos es Paul, también está Lindsay que fué a chosica a entrenarse, ella está con M. Amparo, me siento tranquila ahora que bhaktin lindsay está teniendo una base en su vida espiritual, ahora dependerá de ella.

HpS - Claro, Putana representa el Guru falso y todos los nuevos tiene que pasar por esta desafio, entender como relational bien con ISKCON. Entonces bastante refugio. 

Por otro lado querido Gurudeva, saqué mis papeles de la universidad para trabajar este año porque quiero hacer proyectos como; hacer trulis en los terrenos, hacer el 2do piso para que puedan haber cuartos para devotos y un pequeño salon de templo, aqui en el terreno sembramos higos, palta, flores, maiz, habas, alverjas, papaya, guindas, tumbo, jazmin, tunas, guindones y otros, me gusta mucho la siembra, también me encataría tener un par de vacas, un amigo de krsna nos quiere enseñar como criar y quizas talves vender leche fresca, yogurth, guee, mantequilla y con los trulis hacer realidad el proyecto "club Gauranga" con retiros espirituales y otros. Son ideas de  negocio, para expandir y ayudar la conciencia de krsna y predicar.

Bueno todo estos deseos que tengo yo los propongo y Krsna lo dispone si él desea, ententiendo que todo es misericordia de krsna, a las finales el sankirtana es mi último refugio, también nos gustaría invitarlo cuando ya esté listo los cuartos que falta aquí en chongos bajo.

HpS - Claro, es 10-veces mas facial libros a la gente cuando tiene un comunidad donde ellos puede ir para ver la realidad de los libros!  Claro aun, eso es el mundo material y es deficit hacer cual quiere cosa espiritual aqui.  Pero siempre hay resultado eterno de la esfuerza!

la salud está bien, ayer hicimos una ceremonia de fuego en la casa con nuestro amigo el juez Alberto, él siempre nos visita por aquí.eso es todo por ahora, ah tenemos un perro de raza peruano, llamado kirtan el cuida de la casa y los terrenos.

Tratando de refugiarme en los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada...

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - ASA ---  DESCULPA la demurra responder por causa de nuestra gira por America Latino, pero es super oir de Vds.    Gracias enviar buen fotos de todo el proyecto. . . Percy, el Juez...! Reverencias a todos. Esperamos verte pronto!!  Pero raza Peruano va a Goloka?

Little issues, big faith?

6 years, 8 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports

 Dear Maharaja

  Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet

  All the glories to Srila Prabhupada

  All the glories to Sri Vijay Gouranga Nityananda Ram!

  I hope you are doing very well, my deepest sympathies may go with you and my deepest desire for you to being kept by Krishna in good health thru Prasadam dear Maharaja! 

 I have been keeping my sadhana pretty active, even with ups and downs, for many reasons that would never make a good excuse, but would be seen as a rock in my path to devotional service. i have attended to mangal aarti on a regular basis this month, December definitely was my best month as i was able to stay in the temple for almost the whole month, but January and February have been a little bit more difficult... in matters of  being in a foreign country and having hard time to keep or find a job, im still having time and enthusiasm to go to the temple, assist in almost a daily basis to B.G classes, make garlands, help in the kitchen, clean and wash Prabhupada's clothings as my main services, still i want to learn how to do the aartis, as well im reading a Bhakti Sastri guide and studying B.G and "Sankhya, the metaphysic of the 24 elements" as light reading. 

Days have been hard, the sadhusanga here has become very very hard to keep due to so many issues among all devotees. I'm having a hard time, i question my faith every day.. why do i go to the temple? why do i assist to B.G reading and classes? what is that keeps me attached to go to mangal aarti and make garlands? I'm starting to question myself more and more lately and somedays i just wake up feeling I'm not worth it, that i would never be able to heal all my anarthas and become at least a devotee. its like cement on my feet walking with all these doubts... i sent you a letter like a week ago and i might feel as maybe if you get to read it, that it was more like a fake report than anything..i wasn't feeling happy or enthusiastic at all. i don't feel right hiding how i feel, and even when being honest can be an excuse to be lazy or to justify the making of mistakes, its the only tool i have left to show my mistakes, my misbehavior and to reach thru answers that would help me to get what i need in order to become a better person, to fix this mess of a mind i've got and so, become a better devotee. i might not be the most fallen, but I'm sure i am the person with the biggest mess in her head about her faith and devotional life. 

 hope to hear soon from you dear Maharaja!  

HpS - ASA -- I hope you have been reading the Kapi Dhvaja. Has Patraka Das been translating them?   We have not noticed lately!   We are struggling like you in foreign countries etc. The only solution is to do the best we can do. If you find value in Prabhupada's books or following his instructions, then do it. If you find value in the Prophet Mohammad then do it.

That is our religion. Doing something for Krsna with the help of an Acharya. Yes, problems with ur religion. Problems with our family, problems with our body, government, weather, Kali yuga, but....  !     ...... big advantage, at any time you can chant Holy Names and make progress!   Then your shelter under and Acharya like Srila Prabhupada will be more and more solid. then... 

Took us two months to answer this because of thes11-weeks traveling.

More news!


reporte de sadhana

6 years, 8 months ago by gadadhar in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetusas reverencias.todas las glorias va Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA - Please accept our humble obeisances!  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Querido Gurudeva hace tiempo que no escribo al blog. Cuando hace mucho tiempo en la ciudad de México, tengo que preocuparme por la vida espiritual, soy tan vulnerable como caer una y otra vez, solo quiero hacer algo de servicio práctico para usted. por favor quiero servirme de una forma práctica de juego que puedo hacer.usted es muy sabio y entiende siempre mi corazón le agradezco por tomarse el tiempo en leer está carta.

Atte su sirviente gadadhar gosai das

HpS - Era muy, muy, animador ver todo Vds. en Mexico!!  En el Canto Tercero el Senor Brhma dijo la misma al Senor Visnu: En mi servicio va a tener contacto con tan muchos locos y lujuriosos! Como puedo evitar caer en Maya!!!     El Senor dijo, por siempre ser ocupado en servicio devocional.  No tiene que ser algo muy grande, pero siempre haz algo para su Senor, y resultado de eso va a ser mas anima en mas servicio.

Anterioramente Vd. era un B'cari, Sankirtan viajero. Ya es comandante de familia, puede ser alcalde de su pueblo y predica por medio de esta manera.

Krsna es 'yamuna tira vana achari', siempre ocupado en juegos divertidos. Canta Hare Krsna y unirse con estos1

SitaS Report

6 years, 8 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

We hope to find You Gurudeva in good (better) health. As You know Gurudeva, we went to Cusco to know what kind of arragements we had to do to continue studying in Fine Arts, they told us that we can continue our studies starting in August so is the plan so far. The subjects have changed to better! more practice.

ASA - Aacha, hai!    TlgaSP.   He must have arranged this for you.

At the moment, we are living in our grandparents house(Lima) waking up early and closing the door to chant our rounds. We decided to tell our grandmother that we have also our rosary beads.. and she understood very well since she also has her own rosary beads. However, still with some debts, fewer debts than before. Following our principles nicely, we think we could be more strict!

HpS - Very nice.  Get some association. Get a girlfriend for a Japa partner: "How many rounds do you have done?"   ...  "Only 10-my cat was trying to eat my canary and I had to chase them around the kitchen for half an hour!" .... "O.K. See you after school!" 

We are visiting our parents house also very very often with so much love!. I remember when I could talk with You Gurudeva here in Lima, Your advice was that I just had to follow, chant 16 good rounds and principles and everything will be more auspicious and more harmonious, suffering finishes.. (things we forget because we dont read as we should) well, I thought “well thats what I am doing so I just have to continue”. Now, I can experience that the intention and heart apart from attention (and more) are also very important.. direcction or goals?.. still conditional really. Also more will. More Gayatris.

HpS - Fine print at the bottom of the contract: 16-enthusiastic rounds, 4-principles strictly ie. without regular morning program we can't chant enthusiastic rounds. If there are eggs in the cookies or (in the boy friend) then we will get stupid thoughts to disturb our rounds.

I also remember that when we talked some months ago, You mentioned the panca-anga-bhakti, one of them “worship a form of the Lord and Tulasi Maharani”. So we thought about it many times.. we were going to go and buy a deity so we could worship a form of the Lord Krsna!

HpS - We have our baby!! Picture below!

That was the plan until a god-sister we estimate [esteem] told us that it was better to wait for Him to come, when He wants it.

HpS - Hmm!   That is Rukmini, Candravali's mood.

So we went to Cusco, came back and when we go to our parents house, Dad gives us a murti of Sri Pancamukha Hanuman. We almost cried because it was what we were waiting. Now we need Your advice or permission Gurudeva, to worship and carry Them with us. We willl do our best to follow every word and advice. Forever thankful.

Que el Señor Nrsimhadeva lo proteja siempre.. we pray. Please forgive our offenses and our bad english Gurudeva.

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita devi dasi.

HpS - Send picture of Pancha mukha Hanuman!   He is very frightening to the ghosts. Maybe you are destined to become the most powerful (White) witch in Peru (along with your Brother).

Picture.  Picture.   NO!    A drawning.