6 years, 7 months ago by Gino in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias para Srila Prabhupada.

Estimado maestro me postro ante tus pies ofreciendote reverencias y obediencia.

HpS - ASA -- TLGASP!!  (Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada)!

Soy Gino Carrión, tengo que recordarme si te llaman el libro de mormón y doctrina y convenios.

HpS -  Si, ya estoy pensando eso es Vd.

Perdona mi ansia y falta de paciencia, aceptó con humildad sus indicaciones y no resta las ganas de seguir adelante aprendiendo y poniendo en práctica la conciencia de Krishna.

Más ilusión el pensar que al cumplir el año podré recibir con tu misericordia iniciación.

La semana pasada tuvimos la visita de Bhaktimarga Swami en el templo de Madrid, le hablé de ti. El dijo Good Man!!!!! NO SE EQUIVOCA.

En Agosto en Brihuega el 29,30 y 31 recibire las clases de discipulado por Jadunanda Swami. 

Quería preguntarte si puedo hacer algo por ti antes de tu llegada a Madrid en Agosto.

Necesitas algo?

Gracias por atenderme 

Tu imperfecto sirviente.

Gino Carrión

HpS - Hare Krsna.  Entonces ya pasado un ano de seguir todo: Rondas, principios, levantando 1-1/2 antes del sol?

Con carta de recommendacon del Presidente del Templo puede tomar primero iniciacion si esta listo ser alumno formal en ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada.

Si puede contactar con Jayanta Das y otros acerca de organizando un seminario de Upadesamrta mientras estamos en Espanya, Madrid, ser super.

Mas noticias!

Subse accha fotos (Hindi) - Los mejores fotos!!  Gracias.

Varna-Ashrama in Modernity

6 years, 7 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Please forgive me for submitting this essay so late. It has been a hectic few weeks with the shutting down of office in SLC and planning the move to Dallas.

ASA - We are worse.   AGTSP!!!   We were told that "hectic" comes from "Hecate", a name for the Devil, Satan, The Evil One. Then Hectic days would be Satanic Days!!!

Thankfully, my brother is here with me for the summer and has been helping me with the move.

HpS - ASA -- Jaya!  What is his name?  Is he an Olympic Wrestler, Bollywood movie star?

We will be visting Boise for the Rath yatra on 4th July and drive to Texas from there. I am so eagerly looking forward to having your association in Boise in August.

I have been chanting my rounds and following the principles strictly. I have also been continuing my  FMP and am currently reading SB 2.5 for my daily SB reading.

HpS - Super!   You are becoming a very useful tool for Lord Caitanya!

My parents have also fixed my marriage date on the 28th October 2018 in Chennai. We need your mercy and blessing to successfully execute the ashrama in Krishna's service.

HpS - I bet you (and your esteemd fiancee) will be very nervous on that day. It is a formality but not a meaningless formality. Is very nice to read the Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti together, with family and friends, and discuss it. Intensely inspiring advice.



Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that the four divisions of the society are created by Him and it is based on guna and karma. Unfortunately, in the times we live in, the varna system has been deeply convoluted. Instead of looking at the modes of nature in which a person is situated in and the work associated with them, to decide the varna, it is based upon birth. I was born in an orthodox South Indian smartha brahmana family and considered myself a brahmana until I associated with the devotees. In the purport for BG 4.13, Srila Prabhupada writes

“as Kṛṣṇa is transcendental to this system of the four divisions of human society, a person in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is also transcendental to all divisions of human society”. 

We see in our own society in ISKCON that the qualities of a brahmana can be cultivated by anyone who follows the process and they can even transcend it by becoming a Vaishnava.

Guru Maharaja, you always quote Chanakya pandit on getting good advice from many people to make a good decision. I have been getting advice on my nature and how I should proceed from my brahmachary ashram as my parents have been pushing me to get married. The advice I got was to get married and make this the last time. Primarily, it would break my parent’s heart if I don’t get married. I am so attached to them that I cannot bear to see that happen. I have also come to realize that although all the gross material desires are under control, I have so many subtle desires and going through grahastha ashrama will purify me of those desires and make me realize what I sing every day - “Attachment to the lotus feet of the Spiritual master is the perfection that fulfills all desires.”

Thinking about grahasta ashrama and my position, I was reminded of Kardama muni from Srimad Bhagavatam. Although I am nowhere close to Kardama muni’s platform, I know for a fact that grahastha ashrama is going to slow my spiritual progress, I have to go through the ashram one last time and with the awareness, so that such desires are permanently vanquished.

HpS - Hmmm.   Doesn't have to slow your progress. Didn't slow Kardamas. If he had stayed B'cari in his current life he might have come back again to get married.

Kardama Muni prays in SB 3.21.14

Your lotus feet are the true vessel to take one across the ocean of mundane nescience. Only persons deprived of their intelligence by the spell of the deluding energy will worship those feet with a view to attain the trivial and momentary pleasures of the senses, which even persons rotting in hell can attain. However, O my Lord, You are so kind that You bestow mercy even upon them.

In BG 8.28, Srila Prabhupada writes that during brahmacharya, one studies Vedas and undergoes austerities by serving the spiritual master and the result of such education is good character. Hopefully, by Krishna’s mercy, I can take my education during my brahmachary ashram and apply those in grahasthasrama and lead a life centered around Krishna and execute the ashrama as a service by creating a Krishna conscious atmosphere at home and help everyone progress in their Bhakti.

HpS - Likw Bh. vinode Thakura.

I have been reading Srimad Bhagavatam daily and when I was pondering over the essay, I read the verse 2.3.22. I realized how Srimad Bhagavatam is a living scripture. Srila Prabhupada’s purport is very instructive. 

Especially for the householder devotees, the path of Deity worship is strongly recommended. As far as possible, every householder, by the direction of the spiritual master, must install the Deity of Viṣṇu, forms like Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa or Sītā-Rāma especially, or any other form of the Lord, like Nṛsiṁha, Varāha, Gaura-Nitāi, Matsya, Kūrma, śālagrāma-śilā and many other forms of Viṣṇu, like Trivikrama, Keśava, Acyuta, Vāsudeva, Nārāyaṇa and Dāmodara, as recommended in the Vaiṣṇava-tantras or Purāṇas, and one’s family should worship strictly following the directions and regulations of arcana-vidhi.

He continues to say, 

Engagement in such worship of the Deity, under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master, will greatly help the householders to purify their very existence and make rapid progress in spiritual knowledge.

In due course of time, after the responsibilities of grahastamsrama are done, I will hopefully be purified of my material desires and can become a nice tool for Krishna, so that He can use me full time for His service in vanaprastashrama. Again Kardama muni’s example is a very practical one, where one waits for the time when he can fully dedicate himself towards the service of Guru and Krishna.

HpS - Why wait?   If He wants Krsna can have us run over by a cement truck at any moment and take us directly back to serving in Goloka. If He wants us here then there must be intense service here. G. ashram can be just as much engagement as Sannyasa. Style is different and the formalities are different, but essence is the same, Krsna-bhajan.

Only by your grace can I cross the ocean of material suffering and obtain the mercy of Krishna.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you for this nice essay.  We are all inspired!    Now, write another one about onw year from now!  Make it into a book.  Keep notes. Involve other in writing.

SitaS Report

6 years, 7 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, 

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Gurudeva,  You asked us (in your previews answer to our letter) to send a drawing of Sri Pancamukha Hanuman. So we tried and here we have a very simple drawing, we didnt make an effort to make them come out the same to be honest, actually its very different and I dont know how.. sorry for that. Still we liked it besides all the mistakes.. I will make more drawings of Them so I can send Them. We take Sri Pancamukha Hanuman with us in a kind of waist bag that can also be a backpack and a normal bag. We wake Them up and then ask Them to sleep at night.. sometimes flowers or incense. It made me think twice the idea of having children because its a big responzability.. and we know.. it will be very nice when it becomes more natural.

Sadly we still have the desire of raising children..

ASA - Why sad?   You can have Bh. Siddanta sarasvati for your child.

Such a huge, dificult and amaizing respozability we want to have.. crazy, sad or a big opportunity ?. Gurudeva, I hope You still remember the "muchacho Sergio", when we talked I asked You if he could attend some of Your classes, You said yes and he was there in two of them, now he has some questions. I haven't asked my older god-brothers yet so I dont know if he can, Im just getting ahead to ask you Gurudeva if he could write You a letter, from my account maybe. We forgot to ask and now we are here writing.. too late.. so sorry for that. We are trying to improve and improve!. Parents help a lot. We find happines in Krsna consciousness. Really thankful. We dont want to be a burden Gurudeva so we are still fighting. Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya !.  Please forgive our offenses Gurudeva. 

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita devi dasi.

HpS - Why can't Sripad Sergio write here??   Would be very nice for us to hear from him. He must have valuable opinion, perspective, on life!!

Are you study art? Prahlada ananda Das erased all the picture files by mistake when he changed to this new system. So you Pancha mukha Hanuman did not come. Can you please send again?

What do you think of this site:

Haribol. PabloParikrama.

6 years, 7 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja


Agt Nitai Gaura

Thank You very much for all.

ASA - Same to you!

Of course I can say something about my military life. It was short but intense.

All my life I have been attracted by the army, especially by the special operations units (green berets), my father as a young man was in a special operations unit.

After finishing my pre-university studies I entered the special operations company of the Special Operations Command in Jaca, the Spanish Pyrenees.

There they taught us all kinds of knowledge to be able to carry out missions always behind the enemy lines, such as survival, orientation, shooting, strategy, etc, in water and in the mountains, but especially, being the first years, hardening and using anything for our benefit.

Then I spent three months in the military police in Bilbao, in the military command. Where was the terrorist group ETA, to see if there was more action and less politics, and I learned something about anti-terrorism, but in the end, and thanks to what I learned from many great commands I had (it was fortunate that I had, being the first generation of soldiers of the Command of Special Operations, before they were completely independent, there was no command, they were guerrilla units, in Spain, special operations are called guerrillas, because they are guerrillas), that the green beret is in the heart, is a style of living and think, and act.

Then I decided to leave the army, and not fight for politics, my desire was to fight for justice and for my countrymen, not for the interests of corrupt people who serve evil people.

HpS - Good choice.

It was at that moment when I began to do hypnosis sessions and to learn subtle art to be able to fight against evil in all its facets. After that I decided to learn to be a soldier of light, and one way or another Krishna attracted me to him. I even read a Bhagavad Gita together with the "art of war".

Being a soldier is my true profession, and I thank Krsna for inspiring me to spend a few years as a soldier before entering the academy, because I would have repented, and in this way, I left very sore, because it was my life, but with knowledge that it was the best option in this kali age.

HpS - !!!

I was only two years, from April 1998 until April 2000.


Maharaja, just I have finally decided that I will go to Peru next year, I have to see where and talk to the authorities yet, but I hope to be a bit in Chosica and then maybe meet other centers in Peru, or all. I have to talk to the authorities.

HpS - Sounds very good, but first initiation very soon?

Maharaja, I will be in India from last October to last December in Vrndavan, and then, as I did not know if I was going back to Spain, I do not have a set date, but at least I will go to Mayapur to have Darshan , and give my thanks to the deities.

Then, I will go directly to Peru.

Is it possible that we agree?

HpS - We are waiting until 18th July to get confirmation of dates for presentation at Bog-bazaar Gaudiya Matha in Kolkatta at end of  November. If it is finally confirmed then we will be in Kolkata end of November and maybe go to Australia for part of December and January.

Thank you so much for the bio-data. We understand more about you and Krsna, now!


Thank you so much for everything.


Yours, Bhakta Pablo.

Hare Krsna.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

6 years, 7 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glorires to HpS  Gurudev Maharaj

Dandavat pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances on to Guruji Maharaja padama charan that due to University strick [strike] of the students the office remain closed since 1st June so I could not reply of Guruji enquiry about myself. Excuse for that. I get up at 2.30 am and doing mangal arati daily and the daities are Radha Krsna Yugala Rupa, Jagabandhu Balabhadra Subhadra, Panchatatva, and A C Prabhuda, Sripada and Gurujis chitravats. 

HpS - ASA - Super!   Super!     You are so fortunate to be with Them in  the mornging. They will give you super power to spread Lord Caitanyas association.   Maybe we can come to your Ashrama and see them some time.

Now I am reading Prema Vilasa of Shri Rupa Gosvami in Manipuri.It is a new test and systems of Sakhi Manjari. Guruji, when we will get Gurujis acceptance of personal Sakhi Manjari (sidhi) to follow Guru Rupa Manjari with Gurujis Manjari?

HpS - The answer is there in Bhakti-rasa-amrta-sindhu, Srila Prabhupada's Nectar of devotion, "Adau sraddha sadhu sanga ...".  You can find the verse and translation in BG 4.10 Purport.  These are the stages of development.  Also in Nectar of Instruction , Texts Seven and Eight, Rupa Goswami and then Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhakti-siddhanta Sarasvati discuss these things.  What is your level of development?  Sraddha, Sadhu-sanga, Anart-nivrtti, Nistha, Ruci....   In Ruci it would seem like our Raganuga bhakti can start. We can begin to flavor our service by following the flavor of a Vraja-basi. We don't so anything different from lower levels. We still chant in Mangala arati, but now we start to do it with a different feeling. What is you level?

Yours fallen sarven, 

Yamunesvara Das

* I am sending this letter through the mobile for the first time as testing.

HpS - It has come very well.  We have lost a week in answering letters from the Education Conference in Florida. You have problems in your school. I have problems in my school.  Ha!   Ha!   Ha!   See you soon.

Hare Krsna Gurudev

Hare Krsna, Srila Gurudev

(Is this an appropriate way to address you, Gurudev? Some devotees say that Gurumaharaj-word has an impersonal, generic term. So I am looking for the most appropriate way to address you, Sir, Gurudev. Please, instruct me /\).

HpS - ASA -- Good question. My natural consciousness is of Srila Prabhupada and how to address him.

From what I have heard and trying to be practical, I think, Guru Maharaja, and Srila Gurudeva, are both O.K. as long as we remember that we are just acting in any of these roles under the lotus feet of our Founder Acharya, Srila Prabhupada. We see ourselves as "guru" in this forum just as Madhyama Adhikaris. We are following the principles given by Srila Prabhupada and if anyone wants to follow us following Srila Prabhupada then we are all going back to Goloka!

I have heard Srila Prabhupada say, "My Guru Maharaja", about Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.   Thank you.

Please accept my humble obeisances to you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP!!!    Paoho.

Writing, writing to you!!!!. I must break this lethargic inertia. I write you every day in my mind, talking to you, inquiring from you. But it is not enough!! It must be more concrete (tangible?).

That reminds me a movie about mother’s love. LOVE, yes; but, real love= love in action. As Srila Prabhupada emphasises the same principle of bhakti-yoga = devotional service to Krsna.

There are a lot of things to report you, quite intense time for me right now; in average, all are good, I mean all are ideal chances for learning, strengthening our faith and trust in the process, Guru and Krsna. I must grow up, no more childish attitude (it is not pleasing anymore and I cannot fool myself for any longer) in the practice of the process.

Embracing accountability and responsibility in my purification process is becoming a necessity. Is this right, Sir. I wonder if this is sign of false-ego, and pride in this approach.

HpS - ASA -- Seems pretty good to us, but in detail we would have to know more, more.    We may go to Australia in December.

I am pretty much under the influence of the modes of nature, bodily conception of life. Perhaps my desire to come out of that influence is not strong enough. What should I do? Gurudev.

HpS - Chant with more sincerity. Chant better rounds. Adjust your life to chant better rounds.

Here,  ISKCON-MELBOURNE temple, the spiritual program and activities are very intense in all levels.  It is Guru-Krsna’s blessings and arrangement that I am here now. Thank you, Sir.  Last year you came to Australia in the right time (causeless mercy and my good fortune). Your protection dispelled all anxiety, doubts, fear, misconception and strengthened my faith on you, Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, devotees and on myself.   I have no regrets regarding those changes in my life, because, you are here.

One of the main lessons that we are learning (in process of realising it, jnana-vijnana) is that there is no perfect place, nor circumstances in this material world. Everything has pros and cons. So, no more expectations of just happiness without difficulties. This is giving me a kind of peace of mind, and perhaps a cynic attitude towards some reverses. (a laughter rather than anger).

Is it because they are not so serious issues, yet?  That is a bit scaring Sir, am I deceiving myself?. Thinking that I am learning but actually, I am not.

HpS - Even slow learners, learn. We cannot stay within any distance from Srila Prabhupada, in ISKCON anyway, and but learn. Actually after many years see real, tangible, undeniable results.

Bhurijana prabhu and his wife Jagattarini mataji were here, conducting a mini-Govardhan retreat. The principal point that was emphasised again and again was, Krsna is right now here with us. He is in our heart, everywhere and most personally waiting for us to turn towards Him, calling out, crying out for Him.  A simple attempt of doing so, can please Him, and He will help. Those days (retreat) were very intense, Krsna, Krsna.. a glimpe of perceiving a Person Krsna, no just the idea of a person call Krsna –God. And the understanding- action of we are part and parcel of Krsna, in that consciousness dealing with others as part and parcel of Krsna will preserve us from offenses, mis-conduct,  SINS… It is simple, it seems simple, but I tend to forget it Sir.   I want to always remember it and act on that consciousness. Please help me.

Devamrta Swami, was here too.

ASA - Ocean of Sadhus!

Currently, in the temple we are studying SB canto 4, Dhruva maharaj pastime. On Sunday SB class, the text talked about Druva feeling shame for his materialistic desires when he initially approached to the Lord, and how after, in his purified stage, he realises his mistake and feels remorse.  Devamrta Maharaj during the class, kindly requested us, please dear devotees, try to internalise this past time, live SB, Could you relate to Druva’s feelings of shame?

This is our case; most of us came to Krsna Consciousness with different motives rather than just loving and serving Krsna.  ..  that moment during the class was revealing,  open-eye experience, SB is life experience, right now.

HpS - Yes. It seems that all the stories can be put into modern contexts for our own purification and preaching to others. We can see people just like Gajendra!

I promised myself to write to you and send it today. So I must stop here, since I have to go for  altar service.  I am trying to design an effective strategy to facilitate writing behaviour. Please guide me, how to get it.

HpS - Start with every Ekadasi compose a Blog post and eveyr Dvadasi send it. Can include Temple report. Madhu m. D. D. report, a serialized novel about somebody eg. Wonder Woman in Australia.

Please forgive me for my luck (lack) of quality service, offenses and my passion and ignorance overwhelmed condition. I want to raise up to goodness and beyond that, please Sir. Help me.

I offer my humble gratitude, obeisances, and prayers to you, Gurudev.

I am yours, your servant, and your child.

Madhumanjari dd

 PD. Today, we dressed Sri Sri Radha Vallabha on your-behalf, with guru-astaka meditation, and inspiring memories of you dressing Sri Sri Goura Nitai in the altar at Chosica Temple. Jay Gurudev.

HpS - ASA -- Agan, thank you!!     Again, also, we are trying to fix our Calendar. By the 18th we should have the dates for the Kolkata lecture fixed. So we should go to India last week of November and leave first week of March. That's three and one half months. Too long for India really, so visit Australia? Of course, December would be good to get to warmer climate, but is also Marathon, and Raktaka's family may be visiting India then.  Also, Dhurva/Dhanesvari will go to Peru in October.  What do you think?   We need to visit the North-East, India.  Sankirtan.  Art and the Sacred. Wise Men from the East brining gifts (SB) for Baby Jesus?