Bhakta Piero from Chile

6 years, 6 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Obeisance Maharaja. 

I´m faigthin [fighting] with the demoniac mind, as long as i´m with a real pure person, my mind gets very bad, the bad dog. I want to keep my self constantly in the devotional service, i´m just a principiant, but a realy want advance to puify my self, in that way, can be able to comply with your instructions.

Is very difficult realize that i´m a very fall soul, my false ego is so strong, but I think that this thought is essential to chant a better japa.

I want serve you all the time, learning english, in yours preachings programs, by sankirtan, chanting better japa and the necesary to please you.

i´ve been thinking about interviewing senior devotees to know the histoy of ISKCON Chile. 

At the end of Agust, with other devotees we go to do a preaching program in Cabildo, the place where i born. 

So, I want to serve. Thank you for yours instructions.

Hare Krsna Maharaja. One soul more, Bhakta Piero from Chile.

HpS - Everyone has the same challenge that you do. I have the same challenge. I am different than you. You are different than Amara-gauranga Das. He is different from Parasurama Das...  Venus has different relation with the Sun than Mars, but all of us can fight to improve our service. Find new ways to get the association of a really pure person, Srila Prabhupada. We sit in our cottage looking at the wall. Then we see there is a rocking chair almost in front of us and a framed picture of Srila Prabhupada up on the shelf that we cannot see. We moved the chair in front of us and put the picture of Srila Prabhupada on the chair. Now at him we can stare and feel his presence.

What will you do to increase your Krsna consciousness today?


6 years, 6 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha in Personal Sadhana Reports


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.


Querido Guru Maharaja:

El año 1999 cuando me encontraba viviendo en el templo de Costa Rica, el presidente me dijo que cuando vea a un Gurú debo darle mis reverencias, fue entonces que yo le pregunte si debo darle reverencias una vez al día y el resto del día solo juntar las palmas como hacen muchos devotos, y el me aclaro que las veces que uno ve al Gurú uno debe dar reverencias, esta instrucción se me quedo grabada en mi memoria y cuando veo a un Sannyasi o un Gurú siempre doy reverencias, sin importar las veces que daba darle reverencias a lo largo del día.

Hace unos años atrás cuando estaba en Cochabamba, Usted en un parque público cuando vio a un viejo amigo que esta de Sannyasi le dio sus reverencias.

Mis preguntas serían las siguientes:

¿Es correcta la instrucción que me dio en aquel entonces el presidente del templo de Costa Rica, debo dar mis reverencias a un Sannyasi o Gurú las veces que lo vea?

HpS - Hare Krsna.   Tenemos que ofrecer reverencias primero vez en un dia que nos vemos a un Goswami, Sannyasi, y claro un guru va a ser un goswami, cada dia. Es algo en los libros de Srila Prabhupada o ayunar para contraestar la ofensa. Los discipulos de Srila Prabhupada ofrecen reverencias a el cada vez entran en su cuarto. Mas yo no se. Trnad api sunicena...  entender como ofrecer respecto a todo la demas.

¿En lugares públicos como aeropuertos, conferencias, plazas, etc., es correcto que yo le de mis reverencias a un Sannyasi o un Gurú?

HpS - Puede hacer solament con los manos dobaldos si crea una malintencion en la demas. Ofensa numero 9 a canto de los santos nombres.

Agradecido de antemano por su deferencia me despido muy cordialmente.

Atte. Su humilde y eterno sirviente a sus pies de loto, nacimiento tras nacimiento Jiyada Nrsmha dasa.

HpS - Pfanrh...  -[;0]/\____

Spain Trip (Need Accomodations)

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj PAMHO AGTSP

I beg you to give me permissions to associate with you in Spain,Barcelona and Guadalajara.

I have not accommodation so If it's possible to share it with you should be very nice.

Hare Krishna

HpS - Hare Krsna.  It is fine with us if you travel with us in Spain. Sometimes the accomdations are very fine from you also and even others, but other times, like in New Vraja Mandala and Madrid they are very tight. We can adjust but best you contact local authorities also.

Anyone can help Indrady. Das with these adjustments!??

sadhana report from chile

6 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

i hope this letter find you great

So much time wishing write you, and now at last i found a moment...

now we finish the first period of book distribution at universities (we finished for a while because they are in vacations now), with a new partner, Citra devi dasi (whose GM is Sankarshan das adhikari) so exiting this time in the adventure of books distribution, Citra encouraged me to go by my self on saturdays (because she could not go that days) and it was an amazing challenge for me, always remembering you...thinking that i was not alone, i was with the georgeus company of you and Srila Prabhupada by vani seva, and the deities in the form of books, it forced me to enter in a mood of constant praying, and it forced me to surrender again and again to Srila Prabhupada´s mision, it is a big big bless for me this service of book distribution, unbelievable thinks happened!!!, i had so much wishes of sharing all this experiences with you, but i was full time, because as i said you in other letter i think, this service is in general in the evening journey, so my sadhana was a little different, ( i arrived home at 11 pm)  thats why i didn´t join to start meeting this last time....but it was worth it...i promise

About my husband and family situation, thanks krishna, everything is so much better, he is going to therapy, making the effort of overcome his anarthas (me too of much to improve) , we are chanting our rounds together in the morning at 5 am, and then he goes to work at 7, my children wake up at 7.30 aprox, so i clean them and change their clothes, and we wake up the deities, (simple offering: water, inciense, camara) then a little kirtan (my little daugther´s´favorite part) ...we are trying to make homeschool, reading aruddha dd, and Urmila dd has been so much inspiring ..... well and also i try to read krishna book to my children, the favorite passtimes of Syam (my oldest son) is the Aghasura passtime, kaliya and appearance of krishna for the specific part when mention ananta Sesa... so he loves all about snakes! jajaj

And now with a group of matajis who are mothers too, we are creating a whatsapp group for reading Srimad bhagavatm together, reading loudly and recording the lectures for each other, making turns for reading, and meeting once a month to comment our reading...

So in summary, overcoming this hard proof at last, finally smilling again, utsaha returning to my heart and mind, and say godbye to depression and sad times...thanks for all your supports in this time, without you i am nothing. 

(Now in Chile we have the trasceendental presence of Maharaj Bhakti Busana Swami, my husband´s Guru, Krishna is so kind with us)

your insignificant servant

Indu-lekha dd

HpS - Jaya!!!!       Monkey, Piggy, Uncle Gismo, the Supreme Undiferentiated Absolute Comando of ASA, hereby confer upon you the Order of Hero of Rama Monkeys. (Medal Attached).    Best of wishes to everyone.   Next challenge. Distribute books but also try to make book distributors! Try to distrubute several books to people. That is easier than one book sometimes because this is the age of Kali and Sankirtan is the Yuga dharma, not Jnana-yoga, success by study!

Waiting for your news.

Your family will be great.

Initiation. PabloParikrama

6 years, 6 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!


Jay Guru and Gauranga!

I wish You are fine in all aspects Maharaja.

Upon initiation, I have spoken with the authority, Yadunandana Swami, to be able to initiate myself when you are here, if there is no problem with the discipleship course (it does not have to), and he has told me that not from him, there is no problem in the recommendation, and in that I am initiated, if you see it well.
I beg you to please accept me as a formal disciple initiated.

HpS - ASA -- Sounds fine to me. The Disciple Course should be simple and even useful.

Maharaja, I know very well that I am a demon ... yes, it is the type of body I have ...

HpS - But an amiable demon! <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

But by one question or another, I have no doubt about Krsna and its powers. And for one question or another, I'm almost 100% sure that my time of not doing things right to finish.

HpS - ASA -- We also hope to improve!   All the faults we have cause burden to Srila Prabhupada!

In the same way that in the past I told you, I was not sure about the initiation, because I was not sure of doing things at the level of initiation on the street, alone and married. In the same way, I say to you, that now I am almost completely sure of being able to initiate myself.

About the trip to India and Peru, it is possible that I have to do some papers in Spain at the end of February, it is possible that I do not, but I do not think that I would risk going to Peru to return to Spain right away, so maybe I made a pilgrimage through India and Nepal until mid-February ... so maybe we will not see each other ... I feel very sorry ... maybe if you go to Manipur?

HpS - Yes, you would like that. They would like you!!  You could preach nicely.

I deeply regret all the problems that I give Maharaja, but really when I am alone, and I practice spiritual life, I am very well, even with the principles.

HpS - In general, we have to learn to be alone (with Krsna and Guru), even when we are with others. Our association is not perfect, neither is the association of others who are not pure devotees. So we all have to learn to get regular purification by full morning and evening program.

See you soon.


6 years, 6 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you again for your guidance, Guru Maharaj.  

It was very nice to speak with you on the phone last week. 

We have started to read the  marriage of Kardama and Devahuti in the Third Canto. Thank you for this instruction. 

The beads should have arrived on Friday. There is a prepaid envelope with my address on it within. I hope you are not too far from a post office and it all goes smoothly for you. 

We are having the initiation program at the Temple on Thursday July 12th(Disappearance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura!) Gopal Krishna Goswami will give class and initiate me on your behalf. Then Murari Prabhu will perform the fire yagya. Followed by Prasadam prepared by Anadi and me. Starting to get the word out. 

Mangal Aarti and class everyday. Trying to chant extra rounds. Getting ready for the baptism/birth. 

I am looking forward to being in your presence as your disciple in August. 

Thank you Guru Maharaj,

-Bhakta Nicholas

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna....  We got them. Prayed to God to select a proper name. Chanted on them and then sent them back. Fed Ex said you should have gotten them Tuesday, yesterday.

We hope to get a call from you on the 12th. Our respects to Maharaja.