
6 years, 6 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

please accept my salute...

HpS - ASA -- Please accept ours, Sir! (Figure 1, below)

we persay are writing HH asked us to report....

ASA - Report!

we thank you for asking editor of Viplavah, to send us individual email. you thought about us, thats our hope.

what can we say seems its all mind rambling.

we moved near to Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi, Delhi. Apartment is only 400 metres. We try to attend morning program. and other program.. so temple visit 4 days in a week ....

but still struggling to make associates here/chant regularly/read regularly...

we are Dr. frog now........

HpS - ASA - Before you were Bachelor Horse!

by studying astrology . we found that we as partners are incompatible--only pleasure is of upastha....

ASA - Should move to Italy. Everyone loves pasta there.

our mind will remain agitated,
however we will be spiritually inclined.
we find it tough to integrate our karmi life with rounds / no-onion garic diet/ book reading/family life.

seems v r living fake life/ like bellow pipe.....


gradually v r getting convinced that without parental or  spouse or local devotee support, we can can not continue dual life of karmi
/devotee....... v got two opt one.....

though we know there is no loss in this movement, but we get agitated, frustrated that we are not moving close initiation levels.

i thank you for remembering us, being our light, hope we can follow some day path chalked by you.....

Monkey/Piggy - Don't be a fool.    Don't trust The Witch, "Be a Karmi and Enjoy Life!"    Meditate on it, notice it, for one week, what things you like to do, then write to us here with the exciting news eg. arm wrestle with pythons in the Amazon, throw chairs at iritating students...

.... waiting with baited breath!!!!!!

You are our main hope for ISKCON Zanzibar.

(You might try Italy!)

Adored Gurudeva

6 years, 6 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances to your divine lotus feet.

HpS - Doubtful lettuce feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Forgive me please adored gurudeva, for having worried him. I am completely cut off, living in the countryside and without a signal. yes, my previous letter was sent without saying goodbye and without finishing it, I ran out of time and preferred to send it even if it is like that. I will soon send you the photo of Jaganatha [Jagannatha], it is very beautiful!
thank you very much for your blessings! I will take them with my heart, thank you for being so merciful. I was sad for not being able to see in the cordoba programs, but I had duties to fulfill and I am so irresponsible that when I see you and the devotees, I forget everything. I only wish to have His wonderful company and I do not care about anything else.
Well, I tell you that my sadhana is still standing, my rounds sometimes more concentrated and it's nicer, sometimes I do not concentrate, but I keep trying.
We are seeing several versions of the Ramayana, 3 Hindus in English and 1 in Japanese Spanish I think. Gopalito plays at what is hanuman and it is wonderful to see him play it like that, he grows and grows .. !! and he gives me the ring and tells me sita hehehe !! and so we play. He also plays at flying with a "mace" to rescue Sita, Frank picks him up. I'm happy to see my gopal grow up happy.
We continue reading the krsna book now next to a wood-burning stove. here it does 0 degrees at times and the water freezes, but inside the clay house that I build it is so warm and I really like to read the books of Srila Prabhupada. I also read the nectar of prabhupada again.
Gurudeva, You can see my dance youtube page. Just put Radha Japapratijalpa and there are some videos. I believe Franco and in September I return to dance again, I am preparing more choreography. I already have almost list guru astaka sung by Srila Prabhupada is the one that inspires me the most.
Thank you very much for all your time, your life, your wonderful mission. I miss your association and devotees very much. But I have the strength of memories with His wonderful classes and devotees who have inspired me so much and everything makes me go forward and happy!
infinite thanks Gurudeva !!!
trying to please his beautiful heart of liquid gold as pure as the guee, his disciple attempt: Radha japa prati jalpa devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Six videos etc came back. We looked at one immediatately. It is pretty good.  You need better filming, editing. You can sell them, give them as gifts and get donations.   Samsara davanala lidha loka..., Evening arati, jaya jaya gaura-candra, jaya radha madhava ....  These would all make nice dances.   Focus on being a dance teacher more than a dancer.

More News in two weeks.

Respects to Swami Franco!

Kmdd Report Julio 2018

6 years, 6 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, querido Gurudeva:

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.


Disculpe por no escribir antes, este reporte lo escribí hace tres semanas y no pude enviarlo (Mejor le sigo enviando desde la cuenta de P. AmD) Además pienso que mis asuntos no son de importancia y no quiero perjudicar su tiempo de predica.

HpS: ¡Usted es una de las principales columnas de nuestros esfuerzos de predicación!


Hace un par de meses que ya me siento mejor, tratando de asimilar que mis hijos ya no estén viviendo con nosotros, ha sido muy dura la separación pero ya está pasando, solo me queda orar a Sri Nrsimhadeva que los proteja en todo momento.

HpS - Y luego tienes que asimilar que tu cuerpo ya no vivirá contigo. Muerte, ¿no?


Ahora tengo más tiempo en casa y trato de realizar mejor servicio a Krsna-Balarama, con más seriedad y determinación, ya que P. Anandamaya se ocupa del trabajo en el colegio.


Estuve haciendo pujari en el templo de Willson,  algunos viernes para el programa de Gaura Aratik, una experiencia muy linda, lamentablemente tuve que dejar el servicio por el invierno, porque mi cuerpo se ha vuelto intolerable al frio y ya me había enfermado en dos ocasiones. Espero poder retomar el servicio pronto.


HpS - Bien maravilloso! !     !


Sigo manteniendo mis votos, sadhana, principios, rondas, SB, etc. Todo gracias a su misericordia. Me gusta mucho el FMP, me siento muy inspirada de escucharlo diariamente por las mañanas.


Por ahora estamos asociándonos con los devotos del Callao, Palika, Maria, Candravali, y los devotos, todos son muy linda asociación.

Gurudeva, solo espero ser útil algún día y que el Señor Nrsimhadeva siempre lo proteja.

Perdón por mis ofensas, tratando de ser un poquito más conciente de Krsna…


                       Su discípula Karuna Mayi d.d

HpS - Estás haciendo todo muy bien. Avanza, avanza, conviértete en un gran Santo. Obtener más asociación con Srila Prabhupada. Él tiene ideas específicas para ti.


Hare Krsna, dear Gurudeva:
Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Excuse me for not writing before, this report I wrote three weeks ago and I could not send it (I still send it from P. AmD's account). Besides, I think that my matters are not important and I do not want to harm your time of preaching.

HpS - You are one of the princple columns of our preaching efforts!

A couple of months ago I already feel better, trying to assimilate that my children are no longer living with us, the separation has been very hard but it is already happening, I can only pray to Sri Nrsimhadeva to protect them at all times.

HpS - And then you have to assimilate that your body will no longer be living with you. Death, no?

Now I have more time at home and I try to perform better service to Krsna-Balarama, with more seriousness and determination, since P. Anandamaya takes care of the work in the school.

I was doing pujari in the temple of Willson, some Fridays for the program of Gaura Aratik, a very nice experience, unfortunately I had to leave the service for the winter, because my body has become intolerable to the cold and had already made me sick twice. . I hope to resume the service soon.

HpS -  So wonderful!

I still keep my vows, sadhana, principles, rounds, SB, etc. All thanks to his mercy. I really like the FMP, I feel very inspired to listen to it daily in the mornings.

For now we are partnering with the devotees of Callao, Palika, Maria, Candravali, and the devotees, they are all very nice association.
Gurudeva, I only hope to be useful some day and that Lord Nrsimhadeva always protects you.
Sorry for my offenses, trying to be a little more aware of Krsna ...
                       His disciple Karuna Mayi d.d

HpS - You are doing everything very well. Advance, advance, become a great Saint. Get more association with Srila Prabhupada. He has specific ideas for you.

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj - Madhumanjari dd - report

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for your reply to our previous message, as usual it is full of insightful guidance, advices and instructions. I pray to you, Lord Balaram and to all Vaisnavas to bestow your blessings upon me, so my spiritual intelligence eventually will awaken, enabling me to honour you by following and serving your guidance .appropriately.    

Regarding your possible visit to Australia this December Aniruddha Prabhu (ISKCON -Melbourne TP) is glad to know that you are considering the possibility to visit Australia. He mentioned that December is quite busy time here, besides of SP’s marathon; H.H. Devamrta Swami usually holds a retreat on the last week of the year; H.G. Sankarshan prabhu; Vijay prabhu ( Sankirtan Minister) visit Melbourne during that time. Aniruddha prabhu says the temple can host two special guests at the same time, so there wouldn’t be inconvenience if you come (we can adjust the dates).  Gurumaharaj, What about January? H.H. Prahaladananda Swami generally comes on the 2nd week, then it is a bit more calm; and  Ratha Yatra on February.  

In other words, we are very much grateful and happy that you are thinking of visit Australia. Please Sir, come!!. Despite of  lack of qualification, we are ready to assist and serve you. I could start contacting devotees, gathering suggestions and help from enthusiastic devotees (Druvananda prabhu could be one of the key persons). by July 18th you will get more precise info – dates about your schedule in India. We hope that Australia visit will fit in it.

Previously, we mentioned about our experience here. Krsna’s plans = many changes full of intensity and lessons.  To me, it is like Krsna shaking grounds but at the same time giving enough tokens of encouragement and assurance that He is here to protect us.  I have been receiving a lot caring and reassuring exchanges from Krsna. He allows me to have devotees association in an enthusiastic and supportive community. It seems to be more unity and sincerity in the spiritual practice, which is exemplified by temple authorities. Of course, it is no perfect, its growing stage with improvements and many deficiencies (we are learning to accept them as part of the package; is not this a cynic attitude, so called “realistic one”?). In overall, this is a good temple.

It is more than 6 months that I submitted a formal appeal to ISKCON Australia - National Council regarding to the allegations against me. Despite of receiving verbal support from them, there is no formal response.  Aniruddha prabhu said it is due to an institutional problem,  lack of an organisational system with an autonomous entity within Iskcon which can deal with these issues, it is unknown  when it can take place. So, my case is in standby. I am losing hope of getting fair treatment. For the authorities there are other priorities.  What is Krsna’s message in this case gurumaharaj?  Is it my karma?  I cannot deny it, it still hurts.   Ummmhhh!   Krsna has His own ways and time. By Krsna’s arrangements Varanayak prabhu and Somendra Prabhu were force to present their resignation. Varanayak prabhu is no anymore Sydney TP, An investigation process was conducted due too many devotees complains.  Now there is no TP but a committee where Ghanashyam Govinda das is taking part.  It is hard for me not to get confused. There is a conflict of emotions within my heart. I sincerely, prayed for Varanayak prabhu’s spiritual well-being (it is no easy time for him now). I cannot understand Krsna’s plans, ways; they are beyond my understanding.  I am still thinking that it is unfair, but at the same time, who am I to say what is fair or unfair. Looking at my sinful- misdeeds, perhaps I do deserve worse.  .. But, how to avoid not going down in ignorance, hurting myself?  I thought and felt that Krsna forgave me. Is this deceiving tendency of the mind, in order to avoid responsibility?   But, what should be responsibility for me in this case?  I do accept that I am guilty of my past sinful misdeed, I won’t do it again. But, should I torture myself for that always? Is it right to look for a healthy and mature emotional well-being within Krsna Consciousness -ISKCON?

I have been requested by the temple authorities to look after the young girls as brahmacarini ashram leader.  We have a need to contribute and support Srila Prabhupada’s movement, would be artificial to say I do not have ability to do it? Somehow and other, due to your and devotees’ blessings I do have some abilities though, they should be used in the service of devotees. .. Does this statement sound too proud?  I am praying to the Lordships for help, I am aware of my contaminations that many times obscure my character.  I don’t want to hurt devotees, just be useful.  There is a tendency to be too lineal or too strict. The Aussie, OZ way is more relax in many cases. So what is the right way to educate= facilitate?   . . .

HpS -ASA -  You are presenting a lot of topics for just one letter so we are to the end here and answering. Jaya!   \'o'/   Very nice letter.   


This message has become too long, and still many good important things to report.  With your approval the next message would be a report of my personal sadhana, chanting HARE KRSNA.

Please forgive me for this passionate message, no need to make up my life?

Sorry. Sir - Gurumaharaj.

Thank you

Your child

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - ASA -- Thank you very many for your letter.  Your experiences are very, very important for all of us on this Blog.  Considering the kind of media that is this Blog it seems best to deal with one or two themes in each letter, no?

We try to answer within three days.  It is a place to write amongst family, think about the answers, and write again.


Bhisma deva told Yuddhisthira - "As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra. Such powerful women are controlled by shyness. Therefore, shyness is important for women."

- - -

Talking a lot with Yadunandana Swami, the word is "recatada" not "timida".

So, there is the basic answer to your question about relations with the opposite sex. Basically you just need to be a proper demur young lady and give all your passionate impulses to Krsna. Of course, what this means, as you probably have a lot of realization, grows and grows, all the way to Goloka if you want to be that level of servant.

Deal with the institution the same way.  Any institution in Kali-yuga will have problems but if you see it as an instrument for Sankirtan, then you can separate the problems from the truth. Be a proper lady and deal with it.


Practical details of administrative situations you can also present here for consideration and advice, but local help is essential. Work with your friends in the administrative Yatra.

Who knows why we are getting harrassed. What about M. Parikshit?  What about about Draupadi? Have you had to go through her trials?  (What happened to the 100-saris?).j

Thank you for news of Sankirtan situation during December. First is to wait for news from President of India and Gaudiya-matha, five days.

Taking post of advisory for younger girls seems O.K. I would have the job description put in a simple written form and several people agree to it and then try it for ... ? ... six months.  After that it will be easy to see how to make changes.

You could have left ISKCON. You could have gotten a job and be a rather elevated person in some corporation. Of course, you would probably be smoking a little etc. etc. but it was your choice to stay in ISKCON and not go for material development.   So you have practical experience to offer to others.

Hope this has been useful letter. The next ones will be better.





6 years, 6 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja!

Please, accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet!!! _o/\___

HpS - ASA -- Lettuce feet.  AGTSP!!  Please accept our obeisances to your venerable feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Gurudeva, I write to you trying to get your saintly get spiritual inspiratión, strength, instructions, mercy!!!! from you _/\_ Please!!!

First of all, I want to tell you that I recently went to two specialists doctors in Rheumatology and after several years of having "arthritis" problems finally I get a more accurate diagnosis: "Ankylosing Spondylitis", it is a rheumatic disease, a type of arthritis in which there is long-term inflammation of the joints of the spine. It is a chronic problem and there is no cure, just control it taking medicines. Medicines are very expensive and we are processing health insurance to get them cheaper.

But, what worries me most, that this disease affects also the lungs and I already have my lungs affected, the disease has advanced because I have been for more than 12 years without a diagnosis and without taking the medicines.

Gurudeva, I do not know what will happen.

HpS - It is like the weather. We don't know what will happen. You may discover some alternative medicine that works. It may just go away. Modern medicine may discover a cure. These are several of the bad possibilities. The good possibility is that your body may rot and become a completely repulsive mass and you die. Then you will be detached from any attraction to any new material body and you will come out in your eternal body!

In general, we don't know what will happen. So we deal with life from an immediate, practical perspective and do what service we can, now.

Lately, I have been thinking about death and understanding more the importance of chanting Hare Krishna!!! I should be chanting all day!  as much as I can! "Kirtaniyah sada harih" as you constantly instruct us.

Gurudeva, in these moments I am fearful and worried about the state of my body...I am afraid of death...

HpS - Why?  you've done it thousands of times before. Just go ahead developing your Yoga and you will be more and more detached from your body and more attached to Krsna's body.

But sometimes I think that is something that is going to happen anyway.....It is just a matter of time....isn't it?

ASA - Precisely. Some die today, some die tomorrow, some are already dead.

Finally, I want to apologize, today in SB class you asked to chant the verse, and I did not do it, Gurudeva, it is because I could not hear you properly due to my internet connection, there was an interrupted sound and sometimes I can not hear the words completely. Later when I heard the recording that you shared on Twitter I heard that you asked me to chant the verse. <img alt="sad" height="23" src="" title="sad" width="23" /> 

I like to chant the verse !!! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

HpS - You do it well!

Thank you very much for all your causeless mercy upon me, Gurudeva, you are a very genuine servant of Srila Prabhupada, rescuing fallen souls from the mud of material existence! _/\_

Thank you so much and please kindly forgive my offenses!

Hare Krishna!

Your sinful disciple...

Mitravinda d.d.

ASA - Socrates took the poison rather than run away. Try to move to Krsna and the separated material body will just become a shadow.   Increase your Yoga. That is the only solution.  Wating for more news from you. 

Pasatiempos en chosica!!!!!

6 years, 6 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Maharaja!!!

Reciba mis reverencias a sus pies de Loto!!!

HpS - ASA --- Pies de loco.   TlgaSP!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Deseando su Salud haya mejorado desde que vino acá y lo pude ver.

Maharaja hace mucho no me reporto desde la última vez que usted estuvo aca y pude verlo.

Bueno mi servicio con guirnaldas fue hasta casi fines de mayo, luego pedí permiso pues estaba ya muy cansada ,ya que iba por mi servicio a las 2:00 am unico hasta mangala aratik y rondas a veces regresaba a Govinda, los únicos horarios disponibles ya que durante el día mi hijo y mi trabajo ocupaban todo mi tiempo.

Mi celular fue encontrado por una madre y en el habían unos vídeos fotos de mi vida pasada cuando trabajaba como bailarina en un table dance, descuido mío por guardar algo así....esas fotos y vídeos fueron enviados a devotos ,familia y mis hijos un día despues, El día 15 de junio entre al hospital por un A C V izquemico de lado derecho, suerte llegamos a tiempo y evitamos un derrame mayor, la m.Ganga, M. Murtimati, m.vamsi, M.ynes, m.iliana, m.Carolina fueron a verme y me ayudaron en el hospital, la familia de m.Isarani que cuida de mi hijo junto con otros devotos que ahy viven como Radha Gokulananda, M.Radha kunja y su esposo p.Haripurana y P.PUSPA GOPAL fue quién me ayudo con los trámites del hospital yendo de madrugada el día que peor me puse ,que pensé que dejaba el cuerpo y MADRE MANJARI quien es la persona que cuida de mi hasta el día de hoy, pues no puedo moverme ella me lleva a terapia, y me baña se encarga de mi pues tengo que usar pañales y comer por sonda ya que mi cara lado derecho está paralizado, pero las cosas van mejorando.

Maharaja al principio yo me preguntaba porque sucede todo esto ,descuido mío, karma pesado con muchas personas, karma inmediato o será que Krsna no me quiere cerca y me está botando de su lado ?

Hable con p.Puspa y el me dijo que Krsna nos quiere a todos y que el no nos quiere lejos, que somos nosotros quienes nos alejamos de el y me pregunto que hice ahora para alejarme así?

Bueno aún así seguimos cantando las 20 RONDAS ,no con el mismo entusiasmo pero lo recuperaremos pronto.

La lectura floja pues no puedo leer ,con tanta medicina más duermo,estoy oyendo el jaiva dharma audio libro y mi hijo me lee el Krsna book...aún falta un examen estaba el el tello de chosica pero me van a llevar al Instituto neurológico no había cama,ya mañana si Krsna lo permite ahy estaré y harán los exámenes para saber si esta cabeza sigue igual de loca o más loca jajajajaja,estoy más cerca de mi hija y familia pues no tenemos.

En cuanto al templo Maharaja . . . . . 

HpS - ASA --- Thank you for the letter but our Spanish is like 50% so it is hard for us to read too much.   Gracias para la carta pero nuestra Espanyol es como 50% entonces es deficil leer demasiado.   Claro, podemos ser en cuerpo de hormingas. Ellos praticamente no puede ver. Tien linguas en sus pies y experimenta el mundo de esta manera. Entonces, lo que pasa con nostros es reaccion de Karma adjusado por Krsna. Especificamente cuando rendernos formalmente, segunda iniciacion, Krsna toma carga de la Karma completa y adjustar para sus fines, nuestra purficacion. Las cuerdas pasan de Maya a Radha.   Claro podemos llegar a esta punto de rendicion informalmente pero la bods, la inicicion, 1, 2, 3... es normal.

O.K.  Espero toma mucho apoyo de su situacion and mas cartas pero no tan largas...<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Alguien que aspira servirlo 

Bhaktin Amparo