
5 years, 9 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré krishna Gurudev pamho, agtSP.

About my last letter it was about the welcome program next saturday at 12pm in my house for GauraNitay, we are gonna make a ceremony yajña and abhisek for them by Ramasundarya prabhu also share with my guests kirtan and prasadam, share kirtan its all for me right now and share the kirtan with GauraNitay is all about, so please I was asking you for a name to my deities if you can give a name for them we turn a really happy, may a sankirtan name dont know.

Also you are very welcome to visit our house next time when you are in Peru.

Thank you very much Gurudev and please bless me for take my life as a servant of Srila Prabhupada and all acaryas...!

Always yours Parama karuna das

ASA - Nitai -- Sacidulal?

Urgent, from the green mountains,Peru.

5 years, 9 months ago by anka varda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva, TLGASP, acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies. Disculpe que ponga carta urgente, asi pueda llegar a Ud. (escribi antes), Prabhu Yadu y quien intenta servirlo Apurva Sundari, deseamos invitarlo aqui a la selva del Peru, a este nuevo lugar llamado Vrindavan, que ya con la bendicion de Krishna y sus devotos, se esta pudiendo terminar y proseguiremos con Los Retiros Espirituales en Conciencia de Krishna, se por este blog que posiblemente llegue aqui al Peru en junio, si pudiera para que mes seria posible ?. Seguimos el sadhana completo en este bello lugar que Krishna nos permite estar, para tratar que la proxima mudanza sea a Goloka, quien intenta servirlo de corazon, Apurva Sundari Devi Dasi.

HpS - ASA - Ya estamos respondiendo a cartas por que no en viaje y encontrando 25-devotos cada dia! Gracias su invitacion. Ya estamos casi comprando el boleto para Peru, Junio. Vamos a ver! Pienso Srila Prabhupada esta alla!!!!

Jayanta das - Sannyasa

5 years, 9 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Suelo leer el blog de forma regular (algunas cartas) y puedo ver que ya está en el mundo civilizado-informatizado. Por aquí sin grandes cambios; meditando en lo importante y lo dificil que es volverse un devoto autentico. La muerte está acechando y tenemos que entregarnos mas pronto que tarde. "nasty eva, nasty eva, nasty eva."

En cuanto a mi opinión sobre el asram de sannyasa tengo que decirle que (mezclando sadhu- sastra) entiendo que sannyasa es para los brahmanas y tengo alguna duda de que esté recomendado en Kali yuga. Pero debido a que el ACARYA BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI lo ha recomendado, aceptamos que en kali yuga se pueda tomar sannyasa (brahmana). El sintoma de que que el vaisnava brahmana está listo para tomar sannyasa puede ser que cuando cante el maha mantra su mente no sobrevuele el estercólero de la complacencia sensual al menos durante seis meses. Otra cualificación subjetiva sería que el asram de sannyasa indefectiblemente lo vuelva a uno mas humilde (si no es así nadie debería aceptar ese asram). Evidentemente me encuentro lejos de esa posición y tenemos que servir desde posiciones sociales mas humildes.

Sin mas y esperando se encuentre bien de ánimo se despide su sirviente (posiblemente torpe)

Jayanta das

HpS - Super perspectiva, gracias! Que piensa de esta verso - https://www.vedabase.com/es/sb/1/6/13 ??? Claro una estandard es esperar hasta los muchachos son madura, y puede la esposa, como ejemplo de Devahuti y Kardama. Otro es tomar votas formal de Vanaprastha y no a Sannyasa. La muerte es Sannyasa si le gustamos o no. Entonces tomando esta ashrama en esta vida es buen preparacion. Que piensa. Buen diagolo para muchos.

Urgent, should I leave the temple?

5 years, 9 months ago by petti in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please, receive my obeisances.

(Google translator)

Before anything I would like to say hello, and ask him how he has been?

HpS - O.K. We are moving ahead. If we have any material problems from body or society then when we are moving toward Vrndavana we take care of them automatically, like moving our hand to chase away flies.

It is a short question, but with many questions inside as well as admiration and desire to listen to it. Sometimes I try to measure how you perceive the ups and downs of this life, but I can not, I admit that it is daring on my part, I apologize.

Taking into account the above, I would like to comment on a situation that afflicts me (although I know that I should not, I know it in theory, but it is difficult to make it practical). However, please, if you can, would you guide me?

On April 14, I

completed 3 months as a temple resident in the congregation of Iskcon Chile, it

has not been easy, the real challenge is my mind. Some lament for getting up

early, that is not my case, Mangala Arati is the only moment of peace that I

have in the day, my mind there is pleased to sing to Krsna what I call

"The lullaby to wake up". However, situations have happened that I do

not know how to handle. The situation is common. In this present it is common

to hear in some classes strong expressions about the Vaishnava etiquette and

respect for the elderly devotees, on several occasions these speakers are

people who have strongly offended "minor" devotees, bhaktas, guests,

even devotees of their own time. . The question is that, in a particular case,

I admire a devotee who is many years being a devotee, I even liked to listen

to his classes, until there were offenses on the part of this devotee towards

me, he does not agree with the fact that I was a vegan, one day he told me that

I was a demon because I did not want to consume dairy products, among other

insults. Said devotee does service in the temple regularly and gives classes

in the morning those days, I had to stop attending his classes, since, he does

not miss the opportunity to mention offensive phrases towards people who are

beginning this spiritual path , or towards people who do not yet know about

Krishna, he calls them "karmis". Taking into account that he has a

lot of time on this path, recently I stayed in one of his classes, to learn,

take out the good and honor his presence in some way, but it happened again ...

the devotee was offensive to women, "The karmis" as he tells them,

said negative things and gave me an example. Over the years I learned that I

should not respond at the time, then I bow and leave the place, I have asked

for an appointment with the president of the temple to manifest these events

again, I hope to be attended soon.

Now I ask you maharaj, please tell me, how do I avoid falling into mental offenses towards any being that behaves negatively? I recognize that all people have problems and they are suffering, just like me. I know that this is why they can be aggressive, offensive, or have negative attitudes, I try not to intervene in their process, I only think of Krsna and if I have the opportunity, as the case may be, I read the Bhagavad Gita and share it with that person. But I could not stop crying, I feel very bad, I do not want to continue here. In the temple for these circumstances I am forced to live with many people, sometimes I see these people as walking trees full of thorns, human beings can be very harmful at times. I do not want to be a hermit again, Krsna says in the BG that we should have association with the devotees, but it is very difficult, many times I perceive more kindness outside the congregation than inside it.

I do not know what to do, I do not know how to handle it, I do not know how not to be offensive, should I leave the temple? My initial commitment is 6 months, there are only three, but I am constantly depressed because I do not handle tense situations, and here I can not avoid them. I have even stopped singing all my rounds at times, I have fallen into strong criticism towards others, I am becoming a sad, bitter and judgmental person since I am living here, I know that all this depends on how I perceive things, I am investigating psychological aspects to better handle these situations, but how do you connect it to spirituality?

Looking for guidance in the instructions of Srila Prabhupada I found the following verse of the Bhagavad Gita that says:

BG: 6-32: O Arjuna, he who, by comparison with his own being, sees the true equality of all beings in his happiness as well as in his affliction, is a perfect yogī.

In the meaning Srila Prabhupada mentions that the devotee should watch over the welfare of all living entities, since he understands that everyone is suffering and that Krsna is the supreme controller and enjoyer. So, in theory I understand this as a child, but in practice and just now I have a hard time keeping my heart clean, as I mentioned before, I am becoming a sad and judgmental person.

I will wait for your answer attentively, and I thank you for having read this long letter, I apologize for that. I'll try to make the following shorter.


Petti. (Stefani S. Michelena)

HpS - Chant Hare Krsna and Krsna will give you intelligence what to do. I have tried it and it works. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, Hare Krsna, Hare Rama...... Maybe you can have some adjustment with Amara gauranga Das help. Maybe share an apartment with other Monjas and come to the Temple. Adjust, adjust, adjust, but... this is the material world. A mental hospital and so you can never have a sane life here, just a medical purification life, help others recover. Chant and adjust. Chant and select good association, many Gurus with different lessons.


Hare Krsna Maharaj

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Por favor, reciba usted mis reverencias.

(Google traductor)

Antes que cualquier cosa me gustaría saludarle, y preguntarle ¿cómo ha estado? Es una pregunta corta, pero con muchas interrogantes dentro a la vez que admiración y ganas de escucharlo. A veces trato de dimensionar como percibe usted los altos y bajos de esta vida, pero no puedo, reconozco que es osado de mi parte, me disculpo.

Tomando en cuenta lo anterior le quiero comentar una situación que me aflige (aunque sé que no debería, lo sé en teoría, pero es difícil hacerlo practico) sin embargo, por favor, si usted puede, ¿me orientaría?

El día 14 de abril cumplí 3 meses como residente de templo en la congregación de Iskcon Chile, no ha sido fácil, el verdadero reto es mi mente. Algunos se lamentan por levantarse temprano, ese no es mi caso, Mangala Arati es el único momento de paz que tengo en el día, mi mente allí se complace en cantar a Krsna lo que llamo “La canción de cuna para despertar”. Sin embargo, han pasado situaciones que no se bien como manejar.

La situación es común. En este presente es común escuchar en algunas clases fuertes expresiones sobre la etiqueta vaisnava y el respeto a los devotos mayores, en varias ocasiones dichos expositores son personas que han ofendido fuertemente a devotos “menores”, bhaktas, invitados, incluso devotos de su mismo tiempo. La cuestión es que, en un caso particular, yo admire a un devoto que tiene 20 años siendo devoto, incluso, me gustaba escuchar sus clases, hasta que ocurrieron ofensas por parte de este devoto hacia mí, él no está de acuerdo en el hecho de que yo sea vegana, un día me dijo que yo era un ser demoniaco porque no quería consumir productos lácteos, entre otros insultos. Dicho devoto es pujari los fines de semana en el templo y da las clases en la mañana esos días, he tenido que dejar de asistir a sus clases, puesto que, no pierde la oportunidad de mencionar frases ofensivas hacia personas que estamos comenzando este camino espiritual, o hacia personas que aun no conocen sobre Krisna, el los llama “karmis”. Tomando en cuenta que el tiene mucho tiempo en este camino, el domingo pasado me quede en una de sus clases, para aprender, sacar lo bueno y honrar de alguna manera su presencia, pero volvió a suceder… el devoto fue ofensivo con las mujeres, “los karmis” como el les dice, dijo cosas negativas y me puso como ejemplo. A lo largo de los años aprendí que no debería responderle en el momento, entonces hago reverencias y me voy del lugar, he pedido una cita con el presidente del templo para manifestar nuevamente estos acontecimientos, espero ser atendida pronto.

Ahora le pregunto a usted maharaj, por favor dígame, ¿cómo hago para no caer en ofensas mentales hacia ningún ser que se comporte de forma negativa? Reconozco que todas las personas tienen problemas y están sufriendo, así como yo. Se que por eso pueden ser agresivos, ofensivos, o tener actitudes negativas, trato de no intervenir en su proceso, solo pienso en Krsna y si tengo la oportunidad, según el caso, hago una lectura del Bhagavad Gita y lo comparto con dicha persona. Pero no he podido parar de llorar, me siento muy mal, no quiero seguir aquí. En el templo por lsa circunstancias me veo obligada a convivir con muchas personas, a veces veo a estas personas como arboles andantes llenos de espinas, los seres humanos podemos ser muy dañinos a veces. No quiero volver a ser una ermitaña, Krsna dice en el BG que debemos tener asociación con los devotos, pero es muy difícil, muchas veces percibo más bondad afuera de la congregación que dentro de la misma.

No se que hacer, no se como manejarlo, no se como no ser ofensiva, ¿debería irme del templo? Mi compromiso inicial es de 6 meses, solo van tres, pero estoy constantemente deprimida ya que no se manejar situaciones tensas, y acá no las puedo evitar. Incluso he dejado de cantar todas mis rondas en ocasiones, he caído en fuertes criticas hacia los demás, me estoy volviendo una persona triste, amargada y enjuiciadora desde que estoy viviendo acá, se que todo esto depende se como yo percibo las cosas, estoy investigando aspectos psicológicos para manejar mejor estas situaciones, pero ¿cómo lo uno a la espiritualidad?

Buscando guía en las instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada encontré el siguiente verso del Bhagavad Gita que dice:

BG: 6-32 : ¡Oh, Arjuna!, aquel que, mediante la comparación con su propio ser, ve la verdadera igualdad de todos los seres tanto en su felicidad como en su aflicción, es un yogī perfecto.

En el significado Srila Prabhupada menciona que el devoto debe velar por el bienestar de todas las entidades vivientes, ya que entiende que todos están sufriendo y que Krsna es el supremo controlador y disfrutador. Entonces, en teoría entiendo esto desde niña, pero en la práctica y justo ahora me he difícil tener limpio el corazón, como le mencione anteriormente, me estoy volviendo una persona triste y juzgadora.

Esperare su respuesta atentamente, y le agradezco el haber leído esta larga carta, me disculpo por eso. Procurare que las siguientes sean más cortas.


Petti. (Stefani S. Michelena)

URGENT - Piero from Chile report and questions

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumatpresaka swami


Here, Piero from Chile.

I am in good health and with enthusiasm to stay in the spiritual war. 

I wrote two month ago about my situation in the temple of Chile.

I was commander of the temple for one month. It was much for me, i am so obsessive and very immature spiritually and materially. It was much responsibility that i can hold. I was sick with nerves and then with indigestion. I wanted stay in the service, but my body stopped it.

Now i am living in a apartment with devotees. I wake up at the 4 AM (some time a litter late for tamo guna but i fought). Then i go to bathroom and then i make a litter mangalartik, just 15 minutes. Chanting my rounds with Srila Prabhupada recording. Then two hours of study Gita and Bhagavatam, breakfast and going to sankirtan.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. You must have been a monk in you last life.

My health quickly got better, and now i take an another service in the temple. Prabhu Amara asked me to be a secretary and i agreed.

Like a Kshatriya i work better like a secretary than a commander. My dharma is more intellectual than a warrior in the battlefield, i dislike the fight.

It matches with the instruction that you give me in Buenos Aires, be a reporter for the temple and do things like a secretary. I like it.

We are doing many things, organizing meetings and typing this, see problems than we have to improve, planning a census of devotees and many other things.

On the other hand in the comunicate department we still doing the bulletin all the Ekadashi. Now we let's go back to do “perspectivas”. Short interview of devotees in a short videos. I want do another interview to devotees but written and with the goal to heal and unite to the congregation.

I want to learn good english, all days i tried to learn a new word.

HpS - Read the Krsna book in English.

My passion make me an a desire machine, but now i tried that all going connected with Krishna.

My idea is clean myself this year, taking some therapies for be more strong, like metagenealogy, yoga, psychotherapy, to know me more than now.

My heart now is more connected with you, but my mind still is a bad dog.

I have some questions. First the question that i did in gotomeeting.

  • Paramatma is connected with the intelligence?

HpS - Intelligence in Sanskrita is "Buddhi". It is in the heart. It is perspective, attitude, meditation. On the basis of our intelligence we think, plan. That is "manas". It is discussed again and again in the Gita and SB. You will understand. It is material. The paramatma is the 'Hand of God". He is especially discerned in the intelligence. We have inspiration to do this do that. That is the paramatma talking through our material intelligence. Read, chant more, you will understand.

  • When Krishna said to Arjuna than never after he see the universal form His refers of this planet or in all the universe?

HpS - We don't understand. Maybe in Spanish. Exact place where it is spoken in the Gita. The universal form is the whole universe. This planet (plane et) is just part of it.

Thank you gurudeva, your simple servant, Piero Saavedra Torchio.

HpS - Thank you. Also look at your other letter.

sorry Sir

5 years, 9 months ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Pamho agtSP

Please forgive me, i sent the previous message with attach pics of the Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Vallabha, but by mistake i attached the pics three times or more.. sorry

Your servant 😔

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - It was really, really, really great!! It is like universal form for Arjuna but from Goloka!