Letter of obeisance

5 years, 7 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Namaste Guru Maharaj

Repeated obeisance unto the lotus feet of my revered Guru Hanumat Predaka Swamy Maharaj for getting me initiation.

I think this is by the will of providence as I always prayed to the Lord for sending me my Guru.

Maharaja I am very very fortunate for this even though I am unfit and most fallen.

Gurudeva please give me blessing not to deviate from Krishna with firm determination just like the sparrow which challenge and threaten the sea for recollection of its egg.

Hare Khrisna.

Your most fallen disciple

Nandi Mukhi Devi dasi

Manipur ISKCON

HpS - Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai! It is very nice to hear from you. I hope you can read our Kapi Dhvaja every two weeks. You can see it at our web page, www.jayarama.us. We explain what we are doing there. Now we are traveling in South America so the mail will be slow. Do you live near the temple in Imphal?


5 years, 7 months ago by rodrigo.cid in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna guru maharaja

Acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto, soy su humilde sirviente ram viyaya, iniciado en Santiago de Chile, por favor perdóneme por por todas las ofensas que he cometido en contra de sus pies de loto, quisiera pedir sus bendiciones para volver a activarme en la consciencia de krisna y por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias. Hare Krishna. 

HpS - Jaya!!!! No hay otro sendero. Adelante! Como esta occupada Vd? Quienes son sus asociados?

Report month Madhusudana

5 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Report month Madhusudana

Hare krsna remembered Gurudeva

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - Locus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari

I hope you are happy in your beautiful preaching for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive me for asking you not to make my letter public. Without realizing it, I lacked respect for His ashram. Please accept again my prostrated obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - We thank you for writing. Little details in etiquette are little details. Thank you.

 I also apologize to the devotees who felt uncomfortable about this.

I forgot that sometimes some people act "badly" because Sri Krishna wants to teach me through them, to see my own faults.

Once I heard: "there are problems that have no solution and others that resolve themselves, so we do not have to worry much about the problems". And it's true.

HpS - I heard that Winston Churchill said that and he won the second world war.

I had expectations of doing service together, but seeing the reality hurt me a lot.

I think I am an Adhikari kanistha because I still do not know how to relate to my dear spiritual master or to the Vaisnavas.

I thank you infinitely for your words, they help me a lot.

I remember doing publicity service for the festivals with prabhu laksman. At that time I wanted to create a communications department in chosica. They were very good times.

HpS - These are good times also and as we wake up they will get better and better!

We can not go to see him in Lima ... we are half stuck in Cordoba ... Rather, we would like you to come and visit us, there is a forest of canes behind the mud house, in front of the river and the mountains. Krsna has been very kind giving us these wonderful views. Franco told me to hope you came to visit us.

Please accept our obeisances: Frank, Gopalito and Radha at your feet.

You can publish my letters or not, you can mold them, you can do what you want. It will always be my beloved guru and if I had to be born again I would choose it again and again.

Thanks for tolerating my mistakes.

Trying to serve him with the heart:

 j.p.radha dd.

HpS - We hope Krsna kidnaps all of you and we see you in Argentina! At least we can talk on the phone while we are there. Expect miracles. We hope you include photos of your view. How is your family in Lima?


5 years, 7 months ago by jambavan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Estoy muy avergonzado por no escribir por tanto tiempo... espero que sea capaz de comenzar a reportarme más a menudo.

ASA - Nos es igual!

Como usted sabe, estoy en Medellín, Colombia. Con la ayuda de mi esposa estamos manteniendo un programa de prédica todos los domingos. Ahora llevamos 3 años continuados con ese programa. Hace un mes hemos cambiado de lugar, y hemos alquilado un lugar en el centro de la ciudad, muy céntrico, ya están viniendo más personas que antes!

A nivel personal estoy tratando de volverme serio con las rondas y cantar bien. La mayoría de días termino 16, pero hay días que no puedo terminar por falta de tiempo, trabajo, familia...

HpS - Keep account of how many rounds you owe Krsna y work to catch them up.

Los principios están bien gracias a una inmensa misericordia de Krishna.

Hay días que hago mangala-artik, otros no me da tiempo.

HpS - Krsna will never punish you for chanting 16-rounds or getting up for Mangala-arati, Kirtan, SB. He will always reward you, wants to reward you! These basic principles of sadhana will improve every other thing you do in the maximum way possible.

Leyendo el 6º canto del SB y en las noches algo de pasatiempos, del Señor Caitanya, anécdotas de Prabhupada, etc Ahora estoy leyendo también el Libro de Aindra prabhu. uufff

ASA - The KRSNA book!

Estamos tratando de innovar en la prédica, hacer cosas nuevas, buscar la manera de atraer más personas a los programas de los domingos. Estamos haciendo videos en Youtube, publicidad en Facebook, muchas cosas de internet, que es mi trabajo. Y nuevas personas están viniendo gracias a eso. Ahora estoy tratando de mejorar y meditando en cómo mejorar.

HpS - You can have nice movie divided into like three parts and show it over three Sundays or even a separate night for just movies. Then people will come back. Free popcorn, but with enough salt that people will buy beverage! Ha! Ha! Hare!

Estoy pensando en ir a Perú a verle, el día 24 o quizá en octubre si no tengo el dinero a tiempo. Sería maravilloso poder verle! Parece que he estado durmiendo estos años! Eso si es el significado de maya, durmiendo despierto jajaj

ASA - Muy bien///

Ananga-mohini mi esposa está bastante bien gracias a Krishna, y mis hijos Gopal y Balaram estudiando y tocando la guitarra eléctrica. Arjuna el mayor está estudiando en la universidad.

Voy a ver si puedo volverme un verdadero sirviente de usted Gurudeva, espero sus instrucciones si en mi posición puedo servir de algo!

Le comparto unas fotos de los programas recientes

Su humilde sirviente, Jambavan das

HpS - Muy bien. Muy bien. Unos fotos??

Urgente Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

5 years, 7 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja

Acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias sean para Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!

Gurudev, espero se encuentre muy bien de salud.

Ésta es la 3° carta que escribo. Creo que las anteriores se borraron.

Quiero contarle que Sukadeva está estudiando junto a un grupo pequeño de devotos, 3 veces a la semana. Prabhu Paramesvara Das, los está preparando para dar examenes libres. Él estudió pedagogía y educa a sus hijos en casa. Hasta ahora todo ha resultado muy bien.

Sukadeva está cantando 2 rondas de japa en una japa budista 😊

. Escucha el Srimad Bhagavatam por la mañana y el Krsna Book por la noche. También ofrece incienso y flor a Goura Nitai antes de ir a la escuela. En la tardes canta junto a nosotros frente al altar.

Indira, la pequeña, está hablando más y canta maha mantra imitandonos. Es muy desordena y ruidosa aún, pero espero que pronto se tranquilice y pueda escuchar la lectura con atención.

Jagannatha Caran sigue en su trabajo. Está ayudando a dar el curso de Bhaktas junto a otro devoto mexicano. Sigue con su servicio de las recomendaciones para refugio e iniciación.

Tenemos un chat en whatsApp (15 devotos) para cantar japa. Comenzamos desde las 4 am. Eso nos ha ayudado mucho a todos.

HpS - Si es un hecho!

En enero tomé un instructorado de YOGA KUNDALINI PARA NIÑOS. Estoy haciendo 1 clase a la semana a un grupo de 4 niños.

Acabo de terminar el curso de Discípulos, donde 7 devotos pasaron el examen.

Ahora preparando el curso Bhakti Sastri. Le pido por favor Sus bendiciones para poder hacer bien este servicio.🙏

Cantando 16 rondas de japa. A veces más. Levantando temprano. Atendiendo a Goura Nitai en casa (5 o 6 veces a la semana).

Gayatri mantra 80%.

Tulasi no se manifiesta aún en casa😣

, creo que me falta mucha devoción.

Gurudev, espero que éste reporte le sea al menos de Su agrado.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - Muchas gracias su carta. Estamos casi tres dias en Lima. Casi adjustado al Ashrama. Comida y comenzando con programas fuertes. Hoy dia fuimos a Universidad San Marcos para programa con Jefe y alumnos post grado de Philosofia.

Su reportaje es super! Es un ejemplo para todo el mundo.

Reverencias al Jagannatha Carana Das.

Copmenzando programa por la tarde con Purusotraya Swami y muchos devotos!!! Mas noticias de nosotros pronto.

Memorandum 5/27/2019

5 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Reilly in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, AGTSP

I'll tried to condense this as I know your very busy. I had a couple important questions Maharaj, and I humbly seek your guidance.

I returned from Korea to Oklahoma here at Fort Sill. I've remained vegan/lactose-vegeterian since Korea (picked at often for it by fellow Soldiers, I kindly explain karma if they truly inquire).

I spent a good fortune of my military pension bonus on returning my mother (Bhaktin S) back to the USA from Europe (despite her felon warrant for DUI). She unfortunately started at her bad habits again while at her mother's residence and was arrested & extradited/charged. I bought her an attorney to get her the best possible outcome and her final sentencing (conditional plea of guilt) she must serve 2 years, possibly more based on a parole board.

I also gave away her property (many sacred deitys from Mayapur and some Shila stones) at B. Temple on the temple owners advice. On the eve of Gaura-Purnima, to my surprise many devotees eagerly appeared and accepted them into their homes. I still had two legitimate Narasimha-Shaligrams in a wooden box that no-one could accept. I took them back to Oklahoma and had an opportunity to travel to Dallas where I visited the Kalachandji Temple. I met the devotee visitor manager there. Surprisingly, I learned the manager & family knew a particular family from B. Temple very well and had housed them during a few visits several years ago.

I explained I needed a home for the Shilas and they graciously accepted. It was a breath of fresh air being around fellow devotees for a time.

Did I do the right thing Maharaj? I feel like the Lord was pushing me to do this for Her.. It's the duty of the oldest son to protect his mother correct?

http://vanisource.org/wiki/SB_8.9.9 (translation & purport).

I still want to become a M.D. -- I'm looking at re-enlisting in the Army soon and have two options towards this goal:

1. Join a particular unit where I could achieve better training and experience. If I do this, I could leave Oklahoma this year yet at the cost of a few more years of service.

2. Go back to state college in the Army Reserves and use the GI bill to complete this Bio. degree (yet remain in Oklahoma for 18 more months).

I still want to go to Med. School through the military. I want to believe the plan I'm following now is one of service and not selfishness. I don't know what else I'd do at this point. Maharaj.. I humbly ask you to advise what you believe is wise. . .

I wish I had more devotees nearby to associate with. I'm striving to get back onto the bhakti footpath (not the warpath).

Hoping to improve everyday in service, to make this lifetime worth something


HpS - AGTSP.... Thank you for the news. It is very nice. A look into the USA Armed Forces. I feel a little proud to be an American after I hear this. At the present I rather ashamed that we have not got a better man than Mr. Trump for President.

M. D. sounds fine. Main thing is set some standard for Japa for a certain period. eg. two rounds/day for the next fortnight. Then do it. Assess the results and head to Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. Japa :>> Sankirtan.

I can't make much distinction between the two service options. They both seem viable to me. Chant HK and maybe some one else can give you more expert advice.

I think you are a real good son. Yes, it seems the Silas are going where they want to.

Keep a nice Diary and later share it if Krsna wills.