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5 years, 1 month ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Mi nombre es Damián, vivo en Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina. Soy vecino de su discípula Campakalata dd y de otros buenos devotos que viven en el barrio.

Para recordarle, la última vez que tuve la fortuna de tener su asociación fue en Córdoba en casa de prabhu Madhavendra y Yasoda.

Tomé el valor y me decidí a escribirle, ya que hacía un tiempo quería hacerlo y no me animaba.

Quisiera contarle que desde hace 2 años aproximadamente me dedico a la distribución de los libros de Srila Prabhupada por la zona de Traslasierra y a veces en la ciudad de Rosario, que es mi lugar de nacimiento.

Hace algo mas de 4 años que tuve la fortuna de conocer a los devotos y desde hace 3 años y medio estoy intentando cantar los Santos Nombres y estudiando los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

En el mes de diciembre empieza el maratón de Sankirtana para felicidad de Prabhupada y me gustaría poner los resultados a su nombre, si a usted le parece bien.

HpS - Recuerdo Vd con gran alegria! Mejor ofrecer los resultados a Srila Prabhupaday describiendo su experencias en Sankirtan aqui. Por favor lea nuestra News en nuestra Blog en y utiliza el KCP (Kapi-Dhvaja Codigo de Prioridad) o sus cartas puede ser perdido, comido, for El Serpiente del Tiempo!

Le agradezco la oportunidad de este contacto.

Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien.

Bhakta Damián

¡Le anexo una imagen junto a S.S. Krsna Ksetra Swami cuando visitó nuestro barrio!

KPC - Checking in

Dear Maharaj,


Maharaj I am writing to give some updates on our journey to find our service in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan movement, Sadhana Report and to ask of you something.

We recently held the first Festival of Gratitude (piggy backing off the Thanksgiving holiday with the extended weekend) here in Boise. The Festival of Gratitude's mission is have an event that will increase devotees appreciation/gratitude for Srila Prabhupada and the process he has given us. With that increased appreciation devotees will be more enthusiastic to follow the process SP has given us and share it with others.

The theme of the festival is the 5 most potent devotional services; Deity, Devotee, Nam, Dham, Bhagavatam. Our focus was a nice Krsna Katha seminar on one of the 5 devotional services, nice Prasdam and nice Kirtan. We where very fortunate that Radhaka Raman Prabhu appreciated the spirit of the event and agreed to give his seminar on the Glories (Appreciation) of Srimad Bhagavatam.

We started Thursday with a huge Thanksgiving day Prasdam feast. Sri Sri Radha Bunkibihari had all homemade tofurky, nutloaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed veggies with cheese sauce, fruit salad, pumpkin pie, cherry pie and apple pie.

HpS - Only God could survive that! Guess the rest of us can just look at it and offer our small service.

There was also cranberry sauce with paneer, candied yams, banana nut muffins, stuffing, pasta with cheese, celery with cream cheese or peanut butter and a few other dishes. I will attach a picture of the lay out the devotees took Prasdam from below.

Friday and Saturday we started the day with Guru puja and Srimad Bhagavatam classes given by Anantarupa Prabhuji with emphasis on appreciation of Srila Prabhupada. Then after breakfast Prasdam, Radhaka Raman Prabhu gave his seminar from 10:30am until 1:00pm. Even though it was 2.5 hours it seemed like 45 mins. It was such a wonderful seminar. I myself have recommitted to reading and studying SB and I know other devotees where also inspired. It was an amazing seminar.

Then in evening we had 2.5 - 3.5 hours of Kirtan and Dinner Prasdam. Saturday we finished with a family fun night and had Root beer floats, popcorn, reading from Gratitude tree and Srimad Bhagavatam charades. My wife, Alicia, did the kids program that went on during the seminar and that program was based on appreciating SP.

The kids and her initiated the gratitude tree which tree had some branches, then people wrote on a leaf about what they are thankful for and then tied the leafs to the tree. They encouraged the adults to write their own leafs. It was nice, there is also a picture of it below.

She also designed the shirts we gave as gifts to devotees, you will see a picture below of the sweatshirts. We gave sweatshirts to Anantarupa, Radhaka Raman, Anadi Radha as extra special gifts for helping so much with the festival. Also something very nice was that throughout the whole festival Sri Sri Radha Bunkibihari, Jaganatha, Baladev, Subadra, Guara-Nitai, Laxsmi-Narsimha and Srila Prabhupada all got nice fresh garlands (also pictured below). Normally everyday except Sunday only Sri Sri Radha Bunkibihari and SP get flower garlands.

We learned a lot from this science experiment, we learned more about ourselves in our abilities and weaknesses, what we could do better next time and how we can improve our organization. All to help improve our offering to SP. The devotees appreciated the festival, they encouraged us to continue the project and we agree its something we should continue. Anadi Radha Mataji, Nitisara Prabhu's wife, put a extreme amount of effort in to this festival and although it was almost too much she agrees that its something we should continue again next year.

We also were contacted by ISKCON News for an interview about the festival and did about an hour interview with them. Anantarupa Prabhji was pleased, he says Krishna was pleased because we had unexpected guest come to the festival and we were requested to do the interview. Radhaka Raman Prabhu was also pleased and was very encouraging to us.

Mahraj, is there any instructions you have on the Festival? What can I/we do better to please SP? What is my service in serving SP's sankirtan movement?

HpS - Hare Krsna. AGTSP. I don't think there is much we can say. It is so complete. I think it will expand automatically if you do it again. Maybe only a little focus on the four principles and sixteen rounds. Chanting Japa together. Seems super human to us.

Maharaj, I have been instructed by Srinvasacharya Prabhu to write and ask you to except me as a disciple soon as you will allow. He knows my heart in desiring to be your disciple. He gives his blessing and said to tell you that he believes I am ready for initiation. He said to ask if I maybe initiated in Huston while you are in the USA here in December for you Vyasa Puja celebration.

For more then one year I have been following the 4 regulative principles, chanting 16 rounds each day, getting up before 4 am (currently 3:30am), attending mangala arati and reading SP books (currently I am on 1.9.46 SB in my personal reading of SB). I have been begging Srila Prabhupada for his mercy to please except me into his family, please allow me to do some service and to please let me be formally initiated. I also have been reading your blog and KD regularly. Ananturupa Prabhji says that he will give me a letter of recommendation when and if you have given word that I maybe initiated. Srinivas said he would give me the disciples course whenever necessary so that I maybe initiated.

Maharaj, Will you please allow me to be your disciple and take diksa Harinam initiation from you? If you will accept me when may I take initiation? I will take care of the formalities needed like the TP letter and disciple course. I will fly to wherever necessary. Srinivas Prabhu also encouraged me in getting initiated as soon as I can, citing the story of the devotee who was to get initiated but his spiritual master left his body just before getting initiated.

Please bless me Maharaj that I may do some service for Srila Prabhupda and yourself, please bless me that I may become an exceptable offering to lie down at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet.

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Nathen

HpS - If you have the Disciple Course and letter from Ananta-rupa Das then initiation seems fine. If you want to come to Houston we could do it then, but it might be rather quick to do it. Other option is to send your beads and then Anantarupa Das can organize the program there and we can be present by Skype etc. Other is wait until we visit West Coast, Boise, in January or February.

It is a formality, not without meaning, but the sacrifices you describe are the performance that has won Krsna, no? Respects to your good family!

“Banana Llama” - Eagerly waiting for Initiation

5 years, 2 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please Accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you. All glories to Prabhupada.

 Guru Maharaj as you mentioned in the previous letter about the recommendation letter from the temple president, we spoke to Nithyananda Prabhu. He mentioned that he will give me the recommendation letter. I have mailed him the details and am waiting for his reply. I am in India now and I am unable to contact him. Srinatha just got back to Dallas from India and will talk to Nithyananda Prabhu.

Guru Maharaj, I have attached a copy of the ISKCON Disciples Course Certificate.

Guru Maharaj I am following the four regulative principles and chanting my rounds. In India sometimes it becomes difficult to maintain your sadhana, but I am trying my level best.

This time we visited Srirangam and got a blissful Darshan. We also got to see Jaganath deities which were made by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu during his stay in Srirangam. Guru Maharaj this happened only because of your causeless mercy and blessings. 

It is very difficult to maintain Bhakti here without the association of the devotees. Life feels meaningless without dressing our deties at home and serving Tulasi Maharani and Sri Radha Kalachandji. Wishing to come to Dallas as soon as possible and continue my seva. I will be back on 18th December

Guru Maharaj please give me an opportunity to serve you.

Eagerly waiting to see you, get your association and get initiated as early as you think is right.

Hare Krishna

HpS - Thank you!! The letter is essential. Also, in the end the whole ISKCON movement may come down to one thing. Are you connected to Srila Prabhupda or not? Are you chanting 16-rounds daily and following the four principles. Of course, Radharani Herself will personally help you do this if you make this choice. O.K. Going to be a hero in the battle of Kurushetra? Draupadi will say, "She's a real lady!"?

part of village

5 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj , PAMHO, AGTSP.

hope your "letter answering" marathon is going great, monkey and piggy must be helping you even though they are tired.

ASA -- Whoop! Whoop! Oink! Oink! agtstp..... paho...

trying to get local help, but somehow not fruitful as expected, still we are continuing.

we take your instruction very seriously [i] if we can solve our problem in particular circumstances then 10000 people will follow us.. na dhanam na sundri,, may be we want janam... anyways we hold our position with this perspective..

[ii] if you can get big position at university, that will help a lot..

we wanted to ask more elaboration on " be part of village" in

[Try to get your marriage part of a village]

what should be priorities of criteria of village selection

HpS - I don't think priorities, rather understanding the postion of the people in the village. eg. S(he)it is a vikarmi. Recomends more Ballywood and Bombay Pilsner to improve family relations. NOI 10... Then associate with them. Horses are social animals, no.

[i] local dialect\culture [ii] religious culture [iii] professional growth..

HpS - Of course, death. Unless we wake up the soul, what is the use of any of this? If they do wake up the soul then they are useful, dialect, job, religious practices!



HpS - What is name of your new school??? Who are your associates there??

Banana Santa - Hare Krishna

5 years, 2 months ago by srinivasacarya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for the text message this morning. Sugopi, Sundari-radhika and I are missing your regular association and fortunate are those in the distant lands/time zones that have your association. Yet we are trying to lick the lotus feet of Krishna's literary incarnation in the morning but it's not the same as hearing your voice filled with devotion, faith, simplicity and clarity. It is very refreshing to hear you on Saturdays but the rest of the week is dull.

I some times get frustrated that I am so sinful and unfortunate to take birth in this age of Kali which robs whatever little bit of mode of goodness that exists around. So many sinful and un-sastric things are accepted as normal in this age of Kali!

Yet as it is said in Maharaja Pariksit was not envious of Kali and Srila Prabhupada points out many benefits and emphasizes chanting of the holy names and recitation of Srimad Bhagavatam. Bhagavatam recitation is not the same without your presence. My jnana is in place but dhyana is extremely poor. Even when chanting my mind races towards analyzing things, sometimes material and sometimes spiritual. I am struggling to stay focused while eating the sugar candy and the jaundice is not disappearing. I wonder how long it takes before the all attractive makes His name attractive to a fallen soul like me?

I wonder when my heart becomes a suitable place for His residence? Please give me mercy so that I will relish the holy names and Srimad Bhagavatam as the most valuable treasures of my life.

I look at this blog regularly and read the news letter. I try to catch up with the pearls on the twitter and they are great! Couple of weeks ago your tweet inspired me to read the incident of Gopinatha Pattanayaka. It was bewildering but also humbling to see how Maha Prabhu saved him due to his relationship with his exalted brothers - Vaninatha and Ramananda.

I don't see the latest news letter yet so I am using the last known code in the title. Thank you very much for your time in reading this letter.

Your insignificant servant

Srinivasacarya dasa

HpS - Letter just went out. We are struggling in the middle of the mess just like everybody else. Just as you have administrative problems in you local Yatra, there are problems just as difficult at the GBC level. Oooof. Only solution is to join Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan.

What are you studying in your daily classes?

Here is has been instructions of Bhismadeva. Is good audience. Intelligent, about 25-devotees each morning. The window on the spiritual world is there and we can enter it and get realization of the situation. When was the first time Bhisma met Krsna? How old was he when he renounced marriage? We began to get some realization of Bhisma's personal understanding of Krsna at the moment of His death.

Majulali Devi Dasi report

5 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktina Maria in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you and all your service.

I hope that your health is better.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. This letter is very old. We met with Lalita in the temple since you wrote this. It has been very inspiring to see you both here. Thank you!! Actually our health is worse, as expected. We are expecting to die, but is O.K. to do Sankirtan.

Please accept my respectful obeisances dear Guru Maharaja, first of all I apologize for the lack of report and communication with you by this means, although we are always connected in service, mind and heart.

I tell him that we are with Lalita in the restaurant, managing and cooking together. It has been an arduous job, thanks to the Lord we achieved a definitive patent where all legal, were months of hard service, a lot of delivery, painting, making arrangements, resting little, we believe that thanks to the mercy of Lord Krishna everything flowed as I need.

HpS - Yes, I see the result. I think that you two and your service are in the top 15% of ISKCON devotees. You must have had a wonderful father!!

Lalita Madhava has been a fundamental support and has been able to give the right word at all times, an excellent devotee, it inspires me a lot, a blessing to be by her {his} side.

On the other hand, it has been more than a year since my father left the body, we cannot deny how much he is missed, I ask you for advice,: How bad is it for my spiritual life, to stick to my father's memory and my mother's pain? my mother and siblings are in the field, the ones visited often, they like prasadam very much, she lights maha incenses and until she learned to cook vegetarian bakery, it is very favorable.

HpS - It is natural to feel separation from you family. If you papa got a job in China in 1925 and you all said good bye to him at the wharf, boat, you would naturally feel separation. But there would be letters, telegrams, and for sure meet again. Help your family to the eternal world.

We are eager to have your association, we really need Guru Maharaja, Krishna through see you in November here in Iskcon Santiago de Chile.

HpS - Hope to see in 52-minutes.

At your Service, Manjulali Devi Dasi.

ASA - One client for the restaurant below.