
4 years, 6 months ago by indira in Personal Sadhana Reports

We have tried to answer all the letters we have received, but with travel, intense Sankirtan responsibilities and weakness of character we have not been able. So please write to us again at the Blog,, but be very, very careful to follow the etiquetta explained in:

Hemos tratado de responder todas las cartas que hemos recibido, pero con los viajes, las intensas responsabilidades de Sankirtan y la debilidad de carácter no hemos podido. Entonces, escríbanos nuevamente en el Blog,, pero tenga mucho cuidado de seguir la etiqueta explicada en:


Hare krishna querido maharaja todos las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupadha y todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya maha Prabhu.

Espero que esté muy bien de salud y le pido a Krishna que lo tenga buen estado.

Mi reporte de este mes es, que sigo cantando mis 16 rondas diarias y ahora eh tomado el servicio de ayudar y a organizar algunos advenimientos del Panca-tattva, de momento hemos hecho el advenimiento de Adveita Acaria (bajamos a mis deidades del Panca-tattva) y gracias

Querido Gurumaharaja

4 years, 6 months ago by Hector gonzalez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hemos tratado de responder todas las cartas que hemos recibido, pero con los viajes, las intensas responsabilidades de Sankirtan y la debilidad de carácter no hemos podido. Entonces, escríbanos nuevamente en el Blog,, pero tenga mucho cuidado de seguir la etiqueta explicada en:


Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

El mes pasado fue duro. Tuvimos días malos en nuestro sadhana y, por ende, en nuestra consciencia. Hemos recuperado esas rondas que no pudimos culminar algunos días. Ahora todo marcha mejor.

EL Kapi Dvaja nos llega y lo leemos cada que llega.

El programa de Bhakti vrksa sigue en marcha. Tenemos cosas que mejorar, pero en general fluye.

Nos han extendido la invitación nuevamente los devotos de Panamá para asistir durante las dos semanas previas a Ratha Yatra el mes de mayo. Por cuestiones de trabajo (trabajamos en una librería) todavía no sabemos si podremos asistir.

Sabemos que su salud no está del todo bien, oramos a Krsna y al Señor Nrsimha para que lo proteja y su salud mejore.

Su aspirante a discípulo Bhakta Hector.

[KDPC] - New vision, making effort!!

4 years, 7 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Hare Rama!!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble obeisances.

Here is Bhaktin Natyelli, again, roll call.

I just want you to know, that you are the light in the road, the principal reason why I feel alive.

ASA-HpS -- We have to comment that we, HpS-ASA, are basically a bunch of petty, selfish monsters, with our minds just under control by the constant years of effort by Srila Prabhupada. We see that our actions are so often burning his lotus feet in the poison of our minds and we try with some sincerity to control ourselves and improve, but if there is any inspiration that you receive from us, then it is 99.99...% from the mercy of your Uttama-adhikari spiritual master, Srila Prabhupad. Don't confuse the postman with the post-office!

This material world is very confusing, call in us to waste the time doing nothing for nobody, nothing for us, but since the time I feel your call, attending FMP, SB class, association with spiritual brothers and reading Prabhupada books we can feel we´re doing something for our spiritual progress.

Since my last report (one month ago) I was having lots of troubles with my sadhana, with japa, and in general with all the process.

HpS/ASA -- Same for us!

I was confusing about if this is really the way I have to follow.

HpS/ASA - We are like 99% sure this is our way. So I guess we can classify as Madhyama-adhikaris.

Now, listening to you, I feel very strong. I'm not the best kind of person, but now I feel I have some vision, I know where I want to go. I want to go with you, to take me to Srila Prabhupada. 16 daily rounds = 1728 maha mantra. 4 regulative principles, offering prasad at home and going to the temple to help in the Radharani´s kitchen, (sometimes Raja Bhoga, Vaikalika, Sandhya Bhoga, parafernalias, etc.) Still helping with some translations and reading with great enthusiasm.

Krishna is very Kind!

He is the best!!!!!!

I was asking for a new job. Since the quarantine took off mine, being a very difficult time in which I had to stretch the money to survive. Fortunately he listened to me and gave me the mercy of a well-paid job where I can preach to my personnel and take time for Krishna Consciousness (during working hours Jaaaaay!!!)

Maharaja, I also have two questions for you, hoping you can teach me how to do my best effort:

First one: a spiritual sister gave me a baby Tulsi (very beautiful) with much affection. Some days before that I was thinking about her and thinking that I really don't know how take care about her, but now she is with me, and growing as crazy, she just came to me. I am very grateful and I recognize all the mercy. My question is: Guru Maharaja, can I take care of her? can I worship her?

HpS-ASA - This is a question that we get often, so we just wrote an entry in the ASA-Encyclopedia at O.K?

Secondly, I was also talking with some spiritual brothers and sisters. Was asking them how do they make a personal relation with you, some pastimes about they with you and their spiritual life in ISKCON make me crazy. I love them!! so... I was wondering, Gurudeva, how can I be your servant? how can I have a good relationship with you? I mean I know have to study, assist to the programs and make good progress, but I really don't feel that I have a personal relation with you. (maybe is because doesn't exist hahaha) I want to be closer to you, of course like a woman, as a bhaktin, aspiring to your mercy! hoping you can give me a few word about these thoughts.

Your lowest, fallen and foolish aspirat to servant: Bhaktin Natyelli

Jaaaaaya Radha Madana Gopala Ki!!!

HpS - Another common question. Thank you. So look in the ASA-encyclopedia under "Guru-tattva". O.K.?

Thank so much Guru for give us the mercy of listening every morning!

ASA - Thank you for everything!!!

Humildes Sugerencias

4 years, 7 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk pamho

Querido Guru Maharaja, nos reportamos muy felices desde Chosica, el Vrndavana de Perú. La vez pasada vi un programa muy bueno de educación sobre el Quinto canto, me quedé algo preocupada por lo extenso del programa por ello deseo preguntarle, programas presenciales son diferentes, creo que el tiempo no afecta tanto, dependiendo del humor de la conferencia y expositor, pero desde on line, veo que sus reuniones por lo general son 1 hora de prédica, posiblemente es lo más moderado, por cansancio de vista, etc. En una reunión on line para Ud. Cuál es el límite de tiempo que permite cuidar Su salud y a la vez dejar con la miel en los labios a los espectadores.

En segundo lugar, respecto a su invitación a las madres a disertar sobre algún texto, pienso que el ejemplo de Mitravinda fue muy bueno, aproximadamente una participación de 10 minutos de aportes con soporte sastrico de acaryas, conclusiones (20 minutos con traducción, si el significado es muy largo se resume) y así queda tiempo para preguntas y aportes del resto, y se enriquece mucho el Krsna Katha. Me gusta más escuchar sobre todo cuando es bilingüe porque permite el intercambio cultural, y los hindúes cultos, devotos mayores con quienes por idioma no podemos tener su asociación, tienen muchas realizaciones de las escrituras, es una asociación muy deseable. Tal vez, una vez al mes, puede invitar a una latina, en fin son sólo sugerencias. Me divirtió mucho la última reunión, Radha Madham Bihari seguro reían, era muy cómico, una situación no tan cómoda para el anfitrión, pensaba.

Respecto del tema de educación aceptamos el reto. “El león solitario”, puede también estar en su cueva como ahora y salir fin de semana a ver la luz del sol, probamos un tiempo, siguiendo sus sugerencias.

Termino hoy la cuarentena en nuestro país, pero aun es estado de emergencia, así que continuamos cambiando a las deidades en el templo, predica on line y seguimos invernando, soñando con el santo dham siempre, recordando, volveremos pronto un par de meses, y luego regresaremos para dejar el cuerpo si Krsna quiere. Mil disculpas por todas las ofensas, nunca intencionales.

Su hija que lo adora:

La Surabhi Azul


Hk pamho

Dear Guru Maharaja, we report very happily from Chosica, the Vrndavana of Peru. Last time I saw a very good educational program on the Fifth song, I was somewhat concerned about the length of the program, so I want to ask you, face-to-face programs are different, I think the time does not affect so much, depending on the mood of the conference and speaker , but from online, I see that their meetings are generally 1 hour of preaching, possibly it is the most moderate, due to eyestrain, etc. In an online meeting for you. What is the time limit that allows you to take care of your health and at the same time leave the audience with honey on their lips.

HpS - AGTSP. I think it is different at different times and audiences. Use your intelligence. Ask the audience.

Secondly, regarding his invitation to mothers to speak on some text, I think Mitravinda's example was very good, approximately a 10-minute participation of contributions with sastric support of acaryas, conclusions (20 minutes with translation, if the meaning is very long is summed up) and so there is time for questions and contributions from the rest, and Krsna Katha is greatly enriched. I like to listen especially when it is bilingual because it allows cultural exchange, and educated Hindus, older devotees with whom we cannot have their association by language, have many scriptural achievements, it is a very desirable association. Maybe, once a month, you can invite a Latina, in short they are just suggestions. I was very amused by the last meeting, Radha Madham Bihari sure laughed, it was very funny, a situation not so comfortable for the host, I thought.

Regarding the topic of education, we accept the challenge. "The lonely lion" can also be in his cave like now and go out for the weekend to see the sunlight, we tried a while, following his suggestions.

Today I finish the quarantine in our country, but it is still a state of emergency, so we continue changing the deities in the temple, preach online and we keep on wintering, dreaming of the holy dham always, remembering, we will come back a couple of months soon, and then we will return to leave the body if Krsna wants. A thousand apologies for all offenses, never intentional.

His daughter who loves him:

The Blue Surabhi

HPS - Thank you for your report! We wonder what is happening in Chosica!!! AGT Radha and Madan-bihari! They are the center of the universe.

[KDPC] Assam Sounds

4 years, 7 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev


Pranams at your lotus feet.

HpS - Letuce Feet. AGTSP!!!!

Thank you for the answers to my questions last time . Plus I read another post by a devotee who had similar problem like mine and got a perspective from that . These Blog is amazing because many questions get answered without asking .

I wanted to inquire regarding one thing . I am now improving my Sadhana slowly ,definitely there is some improvement from before . Step by step I hope to reach the standards in a month or less.

HpS - I personally heard from Jayananda Das' lips that (Prabhupada said that) as long as we are chanting Hare Krsna we are making progress. So, do regular Sadhana but also WHENEVER you can.... CHANT!!! Etc.

If I reach the standards then how many months should I wait so that I can again chant the gayatri mantras. Last time when we met I had asked your permission so that I can stop chanting the Gayatri because I felt it was making me agitated . But I wish to chant again someday because the desire to worship my deities is still there.

HpS - As I remember I heard that Srila Prabhupada said one-year.

For that I will make myself regulated to follow the 4 regulative principles , chant 16 rounds and mangal aarti and have Prasad . What is the ideal time to wait after coming back to standards.

HpS - Same q-q-question, no?

Hope I survive the covid19 pandemic and am able to establish the Diksha connection before I die ,So that next birth at least in ISKCON Gurukul in a sane sattvic body .

ASA - 'One who does good my friend, is never overcome by evil', BG

Hare Krsna

Your servant

Rturaj Krsna Das

Shillong ,India

HpS - So nice to hear from you. Write a little about your life. People you meet. Edit it a few times and post it here! Focus, even though it may be distant is book distribution. Waiting to hear from you.

[KDPC] Report from Santiago

4 years, 7 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev, comienzo mi reporte contándo que aquí en Chile está muy frío 🌬 ☁️❄️ pero a pesar de esto mi SADHANA sigue firme,

cada día mejoro

la técnica de cantar las rondas y meditar profundamente en krishna,

a veces me distraigo pero vuelvo a retomar la concentración,

leo a diario y estudio con determinación cuando no entiendo algo pregunto a ( p. Laksmana) hasta que quede claro lo que necesito comprender.

Sigo con el cuidado de mis plantas ahora están dentro de casa como si fuera un "invernadero" jjjaajj lo hago por el frío, son delicadas estas chiquillas.

continuo conversando dos veces por semana con las chicas, siempre es un gusto hablar con ella nos reímos mucho😆😆, preguntan de filosofía, les explico lo que necesitan y les doy algo nuevo para que se sorprendan, hablamos de sus familias, trabajo e interés personales, estoy muy contenta con esta predica virtual.

Hace poco una de ellas dijo espero su llamada en la semana y poder hablar con usted porque me recarga de energía y felicidad espiritual . cuando lo escuche me alegre 😊

Krsna da la inteligencia para predicar y ejecutar un buen servicio.

Bueno querido Gurudev se despide su humilde sirviente, Raman Reti devi dasi

HpS - Gracias, RRDD!!! Modos para contactar nuevos personas?