¡“KDPC”! - PPT de Bhisma para Héctor Béjar_AmD

4 years, 6 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Oramos diariamente para que Lord Nrishimha te proteja siempre. En Perú hemos hecho una especie de equipo de contingencia con Yogesvara prabhu, para asistir con Dióxido de Cloro, a los devotos que se contagian del Corona Virus. Ya hay varios que se han recuperado en cinco días de tratamiento incluido mi hermano, su esposa e hijos. Le envio un video con información:


Por otro lado, le envié a su correo, el PPT de “Bhisma” dedicado a Héctor Béjar, con una pequeña reseña del autor (Como Usted me lo sugirió) al final de la presentación. También le he añadido una hoja final con referencias (links - enlaces) para que Héctor pueda encontrar alguna información complementaria. Ahora que tengo que hacer? Enviárselo a Héctor? A Abhirama T.?

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva,

Su aspirante a sirviente, AmD

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

We pray daily that Lord Nrishimha will protect you always. In Peru we have made a kind of contingency team with Yogesvara prabhu, to assist devotees who get the Corona Virus with Chlorine Dioxide. There are already several who have recovered in five days of treatment including my brother, his wife and children. I send you a video with information:


On the other hand, I sent the PPT of “Bhisma” dedicated to Héctor Béjar to his email, with a short review of the author (as you suggested) at the end of the presentation. I have also added a final sheet with references (links - links) so that Héctor can find some additional information. Now, What do have I do? Send it to Hector? To Abhirama T.?

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva,

Your would-be servant, AmD

HpS - Thank you for both pieces of new. We started to watch the video and it seems nice but we haven't got the time or WiFi data to watch it now. We also looked on the internet and saw that the US Government and a big medical page were warning people that it does not cure Karuna virus and is potentially dangerous!!?

The PPTX is great. With the help of the Abhirama Thakura Das send it to Hector.

Next letter!

[KDPC] Recharge to be able to Give and not need

4 years, 6 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupad!

Dear Maharaj, thank you for being that pillar in our life that gives stability, security, ability to breathe, sleep and even live in the most turbulent times, when no one or nothing else can.

HpS - Again we would be nothing without contact and pulllllling of Srila Prabhupada.

Such is your grace, saints like you selflessly live for others. You keep yourself pure so others can find some solace and relief from material miseries. Thank you for your kind and most valuable association which we do not deserve.

It is Krsna's causeless mercy, for probably the sins we have performed, we may not deserve anything good. Yet He is so merciful, He has given so much love and affection through His dear devotees. Relationships with whom, I realize is the most important possession without which one is unfortunate, and very poor.

Hence having spiritual relationships like with you is the actual wealth of the soul. Nothing of this world can equal or surpass this sustainence, without which material nature will factually render us insane. I'm going through a difficult time, but I pray that when this phase ends, I never ever forget this one thing I have in my life from the spiritual world.

My sadhana: able to chant 16 rounds, some hearing, working on improving reading and morning program (really a struggle when living with my husband). I need your relationship the most ever in my life now as I realized marriage is where Im supposed to only give, but only when I myself am full can I give.

My batteries feeling depleted often, I wonder how to keep recharged. How to make this spiritual transformation in my being and interaction with others from needing (myself in center) to serving (the other in center). It's really difficult for me to do any more sadhana than the above due to insomnia that I've developed dealing with the issues in my marriage.

Is this small amount that I'm able to do enough to find my heart shelter? To recharge me and fill me so I can serve as required? I am desperately looking for ways to become equipped to continue my service? How do I recharge?

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - AGTSP... Paoho.... I experience the same thing. I want to fall into material sense gratification, read a story about Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, or something, materially gratifying OR painful.

But then I apply the years and years of personal efforts to apply, prioritize the lessons I have received from Jayananda, Srila Prabhupada et al, et al. Rick Warren et al, and I am able to go ahead a little more.

So, there is no magic bullet.

Chant 16-rounds, reading a honest amount daily. These are so potent that NOTHING can stop you from becoming a Paramhamsa. It just takes time, but if step back and stop pushing forward to save your husband from becoming a character in a computer game in his next like, then you will see that you have actually made a little ETERNAL progress.

Then back to the battle.

Lean more.

Becoming a world class Guru is not easy, but it is something that you carry forward life after lie.

Good luck on understanding how to grow you war machine!

Share your experiences of your visctories.

sadhana y negocios

4 years, 6 months ago by petti in Personal Sadhana Reports

We have tried to answer all the letters we have received, but with travel, intense Sankirtan responsibilities and weakness of character we have not been able. So please write to us again at the Blog, www.monkeywarrior.com, but be very, very careful to follow the etiquetta explained in: http://jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm

Hemos tratado de responder todas las cartas que hemos recibido, pero con los viajes, las intensas responsabilidades de Sankirtan y la debilidad de carácter no hemos podido. Entonces, escríbanos nuevamente en el Blog, www.monkeywarrior.com, pero tenga mucho cuidado de seguir la etiqueta explicada en: http://jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm


Hare Krishna, receive my obeisances.

I wish you are very well.

Maharaj 8 months ago I have been leading my own business, which gives me the opportunity to preach.

I tell you in summary, I do complementary therapies, massages to women who are making a change in diet. The sessions last 1 hour, during that time I place devotional music, emphasizing the

Reporte Mes de Madhava

We have tried to answer all the letters we have received, but with travel, intense Sankirtan responsibilities and weakness of character we have not been able. So please write to us again at the Blog, www.monkeywarrior.com, but be very, very careful to follow the etiquetta explained in: http://jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm

Hemos tratado de responder todas las cartas que hemos recibido, pero con los viajes, las intensas responsabilidades de Sankirtan y la debilidad de carácter no hemos podido. Entonces, escríbanos nuevamente en el Blog, www.monkeywarrior.com, pero tenga mucho cuidado de seguir la etiqueta explicada en: http://jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm



Por favor adorado Gurumaharaja acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias a sus hermosos pies de loto. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Espero Usted se encuentre bien y muy feliz en Su amoroso y trascendental servicio a Srila Prabhu

Aprendiendo a cocinar

4 years, 6 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports

We have tried to answer all the letters we have received, but with travel, intense Sankirtan responsibilities and weakness of character we have not been able. So please write to us again at the Blog, www.monkeywarrior.com, but be very, very careful to follow the etiquetta explained in: http://jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm

Hemos tratado de responder todas las cartas que hemos recibido, pero con los viajes, las intensas responsabilidades de Sankirtan y la debilidad de carácter no hemos podido. Entonces, escríbanos nuevamente en el Blog, www.monkeywarrior.com, pero tenga mucho cuidado de seguir la etiqueta explicada en: http://jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm


Querido Gurudeva: perdone que no escriba por tanto tiempo así como mis ofensas. Acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Estoy cantando todos los días 17 rondas y 4 principios ok. Desde que vi