ISKCON of the Bay Area

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

[4:13 PM, 6/29/2020] Subal Das Berkeley:

Thank you guru maharaj nice to hear from you. We as a family are fine. kids continuing their studies and trying our best to guide them spiritually by remembering you guru Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gauranga.

Our most humble obeisances to you Guru Maharaj.

HpS - AGTSP!!! We are just happy to have your association and if we can be of any service then please WRITE TO THIS BLOG. 💪

Are you distributing Krsna Consciousness? With your Kirtan, bodily shine, smile?

Bh. Caru Swami

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Update - 30 June - 7.15 AM US EDT 

Dear Disciples of HDG Srila Prabhupada, devotees, disciples and well wishers of HH Bhakti Charu Swami, 

Please continue with the great efforts you are all making through prayer, chanting and sanga- it is the only effective medicine and we remain so grateful for this support. 

Maharaj remains in intensive care, on the ventilator and requiring support for his heart and kidneys. 

We are awaiting results of further tests to help fully assess the position Maharaj is in and we request everyone remains patient and focused on Maharaj’s well being.

Further up dates will come later. 

We remain hopeful that things will improve although we remain in a dangerous period.

We ardently request Lord Narasinghadev’s mercy and blessings. 

Your aspiring servants, 

HH BCS medical care teams

[KDPC] (Jayanta)

4 years, 7 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre lleno de entusiasmo cuando reciba este mensaje. Hace casi dos meses desde mi ultima carta y, aunque he visto que usted está muy muy ocupado pienso que está bien mantener la comunicación regularmente.

Ya llevo dos meses sin trabajar y ya estoy oficialmente "jubilado laboralmente". Eso favorece que esté mas activo en actividades de vaidhi bhakti como lectura, japa, sadhu sanga, etc. Ahora puedo leer todas las cartas del blog, antes solo leía algunas, creo que estamos dando pequeños pasos en la dirección adecuada y si seguimos así sólo el tiempo nos separa del objetivo. Cuando lleve seis meses con el nuevo sadhana (ahora llevo sólo dos) lo compartiremos para recibir ordenes, opiniones, quejas, etc.

Como ya sabe estamos en un grupo de estudio del Bhagavad Gita en español con otros hermanos y hermanas espirituales de América (Perú, Argentina, etc) y otros buenos devotos de España y otros lugares. Soy muy consciente de que su agenda es inhumana, pero quiero que sepa que, aunque en el viejo continente no seamos tan expresivos emocionalmente, le echamos mucho de menos y nos gustaría que pudiera estar al menos un día con nosotros en el grupo de estudio. España también existe.

No debe sentirse presionado en su agenda ya que aún estamos en el capitulo 1 y vamos con tranquilidad. Normalmente el viernes es el día de los invitados especiales, pero si no puede cuadrar ningún viernes podría ser un lunes o jueves. El horario es 6,30 pm hora de Madrid. Han participado devotos desde EEUU como Guru Prasad Swami, Rambhoru devi dasi (esposa de Prithu prabhu) Urmila devi dasi, etc, y también de otros lugares (hoy tenemos a Purushotraya Maharaja). Pienso que si hay algún problema de origen técnico o tecnológico seguro que se podrá resolver. Sería para todos nosotros en general y para mí en particular un gran honor y placer que pudieramos tener su asociación y apoyo en esta empresa.

Por lo demás, ya hemos retomado de nuevo el Sat Sanga presencial y lo estamos haciendo al aire libre, en el rio o en la montaña. Ya echaba de menos ver a los devotos cara a cara y poder tomar prasadam con ellos en la naturaleza.

Bueno, la carta es, circunstancialmente, un poco mas larga de lo habitual y espero ser mas conciso en el futuro.

Muchas gracias por su amable paciencia y por ser como es.

Su inepto sirviente

Jayanta das


Dear Gurudev: Pamho. All glory to Srila Prabhupada and his faithful followers.

I hope you are full of enthusiasm when you receive this message. It's been almost two months since my last letter and although I have seen that you are very very busy I think it is okay to keep up communication regularly.

HpS - ASA --- We think that your thoughts are perfect. AGTSP!!!!!

I have been without work for two months and I am officially "retired from work". This encourages him to be more active in vaidhi bhakti activities such as

  • reading,
  • japa,
  • sadhu sanga, etc.

Now I can read all the letters from the blog, before I only read some, I think we are taking small steps in the right direction and if we continue like this only time separates us from the objective.

When I have been with the new sadhana for six months (now I only have two) we will share it to receive orders, opinions, complaints, etc.

As you already know we are in a study group of the Bhagavad Gita in Spanish with other spiritual brothers and sisters from America (Peru, Argentina, etc.) and other good devotees from Spain and other places. I am well aware that his schedule is inhumane, but I want him to know that although we are not as emotionally expressive in the old continent, we miss him very much and we would like him to be able to spend at least one day with us in the study group. Spain also exists.

ASA - Without Spain, Cervantes, El Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, in his journey to the Pole Star, where is there light in this world????? 😠 ..but... when do you meet? When can we join you??? Tuesday night is good, but that is like 2AM for you???? Saturday morning for us???? Equals 2.30PM for you? Nashville, Houston x Madrid..

You should not feel pressured into your schedule as we are still in Chapter 1 and going calmly. Normally Friday is the day of the special guests, but if it cannot fit any Friday it could be a Monday or Thursday. The time is 6.30 pm Madrid time. Devotees from the USA such as Guru Prasad Swami, Rambhoru devi dasi (wife of Prithu prabhu) Urmila devi dasi, etc., and also from other places have participated (today we have Purushotraya Maharaja). I think that if there is any problem of a technical or technological origin that can be solved. It would be for all of us in general and for me in particular a great honor and pleasure that we could have your association and support in this company.

HpS --- Aaaa! We should have read ahead! O.K. We can cancel our Thursday program with Hawaii, 11.30AM and visit Spain, 11.30AM (=6.30PM Madrid). 9th or 16th would be O.K.?

For the rest, we have already taken up the actual Sat Sanga again and we are doing it outdoors, in the river or in the mountains. I already missed seeing the devotees face to face and being able to take Prasadam with them in nature.

HpS - After two weeks personal quarantine after our air trip from Boise, Idaho, we have been walking daily with NgD. We keep life two meters distance and seems healthy! Actually in Thailand, the social rule has always been that Monks and Ladies should keep enough distance that if they both raise their arms at the same time their fingers will not touch.

Sexual agitation. The ultimate pandemic.

Well, the letter is, circumstantially, a little longer than usual and I hope to be more concise in the future.

ASA - The quacking of swans is always sweet to hear.

Thank you very much for your kind patience and for being the way you are.

Your inept servant

Jayanta das

Your more inept servants, HpS - ASA, AgtSP!

Donation from the King.

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Girivaradhari Das: Hare Krsna! Dear Gurudev, Dandavat Pranam. Jibesh Das Prabhuji wants to submit some amount in your account.

Please advise, Thank you

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!!!! Paoho.... So, nice to hear from you! We don't know how to transfer money from him to our USA NIOS account. If he can give it for local ISKCON work and supervise how they use it, that is wonderful, for us, for you, for ...

... and send us news of the use!

Signals from Subal!

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Subal Das, ISKCON Berkeley,

Please accep my most humble obediences. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you Guru Maharaj.

How are you? We hope everything is well with your health. We miss you and especially at this times Guru Maharaj. Hare Krishna.

HpS -- We are fine! 🙂 There are no obstacles for devotees!!! Only new oportunities. After Krsna killed Putana, they burned her body and it made a good smell!

How, who, is the family? Spiritually? School, Work, Religion!

[KDPC} Happy Father's Day!

4 years, 7 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj! Please accept our humble obeisances at your sweet lotus feet!

ASA - Lettuce feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Happy Father's Day....was going through Mataji Nadiya Nivasi Dasi's relevant to what comes to my mind every now and then...2024...the letters I would be missing....the void...and everytime....would be asking...'which way Guru Maharaj?' . Feel so I'll helpless without Your mercy Guru Maharaj.

HpS - It will happen when you die also. Awaken you Super Powers

We are in touch with University faculty regarding exchange programme between Manipur and Peru. We have identified some departments working on Vaishnava culture. Will meet them personally and update the details as soon as possible.

ASA - Dance, Music, Textiles, Sociology, Art. Peru - Manipur have so much in common.

Regarding prasadam distribution...most of the time its sweet rice...the public keep telling ISKCON kheer is so different....!!!

We are going to offer lotuses to Shri Shri Govindaji....all the way from Toubul. Lots and lots of lotuses...

Today...we took some pics at Toubul...just after Mangalarti...reminds me of the reflection of the spiritual world!!

On 19th we clicked this circular rainbow around the sun from our courtyard...

Sharing some pics from our Sankirtan during Corona....

HpS !!!

Attached Diksa letter. Can you type this so we can post it in the format?