Bushi-do (KDPC)

Hare Kirshna Gurudev, AGTSSGN AGTSP PAMHO!!

I've some good things to tell you and questions too. FMP is very helpful in keeping the fire burning in desolation's times. Thank you very much for your dedication and determination to the Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu movement.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada, Vaisnava Bh. Vrnda, Ki Jai!

I taught some cooking classes and distributed some books during this quarantine time. I've painted a lot, participated in Judo meetings, even some International ones, where my Sensei introduce me as a member of Hare Krishna movement and we talk about the activities that we have done in the dojo, The Prasada is always a good way to open many doors.

ASA - !! 'o' !!

(I've considered taking second initiation, but it's an idea for now)

I've a new project, I'm making decorated cakes. I really like it because i can mix many things that I like: Cook, Design & Distribute Prasada.

ASA - Our friends for many years, Maha-bhagavata Dasi and Kestrajna Das, had a catering business for Wedding, Birthday... Cakes. They would be a meter tall and weigh over 100KG. It was a whole science of strcutural engineering, decoration, PRASADAM distribution. She had moer orders that she could satisfy! Her Deitys were quite robust!

A few days ago, in an afternoon class, you read a interesting text, The Sri Vrindavana Mahimamrita. This made me think of somethings taht worries me a lot, when you was change the word Vrindavana to Iskcon, I thought about the situations that arise where some people attack Iskcon, its representative members and how that affects us, affects me.

The next day in NOD reading, there was a point that said that we should be intolerant of Krishna's offenders or of His pure devotees. This is happening now and not by atheist or impersonalist, the members of the movement, themselves sometimes offending to Srila Prabhupada.

So, You know me, i try hard to control my character and I've tolerated very strong situation, because they were against me, but what can I do when someone offends to Srila Prabhupada and his work, when I keep the distance and I avoid confrontation, but the offences are recurring. What should I do?.

HpS - Is a very important question. We have discussed it pretty often before. We traveled on the Vraja-mandala Parikrama for many hears with Lokanatha Swami and up to 600-devotees! Walk barefoot in the sand and thorns of Braja. Sleep on the hard ground in tents with 100 other coughing, snooring, devotees.... Pressure was intense, but we got a Mantra out of it: In Vrndavana only Krsna and Balarama kill demons.

If you see demons in ISKCON you can always chant "Hare Krsna! Hare Rama", "Oh Radha, please call Krsna and Rama to deal with these demons".

They will kill the demons, with great artistry, or ... or... They will empower us to use verbal, mental or physical violence, and it will be applied with such expertise, like a surgeon with a knife, that afterwards there won't be a bad tast for anybody.

It will be obvious that They are sending the thoughts, words, physical moves.

I hope your health is maintained well, we have a lot of service to do for Prabhupada and Iskcon. Grateful for your time, Your eternal servant

Parasurama Avatar Das, Santiago Chile.

HpS - Thank you!!!

Deal with the problems at an institutional level, amongst friends, with direct experience of seving Srila Prabvhupada.

Personal Sadhana Report

4 years, 6 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guru Parampara,

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

H. H. HpS Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s Padama Charan that I am so happy to get Gurugi Maharaja's reply so soon, and it is my first letter written in this block. [Blog] I could not participate the Ratha Jatra in the Imphal Temple due to locked down so the activities are normal. In Thoubal also mass gathering is completely prohibited.

HpS - The Gopis had to escape to meet Krsna and then had Mass Gathering, no?

Gurugi Maharaja! There is a confusion between the "Mantra and Gaitri". There are two slokas; one is Mantra and another is Gaitri. What are the differences? Such as Guru Mantra and Guru Gaitri. In the mantra also "Swaha and Namah". Please clear my darkness with the blessings of Guruji.

HpS - We do not understand your question too well. Can you give details? There are many Mantras we chant. Maha-mantra. The Sandhy mantras that we chant morning, noon and night. These are some in the Gayatir meter and so they are called Gayatri sometimes.

Mantra is the verse. Many of the verses in SB are Mantras. They can deliver "tra" our mind, "man" from suffering "separation from KRSNA".

As we understand Gayatri is a meter like the ones we use for the Brahma samhita is the Vasanta tilaka meter.

There is an article on the Wikpedia. I don't know how accurate it is.



Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

reporte de sadhana

4 years, 6 months ago by mandara sakha das in Personal Sadhana Reports

¿Cómo estás guru maharaj? espero que bien. Por aquí las cosas fluyen. Quiero comentarle brevemente lo que estoy haciendo actualmente.

En las mañanas nos conectamos con usted a fmp, luego seguimos cantando a través de zoom con krishna west y estudiamos srimad bhagavatam también, canto 1 por ahora. Luego trabajo como psicoloco desde el hogar por la pandemia, adoramos a tulasi, tomamos prasad con manjaris, acompañamos y guiamos en el canto del maha mantra a personas que hemos conocido a través de la astrología védica que hacemos en tiempos libres (segundo trabajo), predicamos un poco y el día y la vida pasan muy muy rápido.

estamos leyendo sri godruma kalpatavi de bhaktivinoda thakur, traducido por jayapataka swami, preparándonos para nuestro servicio de recepción y cuidado de nuevas almas en el templo de iskcon santiago.

tenemos otros varios proyectos de prédica en diferentes lugares, por ahora todo online, le iré comentando mas detalles pronto. Seguimos como carteros entregando las cartas del acarya, con miles de defectos, pero entregando las cartas.

Me despido guru maharaj, hasta la próxima, reverencias.


T.G.COM -- How are you guru maharaj I hope it's ok.

HpS - ASA - We died and went to heaven. I am writing this from an internet booth here.

Around here things flow. I want to briefly comment on what I am currently doing.

ASA - Be careful! Are we the doer? https://vedabase.io/es/library/bg/3/27/

In the mornings we connect with you to fmp, then we continue to chant through zoom with krishna west and we study srimad bhagavatam too, Canto 1for now. Then I work as a psychologist from home due to the pandemic, we worship tulasi, we take prasad with delicacies, we accompany and guide in the chanting of the maha mantra people that we have met through Vedic astrology that we do in free time (second job), we preach a little and the day and life go by very, very fast.

ASA - Jaya!

we are reading sri godruma kalpatavi from bhaktivinoda thakur, translated by jayapataka swami, preparing ourselves for our service of reception and care of new souls in the temple of iskcon santiago.

We have several other preaching projects in different places, for now all online, I will be commenting on more details soon. We continue as postmen delivering the acarya letters, with thousands of defects, but delivering the letters.

I say goodbye guru maharaj, until next time, obeisances.

Mandara Sakha Das??

HpS - ASA - 1. Thank you for this inspiring news.

  1. Jananivasa Das told us that Srila Prabhupada said that if we following the Yoga he is givng strictly, and our children follow it strictly, then our grand children will be traveling on flying carpets.
  2. https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/2/7/37/
  3. Guru Das: Srila Prabhupada, what will we do after we make this planet Krsna conscious, Srila Prabhupada: Oh, the Sannyasis will get on their Space Ships and fly to different planets to preach there.
  4. Do you have any idea of how to make flying carpets?
  5. Put the KDPC from the Kapi Dhvaja in the Title of our your letters!! 🤓

Tom Brown - Buck White

Madana-gopal - My Nature (continuation) - Pyari Mohan das

4 years, 6 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

I think that i have a mixture of the four natures, in different proportions .

Now we continue with the letter. 

I am finished the 3th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam,

very slowly lecture.

I read one verse that connect with one dude that i have.

This is the purport of 3.33.6. It talks about the brahmanas, Prabhupada said that if we chant one time, purely the holy name, we qualify like brahmanas.

But where is all the search of our nature tendencies?

This is necessary because the most of us don't sing purely and need to move slowly to Krishna?

We are still with our inner varna-asrama nature and we add the brahmanical nature after singing purely if we are not brahmana?

I heard that like a vaisnava you can do any service of the different natures, it is right? Please Gurudeva, enlighten us. 


  • So, like a sudra i think that i am good artist,
  • I drew,
  • I sing,
  • play instruments, and now i am
  • developing the art of writing, poetry and others works. In the future i want to learn
  • to act, for now i am watch to Cantinflas jajaja a very good clown.

I am used the social networks to share my works, with my italian name of “Piero Torchio”. I know that the communications is my most prominent subject that i can explore, i also like very much the therapy, to help other to heal, and the greatest healing is the spiritual healing, dead, so i have to kill people jajaja, (joke).

ASA - 😀 (laugh)

On the other hand is the Kshatriya dharma, this is most difficult for me, because i never have education about that. But i think that i also have to work in the communication area like an admini

trator. When i flight to Buenos Aires to meet with you, we had a conversation, and you said me that i can study sound engineering, but then you also told me that i can work like a reporter in an editorial, newspaper.

ASA - General ideas.

Now i need to be more introspective and keep working to you, Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. Sometimes is very difficult, many demons in the heart and the head, they want ignorance to eat, they want to make me fall down, the devil made me do it jajaja.

But Hanuman can help us, setting fire in the demons house helping to Rama, He is my Deitie like you are my master. Monkey Warrior. More Rocs for the bridge. Jaya Ram, Kabum!  

PS: Pyari Mohan das - Piero Adrián Saavedra Torchio [04.09.94] - initiation the 01.12.19.

Thaaaank you Gurudeva, I hope see you soon.

Your eternal little clown [Medium Clown!] servant: 

Pyari Mohan das

HpS - ASA - Esteemed Medium Clown, PMD, thank you for your letter. Did you translate it your self? It is little difficult to understand some of it. One good system is to write in Spanish that you know Translate.google.com will be able to translate well and then send both.

Main thing is enchancing our personal relationship with Krsna. Whatever we have we should focus on that. To do that we have NOD to guide us.

Regular Vaidhi bhakti - Rules and Regulations are there.

They make the mind and intelligence strong and well structured.

Then when you read Srila Prabhupada's books for several days, weeks, you will start to answer all these questions and keep the answers.


How are you doing your rounds? All done by Mangala arati, breakfast, 90% done before lunch???

Think about your Japa habits, association, write a report and then after a few days edit it and then post it!

How is Mister Bhagavan Das?

Who is in the Temple?

Are you all still in complete quaranteen.

Do whateve VAD occupation you can do nicely now and focus on regulated Japa.

KDPC Reportaje del Sur

4 years, 6 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev, comienzo mi reporte contando que estamos haciendo conversatorios una vez a la semana de temas muy interesantes:

(Comunicación, canto de Japa, educación.... etc),

Con prabhu Lashman siendo facilitandor, devotos de:

Perú, (prabhu Gobhardana)

Bolivia, (madre Apsara gopi y Madre Maha Sakti)

Arequipa (prabhu Roy Ramananda),

Chile (madre Suakiya [Svakiya] y yo)

Es inspirador escuchar a los devotos y aprender de ellos.

Sigo hablando con las chicas del jardín cada semana,

Riendo y preocupándome de lo necesario para su cuidado a la distancia.

Atendiendo cada día a mis plantas, flores para ofrecer a Krsna.

Leo a diario para aprender a entender lo que Srila Prabhupada quiere de nosotros como sirvientes de krishna, a veces cuesta ponerlo en práctica, pero soy perseverante y lo lograré en algún momento.

Espero estar haciendo bien las cosas a pesar de las dificultades para servir a Srila Prabhupada toda mi vida.

muchas gracias Gurudev por la inspiración a ser una buena discípula,

Sirviente de Krishna y Srila Prabhupada,

Se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Tiene que publicar algo resultado do los Conversatorios?

at least still here, trying to serve

4 years, 6 months ago by trivikrama das in Personal Sadhana Reports



dear gurudev

I am writing to you as a report, I apologize for letting so much time pass since the last time I wrote.

Once again I had to reorganize life, the relationship I had ended, and well that involves many things: change of house and all that subject, I'm in a new place living with friends, they are vegan at least.

Although I have followed regulatory principles, the rounds have cost me and the daily minimum has dropped a lot.

ASA /TB - The Evil One will catch you!

In fact it is not more than 1 or 2 a day. I am finishing the semester at university and that has me very busy, despite the pandemic I am working from home. There have been strange times between being in the same place all day and coping with life itself.

I beg Krsna to give you health.

your eternal servant

Trivikrama das

HpS - Very, very, happy, nice to hear from you. Missed you! ..... It is an austerity to chant 16-nice rounds daily, but... the result is incredible. You family situation, preaching, health, wealth, school, work, insitutional presence, will all increase at the maximum possible rate.

Read the Kapi Dhvaja and use the Priority Code to get more attention to your letters!! Thye are very valuable. Become a person, not the shadow of a person, no?!!