Personal Realizations

4 years, 4 months ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to Srila Prabhupada; all glories to Lord Chaitanya's sankirtan movement; all glories to your devotional service!

I heard that you will have been tested for Covid 19. My first thoughts were "please Krishna, kindly protect him." But then I thought "how silly. Krishna always protects His devotees." We all know the body will die; this is Krishna's first instructions to Arjuna, and Srila Prabhupada's first message to all of us.

I recently learned of a godbrother who passed away: Sriman Anadi Krishna dasa prabhu. Not having a Facebook account, I don't know anything about the details, and when I last looked on a couple of other devotee websites, I didn't notice any write-up about him. I felt some shock to learn of his passing, as we joined together in Denver, we were initiated together, along with two other godbrothers. I felt sadness when I saw a picture of Anadi Krishna lying dead at his moment of passing. I thought of my own inevitable passing to come, as I often do these days.

I dread the mistakes that I have made over the years as a devotee, knowing that I will have to account for them; I sometimes cry during my sadhana because of those mistakes, not knowing my fate. I somehow always felt that I would be lucky to die young, but here I am still alive, still getting older, and still making the same mistakes: still not learning any better.

I often wonder how my own demise will happen: my wife and I both think of "who will go first;" not all the time, but often.

Well, needless to say, "I didn't get the job as TP." And although it didn't come as a surprise, still, it made me unhappy, because I felt (and still do feel) that I could be of valuable service to this community if I did. And my false ego won't allow me to settle for a lesser position.

We have a nice new Bhaktin renting with us, as well a nice young lady with great potential for devotional service, having been a vegan since she was 6 years old, she said.

I gave her a Bhagavad-gita along with some other small books, and she even attended one of my online classes, although I don't feel very qualified to speak. I do have 2 online classes that I have been holding on ZOOM.

One is merely a power-point presentation on the 5 subject matters of Bhagavad gita, with one night a week dedicated to each topic. The other class is more structured, following the curriculum of VIHA North America.

HpS - AgtSP! What is "VIHA"?

I have 5 students, and maybe these 2 new tenants may also join, although I can't say just yet. My sadhana has been mostly steady, sometimes rising by 4 AM, but sometimes I oversleep until after 5 or 5:30 even.

My wife and I feel very fortunate that Krishna has finally allowed us to rent out our rooms to devotees and potential devotees: it has generated a nice mood of rejuvenated enthusiasm in our home.

I beg you, with all the humility that I am able to command, please bless us, that we may not forget Krishna at any moment. It is not always so easy to remember Krishna when Maya says "look at me, look at me!" and I pretentiously look away, and like what I see. And even though we are getting older, and we can see inevitable death approaching closer and closer, my mind is still attracted to sense enjoyment, because I am still attached to the body. What will be my fate when death comes? Hare Krishna.

Your lowly servant,

Sriman Balabhadra dasa

HpS - Jaya! So nice to hear from you! So nice. You are doing just fine. Try to make little progress here and there. Eventually you will find a chink in Maya's prison walls and be able to make big progress.

Please send more news like this!

We publish the Kapi Dhvaja especially for our friends and leaders like you. You have always been and example for us. Thank you.

Hope your tenants become teachers!

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev

4 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  we enjoy the gayatri a lot. if my concentration

  is good and deep then we want more to be there, can i double the gayatri?

HpS/ASA - No, not today.

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

Adorando la Deidad del Corazón

4 years, 4 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por Favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias Gurudeva.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y al Movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Gurudeva sigo distribuyendo libros, Bhagavat Gita, Ciencia de la Autorrealización, Viaje al Autoconocimiento, revistas y Mahaprasad.

Este es mi principal servicio devocional todos los días.

También realizo puja a Sri Sri Radha Madhan Gopal, bañar, vestir, despertar, ofrecer bhoga, dormir etc.

Mi esposa Marina tiene el servicio del departamento de guirnaldas hace un año y yo del departamento de pujaris por misericordia de S.S.Guru Prasad Swami.

Quiero pedirle permiso para dejar esta responsabilidad pues soy un Grhasta y el templo ahora hace 5 meses no me da ningún donativo. Pensando en el futuro necesito producir dinero para mi familia, quiero ir a predicar a otra ciudad. Por favor sea misericordioso conmigo para seguir distribuyendo libros como mi principal servicio a sus pies de loto. Su eterno e infernal Sirviente Sacinandan Das.

p.d. Krsna no escucha mis rondas pues mi voz es muy espantosa..

HpS - Sudama Brahmana era us Grhasta, pero viviendo muy pobre, y Kolavece Sridhara, tambien. Sacci/Maraina los desprovistos de dinero! Pero enrquicido sin limite en riquezas espirituales.

Hmmm. Pero, Draupadi y Arjuna fueron summamente ricos. Tuviernon palacios de marmol y oro en Hastinapura. Tivierno hermanos y co-esposos. Pero,,, ellos tambien sufriendo. Sin nada en el bosque.

Ayi de mi, Que lastima.

Si, como Grhasta es natural buscar ingressos. Si puede hacer for Sankirtan, su futuro va a ser super brillante! Va ser Indra en su proxima vida con un GRAN corona y Mariana va a ser Saccidevi, esposa de Indra!

Cantando Japa-nama en cuetas de perlas!!!

Que quiere Krsna que hazte??

Ganar dinero aparece bueno.

Relacionar con devotos, 16-buenas rondas, 4-principios estricas !!!!! Va tener inteligencias como realizar sus asuntos cotidianos.

Esperamos oir mas.

Utiliza el protocolo del Kapi Dhvaja, como enviar cartas aqui como no estan perdidos!!!!

Reverencias a todos. Reverencias a Madana Gopala y Radha!

KDPC Reporte personal

4 years, 4 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances.

HpS - Please accept ours.

Our sadhana is fixed 4:30 am, 16 rounds / 4 principles, personal reading of the NOD chap. 10 a beautiful book that I never finished reading, connects me more with devotional service and being able to better understand the relationship between devotee, service and krsna. Attention to the deities, silas, good ekadasis, 3 gayatris and fasts.

HpS - Jaya!

I'm sorry to say that my mind is very confused Gurudeva, every day I pray to the deities to help me, I am struggling with subtle things in my mind, but I have them under control and I do not want them to become gross, maybe I will do more fasting and channel my mind . We all have our own demons and I realize that the more enthusiastic I am in taking a spiritual vow, the worse it is and I sink into a black hole and depression comes where only I can get out.

Also training the body and mind with physical activity, running and doing 10 laps around the stadium, doing hatha yoga and prana yoga to control pita, my father trained me in sports since I was a child, especially in swimming and in college I competed and won some competitions and I have decided to resume my sports life. We are cooking rich and healthy for Krishna, we are gradually leaving the packaged bhoga, preparing our own cheese, breads, gee, etc.

We had closed Janmastami and Radhastami festivals with some close devotees in the Huancayo cultural center of M. Laksmirani, we cooked, we made turbans, garlands, we changed to JBS deities.

On the other hand, I am making turbans for some JBS deities of a mother, painting my deity Nrshinja, sowing, enlarging the garden, we have sown carnations, sunflowers, roses, and some infusion herbs, we put some tulasi seeds.

We have turned the earth for the sowing of this year, the products that we will sow will be; corn, beans, peas, pumpkins, vegetables, squash, potatoes, a friend of the tractor driver named Jesus told us that the best way to plant ecologically without using insecticides and pesticides is to plant several things at the same time to protect themselves from diseases, that's what the ancestors of this area have done. Some drops of rain are appearing, we are happy to see everything green again. I am going to reread the light of the bagavata to connect more with God and nature, but sometimes it makes us very sensitive in every aspect.

Her association and that of the devotees is wonderful every morning, helping us to be awake and enthusiastic to sing our rounds.

I have the great desire to go to India, and to be prepared both physically and mentally, and above all with a good spiritual conscience, every time I have had the money for the passage, including vaccines and passport, the trip has been postponed, no I know why, but now I am struggling to make this spiritual dream come true, I don't want to leave the body without knowing vrndavana, govardhana, mayapur, Navadwipa, etc. I think I would love the parikramas because I'm an inveterate traveler lol jejeje.

Dear Gurudeva, now that we can listen to you every morning, I feel more connected to you. And I thank you for your effort and dedication that you give to all of us, I am very happy to have you and Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna, may Nrshinja protect him.

Atte. La Campesina

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - "...y me doy cuenta que cuando más entusiasta estoy en realizar un voto espiritual peor es y me hundo en un hoyo negro y viene la depresión donde sólo yo puedo salir." This sentence is not clear to us in Spanish or Engish??? Do you mean that when you take a vow of austerity then your mind becomes very depressed? Very interesting. Of course, we have to examine if there is some thing bad in the type of austerity we are doing or the purpose of the austerity.

We heard that Srila Prabhupada said that if we try to do the austerities that Raghunatha Das Goswami was doing, then we would be come sinful.

Chant more. Pray for intelligence how to increase the Sankirtan! Increase how people are reading the KRSNA book and distributing it to others!

How people are Chan Ting "Skc, PN, Sa, G, S agbv" ... .. "HK /// HR"!

Seems like you can do wonderful service for Krsna. You deities with your garden. Find ways to meet people and tell them what you know about Krsna from the BG and the SB!!!!!

Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna!!

Super fotos!!

en español;

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Nuestro sadhana está fijo 4:30 am, 16 rondas/4 principios, lectura personal del NOD cap. 10 un hermoso libro que nunca terminé de leerlo, me conecta más con el servicio devocional y poder comprender mejor la relación entre devoto, servicio y krsna. Atención a las deidades, silas, buenos ekadasis, 3 gayatris y ayunos. 

Lamento decir que mi mente está muy confusa Gurudeva, todos los días oro a las deidades que me ayuden, estoy luchando con cosas sutiles en mi mente, pero las tengo controlada y no quiero que se vuelvan burdas, quizás haré más ayunos y canalizar mi mente. Todos tenemos nuestros demonios propios y me doy cuenta que cuando más entusiasta estoy en realizar un voto espiritual peor es y me hundo en un hoyo negro y viene la depresión donde sólo yo puedo salir.

También entrenando el cuerpo y la mente con actividad física, corriendo y dando 10 vueltas al estadio, haciendo hatha yoga y prana yoga para controlar pita, mi padre desde niña me entrenó en el deporte sobre todo en natación y en la universidad competí y gané algunos concursos y he decidido retomar mi vida deportiva. Estámos cocinando rico y sano para krsna, estamos dejando paulatinamente el bhoga envasado, preparando nuestro propio queso, panes, guee, etc.

Tuvimos festivales cerrados de Janmastami y Radhastami con algunos devotos allegados en el centro cultural de Huancayo de M. Laksmirani, cocinamos, hicimos turbantes, guirnaldas, cambiamos a las deidades JBS.

Por otro lado estoy haciendo unos turbantes para unas deidades de JBS de una madre, pintando a mi deidad Nrshinja, sembrando, agrandando el jardín, hemos sembrado claveles, girasoles, rosas, y algunas hierbitas de infusión, pusimos unas semillas de tulasi.

Hemos volteado la tierra para la siembra de éste año, los productos que sembraremos será; maíz, habas, arverjas, calabazas, verduras, zapallo, papa, un amigo tractorista llamado jesús nos dijo que la mejor manera de sembrar ecológicamente sin necesidad de usar insecticidas y pesticidas es sembrando varias cosas a la ves para que se protejan de las enfermedades, eso es lo que han hecho los antepasados de esta zona. Van apareciendo algunas gotas de lluvias nos alegra ver todo verde de nuevo. Voy a volver a leer la luz del bagavata para conectarme más con dios y la naturaleza, pero aveces nos vuelve muy sensibles en todo aspecto.

Su asociación y la de los devotos es maravillosa todas las mañanas, nos ayuda a estar despiertos y entusiastas para cantar nuestras rondas. 

Tengo el gran deseo de ir a India, y estar preparada tanto físicamente y mentalmente, y sobre todo con buena conciencia espiritual, cada vez que he tenido el dinero para el pasaje, inclusive las vacunas, se me a postergado el viaje, no sé porque, pero ahora estoy luchando para hacer realidad este sueño espiritual, no quiero dejar el cuerpo sin conocer vrndavana, govardhana, mayapur, Navadwipa, etc. Creo que me encantaría los parikramas porque soy una viajera empedernida jejeje.

Querido Gurudeva ahora que lo podemos escuchar todas las mañanas me siento más conectada a Ud. Y le agradezco su esfuerzo y dedicación que nos dá a todos nosotros, me siento muy feliz por tenerlo a ud y a Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna, que Nrshinja lo proteja.

Atte. La Campesina

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

Kdpc - Quarantine in Vrndavan

Nitay Gauranga!  

Quarantine in Vrndavan. 

Dear Gurudeva

pamho AGTSP all the glories at your lotus feet that are REALLY THE ONLY way to get out of this stinking material world full of temporary desires,

HpS - We see that whatever determination we have is probably the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.

...for more attempts and strength I have it is useless to get out of here, but your blessings are the only way to make any progress on this path. 

I am in Vrndavan due to the miscerity of the Karuna virus and I have never felt so much in Maya like now 😆, the only thing that has made me stay in Vrndavan are your classes and your comments on the Vrndavan Mahimambrita of Purnamasi in his appearance (I don't know what it is called) of rest I only suffer for my ignorance. So since I can no longer travel with Harinama Ruci due to the current situation and I do not have a ticket to leave India, we are participating in the "Harinama Vrndavan" Group from Monday to Friday at 4 pm to 9 pm in the Vrndavan parikrama, On Saturdays we do FFL with my partner (planning to get married in November) if everything goes well with the blessings of the Vaisnavas, on Tuesdays a Namahatta Group and on Sundays Parikrama, we are also doing a series of 1 minute BG videos explaining each chapter From the BG, we go to chapter 3.

my rounds a chaos sometimes at 2 am sometimes at 4 am sometimes at 6 pm sometimes 3 days finishing them, I will be able and staggering devotional service cannot establish me firmly.

Beloved Gurudeva I always carry you in my heart, please humbly bless me to overcome all obstacles in devotional service, and not leave Vrndavan with more debts than I came,

I'm only suffer from mosquitoes, mosquitoes, 48 ​​degrees centigrade , skin allergies, and constant criticism of my mind, please bless me, (like that Gopi who prayed to Krsna that she would be homeless without food with incurable diseases, still she would not take a step outside of Vrndavan), I am very weak Gurudeva please humbly ask you to help me. Thank you for being my Guide. You are the best of this material world. 

from the bottom of my hard heart your would-be servant

Vrajendra Kumara Das. 

ps: now I know what the KD key is 😌😂😉 I am now fully following all his classes and KD, (I did not find Vrndavan Mahimambrita's book in neither in English nor in Spanish 😣😣😔 )

HpS - ..... not .com. ....... Hm?? and then look at the following links. The first has some Spanish transtions but I don't think much. The other are old and modern Microsoft word files. Just to sit in Vrndavana is glorious. Krsna!!! Krsna!!!! As long as we can breath we can chant.




thank you. Go ahead!!!!

KDPC Depues de Unos Anyos.

4 years, 4 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Si me permite por favor dedicarle unas cortas palabras de agradecimiento porque parece imposible evitar hacerlo, pido disculpas si robo un tiempo importante. 

Desde hace algunos años estoy reflexionando mucho en que cada vez que veo a Gurumaharaja parece más y más cualificado, es como el océano que parece no tener límite, tal como Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura nos dice. Esto es maravilloso, porque incluso alguien enceguecido como su aspirante puede apreciarlo.

Muchísimas gracias por enseñarnos a mantener la calma ante las calamidades, a entender la naturaleza del mundo material y a vivir siempre en una eterna conciencia de Krsna refugiado con tanta fe en su amado Srila Prabhupada, Su ejemplo literalmente nos arrastra de las constantes lamentaciones que no son dignas. 

Oramos humildemente al Señor Nrsimhadeva para que lo proteja y Su sankirtana continúe eternamente. 

Nuestras oraciones sinceras también para nuestro estimado y respetado Nitaigourasundara prabhu. 

Les dedicamos rondas pidiendo perdón por un canto descualificado. 

Tuvimos hermosos festivales desde Jhulan Yatra , en un momento la mente me dijo talves es mejor hacerte a un lado y limitar tu naturaleza a únicamente glorificar el servicio de los demás, pero de alguna forma Sri Krsna me arrastró una y otra vez en cada oportunidad y terminé a cargo del maha abhiseka de Radhastami!! : ) ha sido increíble Gurumaharaja !!! Una gran oportunidad para las madres pujaris que están haciendo servicio en el altar en estos tiempos, 12 pujaris haciendo un poquito cada una y de forma organizada pues había que aprovechar tal oportunidad, parecían como las asistentes de las asistentes de las asistentes de las gopis... 

Todo esto gracias a Su infinita misericordia de aceptarme formalmente en el hermoso ISKCON que amamos con sus aciertos y sus desafíos, si por mis ofensas una ola de este grandioso océano me arrastra hacia afuera apelo (por mi tontería) que venga otra y me arreste adentro porque el pez tonto moriría afuera, esas olas de rescate siempre serán su ejemplo e instrucciones. 

Eternamente agradecida

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

Comparto algunas fotos


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

If I can please say a few words of thanks because it seems impossible to avoid doing so, I apologize if I steal important time.

For some years now I have been reflecting a lot that every time I see Gurumaharaja he seems more and more qualified, it is like the ocean that seems to have no limit, as Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura tells us. This is wonderful, because even a blind person like your aspirant can appreciate it.

HpS - It seems that all of us, if just stay in this movement, by the great power of Srila Prabhupada we become detached from mater and our hearts become flexible. So of us are making progress faster than others.

Thank you so much for teaching us to be calm in the face of calamities, to understand the nature of the material world and to always live in an eternal Krsna consciousness taking refuge with so much faith in your beloved Srila Prabhupada, Your example literally drags us out of the constant lamentations that are not worthy.

We humbly pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva to protect you and His sankirtana to continue eternally.

Our sincere prayers also for our esteemed and respected Nitai-goura-sundara Prabhu.

We dedicate rounds to them apologizing for a disqualified song.

HpS - Thank you. I am sure it will mean a lot to him!! I just talked to him. He was better the last two days, but is little worse today?? Eternal pastimes. Life outside the Cinema.

We had beautiful festivals since Jhulan Yatra, at one point the mind told me maybe it is better to step aside and limit your nature to only glorify the service of others, but somehow Sri Krsna dragged me over and over again at every opportunity and I ended up in charge of Radhastami's maha abhiseka !! :) It has been incredible Gurumaharaja !!! A great opportunity for Pujari mothers who are doing service at the altar in these times, 12 pujaris doing a little bit each and in an organized way because they had to take advantage of this opportunity, they seemed like the assistants of the assistants of the gopis. ..

HpS - Sometimes Krsna seems to give us a little taste of what real life is like. Even if it is only mental pictures, what to speak of Bhava, it is better than any material experience, no?

All this thanks to His infinite mercy to formally accept me in the beautiful ISKCON that we love with its successes and its challenges, if for my offenses a wave of this great ocean drags me out I appeal (for my foolishness) that another come and arrest me inside because the silly fish would die outside, those waves of rescue will always be your example and instructions.

Eternally grateful

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

I share some photos

HpS - The photos are so nice!!! Window on the spiritual world, but one thing a little funny. All the ladies look like very proper Arabian, Muslim ladies, with their faces covered.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!!!!!! Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare ......
