JGD SCL Report September 2020 (not urgent at all)

4 years, 4 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Govinda

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my try of humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.

HpS - The only lotus feet I hope to 'have' are Srila Prabhupada's and that by the mercy of you and all the ISKCON devotees.

Pandemia Reflexiva

On May 31st we had the third Pandemia Reflexiva, lead by Humberto Maturana and Ximena Davila. I was the moderator.

The special guest was Ricardo Lagos Escobar, former president of this country. An 82 years old and passionate guy. The other guest was a young entrepreneur that create an app to help children who anonymously denounce bullying inside their schools and help the education communities.

In the tests, Lagos seems friendly and with long speeches. The other clarifies to him that is more a conversation.

The record of 900 people at the same time watching.

He has a journalist with him and in twitter, the people accuse him to talk too much and no listen (15 minutes, is supposed 8 each in the first round). The same judge to Ximena Davila, so the people request more participation from the moderator, me. And Ximena told me that on air.

Anyway, an interesting experience.

The fourth is supposed would be with Brasil, a lot of people from there in the virtual room and I gave LIVE the idea.

The subtitle of the next one is suggested by Maturana: "God needs a clown". They are between the most famous and social critic comedian of the country. Our producer still suggests your name. I don't want the pressure anybody. 

Anyways, I'm thinking that your listening proficiency in Spanish is very good now but yeah, the problem is keeping it for one hour maybe. The other thing is a translator should be necessary besides me, someone with a big heart, capable of streaming emotions and strong voice.

HpS - Sounds beyond our range of communication. Humor is very culturally bound and we don't know the culture well enough!

My role is to be the interaction between people from chat and other "conversants". The last question that night was from Vicente. He said: "I have 11 years old, and I'm enjoying this with my mom, my question was Why we are visible and how to be happy?" 

I think that your presence always would be a contribution to the people, always because is evident the Prabhupada empowerment in you.

HpS - We would like to participate but again the Spanish language dialog format seems impractical. Also maybe a long program for us. We would be exhausted for two days, maybe. Of course it is good to be exhausted for Krsna. Why else do we put gas in our tank.

Professional simultaneous translator?

Personal things

We are chanting 16 rounds every single day and following the principles. We are feeling that we are arriving closer at the platform of a civilized human been thank your help.

We are trying to understand Srila Prabhupada more and more. 

HpS - ASA -- Us also!

Since last part of July, and following your advice of first is PEOPLE, and then, the PROJECTS. we have meetings every Monday (we will stop the next three Mondays of September) with a marriage couple of devotee with two teenager children. They are more intelligent than us, with masteries in university in bioethical and more emotional intelligence I think. They share practical knowledge about how we build values and moral codes as humans. Good association.

HpS - !

Since May, Tuesday and Thursday we started reading sessions of Srimad Bhagavatam, we are almost 4 months and we are just in the first 20 verses of the first chapter of the first canto, we are just 4 devotees. Since 26th July we started a TLC study, we are 6 there, they are very happy with the invitation. B.Sastri with Laksmana Tuesday night, Saturday NOD with Dhatri group and attending B.Gita "conversatorios" on Friday led by Visvanath. Aravinda das requested to me and other the three devotees, to be journalists in a new program to interview missioners online.

HpS - Super. You can do the same thing with the same people in Goloka. You can be green parrots.

We are discovering that we don't like to sleep too much but is supposedly bad for our health, and yeah, it seems is true. So my challenge now is going to the bed earlier. When I did it, is a whole other experience.

Finally, we are seriously considering going the country land with my father. The positive side is that my father would be with someone in his last years, is much better place for children and it would means a better use for money. But it seems that in my job they don't want to fire me. My idea is work from distance, three or two days a week. Maybe it's too much requirement considering my karma 😅

HpS - Sounds good. Come to Santiago Tuesday morning and leave Friday afternoon or something like that?

So, We are hoping to develop buddhi yogam tam to make a good decision and to be brave enough to do something about it when we have it.

Thank you... eternally to you, your kindness and personal presence all the time is a crucial part of our spiritual life. And we are getting ready to continue in this way if still, this body gets the eight years old. (80-years old?)

Hare Krishna.

Your servant, Jagad Guru Das.

What next?

Hare Krishna Respected Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeiscances.

HpS - AGTSP!!!!! Like fresh air hearing from you. Mera bharata mahan hay!

I am very grateful for the reply, you offered in "https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11516/"

Thank you so much for the answer. I am sorry, for troubling you with 'gmail letters.

How do we deal with these situations in ISKCON where people take advantage of the institution to increment their own personal prestige, wealth and prosperity. I think you have some idea of the particular details of this within our Indian perspective.

HpS - Are we ready to die for Srila Prabhupada? Yes, in many ways. Of course, we have a lot more to learn about this "we". Many subtle attachments "we" have to understand and kill yet. That is first. Understand what your relationship to Srila Prabhupada, our Founder-Achaya is. Then make friendship with other followers of Srila Prabhupada and then 3rd deal with ISKCON, the institution, in terms of practical decision.

There is a French phrase: No, man can sink so low that some dog, or some woman will not love him. So, there will always be value for us and our friends to use with the institution.

Who are your friends? I am one!!!!! Anybody else?

Devotees here, in Kutam, Ranchi are currently not under ISKCON management. However, they have full blessings and supports from HH Bhakti Raghav Swami Maharaja. On 9th September he offered online initiation to around 30 devotees. Maharaja has plans to shift here after the lockdown ends. Here, they have made a library, collecting books on Vedas etc from Varanasi. They plan to make it a big library with as many Vaishnava literatures as possible. Currently all Vedas, Puranas and many other scriptures are available.

These devotees also run a small gurukula, where students are given both Vedic and modern education. There were 80 students, but after lockdown, currently 20 have come back. Education, accommodation and prasadam and completely free. They have been offered land by many different people and soon, at least 5 more new gurukulas in different parts of India will start. The special focus would be about training Ksatriyas, as HH Bahkti Raghav Swami Maharaja desires.

I relished doing small service to Gomata. I learned at least some aspect of go-seva and I understood one thing- Gomata is very personal in dealing.

Another thing- I have registered for an online M.A. (Sanskrit) through IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University). Let's see how things move ahead.

Thank you Maharaja for being a great source of inspiration in my spiritual life. Please forgive me for my shortcomings and expertise in fault finding.

Your aspiring servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das

HpS --- What is a doctor but a fault finder!!! Fault finders are some of the most important people in the society, no???? Who are your ISKCON friends?

KDPC News from a Distant Heaven

4 years, 4 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada¡ 

All Glories to you¡ 

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Manjari Devi Dasi. I am 17 years old. I am daughter Hari Bhakti Das Prabhu and Raga-ramjita Devi Dasi daugther. Nowadays, by Krsna´s mercy I am living in Mexico city Radha Madhan Gopal ISKCON temple. Fortunately I am doing different services in kitchen, garlands and sankirtana.

ASA - Well, let us reciprocate. We are Tom Brown and Buck White. We are partial incarnations of Monkey and Piggsy from "Journey to the West". We are kind of eternal ideas in the minds of the gods so we can't say when we were born. We belong to 'Anjana Suta Academy' now. Hari Bolo! AGTSP!

I am asking for a little bit of your mercy Maharaj, so I can take shelter on Your Lotus Feet.  

My humble and respectful obeisances. 

Jaya Srila Prabhupada¡¡ 

Jaya Maharaj¡¡ 

Your aspiring servant Manjari devi dasi.

Monkey/Piggy - HpSwami's actual form is still covered by several layers of Maya, I guess Srila Prahbupada's lotus feet are his lotus feet by the the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and .000001 percent effort by HpS. What can we do for you? Is it in the formality of initiation? Don't seem like it! You already got a spiritual name!!! Answer specific question? Whatever relationships we develop my questions and answers,,, hearing and chanting,,, are eternal.

KDPC Misericordia, sadhana y sankirtan

4 years, 4 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabupada!

Todas las glorias a usted!

Soy Bhakta Damián, de Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina.

¿Cómo está? Me alegra que salió bien su prueba por el virus!

Yo bien, por la gracia de Krishna…

Quería contarle que hoy (9/9/2020) pude sentir un poquito (creo que del corazón y no una invención de mi mente), el océano ilimitado de misericordia que significa el maestro espiritual… Un sentimiento muy lindo. Se sintió muy bien...

Y me preguntaba… ¿Siempre es consciente el maestro espiritual cuando derrama su misericordia?

Gracias por sus clases y por su asociación por GTM!


Cumpliendo las 16 rondas desde 1/1/2020. Siguiendo los 4 principios ok. Queriendo trascender los pensamientos sexuales burdos y sutiles. Queriendo ser mas puro algún día!!!

Asociarse con usted es purificatorio. Gracias, gracias.

No pudiendo salir mucho a sankirtan, Argentina cuarentena estricta. Donde vivo hay poca gente, se necesita el turismo. Las personas que vienen de afuera (ciudades) son los que más se llevan los libros.

Estoy al tanto que el BBT de latinoamérica está planificando implementar distribución de libros de SP por internet. Pero salir a la calle con los libros de SP en la mano y hablar con la gente, es una aventura tan hermosa que es difícil de reemplazar.

¿Cómo ser un sankirtanero verdaderamente valiente?

El otro día leía acerca de Ananta Shanti Prabhu, el primer discípulo de Srila Prabhupada en Rusia… Las austeridades que realizó para propagar la conciencia de Krishna. Un devoto muy avanzado y entregado…

¿cómo dejar de sentir temor y poder servir a Krishna y a la misión de Srila Prabhupada de manera decidida, como lo hace usted y como lo hizo este devoto?

Gracias por todo maharaja.

Reverencias a sus pies.

Siempre esperando poder alguna vez servirlo.

Lo saludo afectuosamente.

Bhakta Damián de Traslasierra, Córdoba



Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabupada!

All glories to you!

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!! Thank you for your letter!

I am Bhakta Damián, from Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina.

How is it going? I'm glad your virus test went well!

Well, by the grace of Krishna ...

I wanted to tell you that today (9/9/2020) I could feel a little bit (I think from the heart and not an invention of my mind), the limitless ocean of mercy that the spiritual master means… A very beautiful feeling. It felt really good ...

HpS - AgtSP!!!!

And I was wondering ... Is the spiritual master always aware when he pours out his mercy?

HpS - No.

Thank you for your classes and for your association with GTM!


Completing the 16 rounds from 1/1/2020. Following the 4 principles ok. Wanting to transcend gross and subtle sexual thoughts. Wanting to be more pure one day !!!

ASA - Because of the birth we have taken we will have gross and subtle sexual thoughts our whole life, but we will be able to stay above them.

Associating with you is purifying. Thanks thanks.

Not being able to go out to sankirtan much, Argentina strict quarantine. Where I live there are few people, tourism is needed. People who come from abroad (cities) are the ones who take the books the most.

I am aware that the Latin American BBT is planning to implement SP book distribution over the internet. But going outside with SP books in hand and talking to people is such a beautiful adventure that it is difficult to replace.

ASA --- Gopis waited for Krsna to return!

How to be a truly brave Sankirtanero?

ASA - ALl you can do is try your best.

The other day I was reading about Ananta Shanti Prabhu, Srila Prabhupada's first disciple in Russia… The austerities he performed to spread Krishna consciousness. A very advanced and dedicated devotee ...

How can you stop feeling fear and be able to serve Krishna and Srila Prabhupada's mission in a determined way, as you do and as this devotee did?

ASA - Same answer as above, no?

Thanks for everything maharaja.

Salutations at your feet.

Always hoping to be able to serve you sometime.

I greet you warmly.

Bhakta Damián de Traslasierra, Córdoba

HpS - Krsna teaching us to be more personal. Get to know our neighbors and preach to them at their level!!!

Try writing poetry!

kdpc -- Sadhana - Viajes - Su Payaso

4 years, 4 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Pabhupada

Excuse me for not connecting to all the programs, we have been with several changes, the country was an hour early and the deities returned to the temple on September 4, the same day I was my birthday.

HpS-ASA --- Hare Krsna!

Also, due to the curfew in the country, now the program starts at 5.30 AM. I have as a fixed service in the temple cooking to the deity, in addition to other online services such as the magazine. I feel loved and appreciated by the devotees, that reassures me, knowing that I have people who support me.

ASA - Like the warm salty hands of the waves of the deep foaming ocean!

Thanks to his mercy I have been able to maintain my sadhana of getting up at 2.00 and it has been like a medicine for my life, I don't need to take a nap if I fall asleep early (20.30). I calmly sing my rounds and I can better organize my life, everything has become cleaner, clearer and more orderly.

HpS - Soon you will be ready to join Rommel in the Africa Corp!

I am more sure of myself and with greater peace of mind. As for reading, he began to take what he said in a class; for certain times people it is good to read briefly several times a day and it works. Sometimes it is a bit difficult because of the services, but it is better for my limited capacity. I have some intellectuality, but also a lot of passion to create and organize things, I like that.

ASA - New songs, new drama, for the thousand dancing eyes that look along the path as Krsna and his friends and cows return in the evening light!

Yesterday I did the 8th reading of the birth chart, it's quite a lot, I know, I think the 9th will be done by me, I would like to study astrology, Ayurveda, etc., to be a counselor and guide people.

He told me that my nature is quite brahminical, especially in the communication aspect, everything that has to do with the use of the voice and the intellect. It was Daru Krishna prabhu who did the reading and I was impressed by his work. So, broadly speaking, I can already understand that my nature can be turned on the one hand in the artistic and commercial area (buying and selling) and on the other hand being a counselor, advisor, and perhaps specializing in being a leadership coach.

ASA - ... and plucking fruits in the forest of Vaja with Subal.

From time to time I think a lot about traveling. The plan was to travel at the end of this year. I don't know what will happen and I await your instruction for it. On the one hand, it would be good to stay and help in the temple for a while longer. The target locations are Spain, India and the United States. In Spain I would come to Vrajamandala with Yadunandana Swami, we have already been talking for more than a year about my visit there. Prabhu Amara made contact with Kamala Lochana prabhu from India, he agreed to teach me about administration. He is co-chair in the Miraroad India Temple. He said that I can accompany him to preach in India and there teach me about administration and devotional service. On the other hand, I would like to be in the United States and visit Pyari Mohan das, I have not been able to have an answer to my proposal to stay serving in his yatra and learn about administration with him in Connecticus (maybe he will teach me a magic trick). What do you suggest I do? I was thinking of traveling to Spain first, then India and finally the United States, but I know that you would like me to travel to the United States, so if you want I can go there first, as you wish. Or do you want me to travel to another place? I know I am getting ahead of myself, with the pandemic the whole plan changed.

I wish you can guide me.

My obeisances Gurudeva Thank you for everything you give us daily.

His Clown Piyari mohan das

HpS - ASA - Yes, does seem to be ahead of ourselves. Now there can be no plan of travel beyond our villages. Start to preach in the neighborhood. Start a periodical for the neighbors.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Porfavor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Pabhupada

Disculpe por no conectarme a todos los programas, hemos estado con varios cambios, se adelantó una hora en el país y las deidades volvieron al templo el 4 de septiembre, el mismo día en que estuve de cumpleaños. Además, debido al toque de queda en el país, ahora el programa comienza a las 5.30 AM. Tengo como servicio fijo en el templo el cocinar a la deidad, además de otros servicios online como la revista. Me siento querido y apreciado por los devotos, eso me tranquiliza, saber que tengo personas que me apoyan. 

Gracias a su misericordia he podido mantener mi sadhana de levantarme a las 2.00 y ha sido como una medicina para mi vida, no necesito tomar siesta si me duermo temprano (20.30). Canto tranquilamente mis rondas y puedo organizar mejor mi vida, todo se ha vuelto más limpio, claro y ordenado. Estoy más seguro de mi mismo y con mayor paz mental. En cuanto a la lectura comencé a tomar lo que dijo en una clase; para ciertas personas es bueno leer en momentos breves varias veces al día y funciona. Aveces es un poco difícil por los servicios, pero es mejor para mi limitada capacidad. Tengo algo de intelectualidad, pero también bastante pasión para crear y organizar cosas, eso me gusta. 

Ayer me hice las 8va lectura de la carta astral, es bastante, lo se, creo que la 9na la haré yo, me gustaría estudiar astrología, ayurveda, etc, para ser consejero y orientar a las personas. Él me dijo que mi naturaleza es bastante brahminica, sobre todo en el aspecto de comunicación, todo lo que tiene que ver con el uso de la voz y el intelecto. Fue Daru Krishna prabhu quién hizo la lectura y me impresionó su trabajo. 

Entonces a grandes razgos ya puedo entender que mi naturaleza puedo volcarla por un lado en el area artística y comercial (compra y venta) y por otro lado ser un orientador, consejero, y talvez especializarme en ser coach de liderazgo. 

De vez en cuando pienso bastante en viajar. El plan era viajar a fin de este año. No sé que va a pasar y espero su instrucción para ello. Por un lado sería bueno quedarse a ayudar en el templo un tiempo más. Los lugares en mira son España, India y Estados Unidos. En España llegaría a Vrajamandala con Yadunandana Swami, ya hemos estado hablando hace más de un año sobre mi visita allí. Prabhu Amara hizo un contacto con Kamala Lochana prabhu de India, él accedió a enseñarme sobre administración. Él es copresidente en el templo de Miraroad, India. Él dijo que puedo acompañarlo a predicar por India y allí enseñarme sobre administración y servicio devocional. Por otro lado me gustaría estar en Estados Unidos y visitar a Pyari Mohan das, no he podido tener respuesta de mi propuesta a quedarme sirviendo en su yatra y aprender sobre administración con él en Connecticus (tal vez me enseñe algún truco de magia). ¿Qué sugiere que haga? Pensaba viajar a España primero, luego India y al final EEUU, pero se que a usted le gustaría que viajara a Estados Unidos, así que si usted quiere puedo ir primero allá, cómo usted desee ¿O quiere que viaje a otro lugar? Sé que me estoy adelantando, con lo de la pandemia todo el plan cambió. Deseo me pueda orientar. 

Mis reverencias Gurudeva

Gracias por todo lo que nos entrega a diario. 

Su Payaso

Piyari Mohan das