Reporte del Rey de Los Montanyas

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudev 🙏

Como de costumbre me tomo más tiempo para volver a escribirle al blog 😅

Me encuentro bien de salud con mi familia, estuvimos desde Marzo en cuarentena y en Monterrey las últimas semanas se reabre la economía gracias a Krishna el Restaurante y hotel Hare Krishna que maneja mi esposo continua abiertos.

El tiempo en cuarentena me dió la oportunidad de organizar mejor mi tiempo continuo estudiando Bhakti Sastri online, mi sadhana continua bien 16 rondas y 4 principios. Ahora mis hijos están estudiando homeschool (primaria y kinder) y nos unimos a un programa de Sri dham Mayapur que reúne familias para aprender juntos en este mes de Purusottama.

Continuo haciendo servicio de diseño gráfico para la página Facebook de ASA México y también apoyo programas de educación con diseño de anuncios, hacer esto me a ayudado a tener asociación de devotos más centrados y con madurez.

Como la situación de este año cambió los festivales los hicimos en casa en familia y pienso que los hijos sin duda son parte de la vida espiritual mis hijos son diferentes en su carácter pero se unen juntos al Kirtan, cocinar, ofrecer, lectura, realizar Arati para las deidades y cuidar a Tulasi)

En nuestra finca(terreno) continuamos trabajando en familia ahora tenemos animales (gallo, gallina y 5 🐣

) quizá el próximo año en Abril volvemos a vivir en el campo.

Mi esposo Gadadhar y yo estamos leyendo juntos Prabhupada lilamrta y néctar de Prabhupada. Hace 3 años que cuido Tulasis este año mi esposo y yo decidimos sembrar nacieron 30 plantas de Tulasi algunas las entregamos a hogares de devotos y en nuestra casa cuido al rededor de 18 plantas de Tulasi.

Estoy pendiente de sus clases en español y sus actualizaciones entonces no queremos quitarle más su tiempo y gracias por leernos.

Su insignificante sirviente Anandamaya Devi Dasi.


[translate go go google --]

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances Gurudev 🙏

As usual I take more time to write to the Blog again 😅

I am in good health with my family, we have been in quarantine since March and in Monterrey the economy has reopened in recent weeks thanks to Krishna, the Hare Krishna Restaurant and hotel that my husband manages continues to be open.

The time in quarantine gave me the opportunity to better organize my continuous time studying Bhakti Sastri online, my sadhana continues well 16 rounds and 4 principles. Now my children are studying homeschool (primary and kindergarten) and we join a Sri dham Mayapur program that brings families together to learn together in this month of Purusottama.

ASA - !

I continue to do graphic design services for the ASA Mexico Facebook page and also support educational programs with ad design, doing this has helped me to have a more focused and mature devotee association.

As the situation this year changed, the festivals were held at home as a family and I think that children are undoubtedly part of the spiritual life, my children are different in character but they join together in Kirtan, cooking, offering, reading, performing Arati. for the deities and take care of Tulasi)

In our farm (land) we continue working as a family now we have animals (rooster, hen and 5 🐣) maybe next year in April we will live in the country again.

ASA - With two more families!

My husband Gadadhar and I are reading Prabhupada lilamrta and Prabhupada Nectar together. I have been taking care of Tulasis for 3 years, this year my husband and I decided to plant 30 Tulasi plants, some of which we gave to devotees' homes and in our house I took care of around 18 Tulasi plants.

I am aware of your classes in Spanish and your updates so we do not want to take your time and thank you for reading.

Your insignificant servant Anandamaya Devi Dasi.

HpS - In Hawaii, because of the weather, Tulasi grows bigger and bigger and bigger, over two meters tall and bigger than your wrist! How will she grow in the Monte Rey atmosphere. Expect miracles!!

More news! More news. News of your experiences with Japa. Keep a journal. Always focus on book distribution, in your own way!

Priya Sakhi dd

4 years, 3 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Espero que se encuentre bien, siempre refugiado y absorto en Su servicio a Sri Sri Radha Krsna y a Sri Nrsimhadeva.

Gurudev, respondiendo a Sus preguntas de mi carta anterior.

La escuela virtual "Atma Kula" es un proyecto en solitario. Recibo ayuda de Dhanistha dd con Ayurveda, Nityananda Prana das con meditación y homeschooling, y mi hermana en diseño (logo, afiches). Básicamente yo organizo, pero recibo aopoyo y consejo de ellos.

Quizá en el futuro pueda ser una escuela física y pueda servir de centro de prédica, si Usted me da Sus bendiciones. Quizá esto sean en varios años más (espero que no tantos).

Con respecto a Jagannatha Caran y entrenar a su sucesor. La administración por ahora está viendo lo más urgente: mantención de las deidades, mantención de los devotos residentes, deuda del templo, visitas de devotos (regulado, con medidas sanitarias), programas que van surgiendo. Cuando todo se normalice Jagannatha podrán entrenar a su sucesor automanifestado y autorefulgente 😊

Quiero contarle que madre Lila Shakti dd de Valparaíso, dejó su cuerpo hace 3 días. Fuimos con algunos devotos a cantar Hare Krsna en su entierro a pedido de la familia. A su velorio nadie fue 😥

Hablamos con su hijo mayor y sus nietos. Su hijo nos contó que ella tenía Alzheimer y que vivía en una asilo de ancianos. Allí adoraba a sus deidades, cantaba japa y leía las escrituras. Olvidó a todos menos a Krsna y se fue de éste mundo muy tranquila.

Una semana antes de dejar su cuerpo ella recordó a sus familiares.

Maritza, una amiga de madre Lila Shakti, asistía a sus programas en Valparaíso mientras estudiaba en la Universidad. Se autodenomina amiga de Krsna. Ella informó de todo a Prabhu Amara. Y estamos en contacto con ella.

La familia quedó muy feliz y agradecida por el canto.

Le dejo algunas fotos Guru Maharaja.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi



Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories go to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are well, always sheltered and absorbed in Your service to Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Sri Nrsimhadeva.

HpS - AgtSP!! paoho. We are just trying to live as civilized human beings most of the time. Yet, Srila Prabhupada keeps lifting us onto his sail boat headed to Goloka. Toot! Toot!

Gurudev, answering Your questions from my previous letter.

The virtual school "Atma Kula" is a solo project. I get help from Dhanistha dd with Ayurveda, Nityananda Prana das with meditation and homeschooling, and my sister with design (logo, posters). Basically I organize, but I get support and advice from them.

Perhaps in the future it can be a physical school and can serve as a preaching center, if You give me Your blessings. Maybe this will be in several more years (I hope not so many).

HpS - Hare Krsna!! Teach music and dance and drama also.

Regarding Jagannatha Caran and training his successor. The administration for now is seeing the most urgent: maintenance of deities, maintenance of resident devotees, temple debt, visits of devotees (regulated, with sanitary measures), programs that are emerging. When everything is normalized Jagannatha will be able to train his self-manifested and self-effulgent successor 😊

HpS - Our respects to him and tell him we would like to help as we can. Atreya rsi Das, Srila Prabhupada's "GBC for material affairs", big business man, told us that there are always opportunitys for making money. You just have to adjust to the changing market. Eg. resident devotees can start a radio station in the temple with daily dramas.

I want to tell you that mother Lila Shakti from Valparaíso left her body 3 days ago. We went with some devotees to chant Hare Krsna at their funeral at the request of the family. Nobody went to his wake 😥

HpS - Yes, we know. We joined was so nice. We miss her association but she is in paradise with Krsna, or Lord Caitanya or... 😃

We speak with her oldest son and her grandchildren. Her son told us that she had Alzheimer's and that she lived in a nursing home. There she worshiped her deities, chanted japa and read the scriptures. She forgot everyone except Krsna and left this world very calm.

A week before leaving her body, she remembered her relatives.

Maritza, a friend of mother Lila Shakti, attended her programs in Valparaíso while studying at the University. She calls herself a friend of Krsna. She reported everything to Prabhu Amara. And we are in contact with her.

HpS - Yes, I think I met Maritza several times. She got a PhD in music while she was living with Mataji, I think.

The family was very happy and grateful for the song.

I leave you some photos Guru Maharaja.

Your would-be servant

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - We need our own village where we can control epidemics and produce most of what we need locally and develop mystic powers and magic carpets.

Srimad Bhagavatam y Caitanya Caritamrita

4 years, 3 months ago by jagat pavitram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru maharaj,

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Durante el periodo de cuarentena en Perú comencé un proyecto de narrar el Srimad Bhagavatam en 33 espisodios y el Sri caitanya Caritamrita en 27 episodios. Estoy muy feliz de cumplir con esta meta.

HpS - No, hay otro de otro devotos? Es super. Si, hay, no problema, podemos tener 108-leyendas de SB y CC.

Muchas gracias Guru Maharaj por permitirme estar en el grupo de Bhaktivaibhava que usted dirigía, pues gracias a eso tuve la fortuna de escuchar sus concejos y comentarios sobre métodos de estudios y comentarios especiales del Srimad Bhagavatam.

Ya estoy compartiendo mi trabajo con los devotos y están disponibles en estos links:

Sri Caitanya caritamrita:

Srimad Bhagavatam:

Muchas gracias por darnos el ejemplo

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Jagat Pavitram das

HpS - Su trabajo? Aun trabajando en un trabajo secular? IBM. HP...?

At your Lotus feet!!!

All Glories too Srila Prabhupada !!!

Please acept my humble obeisences!!!

Thank you very much gurudeva.

I hope you are very well. It is very impressive and motivating to hear your classes and your complete dedication to serve the devotees through the study of the scriptures, your wise advice and your way of seeing the absolute truth. I try to listen to the classes online by GoToMeeting from our Asram but it is almost impossible due to the poor internet connection and the program is very heavy, it takes up a lot of data so we listen to the classes online by facebook when possible.

HpS - It is our loss!!

I am dying of shame not being able to assist you in the translations and see the effort you make in the classes ... I apologize !!! Please excuse my failures and my lack of dedication ..

ASA - ! ! ! Hare Krsna!!!! This pandemic is a wonderful opportunity for all of to discover a new world and new resources.

When the pandemic started here in Argentina, roughly the beginning of March, I was on a sankirtan trip with our small motor home van with a lot of books and I was eager to distribute them ... and I was heading to Santiago de Chile to receive you and try to serve you or assist. ..By arrangement of providence I was forced to return to the Sri Govardhana asrama !!! to wait for the pandemic to pass and continue with the traveling Sankirtana ... but the quarantine was extended and we got focus on the SB Study, Bg, etc. So since March I'm trying to get deeper into the SB...

... we have a very nice study group here at the farm and we are finishing the study of Canto 4 and I was also leading a study group for brahmacaris for 3 or 4 months for brahmacaris from chile and others based on the study of Bhakti Vikas Swami's book ... (it was very good and I think it helped the devotees a lot and obviously me).

HpS - Yes, it is very interesting. Now Spring is coming, so you will have more work with agriculture, no? Lord Balarama's gardens.

Also, by the grace of Krishna and Guru, I have a very good study partner and we studied canto 6 complete with 4 more devotees per we finish the canto and go on to prepare canto 1 to do the Bhakti Vaibhava online ...

...not yet we are sure where or Mayapur institute or eco.village govardhana .. but well the important thing is that I have a very good friend who likes to study a lot and is very enthusiastic ..

HpS - ASA -- To me the Eco.village program seems the best!

I remember when you said that when you lived in the temple you were looking for someone to study with systematically ... I think it was at Berkeley ... very good ...

ASA - At one point we decided that study partner was as important as teacher!!

My Japa vrata is regular and 80% mangala aratik and full program ... the monotony of staying in one place for so many months I think it has affected the sadhana a bit but we are following the regulative principles very well ... I don't see karmis movies, I don't waste time with news and politics ... I am also spending part of my time in the orchard and garden.

HpS - Super. Staying one place. You can move from one chair to another. Then back to the desk, then to the patio!! Ha! Ha! HAre! yet that is just as valid for people in the mode of goodness. Travel to the different planestary systems on your magic carpet.

Well I do not want to bore yo more with this letter ..

I ask you please not to forget about this servant who is trying to do something without personal interest and who wants to satisfy you and our dear Srila Prabhupada.

If you have any instructions or advice I would accept it with my heart ... and soul.

Your servant trying to get to your feet, panca tattva das

HpS - Writing every day? If you preach to five people that is a full time engagement!

Kind of URGENT - Rukmini's reply. No taste in Japa.

4 years, 3 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in good health.

HpS - The same to you.

In response to the previous letter, I had always associated the word 'sublime' with happiness or ecstasy. I find it very interesting to also take into account the scientific meaning of this word. I think it allows me to have a better understanding of the process that I have had. When I started devotional practices, I felt a sense of bliss (from solid to gaseous, or from gross to subtle). However, as time went by, I realized that I had to work more on the gross and psychic levels (reverse sublimation). Thanks so much for the explanation. On the other hand, I have always followed the 4 principles throughout my life (with one or another stumble). However, chanting the 16 rounds has been the most difficult for me. I have been doing it out of obligation and I don't find meaning in it. I have read literature that devotees recommended to me, but still, I honestly cannot understand how chanting can help in spiritual development.

Finally, I would like to comment on some academic plans. At university, I have started the path towards my thesis. I am doing a state of the art on the conceptions of culture that educators and anthropologists have. Based on this, I will carry out a study of how interculturalism is promoted at Peruvians schools.

I can see that college graduation is closer. For this reason, I am also preparing to take an international English exam, which is a requirement to study a master's degree abroad. However, this test is not available in Peru and its availability is highly uncertain. Therefore, I am planning to travel to London (the main venue for all international exams). Because the borders will open soon, I think there would be no problem in traveling to London for academic purposes. This trip would be taking place in the holidays of January and February. I consider it to be an appropriate date, as later, I will be more absorbed in my research and pre-professional practices.

That's all for now. Thanks a lot for reading this letter.

Rukmini dd

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP!!! Thank you for your very lucid letter. What kind of morning program were you able to keep??? That's part of the scientific prescription, no?

16-en-thus-i-astic rounds for guaranteed progress, but w/o Brahma-muhurta, Mangala arati, Kirtan, Japa, SB, Prasadam. . .


It becomes a big burden, golograh not vigrah.

Of course,

we have to adjust the Sadhana to our other activities to some degree eg. class right after M-arati and 4-rounds on the bus.... but Krsna will never punish us for chanting 16-nice rounds in nice environtmetnt.

That is our understanding, but.... it is presented as a science, so you have to make the experiment. Was the Morning program at a healthy level? Up by 1-1/2 hours before sunrise? Of course in London there is no sun for weeks some times!! (Ha! Ha! Hare!!), but try fixing some number of rounds for two weeks or so with the FMP if it was not there and then see the results.

Hoping to be of use!!

HpS - ASA (Tom Brown, Buck White et al).... Your career sounds interesting. I think people must find you a good, sober friend. They are hard to find.

2020 The Year of Sadhana Opportunities

4 years, 4 months ago by lalita_mdva in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!


Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva!

I write after 5 months ago,

ASA - Selfish demon!

Coronavirus has brought us a new opportunity to do new kind of service, now I´m learning to play harmonium in my free time, I already learned two melodies of the Maha Mantra and I am studying to play a little less worst than the day before.

Please give me your blessings for not committing offenses during my learning.

HpS-ASA -- May God bless you. '@'pop~

I also stared to study Bhagavad Gita with the support of a manual from Mayapur Institute, seriously thinking on enroll up for Bhakti Sastri course soon.

The new way to work at home gave me the opportunity to do some certifications of exponential education and industry 4.0 and spend more time with my daughter Jahnavi, she are also learning to play harmonium and my mom is teaching her to embroider fabrics for the deities, she really love it.

Something I'm grateful for with the pandemic is I have had the opportunity to learn a little more about cooking and preformance for the festivals and perform all the Ekadasi fasting without problems. 😅

This year in Monterrey yatra: The Jala Yatra Festival could not perform on the Santa Lucía River as in previous years, so the administration decided to do it in the Bhakti Center in a small pool at the style of the kalachandjis temple.

A live broadcast was made with the participation of H.H. Jayapataka Swami, H.H. Guru Prasad Swami, H.G. Sankarshan Das Adhikari, H.G. Malati Prabhu, S.G. Mahatma Prabhu and H.H. Bhakti Sundar Swami. My family and I had the opportunity to help with the offerings and the prasadam, as well as the decorations for the festival.

I have felt very calm in the last months despite the current health situation in the world, I know that everything is by the mercy of Sri Krishna and every day I try to improve my japa a little more and I pray that I have a little more intelligence and be able to serve you properly.

HpS - In your next life your will be Bhismadeva???

We hope that in December they will open the border for the opportunity to travel to Houston and recharge our bhakti with the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Nila-Madhava.✨

Forgive me for not being in contact with you more frequently through the Blog,

ASA - O. K. but don't do it again! At least every three months.

I don't want to be a burden to you, we try to do our best. 4 principles and japa every day. We pray that you are in good health and we can see you soon.

Also Forgive my mistakes trying to write this letter, I keep trying to improve my English.🙏

Your eternal and humble servant.

Lalita-radha devi dasi.

HpS -ASA --- Super, super, super, become continuously KC, then make it more intense and then all pervading!!!!!!