Deep NMD

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for your kind response and kind words of wisdom.

Meera is in her senior year of High school and busy with college applications etc. She is also pursuing her dance interests simultaneously- virtually. 

Here is a recent link:

Please bless us Maharaj and Meera especially as she is heading into another important phase of her life. 

Thank you for your kind association,

Your servant,

Sukha-sagari DD

HpS - We hope someone starts work on an ISKCON Song of the Bee Dance!

Old Eyes

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Respected devotees from Nila-madhava Dhama wrote:

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada.

It worries us to hear about your vision. I hope the doctor can prescribe some remedy. Please let us know how we can serve.

We humbly pray to Sri Sri Radha Nilamadhava and Their Divine Associates to bless you with a long healthy life for the benefit of fallen souls like me. 

Humbly pray for your blessings always,

Your servant(s),

Sukha-sagari DD (Gopal & Meera)


HpS - It is just 'jara'. It will happen to you, Gopal, Meera.... It is unavoidable duality of youth and old-age. When your car gets old you start thinking, enjoying the thought of a new car, no? That is material life. It is all shallow, relative, dualities, no?

Google the Text "all the world's a stage". SP, 'If you want to understand word power, read Shakespeare'. ... sans teeth, sans eyes, sans everything....

We all enter and exit as "toothless suckers". 😊

KDPC Pedido especial

4 years, 3 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK! querido Guru Maharaja, me alegra saber que sus programas de predica son imparables, ojalá

pronto podamos verlo y ayudarlo en sus programas como antes, ya casi se acaba el año siento que mi aislamiento pronto termina.

Hay un programa muy lindo en la página de Iskcon Chosica, una buena devota de Perú trasmite desde Vrndavana, lo cual me permite viajar de regreso al menos en el recuerdo, y tener siempre presente ese maravilloso lugar, e inspirada en ello, una vez a la semana repartimos maha prasadham a la policía, a señores de construcción civil, a devotos alejados y esta semana tocó a los minusválidos, no es mucho pero recuerdo que el lema es que cerca al templo siempre se distribuya prasadham.

Estuve reflexionando y deseo pedirle su permiso para seguir enseñando BS, soy como un león solitario, tengo pocos alumnos, así lo prefiero, pero los mejores, tenemos más herramientas manuales, por favor permítame seguir enseñando, quien corrija su examen final puede ser otra persona. Ese es mi pedido. Después del taller de la surabhi azul, donde gente nueva leyó los libros bases, las traducciones del gita y verso resúmenes, va al BS con una visión general de los libros y con las exigencias del BS, esa es mi estrategia.

HpS - Como entiendo. TlgaSP!!!! Aparece buena estrategia. Estudiar para ensanyar!

Le mando la hermosa foto de Jaganattha Swami su entusiasta discípulo que viste a Prabhupada y espera un saludo de su parte.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi (La Surabhi Azul)

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!

Priya Sakhi dd

4 years, 3 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, muchas gracias por Su últimas respuestas.

Me inspira mucho eso de dar clases de Danza, Teatro y Música en "Atma Kula". Espero concretarlo.

En unos días comenzaremos reuniones sobre experiencias de educación en casa. Se llama "Historias de Homeschooling".


Muchas gracias por Su deseo de ayudar a Jagannatha en su servicio en la administración.

¿Cómo se puede concretar esto?, ¿Jagannatha tiene que escribirle a Usted o quizá pueden reunirse?


Hace algunos días estoy con dolores de cabeza e insomnio. Por Purusottama estamos haciendo Mangala Arati, antes de FMP, junto a unos devotos y devotas. Nos reunimos en zoom y hacemos un programa de 1 hora, a veces transmitimos en Facebook. Algunos devotos y devotas siguen la transmisión.

Comenzamos otro curso de Discípulos con 10 estudiantes.

Nos quedan 3 semanas para terminar Bhakti Sastri. Luego tomaremos un curso en Vaisnava Care", sobre "El arte de cuidar Vaisnavas".

Últimamente he tenido el deseo de predicar más y tener la experiencia de "hacer" devotos/as. Tengo mucho que aprender de esto. No sé lo que es plantar la semilla del Bhakti en las personas, y quisiera hacerlo. Así que me gustaía incrementar mi servicio de prédica y capacitarme también.

Guru Maharaja, muchas gracias por todo.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, thank you very much for Your latest answers.

I am very inspired by that of teaching Dance, Theater and Music classes in "Atma Kula". I hope to make it happen.

In a few days we will begin meetings on homeschooling experiences. It's called "Homeschooling Stories."


Thank you very much for Your desire to assist Jagannatha in his service in the administration.

How can this be done? Does Jagannatha have to write to you or maybe you can meet?

HpS - Jaya! Both are fine with me!


For a few days I have had headaches and insomnia. For Purusottama we are doing Mangala Arati, before FMP, together with some devotees. We meet in zoom and do a 1 hour show, sometimes we broadcast on Facebook. Some devotees follow the transmission.

We started another Disciples course with 10 students.

We have 3 weeks left to finish Bhakti Sastri. Then we will take a course in Vaisnava Care ", on" The art of caring for Vaisnavas ".

Lately I have had the desire to preach more and have the experience of "making" devotees. I have a lot to learn from this. I don't know what it is to plant the seed of Bhakti in people, and I would like to. So I would like to increase my preaching service and train myself as well.

Guru Maharaja, thank you very much for everything.

Your would-be servant

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - Lord Caitanya's preaching formula of preaching:

is very nice, no? Wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell them about Krsna based upon BG and SB.

Of course, we can pray to Krsna for inspiration about where to go so that we meet more people, but basic principle is just hear BG and SB etc. and then react to the people we meet by explaining to them what we have heard. Eg. Vyasadeva and Narada Muni et al.

KDPC Getting Good News!!!

4 years, 3 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports





Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble obeisances!!

¡All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

¡All Glories at Your Lotus Feet!

HpS - Lettuce Feet. AgtSP!!

I write this letter thinking you can remember me and to make a small report of my sadhana. In December 2019 in Mexico City you were very kind to give me shelter, we continue singing 16 rounds per day and following 4 regulative principles. Nowadays my job consumes me from 9 to 10 hours at day (a lot of wasted time), however, the pay allows me to keep the department in which I live. I live alone. They also promoted me to manager.

HpS - In whatever position we find our selves, we should accept it as Krsna arrangment and then try to serve Him there, better and better. Then if any change of position is necessary it will happen naturally. How can you expand the Sankirtan movement through those 9-10 hours. Look for a room mate, share apartment. B'carini ashrama?

Immediately after work I go to the temple (5 days a week), I have paraphernalia service in the afternoons for three days and the other two I practice Odissi. Again I reconnected to FMP and the morning classes. It is very inspiring to listen to you in the morning.

HpS - !!!! 🙏 !!!

!!! !! !

The relationship with my family is now better than ever, my parents support me a lot in Krishna Consciousness, even when mother cook “for me”, she does not taste it thinking in Krishna and to be offered (Jaya).

In the last letter I asked you if I could worship Tulsi that a sister had given me, she is growing very fast and pretty, I see her comfortable and healthy.

A few weeks ago I invited the devotees to my home. Their holy association filled the home with joy. Kirtan was done, a fragment of the Nectar of Devotion was read, and we ate maha prasadam. I hope I can do more programs at home and invite more devotees.

ASA - Pictures?

Finally I would like to tell you that I have just associated with a resident devotee of the Radha Madana Gopala temple, he is the commander of the temple and in charge of the kitchen, he is a disciple of H. H. Bhaktisundar Maharaja, his name is Vraja Mohan Das. He is a good devotee and very responsible. We had talked about making an announcement of a possible courtship until next year, however the authorities (the president) advised us and asked us to do it ahead of the plan, so they recommended that prabhu wear white, making an announcement of the relationship publicly in the temple, after the program, getting a good response from the community. Many blessings. HH Bhaktisundar Maharaja spoke with the devotee and then with me, giving us acceptance and his blessings. We are aware of the process we have just started and that the ultimate goal is to be able to serve Krishna properly.

I am very happy for the last few months, in which the Krishna Consciousness process is echoing in all my activities, in a few days will be my 26th birthday, so the renewal of vows, activities and association is present day by day.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaja, please excuse me for any offense I committed.

Your fallen aspirant, Natyelli Garza.


HpS - Kali -yuga is a mess. You should have been married by 16-years old. How old is Vraja mohan Das? Best is to have second initiation before marriage. Etc. Etc. Etc. so we make the best use of a bad situation. 16 rounds, 4 principles, association of devotees. We ----may----- escape from...


It is honor to have your association. Become successful. Become a Mother to so many people.

More Temple News!

"KDPC"...Radha-Krsna bol""""..Pandaveya Spain.

4 years, 3 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

I hope you are doing very well in every way.

HpS - Wow! That is a big hope!

I'm fine. My spiritual life very well thanks to Radha and Krsna.

I have not written to you before because I did not know what to say without repeating myself, or without being as ugly-analytical as I am.

I love your handwritten KDs ... you once gave me one when I asked !! ... they are beautiful, they remind me of children's books. So simple, so cute, with such funny drawings. Avatars ?? Hahaha!

HpS - Hmmm!

With the pandemic, I go for a run almost every day, 8 kilometers. I swim in the sea almost every day. Now the water is crystal clear thanks to the fact that the currents are colder, not like in summer. With your eyes open, one can see almost as if wearing diving goggles. It just makes you want to play in the water. It is as if one were in another world in those moments.

Times when sunlight is crystal clear and yellowish-white. It seems the light of the brahmajyotir of the mystic yogis.

The waves, soft, as if not wanting to break the moment, break on the shore as if they were felt on marble. The sea in these months is like a swimming pool, a dream.

HpS - Sounds like the Yamuna with Krsna!

Algae, so ugly for many people, is as if they were the sea's invitation to play with one. And in the background, an airplane of the military academy of the air (it is very close) raises and lowers revolutions, and in height, with its training propeller motor, as if a bird, noisy or enraged, did not stop making sounds, losing itself and approaching in the heights.

In my mind, it's like hearing a sound in my gut. Sunday sounds, clear light and crystal clear waters. Smell and sea breeze, with sand stuck on clothes, and on the knees.

It is impossible for me to understand how people allow themselves to be carried away by their imaginations, to such an extent that they do not behave like real living beings.

Lately, when I read your Twitt's, I remember the Goswamis. And from one of their phrases, I don't remember if it was from Rupa Goswami exactly ... something like "I no longer know if what I say is true or a lie," as if only Krsna knows.

I have had some strong experiences in recent months, spiritual, . . . the material ones, I don't even count them anymore, and every day I am more aware that the only network of reality is Krsna and his networks (associates, worlds, thoughts ...)

I have to admit that I am very happy, and I don't know why.

HpS - I guess we have to all accept that Lord Caitanya's mercy goes to the fallen!

I understand Krsna's wishes in Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mood about this world, but right now, I think the only thing that would be worthwhile now is to go back to Vrndavan Parikrama and never go out again, with people like You, and many other devotees, from deep and human soul that I admire. Some famous, others not. Some young, others not.

I hope you have a very good morning in this material hell.

At Yours feet, my obeisances.

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!

HpS - Thank you!!! Do you read CC??? Does Krsna send innocent people for your to talk with?

P.D: Here I take a bath almost every day. Of all beaches, the best!!! hahaha