Na dhanam na janam na sundarim. Report from Sri Govardhan

4 years, 2 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Gurudeva, thank you so much for your dedication to your Spiritual Master.

HpS - Thank you so much to your dedication to OUR spiritual master.

You are such a huge example, such a bright light to show us the path, I could never repay what you have given us. We can only fall to the ground in obeisances at your lotus feet...

HpS - Srila Prabhupada is doing something with horrrible tools.

. . . and pray for your causeless mercy!! I realize it is true what Srila Prabhupada says, one can not take everything the Spiritual Master is offering. 

Here we are struggling, fighting to remain safe from the waves of Maya!! We realize that every minute of the fight makes us stronger, wiser!! Every moment counts!! Nehabikrama naso sti…

So much suffering everywhere, wherever the economy functions and also where it doesn't!! We realize more and more that Sadhu Sanga and Krishna katha are the only valuable thing in Kali Yuga.

We recovered utsaha thanks to devotees mercy, we aim to attend mangala aratik mon, wed and sundays. We are chanting extra rounds every day. Japa is priority number one. We changed from totally mechanical, survival mode rounds, to acceptable ones. 

ASA - Wow!

We are trying to help Panca Tattva Prabhu push this Sri Govardan Ecofarm project foward. Lots of challenges, lots of realizations. We feel happy for being part of it.

We are studying SB twice a week, and working on team building and the three questions (who am I, who are we, what is the plan?)

Family life is ok, deepening our relationship with wife, Julieta, better communication, help is coming. We can see how important is wifes benedictions to advance in Spiritual Life!! Intelligence of a devotee. She takes good care of us!! Manu is in his adolescent phase, very good and smart kid, he loves music, he goes to a music school where he learns piano, he also plays guitar and bass. He is very quiet, not so easy to guhyam akhyati. Benja is a sweet little boy growing fast, he studies theater and now he is into horse riding. Roma our bitch is nine years old, she has arthrosis which brings some neurological and motor issues. Julieta, is very worried for her. We are building extra space in our home, hope more souls get on board!!

Hare Rama

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Who is on the farm? ??

Hare Rama.

Work is fine, increased because pan-fear, lot of people turning into health care. Want to expand to online teaching. Very inspired from my dear Godbrother Nanda Raj Prabhu! How he is coping with his health issue in such a Krishna Conscious way.

Work at university is ok, but I lost interest. Too much politics, too little interesting discussions!! Trying to discover whether it is useful for Sankirtan. Gurukula project is on sight as well, we believe that is the real revolution. Flying carpets children!!

Talked to Abhiram Thakur Prabhu about cooperation with Solaris.

Trying to be of some use for society and for Srila Prabhupada´s mission.

Your passionate student,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

HpS - Super. Super. Super. Japa! Japa! Japa!! :>>===> Sankirtan! 7.48PM local online program starts at 8.00PM..... When we chant we are all together.

-0-0-0- Gurudeva, muchas gracias por su dedicación a su Maestro Espirital. Usted es un ejemplo tan grande, una luz tan brillante para mostrarnos el camino, nunca podría devolver lo que nos has dado. ¡¡Solo podemos caer al suelo en reverencias a sus pies de loto y orar por su misericordia sin causa !! Me doy cuenta de que es cierto lo que dice Srila Prabhupada, uno no puede tomar todo lo que el Maestro Espiritual está ofreciendo.

¡¡Aquí estamos luchando, luchando por mantenernos a salvo de las olas de Maya !! ¡¡Nos damos cuenta de que cada minuto de la pelea nos hace más fuertes, más sabios !! ¡Cada momento cuenta! Nehabikrama naso sti…

¡¡Tanto sufrimiento en todas partes, dondequiera que la economía funcione y también donde no funciona !! Nos damos cuenta cada vez más de que Sadhu Sanga y Krishna katha son lo único valioso en Kali Yuga.

Recuperamos utsaha gracias a la misericordia de los devotos, nuestro objetivo es asistir a mangala aratik los lunes, miércoles y domingos. Cantamos rondas adicionales todos los días. Japa es la prioridad número uno. Cambiamos de rondas de modo supervivencia totalmente mecánicas a rondas aceptables.

Estamos tratando de ayudar a Panca Tattva Prabhu a impulsar este proyecto Sri Govardan Ecofarm hacia adelante. Muchos desafíos, muchas realizaciones. Nos sentimos felices de ser parte de ella.

Estamos estudiando SB dos veces por semana y trabajando en la formación de equipos y las tres preguntas (¿quién soy yo, quiénes somos, cuál es el plan?)

La vida familiar está bien, profundizando nuestra relación con mi esposa, Julieta, mejor comunicación, viene ayuda. ¡¡Podemos ver lo importante que son las bendiciones de la esposa para avanzar en la vida espiritual !! Inteligencia de un devoto. ¡¡Nos cuida bien !! Manu está en su etapa de adolescente, chico muy bueno e inteligente, le encanta la música, va a una escuela de música donde aprende piano, también toca guitarra y bajo. Es muy callado, no es tan fácil guhyam akhyati. Benja es un niño dulce que crece rápido, estudia teatro y ahora le gusta montar a caballo. Roma nuestra perra tiene nueve años, tiene artrosis que trae algunos problemas neurológicos y motores. Julieta, está muy preocupada por ella. Estamos construyendo espacio adicional en nuestra casa, ¡esperamos que más almas se sumen!

El trabajo está bien, aumentado por el miedo, mucha gente se está volcando en el cuidado de la salud. Quiere expandirse a la enseñanza en línea. ¡Muy inspirado por mi querido hermano espiritual Nanda Raj Prabhu! Cómo está lidiando con su problema de salud de una manera tan consciente de Krishna.

Trabajar en la universidad está bien, pero perdí el interés. ¡Demasiada política, muy pocas discusiones interesantes! Tratando de descubrir si es útil para sankirtan. El proyecto Gurukula también está a la vista, creemos que es la verdadera revolución. ¡¡Niños de alfombras voladoras !!

Hablé con Abhiram Thakur Prabhu sobre la cooperación con Solaris.

Tratando de ser de alguna utilidad para la sociedad y para la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Su alumno apasionado,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Deity Worship

4 years, 2 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Srila gurudev

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet.

Hope your health is good.

HpS - Functional.

Here we are struggling with the pandemic and duties of the ward . My masters in anatomy is going on OK.

Recently I made a nice devotee friend online who helps and inspires me to be good devotee .I guess all I needed is someone to talk with, be accepted and share knowledge as friends.

HpS - Super!!! If that can become self realized (I am at this level of development), build your character and preach. So later maybe you and the devotee can develop your Sankirtan.

While talking He shared that he had a small half palm size Sri Yoga narasimha deity that he has been given by some devotee but he is not worshiping him as he already has saligrams etc . After I saw the deity I felt like worshiping him . My nitai and nimai deities are very big and difficult to bath everyday and travel with . So I was thinking that as yoga narasimha is peaceful form and some say helps in improving sadhana . So I thought I will ask you .Plus in my travel I can carry him , do the upacharas as He is small in deity size.

HpS - Seems O.K. Keep everything clean, be punctual, adjust the ritual to practical level. Even unitiated devotees can keep statues of the Lord and serve Them. Of course, as we advance to first, second, third initiation the relationship changes. Riding a tricycle, a bicycle, a motor cycle a car, and airplane...

What do you think . Can I do simple worship of the yoga narasimha deity.

Plus Kartik is coming so I seek your blessings so that I can do my sadhana properly . This kartik goal is 100 percent (try my best ) waking up for mangal aarti and finishing chanting my rounds morning time . Still struggling a lot but this time I feel some degree of understanding has come regarding being mature in life .

HpS - It works, no? Chant good rounds, pronounce well, focus the mind, chant with real praying.... Then all day long you are dancing in step with Jagannatha.

Thank you .

Rturaj Krsna Das , Shillong

HpS --- So nice to hear from you. We are quite happy to get your association!! Let's answer one more letter.

Public apologies

4 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Well, first of all. Thanks for this public blog in which we can express our ideas, feelings, etc

Recently, I had some misunderstandings with some "Godbrothers and sisters". And today I was contemplating those situations while I was meditating. With gem therapy we meditate a lot, plus it is good to release stress etc.

Anyway. I came to the conclusion that all of that was based on my huge false ego. Besides I am a teacher and I tend to see life and specially places of meetings and reunions like a classroom, So I have the necessity to say : "This is wrong", do it like this, do it like that. I tend to be a little controlling and forget what you always say: "If SP put up with all the things that I did, how come I can not tolerate you". So some devotees took it in a wrong way. I apologized but I guess that they need some time to process that, like everyone. Including myself.

This social media is very risky in some ways, it controls us. Another way that Maya tricks us.

HpS - Hector Behar said that it is actually more anti-social media than social media!

I have decided to stay away of all that. like Patraka, Madhumanjari dd, they are not in any groups of facebook, etc. It is pretty intense sometimes.

Even if I have more years attending your online programs I am no one to tell anybody how to behave or chant.

HpS - No, you have good advice to give. We are all learning how to preach. After each incarnation Krsna and Balarama consider how it went this time and how to improve. Of course The Evil One and The Witch also have meetings how to do their job better next time, no? 😎

I just want to do this public.

HpS - Public, semi-public, circle of friends ... you and Srila Prabhupada and God in your closet. We have to learn how to speak, teach, learn, in different environments.

I beg and ask for forgiveness if someone feel some harsh on my words and comportment.

It is better to do our sadhana, etc without being exposure. For instance, Jambavan das called me the other day, he is listening your classes, but he doesn't know how to use Gotomeeting I gave him some advices about the platform. Nevertheless, my point is that for the devotees in general he is not too fixed in devotional service, but he is doing his sadhana without telling the world, umm in one point he should communicate with you, but my point is that he is not showing off anything.

Gita govinda says today in one of his talks "When we criticize others we diminish our enthusiasm" I really liked what he said.

HpS - Unless it is as a well wisher. In BG, where?, Srila Prabhupada says that to communicate that someone is a thief with the intention that people can be protected from him and even to help him is not bad criticism. Arjuna was shooting arrows, 457-magnum bullets, at his grandfather, cousins. sifu. That is about as critical as you can get.

Thanks Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi d. d.

HpS - Thank you!!!! Any news from your father and mother? Are they gods and goddess in Indra loka? Wild bunnys in Brazil?? Our respects to your sister!

Hare Krishna

4 years, 2 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada !!

Obeisances at His lotus feet

I haven't written to you for a long time, the modalities are very strong with me.

This year has been incredible, where to start ... I was in India for the third Time, second Trip with my Mother, She Likes India and the Devotees in her process, and She is grateful to the Devotees. We were a month of Pilgrimage to Different Holy Places of diverse traditions (Amritsar, Golden Temple, HAridwar and Rishikesh, there we were able to associate every day with the devotees and the program of SS Indradyumna Maharaja, After Bodhgaya, where Buddha reached the enlightenment) from there we continued to Mayapur and we had 7 very beautiful days, the whole trip by train, ... then we had to stay two months of isolation in Mayapur, the devotees assisted us with facilities, for food and the hotel, we were in the Gada Bhavan. After the Embassy of Argentina organized a Charter Flight from Delhi and they sent us to Argentina, We traveled three days by Bus from Mayapur to Delhi, with all India closed, A Unique experience.

ASA - Such an incredible story. Surprised your mother wasn't exhausted.

When we arrived in Argentina they sent us to Rio Negro and we were in isolation for 15 days, now only Social distancing, here there is no public transport (Arg) so I was stranded these months, there are already a lot I arrived on May 22, now doing a Little Carpentry below I send you some photos

I gave some Classes, one for the Mother Govinda Yoga Center (The Loft) on Cosmogonia Vedica

They also invited me to give a class On Krishna Consciousness, A Franciscan Monk, for those aspiring to monastic life in His temples (I know this Monk of Interrigious Dialogues, we have made a good friendship, I gave him a Bhagavad Gita. , and he gave me a Book On Saint Francis),

HpS - Very nice. Have your read, seen, the book, Imitation of Christ?

And now I'm organizing another class for Wednesday for Mother Govinda. I learned to use power-point, being here.

HpS - It is really nice. It is nice way to organize your thoughts and then you can be very flexible with how you present it to the audience.

We continue with the Study of Astrology ... already ending one or two more months

Four principles good, 16 rounds (not the best, as I can, but completed) Worship Good

I miss the association very much, the spiritual life is Sadhu Sanga, at the same time the Mercy of Krishna allows me to stay

Always in constant dialogue with the devotees of Govardana (Sierra de los Padres), and planning to travel there when transport is enabled,

Yesterday I spoke with Panca Tattva Prabhu, so we are organizing for her to travel to Govardan (SP) in late November early December,.

I hope You are very well, Thank you for So Much Mercy, which I cannot put into words, but I thank you for being able to live them.

May this letter find you Very well Guru Maharaja, always wishing you the best

At Your Service Your Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Is so fantastic. Thank you! How is The Bharata? What was your father's reaction being a Brahmacari while your Mother was traveling? All I can say is, "Go on, go on". With the chanting, reading and contact with devotees you can only become more and more engaged in your immediate and eternal service and expand it!!! Very best of luck in your Sankirtan. Let us know how it goes so we can steal some ideas!

Carta en Español

Hare Krishna Querido Guru Maharaja

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Reverencias a Sus pies de loto

Hace mucho tiempo que no le escribo, las modalidades están muy fuerte conmigo, este año es increíble,por donde empezar ...

Estuve en India por tercera Vez, segundo Viaje con mi Madre,a Ella Le Gusta India y los Devotos, En Su proceso, y Ella esta agradecida a los Devotos. Nosotros estuvimos un mes de Peregrinaje por Diferentes Lugares Santo de tradiciones diversas( Amritsar, templo de oro, HAridwar y Rishikesh, ahi nos pudimos asociar todos los dias con los devotos y el programa de S.S. Indradyumna Maharaja,Después Bodhgaya, donde Budha alcanazo la iluminacion) de ahí seguimos a Mayapur y tuvimos 7 días muy Lindos, Todo el Viaje en Tren ,... después nos tuvimos que quedar dos meses de Aislamiento en Mayapur, Los devotos nos Asistieron con facilidades, para la comida y el Hotel, nosotros estábamos en el Gada Baban. Después LA Embajada de Argentina organizo un Vuelo Charter desde Delhi y nos enviaron a Argentina, Viajamos tres dias en Bus desde Mayapur a Delhi, con toda India cerrada,Una Única experiencia.

Cuando llegamos a la Argentina nos enviaron a Rio Negro y estuvimos en aislamiento 15 dias, ahora solo distanciamiento Social, aquí no hay transporte publico(Arg) así que quede varado estos meses, ya son un montón llegue el 22 de mayo, haciendo ahora un poco de Carpinteria abajo le envio unas fotos

Di algunas Clases, una para el Centro de Yoga de la Madre Govinda(El Loft)sobre Cosmogonia Vedica

Tambien me invitaron a Dar una clase Sobre La conciencia de Krishna, Un Monje Franciscano, para los aspirantes a la vida monastica en Sus templos( Conozco a Este Monje de los Dialogos Interrrigiosos,hemos hecho una buena amistad, Le di de Presente un Bhagavad Gita, y el me regalo un Libro Sobre San Francisco), Y ahora estoy organizando otra clase para el Miercoles para Madre Govinda. Aprendi a Usar powerpoint, estando aca.

Seguimos con el Estudio de Astrologia... ya finalizando uno o dos meses mas

Cuatro principios bien, 16 rondas(no las mejores, como pueda, pero completadas)Adoracion Bien

Extraño mucho la asociacion, la Vida espiritual es Sadhu Sanga.a la vez la Misericordia de Krishna Me permite Mantenerme

Siempre en Dialogo constante Con los Devotos de Govardan(Sierra de los Padres), y planificando viajar para alla cuando el transporte se habilite,

Ayer hable con Panca Tattva Prabhu, asi que nos estamos organizando para que viaje para Govardan(SP) a finales de Noviembre principios de Diciembre,

Espero Se encuentre Muy Bien, Gracias por Tanta Misericordia,la cual no puedo poner en palabras, mas le agradezco por poder vivirlas.

Que esta carta lo encuentre Muy bien Guru Maharaja, siempre deseandole lo mejor

a Su Servicio Su Adi Yajña Das

Servicio Personal

4 years, 2 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Reverencias TlgaSP 

Querido Guru Maharaja..

Hace algunas semanas venimos dialogando con nuestro queridísimo Prabhu Abhirama Thakura dasa sobre la posibilidad de viajar hacia USA para asistirlo a usted en lo que sea necesario...

En este momento estamos reorganizando el proyecto de Ecofarm en Mar del Plata haciendo el seva de coaching (misión, visión, estrategic planning, sadhana y estudio sistemático)..Estamos avanzando mucho con el plan estratégico y las cosas se van acomodando… si viajo el avance seguiría porque podría continuar vía online.

Estoy dispuesto y listo para asistirlo en el servicio que sea necesario para que usted se pueda avocar más y más en sus trabajos de predica, escribir, Sadhana, salud, tutoría y demás servicios. Está bien?

Con todo mi corazón y mi devoción (si la hay) podría asistirlo en el seva de cocinar, laundry, limpieza del asram, baño, cocina, ayudarlo en grabación de cursos o vídeos que quiera hacer, como acompañante para salir a caminar, comprar lo que se necesite, etc, etc. Está bien?

Si usted está de acuerdo viajaría por tres meses y podríamos hacer un calendario de actividades de ekadasi a ekadasi según los servicios específicos, tratamos de ser una ayuda para aligerar sus ocupaciones no una carga mas, yo estaría para asistirlo cuando lo necesite tratando de ser lo más sensible ante sus necesidades…

Este arreglo es muy beneficioso, por una parte, ser útil a usted para el desarrollo de su Sankirtana para el placer de Srila Prabhupada y Krishna, y por otro lado servir a mis hermanos espirituales que estarán muy felices de saber que lo estamos cuidando y asistiendo personalmente en estos tiempos de pandemia global.

Por nuestra parte estamos muy pero muy felices de ser bendecido por esta nueva propuesta... Esta es una gran oportunidad y misericordia para mi vida espiritual y maduración en mi camino del brahmacari asram al sannyasa asram.

Siempre tuve el deseo de estar un tiempo largo con su asociación personal..Tomar su asociación me dará mucho beneficio para mi servicio y crecimiento en el Sankirtana!!! 

Claro está que sólo quiero servirlo donde sea mejor para usted; aquí con el seva de liderazgo (vani) o en USA como su asistente personal (vapu).

Por favor siéntase libre de tomar la mejor decisión. Soy su sirviente y me alegra ser su discípulo.

Su sirviente Ptd

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna. Thank you for this nice summary of this suggested plan. I talked about it with the dearly beloved Abhirama Th. Das, brother-in-law of the mother of Raquel the bunny.

My thoughts are not very clear on this but several points seem to be useful to consider.

Yes, our donkey is getting older and we should really be minimizing our driving to simple or emergency acts.

Same is true of some of the property and building maintenance but:

  1. "el seva de cocinar,
  2. laundry,
  3. limpieza del ashram,
  4. baño,
  5. cocina,
  6. comprar lo que se necesite
  7. acompañante para salir a caminar
  8. ayudarlo en grabación de cursos o vídeos que quiera hacer."

Basically we do 1-6 as exercise for our body and rest, getting out, and 7 we have 1-3 companions already. Hmm. Yet, 8, we have been feeling it would be good to have some one to hold the camera.

Of course, in general principle it would be great mercy for us to have your association here, but to come from Mar de Platanos, to M'boro to hold the camera seem like we should be able to get a more local resources.

Also, this is not a big community like BsAs. It is quite small and would not be much to do. P'tattva Das goes crazy!! Yet, maybe we could both enroll in courses at the local university, MTSU, like Perception in psychology etc.

Still another thought. Maybe 2021, October... (?).... we move to South America for one year, one place and then go to back to USA for three months and then go to India, radha-kunda, with 100-devotees, to make a movie, and we stay there are leave this world there in 2024?

Then you or others might come and just stay until we all go back to SA.

To facilitate this I am dedicating the current DTC(p) to you! Maybe you can write a responding Diary and see how we might associate.

Classes at MTSU??? Other bigger projects???


Hk. Tgsp.Tghps.

I hope you are very well in all respects dear Maharaja. For our part, always grateful, trying to overcome our limitations gradually and progress in consciousness, as promised. 1728 early morning enthusiasts as medicine, and as diet, regulative principles.

We are living in the province of Santiago del Estero (Argentina) with two of my sons, Julián (21) and Tomas (23). We have been working on an organic garden project for three years. Everything is going very well. Government restrictions due to the pandemic have placed us in an unexpected parenthesis, and the plans, as we had drawn up, had to be modified. Man proposes and Krishna disposes. Right now, we are busy developing the same organic garden project, but adjusted to the urban.

The central idea of ​​the venture is the production of vogue for self-sustenance and the distribution of prasadam among the neighbors according to everything that said activity entails. I ask for your blessings.

Thank you for allowing me to share mangalarti every morning.

HpS - AgtSP. Grow a ton of beans for Nanda braja's boys, and they will send, their Braja Kirtan noise.

Hk. Tgsp.Tghps.

Espero se encuentre muy bien en todo aspecto estimado Maharaja. Por nuestra parte, siempre agradecido, tratando de superar nuestras limitaciones paulatinamente y progresar en la conciencia, conforme a lo prometido. 1728 entusiastas temprano en la mañana como medicina, y como dieta, los principios regulativos..

Nos encontramos viviendo en la provincia de Santiago del Estero con dos de mis hijos, Julián (21) y Tomas (23). Hace tres años que trabajamos en la realización de un proyecto de huerta orgánica.. Todo va muy bien. Las restricciones gubernamentales por la pandemia nos ha colocado dentro de un paréntesis inesperado, y los planes, tal como lo habíamos trazado, debieron modificarse. El hombre propone y Krisna dispone. Ahora mismo, nos ocupamos en desarrollar el mismo proyecto de huerta orgánica, pero ajustado a lo urbano.

La idea central del emprendimiento es la producción de boga para el auto sustento y la distribución de prasadam entre los vecinos conforme a todo lo que dicha actividad conlleve. Le pido sus bendiciones.

Gracias por permitirme compartir el mangalarti todas las mañanas.

Reverencias de todo corazón


Ekachacra N. C. das