Manipuri Gita, Yamunesvara Das Personal Report.

Hare Krsna, Guruji Maharaja

Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the padmacharan of Guruji Maharajah that this letter is draft some weeks before but could not post. Luckily today I can open the blog. Excuse me for the delay.

The translation work of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is of A.C. Prabhupada in Manipuri (Bangali and Meitei scripts) is completed and the proofreading stage is 3rd round completed.

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP!! I don't think people realize how much editing work is necessary for producing good books. Nobel Laureate, Albert Camus, said that unless you rewrite , edit, six times, you are a coward! Thanks to the editors.

Due to Covid, progress is delayed. While translating the English version of A.C. Prabhupada “Bhagavad-Gita As It Is” Prabhu Parth Sarthi Das found some words and sentences which gives two meaning internal and external. Such words and sentences are really will be helpful for the kaniska bhaktas and general readers. Prabhu Partha Sarathi Das is trying to publish the collections in a small book form so as to help the readers. The name of the book will be “Key English version of Srila Prabhupada bringing out the divine transcendental messages as implicitly contain in the selected verses of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is”.

Example :

4:27    - Purport - Last Para but four sentences – The senses interact with the sense objects.        

5:21   - Purport – Last but two sentences - Spiritual realization and sex pleasure go ill together.

9:1     - Purport – Second Para - Discussion of Krsna is very potent and if a ……

9:2     - Purport – Last Parra first sentence – As will be seen in Bhagavad-gita, actual devotional service begins after liberation.

9:26    - Purport – First Para last but two sentences : Bhakti is never causal.

12.1    - Purport - First Para fifth sentence – The personalist devotee engages himself with all

                                energy in the service of the Supreme Lord.

15:8   - Purport – It is a false claim that after the annihilation of this body everything is


17:15 - Purport – Middle part – One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up

                              what he is saying. At the same time, such talk should be very pleasurable to

      the ear.  

In the Bhagavatam 11.21.41 – Translation : The Vedic meters are Gayatri……   and in the Purport : The Gagatri meter has twenty four syllables.

       Prabhu Partha Sarthi Das narrated me that the qualities of Bhagavan Sri Krsna were sung firstly by Brahma, from this tune the Gayatri is known as Brahma Gayatri. It is one of the sandas of Veda twenty four syllables. Veda has different sandas as Gayatri, Stupa ….. etc. Again for the satisfaction of mind different Goswamis used selected verses as hyme and it is known as Mantra.

HpS - Is very nice and Lord Caitnya is so kind that he has made it accesible for people with even less scholarship, and in essence it all is manifestation of the Maha-mantras: Sri Krsna Chaitanya.... Hare Krsna... Haraye namah...!

Prabhu Sadhubhusan Das will forward some pictures and videos of the Vyas Pujah at that time I will try to upload those things because I am fully engaged in the management of the function so I have no time to take pictures and not so expert.

HpS - Thank you. We hope that it was glorification of you, me, Srila Prabhupada, Bh. SIddhanta . . . Krsna.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamuneswara Das

HpS - I think there is no problem with you posting letters now. If you Save them and there is no quick reply, then Whatsapp us with notice of the full letter in this Blog.


Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

By your mercy, Gurudeva, I am continuing my Sadhana as I reported to you last month. In addition, because I am on break, I am reading Srila Prabhupada's books for one hour every day, as you suggested to me a few months ago. I memorized eight verses from Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2 and am working on learning the Sanskrit meters of the verses we encounter in Sastra.

HpS - ASA -- Amazing!!!

Gurudeva, I was wondering if you could kindly instruct me on how I can serve you during this time. I always remember how you say that one should become a third-class servant and follow the Guru's instructions, before trying to become an advanced servant and act based on one's opinion of what the Guru might desire. 

Your insignificant servant, eternally indebted to you for your mercy,

Sugopi Radha devi dasi

HpS - What kind of nice people have you found in the world? Could Shakespeare become a devotee? Any nice books by people eg. Socrates? Others?

Go looking for people, living or dead, who can become devotees.

1st. Snowball Report

4 years ago by snowball in Personal Sadhana Reports

BIOPIC and documentary with recreations:


(The Travels of a Happy Pilgrim, Provisional Name)

Hare Krishna SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, my name is Snowball, ARTd has asked me to take the service of reporting the progress and execution of this project.

ASA - Good decision.

Well to start I will mention that we are finishing all the collection of materials to be used in the films: Biographical data, missionary work, academic preaching, institutions created, publications created, photos and videos of events and graphic pieces of all the activities in which there is registration. The final collection period is Friday, January 15.

ASA - Big professor of Drama from UCLA, very powerful school, said that the entire plot should be able to fit in one sentence eg. HpS and the ASA travel all over the world looking for hints on how to find Sita Devi to deliver the message from Rama.

The two to three minute Trailer will be delivered between February 20 and 28.

Here's a summary of what's advanced:


ROAD TO RADHA KUNDA (Provisional name)

The trajectory of Hps: the appearance of him in Guam, then the USA, India, Latin America and Spain (1948-2021).

THE LAST TRIP (Provisional name)

Arrival of HpS with a massive academic and cultural delegation to Radha Kundha (2022-…)


Academic, environmental, cultural and devout communities.


2 films of 34 minutes each

Total: 1h 08m

ASA - Oink! Hanuman only gave his biography after he found Sita. Is that planned for the movie? He can think about what he will say when he meets Her. He described how he met Rama and his relations after that. Previous life can be short, how he met Rama, then events in Berkeley Temple, BI... ?


With the first video we are going to present ourselves to the DAFO awards (Directorate of Audiovisual and Phonography of the Ministry of Culture of Peru) and to the IBERMEDIA awards.

ASA - Whoop! Whoop! Oink! Oink!

I hope to be useful to you Maharaja, thanks for the trust.

Hare Krishna.


BIOPIC y documental con recreaciones:


(Los viajes de un peregrino feliz, nombre provisional)

Hare Krishna SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, mi nombre es Snowball, ARTd me ha pedido que tome el servicio de reportar los avances y ejecución de este proyecto.

Bueno para empezar mencionare que estamos acabando todo el acopio de materiales a ser usado en las películas: Datos biográficos, labor misionera, predica académica, instituciones creadas, publicaciones creadas, fotos y videos de eventos y piezas graficas de todas las actividades en que haya registro. El plazo final de acopio es el viernes 15 de enero.

El Tráiler de dos a tres minutos se entregará entre el 20 y 28 febrero

A continuación, un resumen de lo avanzado:


CAMINO AL RADHA KUNDA (Nombre provisional)

La trayectoria de Hps: Su aparición en Guam, luego USA, India, Latinoamérica y España (1948-2021).

EL ULTIMO VIAJE (Nombre provisional)

Llegada de HpS con una masiva delegación académica y cultural al Radha Kundha (2022-…)


Comunidades académicas, ecologistas, culturales y devotos.


2 películas de 34 minutos c/u

Total: 1h 08m


Con el primer video vamos a presentarnos a los premios del DAFO (Dirección del Audiovisual y la Fonografía del Ministerio de Cultura del Perú) y a las convocatorias de IBERMEDIA.

Espero serle útil Maharaja, gracias por la confianza.

Hare Krishna.

Sannyasa - BG9.2

4 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna.

ASA[e] vad, sannyasa; and sankirtan, hari-nam.


Aindra Das told us that Brahmananda Das told him that Srila Prabhupada told him that if a Sannyasi does not have a Danda, he should have an umbrella or cane.

Since Brother Ass was a little chld we have always been attached to walking sticks.

Like retreivers always have a stick in their mouth.

We looked up Cane Fighting on the internet (cowherd boys have mock fights all the time). It is wonderful.

Hope we never have a real one except for Krsna.

Sad we were when the airlines allowed canes on the aiplane but not full size umbrellas. 😕

(Actually if you just declare a cane as a Personal Mobility Device it is legal everywhere. s/a Google, "Fighting Canes")

If permitted, then we could of had an umbrella which would have been a walking stick in one, and even better is a colorful one, because then it looks great on Hari-nama Sankirtan!

HnS is five times better with flags (and even parrots on perches chanting Hare Krsna when public offers them crackers).

CCD/SDD sent us the attached letter! Something the carry while we strut around the Transit-lounge.