Urgent: Educator here

3 years, 12 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

From the request: Atul-krsna Das writes:a Maharaja dandavats!...We are looking to gather a team of devotees to put together a module of teacher training specifically for online teaching...Under our current circumstances, obviously required urgently....Could you possibly consider some of your students who might be qualified and available to be involved?

ASA - Anyone can help? Don't be timid.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

If it's possible, I'd like to take part on this team. I have experience in online teaching, specially with ICT tools, and organizing online projects. I'd like further information and details.

Thanks a lot!

Trying to serve,

Rukmini dd

ASA - What is your whatsapp number? 🙂 We wil send you his, and not publish yours.

Report 2020

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our humble obeisances 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all his ISKCON army.

ASA - https://www.google.com/search?q=army+of+rama&rlz=1C1CHBH_enUS920US920&sxsrf=ALeKk02D8oDLBBAYfXsoAQOdE3wy4Q65yQ:1611279005758&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAoJaGsq7uAhWQY98KHXyQBxMQ_AUoAnoECBoQBA&biw=1163&bih=525

All glories to you and your services

Please accept our report of this year as a sincere endeavor of improving our actual consciousness. This year was great in terms of introspection and learning about our Anarthas.

Living again with my parents and Ranchor Prabhu has been an Intense experience. I’m a very intolerant and angry being, I recognize that is mostly for tons of unfulfilled desires…i desire to control others, I desire respect and power, I desire comfort and family connections, I desire a convenient Grihasta life. But thanks to Krishna I’m NOT getting that, and I’m learning to get detach from those desires and attachments.

HpS - Want to be Draupadi in your next life. There is an opening for the role.

The first thing we do in our day is look for closer shelter of Srila Prabhupada’s instructions for our life as you suggested, and every day we hear him on Prabhupada box, We feel so happy after hearing his voice, his instructions to keep us strong in sadhana whole day, his sense of humor and intolerance for rascalism. 

Ranchor prabhu set up a nice daily Dinacharya for us—-> 

FMP, Japa, Radha Govinda and Nama Prabhu service with fruits, almonds and flowers @7am, prayers @7:30, SB/BG reading, Yoga, Breakfast, Nap, Diary/Journal writing, Cooking and hearing HpS class, Bhajans, Gratitude journal writing, Milk and Sleep.

ASA - Wow! Super man! 

I’m currently studying Srimad Bhagavatam with my friend Premarani (We read on Skype, almost finish Canto 3). Also I started a job as a Science Teacher for Junior High Students, Teaching Math, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, which has been nice but a bit frustrating because the curriculum force us to teach Evolution and mechanistic view of the world. But kids are sweet and inquisitive, one day we discuss about our temporary body-permanent soul, so is not all bad.

HpS - ... and other girls are being raped an butchered in Nairobi! So, nice your life!! So nice. Find ways to get the truth across, just like Prahlada when he was in school.

Gurumaharaja this year we learned to slow down and trust Krishna’s plans, to plan less and surrender more, to desire less and chant and pray more and go deeper in our spiritual life. 

We would like to offer all our actions and services during this year to your lotus feet, our only goal is to please you and Srila Prabhupada, begging to get your causeless blessings always

Still working on becoming worthy disciples

Always hankering for your service and association

Your fallen servants,

Govinda Pramodini Dasi & Ranchor Krsna Das

HpS - Thank you. Keep chanting and looking for the inspiration of how you can fit directly into the preaching. Now just being Brahmanas, but be Goswami's, Krsna driving your chariot: Shoot here, duck, hold on for this turn.

Reporte anual

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj Hanumatpresaka Swami, ¿cómo está?

Mis deseos de salud y felicidad en conciencia de krishna para usted!

Con mucha sinceridad quiero escribirle esta carta de manera resumida, pues hace mucho tiempo no le escribía.

En el camino, me di cuenta que no estaba siguiéndolo de manera apropiada, y por ello, las veces que le escribí, usted no recibió mis reportes. Con humildad nuevamente intento escribirle.

Este año 2020 ha tenido muchos cambios para mi. Durante 11 meses trabajé como psicólogo en una institución cristiana con personas que viven en la calle. Fue una experiencia fuerte ya que son personas con historias de vida de mucho sufrimiento, también pude ver muy de cerca la degradación de kali yuga, y en un momento, comencé a enfermarme, pues habían nudos kármicos tan fuertes en ellos, y yo no podía ayudarlos realmente. ni el gobierno del país podía hacerlo completamente. Por las horas laborales difícilmente podía predicarles, entonces no me sentía satisfecho por completo. Y en un momento decidí retirarme del trabajo y dedicarme a la astrología védica, ya que había tenido estudios hace un par de años pero no era tan central en mi vida. Y pues, con ello me siento satisfecho, porque les entrego el maha mantra hare krishna a todas las personas que me solicitan una carta natal, puedo entregarles conocimiento védico y hablarles del bhagavad gita.

También todo este año 2020 he estado cuidando a mi abuela de 93 años, junto a mi madre. Una labor que requiere mucha paciencia, y consciencia de autocuidado propio, pues hay que bañarla, cocinarle, ayudarle a moverse, etc..

Por todo esto, no tuve mucha participación en el templo, sumado al corona virus que nos obligo a estar en el hogar.

Por otro lado,

Este año no he tenido el sadhana ideal, como cuando vivía en templos, pero krishna siempre me ha llevado a madurar y evolucionar, a veces con sufrimiento por errores cometidos, y a veces con inteligencia.

Tengo la suerte de que mi madre es devota más fuertemente hace 2 años aproximadamente, y con ella compartimos el cocinarle a krishna, tenemos nuestro altar, etc.

También le comento que estoy asociado con una devota llamada Gabriela. Tenemos planes para casarnos para seguir lo recomendado por prabhupada. ya los padres de ambos lo saben y están contentos. Ella ayuda con la prédica del ministerio vaishnavi y otros servicios más.

Con esto creo que resumo en general mi vida, le agradezco de corazón sus esfuerzos por seguir a su maestro espiritual Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, por expandir la conciencia de krishna, por tener la misericordia de darle primera iniciación a este tonto, y permitirme intentar saborear el santo nombre bajo la guía del hilo invisible que me ata a usted y a krishna en la distancia.

Me despido pidiéndole disculpas por no haberle escrito antes, me sentí culpable en muchas ocasiones. Pero a pesar de que se que no es lo correcto, también se que eso indica que usted es importante para mi.

En esta existencia eterna me siento agradecido de conocer a un maestro espiritual y la comunidad vaishnava.


Posted by: mandara sakha das

Title: Annual report

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj Hanumatpresaka Swami, how are you?

HpS -About the same as you!

My wishes for health and happiness in Krishna consciousness to you!

With great sincerity I want to write this letter to you in a summarized way, because I have not written to you for a long time.

HpS/ASA - 😕

Along the way, I realized that I was not following you properly, and therefore, the times I wrote to you, you did not receive my reports. With humility again I try to write to him.

This year 2020 has had many changes for me. For 11 months I worked as a psychologist in a Christian institution with people who live on the streets. It was a strong experience since they are people with life histories of a lot of suffering, I could also see very closely the degradation of kali yuga, and at one point, I began to get sick, because there were such strong karmic knots in them, and I could not really help them. not even the government of the country could do it completely. Because of the working hours I could hardly preach to them, so I was not completely satisfied. And at one point I decided to retire from work and dedicate myself to Vedic astrology, since I had had studies a couple of years ago but it was not that central in my life. And so, with that I feel satisfied, because I give the hare krishna maha mantra to all the people who request a birth chart from me, I can give them Vedic knowledge and tell them about bhagavad gita.

HpS - Hmmm!

Also all this year 2020 I have been taking care of my 93-year-old grandmother, together with my mother. A task that requires a lot of patience, and awareness of her own self-care, since you have to bathe her, cook her, help her move, etc.

For all this, I did not have much participation in the temple, added to the corona virus that forced us to be at home.

On the other hand,

This year I have not had the ideal sadhana, as when I lived in temples, but Krishna has always led me to mature and evolve, sometimes with suffering from mistakes made, and sometimes with intelligence.

I am lucky that my mother has been more strongly devoted to her about 2 years ago, and with her we share cooking for Krishna, we have our altar, etc.

I also mention that I am associated with a devotee named Gabriela. We have plans to get married to follow Prabhupada's recommendation. their parents already know it and are happy. She helps with the preaching of the Vaishnavi ministry and other services.

With this I think I summarize my life in general, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts to follow your spiritual master Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, for expanding Krishna consciousness, for having the mercy of giving this fool first initiation, and allowing me to try to savor the holy name under the guidance of the invisible thread that binds me to you and krishna in the distance.

I say goodbye apologizing for not having written to you earlier, I felt guilty on many occasions. But even though I know it's not the right thing to do, I also know that it indicates that you are important to me.

In this eternal existence I am grateful to meet a spiritual master and the Vaishnava community.

HpS - Thank you, thank Gabriela, Mama and Grand Mama! Get your rounds done. HK. HK!! Then Krsna can give you more chance to preach. Take notes of your Sankirtan. That will help you improve it daily and send a report after a few weeks.

Expect rapid change.

Carta de Jaganmohan Madrid

4 years ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mi querido Guru Deva espero que se encuentre bien. Espero acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada. Por misericordia de Krisna estoy trabajando de conductor y sigo predicando, el que me ha alquilado la plaza de garaje se ha quedado un Bhagavad Gita y está muy interesado. Espero que por misericordia de Krisna todo vaya bien. Intentándo ser su sirviente Jagamohan Das.

P.D. Parece que Jaganmohan tiene problemas técnicos para escribir en el blog.


My dear Guru Deva I hope you are well. I hope you accept my humble obeisances All Glories to Srla Prabhupada. By the mercy of Krishna I am working as a driver and I continue to preach, the one who has rented me the garage has taken a Bhagavad Gita and he is very interested. I hope that by the mercy of Krishna everything goes well. Trying to be his servant Jagamohan Das.

P.S. It seems Jaganmohan is having technical problems blogging.

HpS - Japa! Japa! Kirtan. Sadhu sanga:>>> Sankirtan!!! More Sankirtan. Take over the country.


Hare Krishna Maharaja


I hope You are as well as is possible.

HpS - Without Srila Prabhupada's mercy we would have killed ourselves from beer, burgers and .... long ago! Even now we are struggling with more subtle intoxicating habits.

Please Maharaja, I ask You, please, forgive me the offenses that I have committed towards You and the devotees.

HpS - Only offense is that we all want more of your real association. Release the Carlos within!

I'm writing to share my 2020 annual report.


- 16 nice rounds: 50%

- 4 principles: 65-70%

- Gotomeeting Mangalarati: 90%

- Gotomeeting SB classes: 70%

- Other HPS online activities: 80%

- Association with devotees: 80%

- Sankirtan: at least a couple of books by week

- Ekadasi: 60%

HpS - Hope you can ask how does this compare with last year.


My inner life is in chaos and lately I've felt that my mind and heart are rotten. But thanks to Srila Prabhupada, H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami and the devotees, I can continue to stand up and resisting this material world and this Kali Yuga; likewise, thanks to all of you, I can continue trying to do something good.

I've been under intense stress cause family affairs, strong karma, but I think that I need to learn to be more tolerant and change my point of view and I know that all the problems and sufferings I've got are due to my own actions in the past, but it is so difficult to control the mind and also I've got a very big and intense ego and some times I've had suicidal thoughts again but I know that would make things worse, because all my suffering is in the mind and not in the body; and when those thoughts come to me I remember the words that I've heard come out from You: "(...) must suicided the false ego (...)". But, how difficult!, so much that it seems impossible;

in some situations I feel I can't take it anymore and the false ego begins to defend itself, it seems to me that it is something inevitable, at least in the level at which I'm and in certain circumstances. It seems so difficult for me to change my mind or how I'm seeing "the movie" because I'm so identificated with the story and what I think is my role. I would like (and I need) to create another point of view into my consciousness and new elements into the personality, ¿is that possible?;

off course, I know Krishna consciousness point of view is what I need to develop. I've realized, and I really want, that what I need it is to write a new movie story for me and for the rest of my life in this earth. Any idea for the argument or plot?

HpS - ASA -- ??? What books, movies, music do you like?

Our passionate Karma is attracted to:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jREUrbGGrgM .

We grew up in California, Arizona, and them have moved here to the area described in the second song. So, we see that the simple association with nice devotees, and personal Sadhana allow us to see our Karma in these songs and how Krsna is manifest in them. We have to turn our life into a movie. We need to defeat Maya in the world of Home Video.

I've thinking that I need some psychological help and therapy, so I decided to enter Claudio Naranjo's "Gestalt Alive School" (www.gestaltvivachile.com), I tried to enroll but they have closed the school and will see if they will open it for 2022, they said. So anyway I've to find some therapy that helps me to complement with my Bhakti Yoga process. I know You and Claudio Naranjo were friends, even he wrote in the first Solaris edition. Do you know or have any opinion about his method or propose and about his school?

I know they've got one campus in USA, New York or Berkeley, also Barcelona (Spain), Italy and other countries like Chile. Do you both meet in Berkeley University? Since over 10 years ago I'm interested in him and his line of work and I've read some of his books and they are real jewels for this times, one of my favorites is called "Changing Education to Change the World: A New Vision of Schooling", is a tremendous contribution to any professor or instructor and for parents and everyone in fact.

HpS - Aaaah! Immediate answer to my question. So, understand your passions and then see how regular reading of Srila Prabhupada's books and Mantras gives deep perspective on those. Connect your Passions to Krsna. You have to do it. No one else can do it for you.


He talks even about East and ancient India and the Vedas connecting everything with differentes source of knowledgment and scholars and phylosophers from West of all times, and the greeks, egyptians, etc., like You do!

I think we probably can take some elements of his style to integrate to our preaching and also I think that maybe between his followers we can find some people interesting in Bhakti Yoga and the Krishna Consciousness. I really want to know what do you think, please Maharaja? 

HpS - I think it may be very true. We had nice meeting with him. I can only help a little bit. write a draft for an article for Solaris.


But Krishna is so good and merciful, even with a stupid fallen like me, and this year gave me a new opportunity and I had the privilege of supporting Abhirama TD with Solaris and those months were a true oasis within my desolate psychological world. Working with Abhirama, the idea came up to publish a tribute to Rodrigo. Later, 2 of his best friends and members of the Colectivo Surrealista Derrame (Surrealist Collective Spillover: the most important in Chile during recent decades and of which Rodrigo was founder) joined: Enrique de Santiago and Sebastián Riveros (also from Dharma Comunicaciones, the publishing company and Rodrigo's communications agency). Later, and due to a Krishna's arrangement, Raúl Zurita also sent a text for the tribute and then so did Paula Miranda, so we are very happy because, in addition, this literary tribute to Rodrigo has a lot of feeling and now also academic support. I feel that all this confirms that Rodrigo, besides being a genius, is a great soul. Also, and by recommendation of Abhirama, we will publish an offprint (separata) of this tribute, which we want to distribute among those close to Rodrigo and into the academic and literary circuit of Chile. This offprint publication, which will be like a thin book, begins with a beautiful and heartfelt preface written by Jagad Guru Das.

HpS - Very nice. When we think about people there is an influence in their life, no? His next birth is wonderful. Yes, maybe something in Solaris!!

Working for Solaris I was able to connect with inspiring inner places and wrote some poetry and other short texts. I wrote a poem thinking of You, Maharaja, a poem inspired by You and dedicated to You, it goes at the end of this message (I felt it and wrote it diretctly in english). Please, Maharaja, forgive me cause I'm asking You to be merciful with me again and, please, accept this poem as an offering for Your 2021 Vyasa Puja.


HpS - Hare Krsna. We have to stop reading and commenting on this letter here, for today. Not that it is not very nice, but because we have limited human capacity, our eyes and bran and heart will get over loaded. We have like 65-Vyasa puja letters! Ooof. Annual Reports that are not posted in the Report section of this Blog page don't count. Gotta post them there.

We are not the Paramatma, Srila Prabhupada said. Then he said, when I need to know something about a disciple, Krsna informs me and usually externally.

Then he said (Hansadutta Das told us) that the spiritual master (devotees) does not do anything unusual. He gives lectures, chants Kirtan, but THROUGH him, the Paramatma does many things.

People will look at a devotee and have a fantastic experience. He is not doing it, but Krsna has chosen to use him. So, pray to Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, and write with some more of the news later. We will leave it so others can read it. Thank you very much. You are very dear to all of us. Very. Just need to go on as fast as possible.

As I already mentioned in a previous letter (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11379/), during June we took up again the Anjana Suta Academy Chile Instagram account (one of the most influential social networks currently). Instagram is not a "Graham Cookie", but in most cases it does work as donkey food, although we try to put it to better use. From a few months ago, we have not published as much content as we were able to do during the first months, but we do continue publishing information about Your daily SB classes, other online programs You participate and some summaries of Your classes. Besides, we publish the classes by Vaishnavis every monday and by Prabhu Srinivasa et al. every friday. All this with the daily supervision of Arjuna Das, the blessings of Abhirama TD and Anandamaya Das, with whom I have spoken to inform them about this service and they have given me their blessings and very good suggestions that we hope to be able to apply soon. We have also been in contact with Ambarisha Das and we have published different content on Instagram informing about the ASA Audiovisual YouTube channel to direct users to the videos of Your classes and Your different online programs. Since August 4, another Instagram account managed from Argentina by your disciple Jahnava Devi Dasi (who has done and still doing a fundamental job, with an unparalleled surrender to You) began to operate where the same content is published, but contextualized to the local public. Please, Maharaja, we need to know what do you think about this service for You and if You agree and if we are able to receive Your official authorization to keep doing it or you prefere to stop or modificate/integrate some element. You can check these social networks in the following links:




As I mentioned in that same previous letter (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11379/) the Spanish version of Dr. Samaresh's biography is available on Wikipedia since approximately 6-7 months ago, but the English version has been rejected on several times and now, recently, they rejected again because they found some version of the text that I sent to You a few month ago for revision through this MNK WRRR blog; so, we are thinking a new strategy to continue untill to get it. We hope to resolve this soon; it has taken more than 1 year since You gave me this instruction, please excuse me, but they are very strict especially for English articles, we have realized that they have another standard of demands much more severe than for to publish articles in Spanish. Going back to the Spanish biography, the main photo of Dr. Samaresh was removed from the article due to copyright issues, so we need a photo of the professor that is free of copyright, ideally a current photo, we hope it is possible. And about the english article, I think I've got to write a new text, completely new, based in the information I've got about professor, and I also think will be better that some NIOS member could help me in some way (eg. reviewing the new bio I'll write), because I'm not an expert in enghlish lenguage at all (and I'm very far from it), even I'm not an expert in spanish lenguage yet, but I will. Please, Maharaja, give me one more chance. 

You can review the spanish biography accepted by wikipedia in the following link:


Even they sent back the MNK WRRR link into their response fundamenting the rejection. I copy now the text they sent:

Your submission at Articles for creation: Samaresh Bandyopadhyay (December 14)

AFC-Logo Decline.svg

Your recent article submission to Articles for Creation has been reviewed! Unfortunately, it has not been accepted because it included copyrighted content, which is not permitted on Wikipedia.

This submission appears to be taken from https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11123/. Wikipedia cannot accept material copied from elsewhere, unless it explicitly and verifiably has been released to the world under a suitably-free and compatible copyright license or into the public domain and is written in an acceptable tone—this includes material that you own the copyright to. You should attribute the content of a draft to outside sources, using citations, but copying and pasting or closely paraphrasing sources is not acceptable. The entire draft should be written using your own words and structure. Note to reviewers: do not leave copyright violations sitting in the page history. Please follow the instructions here.

You are welcome to write an article on the subject, but please do not use copyrighted work.

  Draft:Samaresh Bandyopadhyay may be deleted at any time unless the copied text is removed. Copyrighted work cannot be allowed to remain on Wikipedia.

  If you need any assistance, you can ask for help at the Articles for creation help desk or on the reviewer's talk page. or use Wikipedia's real-time chat help from experienced editors.

Dan arndt (talk) 02:54, 14 December 2020 (UTC)


- I've been translating Rodrigo's latest book into English, approximately half of it is done.

-In relation to editorial matters, thanks to Your disciple Pyari Mohan Das, I've been involved in all the editions of “Molinos de viento” (windmills) magazine, reviewing the texts and doing style correction.

- The last time I tried to translate You in one of Your classes, I did it so badly and then I felt terrible, I just wanted to be swallowed up by the earth, but then I had a realization that brought me calm: my service is not to speak, my service to Krishna is to write, just writing, at least for now.

- I really would like to know if there are another specific service that You need and I can help, eg. ASA Encyclopedia, or documents or books translation from english to spanish, or whatever You want for me, please, Maharaja, I want to be able to serve you better this year in those affairs that You really need (for example: I can support in some way the interviews book project), please, Maharaja. I just want to be your servant and I really want to be a good monkey this year and untill the end or forever; to be a good monkey is my new goal and life purpourse (too much karma acumulated being a bad monkey and naughty , and I don't want it any more).

Thank You so much dearest Maharaja for allowing me to do these services. All these activities that I've exposed in this report and that have been a refuge for me, are exclusively due to Your mercy, although I don't have even the minimum qualification, still You and Your disciples allow me to try to do something.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami!


Your aspiring servant,

Carlos Rold



On Your Behalf Envoy

(for Hanumatpresaka Swami)

Just keep trying 

I will still trying 

Your words are flying

Within heart Your Names rhyming

While brains burning 

Mind is running 

And ego expecting

Intelligence rising

Consciousness watching

We, spirits in transit

My love is waiting

For soul is coming

Tongue is claiming

Naming You 

Breathing You.

Your sight is hiding place

To side the perfect sage

With lotus feet and face

You sent to let us try again

In eternal time the game

For spread Your Holy Name

And human race 

Set free from be slave

To material desires that have no sense

Thus the goal for existence

Feeling being a deep sentence

Your shelter need I won’t offense 

For a chance myself is melted 

Remembering You

Hoping for You.

His spiritual master´s messenger

From eternity passenger

Ilusion voice doesn't listen her

Material living way just forsaken

Then never feels the same

Big monkey forces invokes day by day.

He never be defeated and no betray

I just want to serve 

To Your behalf envoy every day.

Wifi Connection at Your Ashram

4 years ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat Pranams. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We would all like to see your video during classes. We would like to setup a nice Wi-Fi connection at your place. Me and my brother (Srinath Krishna Das) have looked into it and there is a service provider called Xfinity that provides Wi-Fi connectivity in Murfreesboro. If you permit, we can set everything up and take care of monthly payments.

Please let us know if we can do that Guru Maharaj.

P.S: This is the link to my initiation ceremony on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEUZJmCM67k&ab_channel=SriramArunachalam

HpS - We looked at the video! It is very nice! We need to advance in spiritual life like you! We need to take 4th Initiation!

Your Servant

Shri Rama Krisha Das

ASA (UG) - Thank you for the offer of the Infinity account. We could investigate with local technicians and see if AT&T or other are better.

We are using our cell phone as a hot spot and the account we have with CCD and SDD includes unlimited Data, because she is a teacher.

A cable connection might be faster and more stable, but.... Infinity also drops calls, no?

Also, to have camera on requires more studio ambience, whereas with just audio we can focus on the sound without so much concern for the streaming video of our body.

We like PPTX.

We just sent a note to the local devotees asking about the increased stability.

Does it require a one year contract?

How much for three months?

Thank you.

Uncle Gismo, Science Officer, ASA