URGENTE-Priya Sakhi dd

3 years, 10 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Gurudev, sé que Su salud ha estado un poco inestable, y entiendo que entiendes que esto va ocurriendo cuando el cuerpo ha envejecido. Mi cuerpo de casi 41 años, está perdiendo también la capacidad visual, las articulaciones duelen, y la energía es menor. Como soy una madre de 2 hijos, pienso en cómo organizar la vida para cumplir con mi deber, material, emocional y espiritual con ellos, pensando que en 20 o 25 años más tendré que comenzar a prepararme para dejar éste cuerpo, y que ellos puedan continuar sus vidas de adultos.

Actualmente estoy cantando mis rondas temprano, luego empiezo a trabajar (desde la casa). Jagannatha se ocupa las tareas de los niños, desayuno y almuerzo para todos. Luego me ocupo de mis hijos y de descansar o avanzar en los cursos que estoy tomando. Por la tarde salimos al parque con los niños y después nos vamos a dormir.

Sigo con el curso de Bhakti vaibhava (1er canto capítulo 16). Comencé otro curso que se llama "Gestión de conflictos en Organizaciones" (muy útil).

Y comencé con un curso de inglés para ver si algún día puedo aprender tu idioma😃


Con el equipo de Vaishnava CARE Chile, estamos haciendo y transmitiendo clases diarias de Srimad Bhagavatam (canto 1).

También quiero comentarle que algunos días vamos a cocinar y atender a las deidades del templo, y quisimos ir un día la familia completa. Fue muy lindo compartir el servicio con ellos. Le comparto unas fotografías.

Sé que está recibiendo muchas cartas y no ha podido responder otras cartas que he enviado. Pero espero que pueda leer ésta, para que sepa que sigo viva material y espiritualmente, unto a mi familia.

Mis eternas reverencias Guru Maharaja👏


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Gurudev, I know that Your health has been a bit unstable, and I understand that you understand that this happens as the body has aged. My body, which is almost 41 years old, is also losing its visual capacity, the joints hurt, and the energy is lower. As I am a mother of 2 children, I think about how to organize life to fulfill my duty, material, emotional and spiritual with them, thinking that in 20 or 25 more years I will have to start preparing to leave this body, and that they can continue their adult lives.

HpS - ASA - Maha dhi. Very intelligent.

I am currently singing my rounds early, then I start working (from home). Jagannatha takes care of the children's chores, breakfast and lunch for everyone. Then I take care of my children and rest or advance in the courses that I am taking. In the afternoon we go out to the park with the children and then we go to sleep.

ASA - 😴 and dream of Krsna?

I continue with the course of Bhakti vaibhava (1st canto chapter 16). I started another course called "Conflict Management in Organizations" (very useful).

And I started with an English course to see if one day I can learn your language😃

HpS - I think it will be our language for only three more years. Then we may be speaking Vrajavasi Pig language, if we are fortunate.

.With the Vaishnava CARE Chile team, we are doing and broadcasting daily Srimad Bhagavatam classes (song 1).

I also want to tell you that some days we are going to cook and serve the deities of the temple, and we wanted to go one day as a whole family. It was very nice to share the service with them. I share some photographs with you.

ASA - Super. A different family, cooks, cleans, sings, worships, each day!

I know that he is receiving many letters and has not been able to answer other letters that I have sent. But I hope he can read this one, so that he knows that I am still alive materially and spiritually, together with my family.

ASA - Lazy Monkey, lazy Pig, do not write letters big. 🙊 🐖

My eternal obeisances Guru Maharaja👏

ASA: abhīkṣṇaśaḥ. https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/10/47/63/. The Evil One is always trying to catch us the moment we forget Krsna, but if we chant 16-nice rounds everyday we will always remember Krsna (sometimes with a good kick in the posterior).

Report from Chile

3 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope this letter find you well

First of all, I want to apologize for my lack of communication on this blog. Its been so much time from the last report so i am going to make a summary

ASA - We also apologize for not communicating more on this Blog. Thank you for only making a summary, but hop it is good window into your Sankirtan.

  • We are living in Laguna Verde, (V region), its a rural zone of Valparaiso (forest and sea, nice landscape)
  • We are in the process of building a house, and we dream in a future receiving Srila Prabhupada´s guests here.
  • We are homeschooling our kids, they are my best asocciation in this moment that i live far away from devotees
  • I am in lecture groups with another moms and vaishnavis, when we read every day at least 5 minutes and comment our reflection and doubts each other, through whatsapp, in one group we are in second canto of srimad bhagavatam by this method, in another one we are reading first canto again, and in other group we read Bhagavad Gita.
  • In this moment of my life, its been hard for me getting up at Bhrama Muhurta as other years, because working in the house with shovel, hammer, and all this construction things make feel so tired, but i chant my minimun 16 rounds as early as i can every days and i really really want to improve this because i love mangala arati time.

HpS - ASA --- You just have to learn how to do it properly. Then you will get more hammer and and shovel work done better. "Slow down. Get more work done!", Old Carpenter.

  • We follow 4 principles

ASA - So do we (but too many sweets sometimes!).

  • i am learning a lot about orchards and composting, its been very interesting

Thank you very much for all the inspiration in FMP and Srimad bhagavatam class, i pray for being a better disciple. Please forgive my negligence

your aspirant servant

Indu lekha devi dasi

HpS - What are the names of your family and families, family members?? The Gopis in Vraja are not really married (?) they just think they have husbands, but they never quite appear? Mad women.

Oh my Lord!

3 years, 10 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, querido Maharaja. Espero que se encuentre muy bien! 🤗

Hace ya tres meses que no me he dado el tiempo para escribirle. Lamento mucho mi ingratitud. Espero mejorar cada día, y que mis próximos reportes no sean tan distantes entre ellos.

Han pasado muchas cosas en mi vida en este último tiempo, y estoy ansiosa por contarle algunos detalles que me parecen relevantes.

* Lo malo...

Laboralmente, sigo trabajando en la misma empresa hace ya un año. Nos dedicamos a instalar paneles solares térmicos para agua caliente en viviendas sociales.

Me gusta mucho mi trabajo, especialmente porque soy una herramienta de servicio a la comunidad y al mundo.

Es muy demandante y he estado muy estresada -mi jefe es un tanto "especial"- pero fuera de todo eso, me siento agradecida con Krsna por permitirme servirlo de esta manera.

Mi sadhana se ha visto afectado tremendamente con el ritmo de vida que llevo. Me ha costado mucho levantarme temprano y cantar mis rondas antes de salir a trabajar. Me cuesta ingresar al FMP durante la semana, porque aquí en Chile son las 7.30am y a esa hora me preparo para salir de casa. Sin embargo, los fines de semana me conecto para compartir con usted y los devotos, y así recargarme de energía espiritual para comenzar con fuerza la semana que viene.

La calidad de mis rondas ha decaído mucho, y la cantidad -a veces- no ha permanecido constante. Si me quedan rondas del día anterior, trato de cantarlas al día siguiente, pero muchas veces he acumulado demasiadas rondas, y no he terminado de cantarlas 😓


Le pido disculpas por esta falta... Estoy intentado mejorar en mi compromiso con usted, con Prabhupada y con Krsna.

Mi salud ha estado inestable. Tuve un dolor constante durante casi 9 meses en mi cadera derecha, espalda lumbar y mis rodillas, por lo que asistí a un especialista para hacerme exámenes. Gracias a Krsna no es nada grave y todo se puede solucionar de manera práctica.

* Ahora lo bueno...

Mi compromiso con Dhatri no ha decaído, continúo guiando un grupo de JAPA matutino los sábados y domingos donde nos reunimos de manera ON-LINE a cantar el maha-mantra. Todos los que forman parte de esta comunidad son mi familia y me inspiran mucho a seguir esforzándome para ser cada día mejor.

Abhiram TD me ha contactado y me invitó a participar en el grupo técnico de Solaris, por lo que estoy haciendo un pequeño servicio gracias a su misericordia.

Este último tiempo ha sido de mucho cuestionamiento, Maharaja, y se me han presentado muchas oportunidades para seguir desarrollándome profesionalmente. En vista a lo anterior, hace un par de semanas decidí matricularme para cursar un Magister en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, lo que potenciará mis conocimientos en mi área profesional de interés, y me permitirá -si Krsna así lo desea- poder ocupar ese conocimiento para servir al mundo y a la humanidad.

Usted está muy presente en mí, Maharaja. A veces aparece en mis aventuras oníricas, a veces en mis pensamientos, a veces cuando canto japa, y en otras muchas ocasiones 🙏


Como le he dicho siempre, usted es una inspiración constante para mí, y le agradezco mucho permitirme mantener contacto por este medio.

Muchas gracias por leerme y responder de la forma perfecta en que siempre lo ha hecho. Le agradezco infinitamente todo su tiempo y dedicación 💛

Su eterna sirvienta

Nicole Silva.


Hare Krsna, dear Maharaja. I hope you are well! 🤗

It has been three months since I have taken the time to write to you. I am very sorry for my ingratitude. I hope to improve every day, and that my next reports are not so distant from each other.

A lot has happened in my life in recent times, and I am anxious to tell you some details that seem relevant to me.

* The bad...

From work, I have been working in the same company for a year now. We are dedicated to installing solar thermal panels for hot water in social housing.

I really like my job, especially because I am a tool of service to the community and the world.

It is very demanding and I have been very stressed - my boss is somewhat "special" - but outside of all that, I am grateful to Krsna for allowing me to serve Him in this way.

My sadhana has been tremendously affected by the rhythm of my life. I have had a hard time getting up early and singing my rounds before going to work. It is difficult for me to enter the FMP during the week, because here in Chile it is 7.30am and at that time I get ready to leave home. However, on weekends I connect to share with you and the devotees, and thus recharge myself with spiritual energy to start the next week strong.

The quality of my rounds has declined a lot, and the quantity - sometimes - has not remained constant. If I have rounds left from the day before, I try to sing them the next day, but many times I have accumulated too many rounds, and I have not finished singing them 😓

I apologize for this lack ... I am trying to improve my commitment to you, Prabhupada and Krsna.

My health has been unstable. I had constant pain for almost 9 months in my right hip, lower back and my knees, so I went to a specialist for tests. Thanks to Krsna it is nothing serious and everything can be solved in a practical way.

* Now the good ...

My commitment to Dhatri has not waned, I continue to lead a morning JAPA group on Saturdays and Sundays where we meet ON-LINE to sing the maha-mantra. All those who are part of this community are my family and they inspire me a lot to continue striving to be better every day.

Abhiram TD has contacted me and invited me to participate in the Solaris technical group, so I am doing a little service thanks to his mercy.

This last time has been one of much questioning, Maharaja, and I have been presented with many opportunities to continue developing professionally. In view of the above, a couple of weeks ago I decided to enroll for a Master's in Environment and Sustainable Development, which will enhance my knowledge in my professional area of ​​interest, and will allow me -if Krsna so wishes- to be able to occupy that knowledge to serve the world and humanity.

You are very present in me, Maharaja. Sometimes it appears in my dream adventures, sometimes in my thoughts, sometimes when I chant japa, and on many other occasions 🙏

As I have always told you, you are a constant inspiration to me, and I thank you very much for allowing me to maintain contact through this medium.

Thank you very much for reading me and responding in the perfect way that you always have. I thank you infinitely for all your time and dedication 💛

Your eternal servant

Nicole Silva.

HpS - ASA --- It is a struggle for us to follow Srila Prabhupada's, Lord Caitanya's, Krsna's instruction to put 16-nice rounds first. It is the Yuga dharma. Everything else will improve in the best possible way if we do that.

I have to remind myself.

Keep track of your debt in rounds.

Fix a vow that you can do, for some time, like, one week, one fortnight, then do it.

Maya says see will kill you if your chant.

O.K. better to die chanting.

One true story, one soldier in Vietnam was initiated and promised to chant 16 rounds daily. He got hit by a bomb and in the hospital they put him on external care but it was guaranteed he was going to die in a few hours.

By the end of the day, his life, he had chanted his rounds.

Your Boss is there for you to help.

Krsna has arranged the position for you, if your are 16/4.

Thank you!!

HpS - ASA.

Bhadra-rupa Das - Sankirtan!

Dear Maharaj,

Dear Radhika Raman Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It has been a long time!

My daily prayers You are kept safe and protected by Lord Nrisimhadeva in this special time we are living in the world.

I attached the video clip of my solo album inspired in the Gita Govinda (as personal instruction asked by GM) which was released worldwide by Sony Music International Japan:


The lyrics of this attached video clip which is sung in Spanish belongs to one of the Ashtapadis from the Gita Govinda and it is performed with the same "Raga GUJJARI"" and in "Ekatali Tal" used by Srila Jayadeva Goswami.

Here are the lyrics of this video clip originally sung by Srimati Radharani who reveals secrets to her intimate female companion about her feelings describing the spell-binding beauty of Sri Krishna's form:

"His black hair with his peacock feathers,

from my sweet young boy,

is like a thick black cloud,

surrounded by a colorful rainbow.

I'm unable to stop thinking of my Shyamasundara

because He’s my love

He is playing on his flute, Mohana

Music flows out from his lips movements,

these are sweet like “Bandhu”flowers from Vraja.

Oh my Shyama, we will see each other beneath the Kadamba tree.

His amazing overflowing love makes this song sing.

Cupid's power is immersing me in intense love for my beloved Prince,

My sweet love, My beautiful young boy,

He is my Shyamasundara".

The musical instruments used in this video clip are Inca's wind instruments (from 5 000 years ago), my flute invention "De La Calle Quena Flute (the inca's headjoint connected to the European transverse flute) and Latin and European instruments from a classical symphony orchestra. The musical style used in this video clip is "Huayno" (an andean style from the pre-inca time) with European musical arrangements (harmonies, counterpoint, orchestration etc). 

This album is an official profound research artistic collaboration between the Sangeet Natak Academy of Delhi in India, the University of Geneva, Switzerland and the Ithaca College in New York, USA.

If you would like to share this video clip with the Vaishnava community, please you are most welcome Dear Maharaj and Radhika Ramana Prabhu..

I kindly beg for your blessings to finish in this lifetime with the rest of the 292 poems by the acaryas vaishnavas which was asked by my Guru Maharaj as a personal instruction to compose their music.

Always grateful with your saintly association, 

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das 


Dear Maharaj,

Dear Radhika Raman Prabhu,

I forgot to tell you that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, the Record Collectors Magazine (the Japanese Billboard magazine), one of the most prestigious and popular music magazines in Japan, elected this album "Rainbow of Endless Love" (with the previous video clip), as one of the best albums of 2020, along with albums by Elton John, Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton, Charlie Parker, Santana, Bruce Springsteen, AC / DC, and Jimi Hendrix.

Thank you for your association.

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das

ASA-HpS - AgtSP! Paoho. It is very delightful to hear from you. All success in broadcasting the mercy of Srila Rupa Goswami and his Acharyas. For our readers let us append your webpage address: https://www.luisdelacalle.com/

Our first project is Kirtaniya Sada Harih! Then, very prominent now is making a movie: Diary of a Traveling Creature - The Ultimate Trip. Maybe Monkey and Piggy will stop their boat at your door one day in their quest.

A very interesting clip of Peter 0'toole in Man from La Mancha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo7VlD66ISM

Puntualidad - Maha en el cerro - el hipopotamo

3 years, 10 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports


Querido Guru Maharaja, continuamos con el servicio de pujari, nos hemos habituado, Ud. en varias oportunidades me explicó que la puntualidad es lo más importante, si podría explicar con más detalle, así lo comprendo y lo comparto en el pujari.

En Nityananda se inició el servicio de food for life, subimos a los cerros, lo pintoresco del paisaje, los niños juguetones, libres de temor, sin mascarillas, me alegraron la tarde. Este programa continuará aún no sé con qué frecuencia. Sin lugar a dudas da mucha satisfacción a las autoridades, quienes lo organizaron.

Estoy temporalmente por aquí hasta que se normalice la situación de la pandemia que espero este de bajada, después no sabemos, quiero hacer las cosas lo mejor posible.

Continúo estudiando no como quisiera las escrituras, con el taller de la surabhi azul, tengo una alumna, una vez que me organice más, espero dar nuevamente BS y Pada padma, amo el SB y el CC.

Hay devotos que en la pandemia se alejaron, a falta de asociación, maya los cubrió por diversos motivos, que nos recomienda para ayudarlos.

Espero mejorar mi japa, ser más disciplinada, pido sus bendiciones en ese propósito.

El hipopótamo de la poesía exactamente a que se refiere, a las críticas de los ateos, o seguidores, que con el santo, los evangelio y los sacramentos van purificando al ser y puede llegar a ascender mientras que la institución de la iglesia en la tierra sigue siendo juzgada y comete errores, es correcta mi interpretación. Estoy segura que en esa predica deleitara a todos.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi



Dear Guru Maharaja, we continue with the pujari service, we have become accustomed, you explained to me on several occasions that punctuality is the most important thing, if you could explain in more detail, I understand it and share it in the pujari.

HpS - ASA ---- Hare Krsna! What we remember from Pujari workshop in Mayapura was that we should serve Krsna with:

  1. Love
  2. Cleanliness
  3. Punctuality
  4. Paraphernalia and Rituals.


In Nityananda-trayodasi the food for life service began, we went up to the hills, the picturesque landscape, the playful children, free from fear, without masks, made my afternoon happy. This program will continue I don't know how often yet. Without a doubt it gives great satisfaction to the authorities, who organized it.

I am temporarily here until the pandemic situation normalizes, which I hope is going down, then we do not know, I want to do the best possible.

I continue studying the scriptures not as I would like, with the blue surabhi workshop, I have a student, once I organize myself more, I hope to give again BS and Pada padma, I love SB and CC.

There are devotees who in the pandemic moved away, due to lack of association, Maya covered them for various reasons, which she recommends to us to help them.

I hope to improve my japa, to be more disciplined, I ask for your blessings in that purpose.

The hippopotamus of poetry exactly refers to, the criticisms of atheists, or followers, who with the saint, the gospels and the sacraments purify the being and can rise while the institution of the church on earth she continues to be judged and makes mistakes, my interpretation is correct. I'm sure that in that preaching he will delight everyone.

HpS - It is a nice poem to keep us from Niyamagraha, NoI 2! From your news you are ready to serve in Goloka. It is just the same as serving Radha Krsna, Madana-bihari, in this world.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

Salute to Monkey Commando--- (long , not urgent)

3 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous letter : https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12107/

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,

here goes our Journal-ism for you only... SHared it....

Seeing your effort to find Sita is commendable ..... Jaya Hanuman....

multiple developments

  1. We read NOD, chatper on Chivalry, very very nice. this attracted us much more than Gopi Pastimes. But we were arogant, we wanted to be Gopa and fight with Krsna,. Gopas are also very elevated. I think its better to be turf on which Krsna-Gopa Wrestle or dust on the turf.

Narsimha himself taught us this lesson, there was mock fight with our trainer, and

he blew our nose. It was blood raining from nose. It was fun, but Nrsng deva you are

not worth fighting , too weak. Morever Srila Prabhupada, invited Nrsng Deva for

protection primarily not worship.

Anyways, may we assist Krsna in his past times with Gopas , where little wrestle is

involved. again we are arrogant..

may we serve Tom Brown, thats what we can be at best.

2 . One can see moon directly, but with help of telescope its much better. HpS is the lens

closest to our naked eyes, next lense is Srila Prabhupada and series go on.

We are fortunate to find HpS in our life.

3 . We have not heard from bodily hijo for more than 6 months. It seems in temple also

people might be staying away us from our strange social dealings.

I just go to temple hear from temple president, eat prasad, practice Piano and come

back. We are afraid of any responsibility esp in this circumstances.

4. We heard that god can be taken as pain killer or medicine. We have understood, we have

taken God as primarily pain killer. But without guru the medicine is difficult. We are

staying alone, even day to day matters also some times become event. Psyc experts have

identified problem with our upbring and socialization.

5 . in 2010, we met a person a name "Harsh Daddichi", we think it will be nice to donate

organs for some worthy cause or money. We can not figure out how to use this body and

mind, and dovetail it.

6 . When we see many people are able to help you in some sort, then we feel we are

parasite living on you. Many times dont want to disturb you.

7 . Regarding intiation--- 4 rules more strong, mangal arti dwindled. Difficult to do enthused

rounds. Dont know we hare grahmeddhi or householder or vanprastha or brahmchari.

I dont know can we withstand Intiation Standards, and local authorities relationship.

How do we engage ourself in Srila Prabhupada service properly ? loose many battles

against body and mind. can not commit suicide, as life is not that bad.

Every morning Sun shine and sun, gives us hope. and only question we ask krsna why do

you love rascal like us ? he tell we are not our conditioning, we just have forgotten what

we are

8 . We have academic support, so we engage ourself in Inductive sciences with ease.

We tried our hands in stock market, and we some how like the mathematics which is

there. It seems make money from it, and rise in career.

9 . We are honored by emplyed in for Tom Brown for ASA-e. It will be dispatched soon.

thank you 2 leg animal born in India...

HpS - Esteemed two-legged animal of India. Thank you for your letter. I think I am just about as crazy as you. Only determination is to die chanting 16-rounds. Even if it is:








Na... ... .... If you are chanting HK:HR you are good. If you are not chanting you are bad or it is uncertain. Kali yuga.