Urgente! wedding date and place

3 years, 10 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev and devotees. Pamho, AGTSP!

Our wedding, LAD and RR dd, is on april the 8th (thursday) at noon in Chosica City hall.

Please, again, your blessings to attain perfection in KC through sankirtan and sadhana with my wife.

Thank you

Your servants,

LAD and RR dd

HpS - ASA - Thank you! We don't see the attachment until after we save the letters, so we didn't see the announcements attached until then. Then we edited the letter and mentioned the attachments, no?

We can have some Kirtan at that time.

Co-Vid Positive

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports


[12:24 PM, 3/23/2021] Girivaradhari Das: Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev Dandavat Pranam

I am Covid-19 positive now. Started medication for the same.I am quarantined at room. Checking oxygen level after every 3 hours And sharing with doctor. I also verified with HG Ruturaj Krsna Prabhuji.[12:27 PM, 3/23/2021] Girivaradhari Das: He is fine with the treatment.

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna! Many ASA members and friends have passed through the infection. So, far I don't know of any or many who have died. NgD, 74-years old, doctor, had it and was just weak and sick for two weeks, but only took Tylenol and extra rest. Stayed at home, then after symptoms gone, back to work for half-day. ... Then more rest and Tylenol.

We had our vaccinations, but it won't stop the pandemic.

Everyone has to give up Industrialization and moved back to village based population.

If there is influenza you quarantine your self, village, and tell the Count of the County. He says, "O.K. Need any help?" Village says, "Extra 200 pounds of rice/week and two extra guards at the garden house outside the village gate".

After two weeks ... it is finished. Some have gone to their next body and the rest are cured.

"Dukhalayam asavatam".

Please, please, please send this good news to the Blog.

Then I can make public answers like this and our mail goes from 500-letters a month to 150.


Fight it and recover soon.






Madhava's Month

3 years, 10 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mes of Madhava

Por favor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias a Sus maravillosos pies de loto que extraño mucho ver danzar!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a Su Divino Sankritan!

Todas las Glorias al inmaculado polvo de los hermosos pies de las Gopis de Vraja!

Deseo que la presente lo encuentre muy bien y Feliz en el hermoso sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada!

Espero haya pasado un hermoso festival de Sri Nityananda Trayodasi y que tambien se esté recuperando pronto de las reacciones a la vacuna.

Estuve, como todos los meses, intentando darle calidad a todo lo que hago: programas de la mañana y tarde, rondas, lecturas, tratando de compartir lo mas que puedo con Franco y gopalito. Franco siempre muy inspirado en escuchar, kirtans, bhajans y el Krsna book. Nos escucha cantar a Gopal y a mi el Gaura artik ( en realidad gopal dirige el artik, abre y cierra las "cortinas" y me dice : Levanta los Brazos! Para bailar ♡ y no lo Deja cantar a Franco :-)


Deseo contarle algunas peculiaridades de mi Gopa... no le gusta vestirse aunque ya va cumplir 9 años . Solo se pone una remera al estilo "sanyasi" ( solo una manga) . Se sienta en las ventanas y la posicion que usa siempre, hasta para comer es con las rodillas dobladas, como los hindúes. Ama estudiar idiomas y ver el globo terráqueo. Vé los paises donde nacieron sus padres, donde nació Usted, Srila Prabhupada. Nos dice que quiere estudiar Hindi a inglés para irse a la India!

Siempre se lo ve con el diccionario Inglés español y con el Gita y el Srimad Bhagavatam, va a la parte donde están las palabras en sánscrito, ve los significados y dibuja las letras sánscritas.

De mi parte le cuento que empezé a dar clases de Manipur a una señora cerca de casa. Voy aprendiendo y enseñando.

Por favor Gurudev perdone mi mala edicion del video Sri Guru Astaka. Lo hice " rapido" con imágenes que tenia, para brindarselo en Su vyasa puja. Estoy pensando hacer otro en Inglés.

El 17 de febrero fue el cumpleaños de Franco. Cumplimos una década juntos. Pido a Usted y a los vaisnavas Sus bendiciendo para El. Deseo que se inicie y yo pueda verlo.Que desarrolle mas su Amor por Krsna y en esta Vida vuelva con Nuestro amado de los ojos de loto.

Por favor acepte reverencias de Franco y Gopalito.

Deseando poder participar de Su eterno Sankritan y pidiendo que por Favor me perdone por las ofensas cometidas en esta Carta... en esta vida..., pero ... sobre todo deseando COMPLACER SU SUBLIME CORAZON: 

J.P. Radha dd


P.D : Leí que Prabhu NitaiGaurasundara lo cuida mucho y eso me pone muy Feliz!

Como por ejemplo, no lo Deja estar mucho Tiempo leyendo en internet para cuidar Su vista. Intentaremos acortar mas y mas nuestras cartas.

Madhava'a Month

Please accept my most respectful obeisances to Your wonderful lotus feet that I miss very much to see dance! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and His Divine Sankritan! All Glories to the immaculate dust of the beautiful feet of the Gopis of Vraja! I wish the present find you very well and Happy in Srila Prabhupada's beautiful sankirtan!

I hope you had a beautiful Sri Nityananda Trayodasi festival and that you are also recovering soon from the vaccine reactions.

I was, like every month, trying to give quality to everything I do: morning and afternoon programs, rounds, readings, trying to share as much as I can with Franco and Gopalito. Franco always very inspired by listening, kirtans, bhajans and the Krsna book. He listens to Gopal and me sing the Gaura artik (actually gopal directs the artik, opens and closes the "curtains" and tells me: Raise your arms! To dance ♡ and don't let Franco sing :-)

Gopal: I want to tell you about some peculiarities of my Gopa ... he does not like to dress even though he is about to turn 9 years old. He only wears a "sanyasi" style shirt (only one sleeve). He sits at the windows and the position he always uses, even to eat is with his knees bent, like the Hindus. He loves studying languages ​​and seeing the globe. See the countries where your parents were born, where you were born, Srila Prabhupada. He tells us that he wants to study Hindi into English to go to India! He is always seen with the English Spanish dictionary and with the Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, he goes to the part where the Sanskrit words are, sees the meanings and draws the Sanskrit letters.

For my part, I tell him that I started giving classes in Manipur to a woman close to home. I am learning and teaching.

Please Gurudev forgive my bad editing of the Sri Guru Astaka video. I did it "quickly" with images that I had, to offer it to You in Your vyasa puja. I am thinking of doing another one in English.

February 17 was Franco's birthday. We are celebrating a decade together. I ask You and the Vaisnavas His blessing for Him. I wish that it begins and I can see it. That He develop more his Love for Krsna and in this Life He returns with Our beloved of the lotus eyes. Please accept obeisances from Franco and Gopalito.

Desiring to be able to participate in His eternal Sankritan and asking that Please forgive me for the offenses committed in this Letter ... in this life ..., but ... above all, desiring to PLEASE YOUR SUBLIME HEART: J.P. Radha dd

P.D: I read that Prabhu NitaiGaurasundara takes great care of him and that makes me very Happy! For example, you do not let him spend a lot of time reading on the internet to take care of his eyesight. We will try to shorten our letters more and more.

HpS - ASA Gracias sus noticias. Ayuda Gopal! Su papa es Guru y Vds tiene que buscar otros. Eruditos.

Arte de clase bueno de todos. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

10-anyos es muy, muy bueno.

Adulacion a ambos Vds.

Somos cantando HK/HR y espero Krsna nos utliza para Sus metas!!


3 years, 10 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja por favor reciba nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Seguimos acá en Huancayo - Perú, por la pandemia no estoy saliendo a distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada, espero salir en los proximos días. Es muy riesgoso pero más riesgoso es no salir a distribuir este mensaje trascendental.

Mi esposa Nadiya esta trabajando en oficina, hace bonitos turbantes a Gaura Nitay y Govardhan Sila, haremos una super fiesta de Gaura Purnima con los devotos de Huancayo.

Mi esposa y yo nos contagiamos del Covid19, tres semanas muy difíciles, ahora ya estamos mejor. CDS y la Ivermectina nos ayudo a mejorar la salud.

Por otro lado estamos cosechando zanahorias y en estos días algunas papas, no mucho por la sequía. Dentro de tres semanas cosecharemos habas y alberjitas. Germinando Maní ,limón, lucuma y pacay.

Anteriormente le habia comentado que estabamos viendo la posibilidad de adquirir un terreno con riego, bueno las posibilidades estan aumentando. Quizá Chiclayo - Ferreñafe podría ser una buena opción.

Acá el clima nos afecta por la altura y el frío, también por que el clima es muy extremo y por la falta de agua.

Ojalá el plan se concrete si Krsna lo permite.

Por otro lado estamos llevando estudios del canto tres, primera parte con Prabhu Laksmana Agraha, los días jueves.

Bueno Guru Maharaja nos despedimos, que Nrsimha siempre lo proteja.

Hare Krsna.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

Gadai Gauranga Dasa


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja please take our respectful obeisances.

We are still here in Huancayo - Peru, due to the pandemic I am not going out to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books, I hope to leave in the next few days. It is very risky but it is more risky not to go out and distribute this transcendental message.

ASA - Entusiasmo con paciencia!

My wife Nadiya is working in the office, she makes beautiful turbans for Gaura Nitay and Govardhan Sila, we will have a super Gaura Purnima party with the Huancayo devotees.

My wife and I caught Covid19, three very difficult weeks, now we are better. CDS and Ivermectin helped us improve health.

ASA - 👍

On the other hand we are harvesting carrots and some potatoes these days. Not much due to the drought. In three weeks we will harvest broad beans and alberjitas. Germinating peanuts, lemon, lucuma and pacay.

ASA - Fiesta para sus deidades.

I had previously commented that we were looking at the possibility of acquiring an irrigated land, well the possibilities are increasing. Maybe Chiclayo - Ferreñafe could be a good option.

ASA - Donde otros devotos puede comprar tambien.

Here the climate affects us because of the altitude and the cold, also because the climate is very extreme and because of the lack of water.

May the plan come to fruition if Krsna allows it.

ASA - Vida simple, pensamiento elevado!

On the other hand we are conducting studies of song three, first part with Prabhu Laksmana Agraha, on Thursdays.

ASA - Hijas de Daksa y Akuti se caso con Ruci?

Well Guru Maharaja we say goodbye, may Nrsimha always protect you.

ASA - Tambien tenemos que protejer El!

Esforzando predicar a los vecinos. Desarrollar nuestros propios aldeas. Modelos para cultivar la conciencia de Krsna.

Urgente! LAD and RR getting married.

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

Here is a translation of thie poem. Based on a previous one with some arrangements.

El hipopótamo

T.S. Eliot

El hipopótamo de gran lomo

reposa sobre su panza en el fango.

Si bien parece muy sólido

es meramente carne y sangre.

La carne y la sangre son débiles y frágiles,

y susceptibles a tener ataques de nervios;

mientras la Verdadera Iglesia no caerá jamás

porque se yergue sobre una roca.

Los ligeros pasos del hipopótamo pueden errar

al perseguir fines materiales,

mientras que la Verdadera Iglesia no debe incomodarse

para recoger sus dividendos.

El hipopótamo nunca puede alcanzar

el fruto del mango en el mango:

pero los frutos del granado y del duraznero

sacian a la Iglesia viniendo de ultramar.

En la época de apareamiento la voz del hipopótamo

revela roncas y extrañas inflexiones;

pero cada semana oímos a la Iglesia alegrarse

de ser una sola con Dios.

El día del hipopótamo transcurre

en el sueño; por la noche va a cazar.

Dios opera en forma misteriosa: La Iglesia

puede dormir y nutrirse al mismo tiempo.

Vi al hipopótamo echarse a volar

ascendiendo desde las húmedas sabanas,

y coros de ángeles en torno a él cantando

la alabanza de Dios, en sonoras hosannas.

Será lavado con la sangre del Cordero

y será rodeado por brazos celestiales.

Lo podremos ver en medio de los santos

tocar un arpa de oro.

Quedará lavado y blanco como la nieve

besado por todas las vírgenes mártires,

mientras la Verdadera Iglesia permanecerá acá abajo

envuelta en las miasmas de la antigua niebla.

I'm sending the annoucement of my civil wedding [attached as a photo]. I ill be something simple due to the circunstances.

Please, gurudev and dear devotees send us, kindly, your blessings so we, LAD and RR dd, can do a nice sankirtan for Srila Prabhupada. That's the hole point to get married, right? And for some couples, have children. We don't want to get there.

Thanks for your support and advice.

your servants,

LAD & RR dd

ASA - When is the Wed Ding?

Where is the Wed Ding?

[Google/Tran Slate] back to you.

The hippo

T.S. Eliot

The great-backed hippo

it rests on its belly in the mud.

While it seems very solid

it is merely flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood are weak and fragile,

and susceptible to having nervous attacks;

while the True Church will never fall

because it stands on a rock.

The light steps of the hippopotamus can miss

by pursuing material ends,

while the True Church shouldn't bother

to collect your dividends.

The hippo can never reach

the fruit of the mango in the mango:

but the fruits of the pomegranate and the peach tree

they satiate the Church coming from overseas.

In the mating season the voice of the hippopotamus

reveals hoarse and strange inflections;

but every week we hear the church rejoice

to be one with God.

The day of the hippo passes in dream;

at night he goes hunting.

God operates in a mysterious way:

The Church you can sleep

and nourish yourself at the same time.

I saw the hippo fly away

rising from the damp savannas,

and choirs of angels around him singing

the praise of God, in sonorous hosannas.

He will be washed with the blood of the Lamb

and he will be surrounded by heavenly arms.

We can see it in the midst of the saints

play a golden harp.

It will be washed and white as snow

kissed by all the virgin martyrs,

while the true church will remain here below

shrouded in the miasmas of the ancient mist.

TB - A few mistakes here and there, no? Write a new poem in Spanish based upon this one??? With rhyme and meter. Better things to do?

World needs poetry and the company of gentlemen.


V-puja Offering/DTC19(Fr)

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

🐮 🐮



Hare Krishna, Beloved and esteemed Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet,

HpS - Lettuce feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

HpS - Lotus feet!

Bg. 18.75

vyāsa-prasādāc chrutavān

etad guhyam ahaṁ param

yogaṁ yogeśvarāt kṛṣṇāt

sākṣāt kathayataḥ svayam

In this most auspicious day I am feeling completely grateful for having the opportunity to Glorify the Guru-parampara and being proud of my spiritual ancestors!!

  • Lord Caitanya, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared in Kali yuga with the heart of Srimati Radharani, the best servant of Sri Krishna, as a mother who gives shelter with the Holy Names, helped by our great grand uncle, the Glorious Nityananda Prabhu, showering the mercy without discrimination.
  • The Six Goswamis wrote everything, witnessing the most intimate pastimes as Manjaris, little girls willing to serve. Presented the complete science of Krishna Consciousness, for us fallen souls, instruction manuals to go back home!!
  • Krisnadas Kaviraj, presented the mood, so we can understand the Acaryas!!
  • And Narottama das Thakur sang it everything, so we fall in love with them!!
  • Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur, studied and commented on the Srimad Bhagavatam, sowing the seeds for next generations!!
  • Baladeva Vidya Bhusana expanded his work, ASA - And wrote Govinda Bhasya!
  • And Jagannatha das Babaji gave us the Yoga pita [Place of Lord Caitanya's birth], so we can remember the unlimited mercy.
  • Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, knew that the mercy must expand throughout the world, so he saw it, he wrote the instructions, to show the way!!
  • Gaurakisora das Babji didnt know how to read, but he was full of Prema Bhakti!! He gave it to his disciple
  • Simha Guru Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, who defeated big scholars at an early age, with his Nadia Prakash he inaugurated the Brihat mridanga, giving the tools and guidance to his magnanimous son,
  • His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who with unlimited mercy, left Vrindavan at sixty nine years old to come and preach to Pashchatya desa tarine,

Where he met and robbed the heart of a Chinese monk, born in Guam, disguised as a Super clever Californian student, seeking the ultimate truth,

HpS - Well M A Y B E ! 😏

...while dancing and playing the flute, helped by Tom Brown, Uncle Gismo, Monkey and Piggy, His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Who wrapped everything and pass it away in such an avant garde way that it becomes super tasty and funny. Easy to digest and explain!!

So ladies and gentleman, watch the flags, hear the music, feel the scents of Golokera Prema dhana, listen carefully, this message will go on forever, nigama kalpa taror… Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Thank you Gurudev!!

Your insignificant disciple,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - Thank you for nice offering to Guru param para. We can really suspect that we have very little Bhakti, and because of that we are eating too much, and suffering the results. We have many faults, but with the mercy of Srila Prabhupada !!! we, all, are able to stay in His ISKCON and do some service that is slowly defeating our bad qualities and augmenting our good qualities. Even getting a little taste of the substantial nature of the Holy Names.

Of course, we can only write nice Vyasa-puja offerings by the mercy of other devotees, so thanks to them also, eternally.

Now it is 9.42AM.

Was a good day with Mangala arati etc. Class by LaD, then 45" discussion of plans etc. with Srinivasa. News from Abhirama thakura Das.

Going for walk in the strange pathway along the river with Vijaya.

Friday program with Radha Natabara,

but we get headaches and eyestrain so we have to quit now.

We can be more and more filled with youthful energy if we reside in Dvaraka and daily see Sri Krsna as He goes to the Yadu dynasty assembly house or while doing other things with His motherly queens, brave sons, and wise ministers.



. . . 🌹