Jay Maharaj

3 years, 5 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jay Maharaj!

Please accept my obeisances!

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

How r u?

HpS/ASA - I guess the same as you! Hare Krsna!!!

This is a reply to your last letter, in which u were asking me if we have met (u asked if I was that 2 meters high MMA fighter, and well…Im not).

We did met once like 10 years ago when I was dating a disciple of yours, Kriya Shakti from Chile, and I asked for an interview with you, I was needing some piece of advice about that.

That was in the Buenos Aires temple’s room besides Prabhupada murti. I was trying to speak to you in a clumsy English and you talked to me in spanish. I remember as it was yesterday.

HpS - Ahhh!

I'm really trying to find myself and Krishna, been such a sinner for so long, sometimes I see, internally I'm harvesting what I sowed.

But thanks to the devotees I'm trying to make peace with Krishna, I read the other day from Jayapataka Maharaj that if someone has a serious problem that keeps one away from Krishna one can pray him to ask for forgiveness and help to change in that area.

I did so and that was really a relief.

HpS - !!!

About my health, I had the other day an interview (which I find a great milestone) with the head of psychiatry of my healthcare plan, he told me that he’s not sure my diagnosis is schizophrenia, which was very encouraging. I was going back in time reviewing some facts that occured in my life, and I found that well, things might not be as I thought they were.

Many times I was told: Oh, that’s a psychotic symptom, when I read might have been an abstinence symptom. This was because sometimes I would take my medicines, I never got too much along with the medicine I was taking, specially knowing about its possible long term side effects and the short term’s.

Now I started an Ayurvedic and Orthomolecular treatment and well, feeling better in some areas.

HpS - !!!

Maharaj, I'm seeking for new graphic design opportunities, this time I would like to serve for free, not as a job as I asked you previously, do you know by chance any temple that might be needing that kind of service?

HpS - No.... Maybe somebody else reading this knows of some options. Best is to take Krsna as our employer now! He has come as Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON, and then we can get a lot of employment. Maybe not our specific Karma, but with some intelligence we can do it anyway.

Would like to ask u a question, how do u think is the best manner to use in service to Krishna the talents we’ve got from him?

HpS - Ahh! That is just the advice we gave above. https://vedabase.io/en/library/noi/3/#bb5876

This is very nice discussion of the question.

  1. Chant Hare Krsna and the Lord in the Heart will give some inspiration.
  2. Get direction from Prabhupada's books.
  3. Talk with nice devotees for inspiration and direction.

thank you very much once again for being there for us,



HpS - We hope to see some of the results of our efforts!

Offenses in Mexico

3 years, 5 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

El motivo de esta carta es para hacerle conocer que una página de facebook ha publicado su propia interpretación de la posición de SS. HpS con respecto a la sanción de un hermano espiritual que le fue informada a usted en el mes de Febrero de parte de Lavanga dasi, Secretaría mesa directiva y representante legal del templo de Ciudad de México.


Dicha página señala que usted decidió que el caso que se le comunicó denunciado ante la Unidad de genero de ISKCON México "no era grave", este tipo de señalamientos confunde la fe de la gente inocente, porsupuesto los devotos que conocen su predica no se perturban pero como discipulo es difícil pasar por alto tales intenciones maliciosas pero no ocuparemos el valioso tiempo en discusiones públicas, sin embargo parece importante informarle para evitar futuros malos entendidos. 

Por favor le rogamos su perdón por estás situaciones. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja:

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!!!! pfanrh....

The reason for this letter is to let you know that a facebook page has posted its own interpretation of SS's position. HpS regarding the sanction of a spiritual brother that was informed to you in February by Lavanga dasi, Secretary of the board of directors and legal representative of the Mexico City temple.


This page indicates that you decided that the case that was reported to you reported to the ISKCON Mexico Gender Unit "was not serious", this type of accusation confuses the faith of innocent people, of course the devotees who know his preaching are not disturbed But as a disciple it is difficult to ignore such malicious intentions but we will not spend precious time in public discussions, however it seems important to inform you to avoid future misunderstandings.

Please, we beg your forgiveness for these situations.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Thank you. We never received any more communication on this matter, and have not been able to proceed on it with our limited personal resources but letters such as this from devotees as your self. Allow us to participate.

We have not said that any offense was minor. We just said that we have no idea from Saccinandana Das or the Temple or anyone what offenses he committed and request information.

Thank you.


Guru purnima wishes

3 years, 5 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaj, H. H. Hanumat Presaka Swami. Please accept my humble obeisances at your sweet lotus feet.

HpS - In our siddha deha we may have sweet lotus feet, or even sweet lotus hooves, but here we got pretty good human feet with pretty well trimmed nails.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krsna, Sarad gaurangi Devi Dasi

Happy Guru Purnima. We just finished our class.

Today we discussed Srila Prabhupada's pranam mantra .

The songs Gurudev kripa bindu .....and Hari Haraye ....with HG Ramanuja Das.

We are about 12 of us.

We have class on ' Difficulties to Contentment' every Saturday from 4.30pm to 6pm IST.

HpS/ASA - That is 6AM here.

Today we discussed the importance of Guru in our spiritual lives. Realized Krishna loves us so much that He sends His representative to reclaim such hopelessly, fallen, conditioned souls like me. Thank you Guru Maharaj for your endless mercy.

HpS - We are just holding the hose!! Usually pointing it in the general direction of the fire, but could be a lot more focused!!!

Every Sunday we have Bhagavad Gita class from 4pm to 6pm on zoom . We really enjoy this class . We are into 'introduction' and we have little children with their parents in this class.

ASA/TB - You mean children of midgets? Three inches tall? You must have to talk softly!!

Guru-kula Maharaja said that whenever you are preaching to small children, use the examples of food. Interesting, no?

Mondays and tuesdays , we have class on Isopanishad with Bali and Manipuri devotees. This is in zoom and is taken by HG Ramanuja Das. This is from 4pm to 6pm.

Reading SB daily ...alone , as COVID situation is bad here and I perform my seva at home. Reading SB 4.9.16 Dhruva Maharaj's prayers are so beautiful. Doing mangal arti at home.

Every Monday and Thursdays ,joining BV classes by HG NadiaBihari Das of Mayapur institute. Very very nice devotee association from Balramdesh and Mathuradesh. This is only because of Your kripa dear Guru Maharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances Guru Maharaj.

A group of us devotees are distributing Prasadam to Covid frontline workers and patients . We feel so humbled to do this seva. The prasadam goes to all sections of the society . Christians ...muslims appreciating the prasadam leaves us teary eyed....

Guru Maharaj.....do we have Maya inside of us? My understanding was more of an external affair of the world? Are'nt we protected by the Paramatma inside us?

HpS - Bahir nrsmha, hrdaya nrsmah. We can be in Raja,Tama, Sattva guna in any combination in our: Physical environmen, sense, mind, intelligence.

Eg. A Mayavadi monk may have very sattvika things, senses, thoughts, but in his basic intelligence, understanding, his attitude is "I will become God!". of course this is the greatest illusion.

So Paramatma protects you within and without.

On facebook , a prisoner from Pretoria reached out for books on Krishna. I was stunned. How to get Srila Prabhupada's books all the way to Pretoria? Devotees from Australia and UK managed to ship the books to Pretoria....took a long long time to reach the prison though. Thank you Guru Maharaj. He got 1. Bhagavad Geeta 2. A Second chance 3. the Science of self realization 4. Krsna The Supreme Personality of Godhead 5. Limited and Unlimited Consciousness 6. The ever youthful Cowherd boy 7.The movement of the South dancing in Krsna Consciousness 8. Celebrating Sri Narashimhas amazing appearance and 9. The perfect conversation. We sent him chanting beads too.

HpS - Takes a long time sometimes because it has to be scanned through security. Also some prisons have great libraries with donations of many societies full sets.

Kindly check the video on youtube.... Spontaneous Harinama in Paddy Field, Manipur https://youtu.be/XeFOHUYXL5U ....very short video...shot during our prasadam and book (NOI) distribution programme.

ASA - Wow! That is too much funny! You live in a great place. Why would you want to go to any other place.

Our prayers to Lord Nrshimha for your health and happiness dear Guru Maharaj,

Your ignorant servant...as always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - ASA - Thank you. We hope you see the lotus feet of Krsna playing with His friends in Braja always. Kindly send us more news of Manipur as it is available. We hope to get to India by Kartika 2022.

Manipura Sadhana

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Friday, July 23, 2021 CDT, saddhu-bhusana das wrote:

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja, how are you, how is your health? We hope everything is alright by the blessings of Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra, Sri Sri Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Sri Sri Prahlada Narasimhadeva.

We are in a terrible situation in Manipur now because of the ongoing Coronavirus. Complete lockdown and curfew has been imposed for 10 days. And we feel this curfew is going to be extended more.

His Grace Radhacharan Das, our then Temple President, His Grace Narottama Das and His Grace Indradeva Das, our main temple pujaris left their bodies few weeks ago due to the covid – 19. We are facing a lot of problems due to the shortage of pujaries in this crucial period.

Maharaja, we would like to request your good self to kindly give brahamana diksha to three of your disciples staying here in Manipur. If they are brahmana initiated they can become full time pujaris. This will be a great blessing and help for us in this situation. Their names are as follows

1.      His Grace Pitambara Das (Manipuri, Harinama Diksha in 2008)

2.      His Grace Harivamsa Das (Tripuri, Harinama Diksha in 2019)

3.      His Grace Tarksya Suta Das (Tripuri, Harinama Diksha in 2019)

If Mahamaraja can give them second initiation online or by some other means, we will be really blessed.

Hope to see you soon in Manipur Maharaja.

Hare Krishna.

Your servants

Ekanath Das    (Mobile/Whatsapp no. - +91-9436020763)

Sadhubhusana Das      (Mobile/Whatsapp no. - +91-6009649148)

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. This Blog is how to communicate with us. We only get to Yahoo mail like once a week at best.

Thank you for the news.

When a Vaisnava leaves their body it is fine, no? There service continues.

We are always glad to receive news of the Yatra and participate as we can.

As far as Second initiation goes, we are not independent. We act according to our personal relationship with the devotees and the GBC standard: Brahmana and Ksatriya side.

We have almost no personal contact with the three devotees mentioned and we do not have communication with Temple President about their formal status. You are now the President?


Of course, the Deity's standard can be adjusted according to social conflicts, attacks from Arabs, or plague. Then They are happy with simple service that in emergency even 1st initiated devotees can offer.

Please write to us with more news here.

ABC - Bhaktivedanta

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My name is Abhinandana Nimai Das. For many years - the last 7 years - I have been reading your notes while reading Srila Prabhupada's books. Found them on your various websites. I have seen notes on Bhakti sastri books, SB canto 1 to 6. But I am not able to find them from canto 7 onwards. I would be grateful if you can guide me where I can find the notes from canto 7 onwards.

Your servant,

Abhinandana Nimai Das

HpS - ASA - Paoho.... AGTSP!!! Thank you for your letter. Our communication focus is on this Blog. We get to Yahoomail about once a week at best. 🙂

We have not done study notes for Bhakti Vedanta diploma, Cantos 7-12+. We have some notes but they are not systematized. May work on them, but you can see from this Blog and the News on our web page: www.JayaRama.US that our focus is in consolidating things rather than starting new stuff.

Gauranga-darshana Das of the Bhaktivedanta Vidhya pitha of the Govardana Eco Village has a complete selection of study guides. If you can research the web and find out how to get them and then give the information for us to share that would be great.

Thank you.

HpSwami - ASA

Nila-madhava News

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Your disciple Srinath gave an excellent Srimad Bhagavatam class this morning about the prayers of Queen Kunti and the protection given by Lord Krishna to his devotees. 📚We can tell that he is being delivered by his guru maharaj , a regular chip off the old block.🤠  

ASA - Thank you for the news.

AgtSP, who is using sub-human messengers to save the whole world!


Please post in the Blog.

🦧 🐷 🤖
