Dear gurudeva,
Hare Krishna!
Pfamhr, TlgaSP!!
I hope you are very well in every respect.
HpS - Body is dying as usual, but it is fun to play the dying fiddle.
It's been a while since last time I reported here.
ASA - Yeah! You cheater! Having all kinds of fun in KC and sharing none of it with others. 🐵
This has been a rather strange year for me,
at the end of the previous year we moved with the family,
from the house we built and in which we lived for about 5 years,
in villa allende, nearby the city of Cordoba (you visit us there I think 2 times),
to a place called el durazno,
a place quite isolated in the mountains,
about 2.30 hs from the city.
Invited by some devotees, looking to generate a community project, including the idea of a retreat center
seminar of bhakti sastri,
the issue is that there were some problems there,
. . . . not with the devotees,
. . . . . . . . . but with the land,
with the parents of a devotee
who was the owner of the land
who was going to give some lands for the project,
but finally repented and it got quite uncomfortable there,
. . . . . . . . 🌞
so we lasted a few months there, and we had to leave,
... unexpectedly and almost randomly we all moved to another mountain area 🌄
but a little closer to the city and with several villages in the vicinity , the area where P.Ambarisa and family live, and other devotees more. Now, we are almost 3 months living here, struggling with the intense cold and dryness of the weather. Adapting.
We are some families of devotees living here, which is good, very nice, keeping at least one program all together 1 time a week.
ASA - 💪
So somehow something is always planned and many times Krishna disarms this plan and now expectant to what is to come, as well as finding myself in this new place, connecting with this present. With some chronic couple problems, and challenges in upbringing my daughter Lalita, very intense personality.
HpS - I think Krsna is preparing you and your wife to be Arjuna and Draupadi.
I continue to work with vedic astrology doing readings, talks, sound therapy with group meetings and ayurveda giving workshops mostly, among some other things. Now also dabbling and learning programming languages. Also with a strong voidness felling many times felling like loosin time, with the need to be more engaged in Sankirtan.
HpS - Then just chant Hare Krsna... Hare Rama and you are completely engage in the maximum progressive way possible. The Holy Names will give you perfect advice.
Did you forget this? Remind me. I also forget.
On the other hand I wanted to comment you that I create an account (ASA) of the Spotify platform, to upload your classes in audio-only format, Vrishabanu was passing me the audios of the material that is uploaded in the youtube channel of AsaAudiovisual,
Do you think is good just to upload that selected material? Or do you agree that other older classes in general should also be uploaded?
HpS - Up load a few and see if people throw rocks for cookies at us or BEST if they go to Srila Prabhupada!!
Upload your classes.
Familys classes.
I do not take more of your time Gurudeva, I wish you are very well,
your servant, Madhavendra Puri das
Pd: I attend some days ago to a meeting, that I was invited by Denupal prabhu, about de Sustainable social development congress, it was nice, nice people, some teachers and directors from their local university were there giving their support for this project. I think is in the same syntony with your Light of the bhagavata preaching, the focus they are trying to give to this.
HpS So nice to hear from you. Wished we could have responded sooner!!
You are on a good path. Just keep going forward. It becomes better.
TB -
More madness from your lunacy please.