
3 years, 5 months ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

ss Hanumatpresaka Swami le ofresco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias! Todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada 🙏🏻

mi nombre es Julia Cuellar Torres

vivo en León Guanajuato México, hace cinco años que conocí conciencia de krishna , tengo cuatro años que hago dieciséis rondas o más, y cinco años que sigo los cuatro principios.

HpS-ASA - Pienso Srila Prabhupada muy agradecido con Vd.

Hace algunos meses por misericordia del señor Krishna, empecé a escuchar sus clases en la página de facebook y también me conecto por la aplicación cuando tengo oportunidad. Le pido de favor me de refugio y me acepté como su sirvienta...

haré Krishna 🙏🏻

HpS/ASA - Pues es deficil por que quiero ser su serviente. Si puedo servir como Siksa guru, muy, muy bien. Eso es dar consejo, como aqui.

En un punto hay la formalidad de Diksa, matricular en la escuela Bhaktivedanta, y puedo esforzar realizar esta funcion tambien.

Puede leer: ? Comunicar con sus comentarios y preguntas?

Predica por su caracter, compartamiento, sonrisa, palabras de BG y SB!! Sea Guru de su circulo.

Personal Sadhana Report

3 years, 5 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!


All Glaries to Sri Krsna, Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta vrinda.


Please accept my humble obeisances unto the padmacharan of Shree HpS Guruji Maharajah that I could not write letters for the last one month or so.

Agt Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga, Krsna-Baladeva, Radha Syamasundara,

How is Guruji's health? On Facebook frequently I see Gurujis activities giving lectures in English and other languages.

HpS - Our body, automobile, is getting old. Less ability to see, hear, remember, but for our age is very good.

Likewise, Prabhu Partha Sarthi Das also giving lectures on Bhagavat Gita, through Bipin Prabhu of Radha-Kunda every Sunday at 2.30 p.m. under the wave ISKCON Manipur Veisnavas.

Interested bhaktas from Manipur and outside requested me and Bipin Prabhu to connect the link. Now more than 100 are listening to his lecture. Sometimes by emotional he could not speak fluently. In a particular Sanskrit word or words in a sloka, he narrated lengthily and could not complete one sloka in one hour or more.

HpS - !!

Now I am re-reading the C.C. from the beginning along with the 10th Skandha of Bhagavatam. It is quite interlinked.

HpS - Is Srila Prabhupada's CC?

I pray daily to Smt. Radharani on Prarthana that She only can bring me to Shree Krsna, our sarir, man, budhi could not see, know and feel prema bhakti because all these are jar (lifeless), only the blessings of Him everything can possible. Sometimes very emotional and tears rolled down when prarthana and nama japa. All are possible with the blessings of Guruji Maharaja.

HpS - SB/CC is full of stories of devotees achieving success, like Bharata Maharaja in fifth canto, no? Took two lifetimes and he we GREAT DEVOTEE. Life after life we aspire to be of some use in Lord Caitanya's service, as vaidhi bhakta, raganuga bhakta, prema bhakta..

Due to Korona-19, we have no personal contact with other bhaktas, and did not open Mandir. It is time for Name Japa, Reading Books, and listening to lectures of different personalities on youtube.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Do you read the "News" at our webpage: We are publishing programs that we are sharing on the internet and news of our Sankirtan.

Hare Krishna!

3 years, 5 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear gurudeva,

Hare Krishna!

Pfamhr, TlgaSP!!

I hope you are very well in every respect.

HpS - Body is dying as usual, but it is fun to play the dying fiddle.

It's been a while since last time I reported here.

ASA - Yeah! You cheater! Having all kinds of fun in KC and sharing none of it with others. 🐵

This has been a rather strange year for me,

at the end of the previous year we moved with the family,

from the house we built and in which we lived for about 5 years,

in villa allende, nearby the city of Cordoba (you visit us there I think 2 times),

to a place called el durazno,

a place quite isolated in the mountains,

about 2.30 hs from the city.

Invited by some devotees, looking to generate a community project, including the idea of a retreat center


seminar of bhakti sastri,

the issue is that there were some problems there,

. . . . not with the devotees,

. . . . . . . . . but with the land, 

with the parents of a devotee

who was the owner of the land

who was going to give some lands for the project,

but finally repented and it got quite uncomfortable there,

. . . . . . . . 🌞

so we lasted a few months there, and we had to leave,


... unexpectedly and almost randomly we all moved to another mountain area 🌄

but a little closer to the city and with several villages in the vicinity , the area where P.Ambarisa and family live, and other devotees more. Now, we are almost 3 months living here, struggling with the intense cold and dryness of the weather. Adapting.

We are some families of devotees living here, which is good, very nice, keeping at least one program all together 1 time a week.

ASA - 💪

So somehow something is always planned and many times Krishna disarms this plan and now expectant to what is to come, as well as finding myself in this new place, connecting with this present. With some chronic couple problems, and challenges in upbringing my daughter Lalita, very intense personality.

HpS - I think Krsna is preparing you and your wife to be Arjuna and Draupadi.

I continue to work with vedic astrology doing readings, talks, sound therapy with group meetings and ayurveda giving workshops mostly, among some other things. Now also dabbling and learning programming languages. Also with a strong voidness felling many times felling like loosin time, with the need to be more engaged in Sankirtan.

HpS - Then just chant Hare Krsna... Hare Rama and you are completely engage in the maximum progressive way possible. The Holy Names will give you perfect advice.

Did you forget this? Remind me. I also forget.

On the other hand I wanted to comment you that I create an account (ASA) of the Spotify platform, to upload your classes in audio-only format, Vrishabanu was passing me the audios of the material that is uploaded in the youtube channel of AsaAudiovisual,

Do you think is good just to upload that selected material? Or do you agree that other older classes in general should also be uploaded?

HpS - Up load a few and see if people throw rocks for cookies at us or BEST if they go to Srila Prabhupada!!

Upload your classes.

Familys classes.

I do not take more of your time Gurudeva, I wish you are very well,

your servant, Madhavendra Puri das

Pd: I attend some days ago to a meeting, that I was invited by Denupal prabhu, about de Sustainable social development congress, it was nice, nice people, some teachers and directors from their local university were there giving their support for this project. I think is in the same syntony with your Light of the bhagavata preaching, the focus they are trying to give to this. 

HpS So nice to hear from you. Wished we could have responded sooner!!

You are on a good path. Just keep going forward. It becomes better.

TB -

More madness from your lunacy please.

In process...

3 years, 5 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

It is alarming, however I do not feel uncomfortable. Is it supposed to always feel in control? Is it the ego or the sense of "control" that one "naturally" must have to feel in order and dont became careless?

We have returned to do service to the temple after a few months, since the work did not allow us to dedicate time to anything else. We make some offerings in the deity's kitchen for Radha Madana Gopala, as well as garlands. The "children" also came from Mayapur (Goura-Nitay) are now in our home. I attach a photo.

There is also new administration in the temple. Prabhu Sankirtan as president. We have had some meeting with the temple authorities, mother Asta Sakhi and some of your aspiring disciples to talk about a possible recommendation to aspire to take initiation from you. We are very very enthusiastic and equally aware of the responsibility that this implies, that is why we find ourselves trying to fight day by day with laziness. First step, because we are a turtle.

Guru Maharaja, there is also the topic of the desire for union with the devotee Vraja Mohan Dasa. What is the most commendable?

UG/ASA- Ask local devotees for their opinion. Marry pure devotee. ie following Srila Prabhupada. Twice initiated or six years following 1st intiation.

It's amazing how we waste time. Mind and body are always looking to do anything else good for nothing. How do we deal with daily laziness? it seems impossible.

HpS - Jaya!

She is coming

3 years, 5 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are struggling to advance towards Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet.

ASA - You too?!! We also.

Thank you so much for your siksa, your daily lectures, your endeavors to expand Bhagavata dharma everywhere!!

We are facing difficult times here at Sri Govardhan Eco Village, this pandemia diminished personal Sadhu Sanga and we latinos feel the difference. We hope Public programs can resume soon.

ASA - Probably not. We expect this is the end of the industrial revolution and the solution is to get more people in your village.

Somehow or other we keep sticking to our personal saddhana, shifting between survival, standard and pure devotee mood!! 16R4P ok

On the personal level very good news!! A Baby girl is coming. Her name is Margarita!! We are happy with this. Lot of meditation in Kardama muni/Devahuti pastime. How Kardama muni accepted his attachment and went through all this to purify it and then go back home, back to godhead, leaving very nice offspring.

We remember what you said in chile (Ratha Yatra festival) about Grihastha asrama. Of course you were speaking from a Sannyasi realization, Tattva!! So from Rasa point of view, we must accept our position and try to use it for our purification.

We can not find better shelter than Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet and his Iskcon.

Next week more letters with personal projects, comments about divorce and iskcon institution.

Thank you so much Gurudev!!

Trying to follow,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - Thank you. We need lots of Grhastha Guru comments.

:>>> Two more letters. Eco Village. 100 devotees by October.

Silchar-Bihar van

"Hare krishna Gurudev. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet. Planning to go to Radhakund on 20th Aug to progress the Asram construction.

AGTSP, GURUDEV and Gouranga.

Hope this will find my in good health. Around six devotee in my association are eagerly waiting for getting initiation. What should I say ? May i give assurance on your behalf? Now only i request them to pray seriously to lord Gouranga and Krishna. Gurudev your writting few words enthus and give spiritual energy to me. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet.

Divya Svaroopa Das"

HpS - AGTSP!!!! paoho. It would only by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada that we could stay for a little time on the banks of Radha kunda, so please develop this Ashrama for him and his work.

We hope to join there.

If we are acting as Diksa guru for anyone, then they must have taken the ISKCON Disciple Course, and normally have a letter of recommendation from the local Temple President etc.

Have these aspirants done that?