Invitation for Vivah yajna

3 years, 6 months ago by gauragadadhara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Once again seek blessings from you and all my God Siblings for our vivah yagna , which will be held on 22 August.

Your Humble servant

Gaura Gadadhara Dasi

HpS - ASA -- Thank you! Hare Krsna. If you can broadcast the wedding, that might be very nice. At least lots of pictures. Thank you.

👳 👰



Chaotic Year

3 years, 6 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports

🌷 Hare Krishna! 🌷




Greetings from Panamá, Central America,

maybe you don't remember me,

but if you do I'm more than happy to know so.

HpS - Yes, we do. You were struggling to get to the Temple and do Japa austerity, and associating with our Graphic Artist disciple, whose name we cannot remember, and who has not written for a l o n g time.

How are you Maharaja? How is your health? Its been over a year I don't give a report, because I gave up on myself once more around August of last year, my father past away last year the same week I had an accident that left me in bed for a long time, I couldn't walk and by the time I could I started working in this terrible place.... so far so good I set myself apart from the process and left KC for about 8 months....its literally a hell out there, no association, no friends, no close family, but Krishna is always there.... he took me back and here we are, chanting our rounds, following our principles and finally being able to do service at the temple as well as being part of the harinam program twice a month and making garlands as a steady service every Sunday.

HpS - ASA - 😀 I am trying to understand that chanting always improves everything.

Also taking small courses to keep the mind busy and feeding on KC.

Hopefully with the lowering of the restrictions I will be able to go to Mangal-arati next week!

HpS - Did you go? See the Lord very, very early in the morning.

After 5 years following the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and taking shelter on him, would you have the mercy to accept me as an aspirant to be your disciple?

HpS - That is a formality, not a meaningless formality, but a formality.

Our association in ISKCON is actually eternal, no? It is like two men in prison who take a vow to help each other reform their character and get out as soon as possible, and after they are out and return to their own land and families, always keep in touch.

Have you read:

When do you think it's the right time for initiation in the bhakti yoga process?

It's initiation the beginning or one has to be super qualified to be initiated?

HpS - Above link should answer most of those questions, then please write again. Take your acquired knowledge and help whomever Krsna sends!

Where does the soul goes when we pass away?

HpS - What kind of vehicle do we get when this vehicle is finished? 😼

Thanks for your kindness and for the time you take to read letters I leave here

Bhaktina Andrea (Joan of arc)



3 years, 6 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports


Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay.

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, Gurudev, comienzo mi reporte contando que desde Nrsimha Caturdasi comenzamos el programa diario con las deidades durante todo el día, con descanso y tiempo para hacer cosas de casa (lavar, limpiar.... etc).

Atiendo a la deidades y LAD cocina, estamos muy contentos por la organización de cada actividad del día, sigo con las lecturas diarias de las devotas resolviendo sus preguntas y acompañándolas en lo que necesiten, trabajo una vez a la semana por zoom,

lectura diaria del CC, Srimad Bhagavatam, BG,

y en la noche Krishna Book

y estudio del canto tres del S. Bhagavatam.

Los jueves, habló con mis padres cada día,

están muy bien, muy contentos por mi.

Seguimos terminando detalles para tener un bello lugar para Krishna,

Pensando en nuestros futuros proyectos de predica,

Bueno gurudev, siempre estoy mejorando para hacer un buen servicio para Krishna,

Los devotos

Y ser una buena representante de Srila Prabhupada. Con sus bendiciones seguiré trabajando para esto.

muchas gracias se despide su humilde sirviente, Raman Reti devi dasi


Thank you for your report. We are very busy but can do more if we are sincere.

Kapi Dhvaja goes Friday. We will try to write it with you all in mind.

Marriage means getting to know the family, friends, associates of your partner and how to relate to them.

It is a lesson in love, how to respect others.

Best wishes for your Sankirtan.

Dandavats from New Jagannath Puri

3 years, 6 months ago by ātmādās in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Maharaj!!!

My Dāndavāt Pranāms unto your Holy Lotus Feet 🦶🦶🙏😇

I've heard many good stories about you, from many of your old fellow devotées from decades ago!!

Lokanath told me how you used to travel and do the Purnima Puppet Theatre with him and his wife, to Chicago and wherever else.

Mother Madanasini told me how you used to Dance just like a monkey, and how you used to always try to make everyone happy :)

HpS - Wow! How do monkeys dance?

Bhakta Avatar says you're very good, and so do multiple other people whom I have spoken to.

I would like to talk with you, Maharaj, if that is okay with you.

Lokanath says you are very good at very high quality, detailed answers to the questions such as the ones I ask to him.

He says he wishes I could have met you, so that you could answer my questions.

I am have very intense questions, Prabhuji, which are not for everyone's ears.

Do you think you could talk to me sometime?

I know you are a very celebrated and highly-esteemed Personality, and that you must not have very much time to speak to everyone 1 on 1, but, maybe Lokanath can give you my phone number for texts, or maybe we can email sometime, preferably very soon, because I have very limited external sources of guidance beyond Srila Prabhupada's original recordings and writings, and I am confused about my duty.

Wishing you all the best,

Dāndavāt Pranāms


Hare Krsna

your lowly, insignificant servant, Ātmā Dās

HpS - ASA - - Hello, Atma Das, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! So nice to hear from you. You have me a little fearful when you start discussing 'very intense questions, not for everyone's ears', but I would like very much to talk with you.

Did Lokanatha Das get back to Bay Area?

If you send your phone number here then I can get it but won't publish it.

Thank you.


Broke Up with My Conjugal Partner

3 years, 6 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj!!

Please accept my Dandavats and Pranams!

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

How are you? How’s your health?

HpS - I have a terminal illness - material body, and you? Your forefathers?? Yet by His Divine Grace, we have some, some, some little realization of the beauty of Krsna.

Well, finally we broke up with my fiancée. We we’re really discussing a lot and looking back in time I was really really unhappy.

My daughter is with her back in Cordoba city and I had to move to Buenos Aires with my parents. The first days were the most difficult but then I began to overcome the situation and began to feel really well, better than ever during the relationship.

Nanda Prana Gopal das (JPS) has been advising me so well regarding this issue that helped me to began getting through it.

Now all the legal stuff needs to be done, and hope I can learn a valuable lesson from all this.

Please Maharaj do give me your advice too. How can I get better the best way possible?

HpS - Follow Srila Prabhupada. He is personally present in his books. What does he say? What does he say? What does he say??






Chant Holy Names as much as possible! Then when you are tired take Prasadam, sing songs, read SB... Do Karma yoga, whatever you can do for Krsna eg. Make cakes, grow squash, conquer East Asia.

Hearing and chanting based on Holy Names and then Karma yoga!!

How can I be patient next time, if it happens, waiting for the right person for starting a relationship? How can I forgive? How can I see the good things that came out that relationship?

HpS - Your lover is waiting for you. Anxious for you to finish your prison term and get out of jail. Make a picture of Him and sing and dance for Him!!! ... Become an amazing person, so that you can be a tool for Him in His work (the Battle of Kuruksetra??)

Thank you very much once again in advance!




HpS - Thank you !!!!! Hare Krsna.... Hare Krsna!!!! Do great things for Krsna.



TMD Daughter

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Maharaj, my Pranams

Tapan's daughter unfortunately is still quite unwell. Ys🙏

We are chanting on our beads, praying that Queen Kunti blesses her and her condition becomes the greatest gift in her life.