Long Time No See

3 years, 5 months ago by David Presta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna !

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


Dear Maharaja

So sad I will not see you in the near future. Have always wanted to visit the Boro, but not in theses trying times. Hope you are in good health. We are doing as well as could be expected for old folks. Been going through some more of my father's keepsakes and found a prayer written in Italian. Probably written by my grandfather in the 1930s in Wisconsin. It translates:

Act of thanks

Infinite thanks I give you oh my God of having redeemed me, made me a Christian, and preserved me in this night.

My God I regret with true heart for not loving You, and I propose with Your holy help not to offend you anymore in the future.

Merciful Lord forgive me.

This is the finest thing my father left us. I'm going to mount it in a frame with the translation and show it to all of my siblings and cousins.

Your humble servant, Dave Prabhu.

HpS - ASA --- We are seeing each other right now. Eyes pass photons, here we are passing electrons. Such a perfect prayer. I was born into Episcopalean family. Baptized, confirmed, met Srila Prabhupada, investigated him very sincerely and was convinced that he was the best Christian I had ever met, so took shelter of him formally as my eternal leader, and hope he continues to accepts me as such and I can become more and more connected with him, and with him our Lord Christ Jesus.

I am like an ant compared with both.

Send us a photo of the framed prayer if you can. Scan it.

David Presta

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna !  Are you going to Ratha Yatra in SF or staying in Boise? Dave

Staying in Boise, then heading to Vrndavana. What are your plans, HpS?

Soul Food

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

[7:00 AM, 7/30/2021] +1 (281) 635-xxx: Hare Krsna Maharaj 

Thank you so much.

Also scientifically is it possible to proove that the soul exists??

[5:15 PM, 8/4/2021] Hp Swami: No, because epistemology of science is rational empiricism and even Pi and the Square root of 2 are irrational numbers, what to speak of the soul.... 😇  It is by definition not an empirical entity.

Better health

3 years, 5 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!  

All glories to Srila Gurudeva!  

Our obeisances at your feet.

Dear Gurudeva, Vidagdha and I are in better health. Thanks to you and so many devotees who supported us and prayed for my family. It was a very purifying experience. My case was complicated due to my allergies and lung problems. Now we are only taking medications to strengthen the lungs and immune system in general, ginger, echinacea, probiotics, etc... 


It is very difficult for a mother to think about dying and leaving her children unprotected, but after reading your message, I gradually acquired more intelligence to understand that I am nothing and cannot control anything. My mom died when I was 9 years old and I don't wish the same for my children. But I understand that our only refuge is Krishna; so, nothing bad could come of this situation.

HpS - You are not nothing. You are a little girl in Mother Yasoda's work force and you have to help pack Krsna's lunch or something like that. We are not too big, or not too small. We have something to contribute in this world, drama, and in the eternal world. https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/1/8/10/ "La madre tiene la gran responsabilidad de brindarle una protección total al niño..."

 It is not easy to say goodbye to this body, your family and everything that identifies you with this life, although we have read about that topic many times. So the days went by, trying to understand my life through this body and accept leaving here soon. 

HpS - Only because we think we are the well wisher of Bhismadeva and Drona acharya. Krsna is more concerned with them than we are. We just need to help Him take care of them. 

One of those complicated days with a lot of fever, physical pain and emotional imbalance, I fell asleep in the afternoon and dreamed of Krishna, the temple deity of Mexico, Sri Madhan Gopal. He asked me to comb him and fix his turban. I combed him, decorated his turban and he looked really so beautiful. Her curly hair, very shiny and soft. All the time he looked at me with so much love. At one point Krishna was no longer made of stone, he came up to me and gave me a hug.

ASA - Srimati Gopi-radha Devi Dasi!!! You are shameless!! 😁 You are writing to us about how unfortunate you are while keeping secret hugs with our Krsna!!

I told my husband and at that moment my heart was freed from all anxiety and fear. I thought that it couldn't be that bad to die and that it was really quite possible to be close to Krishna. My faith woke up. Honestly, I didn't see getting a hug from Krishna as real or close. Of course, with my devoted friends we sometimes talk about what Krishna's hugs would be like. 

I understand that the blessings and prayers of the devotees are very powerful. SG Mahatma Prabhu asked me to focus on living because my children needed me, it helped me a lot to keep going. He always has so much love and compassion to give. So many devotees called, wrote and offered us so many expressions of affection. I wish I could reciprocate with everyone. 

For days I dreamed of many devotees praying around me to get the virus out of my body. I would wake up at dawn very scared, feeling the energy of the devotees. 

Three weeks passed without being able to get out of bed and one day I woke up feeling very good and recovered. At that time, my dear friend (Jahnava) who I have not seen in many years, sent me a message saying that she made an offering to Lord Nrishimhadeva of Mayapur for my benefit. I felt very ashamed for that and for all that you and so many devotees were doing for us. Our only refuge is Krishna and his devotees.

Sorry for my long letter, I wanted to share my experience with you.  

Thank you very much gurudeva for your time and teachings. What can we do for you???  

We pray that you are in good health. 

Japa 16 rounds, gayatri, reading, service to my deities 👍


Your servants Gopi Radha DD y Vidagdha Das.  


HpS - Respects to everyone. Everyone!! The Vidagdha, the Jaya deva... the kids, who will grow up and cause you even more problems as a grand mama etc.

Sorry slow to answer. We have a lot of service sometimes, and our eyes are getting old. See you in Sankirtana!! Thank you. We feel so much respect for you as a soldier in LC's army.

Doctor's Advice

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Our Ayurvedic doctor writes:

Dear Maharaja

I know you will come to Peru in September. I can cure you if you let me do it. The complete treatment just for you included lodging won't have any cost as always. I will need a month to cure you and it's important you will be isolated for it. According to Ayurveda to get longevity it's necessary to eliminate accumulated energy through our life (Vata), the treatment is for this. In addition no people around it's required.

Waiting for your answer.

HpS - So, so very nice to hear from you. Yes, we hope to come to Peru around 26th September and stay for six months in one place.

As of this minute we do not have any diseases other than old age.

This means that we have lost two teeth, though all the rest are in very good shape for our age, 73-years old. I don't think we can cure, that, no? 😊 Our vision is getting weaker. Our digestion and cardiac and pulmonary are fine. Hearing weaker.

I think, by the mercy of Guru and your advice in the past, our health is about as good as it can be. Our allopathic doctor, Amit Singh, our Gurukula student in years gone by, says the same, in top 15% of health for people our age.

Of course, we just cannot give up association of Vaisnavas such as yourself and others. We hope to get more of that while we are in Peru and plant the seed or our own nice Ashrama, New Ashoka Van (here Hanuman delivers Rama's message to Sita) with your perspectives on Ayurveda etc.


News from Radhakunda Piggy-1

3 years, 5 months ago by radhakundamataji in Personal Sadhana Reports



Radhe radhe

Dandavat pranam my dear guru maharaja

I hope your health is good now.

After going through some symptoms of Karuna Virus, that fortunately could be controlled in its first stages, I had an accident at home, I fell down and was not be able to walk for a month, I just finished with therapy and now I am walking again very slowly, by Radha Kunja Bihari's mercy.

I had to stop doing my Seva, mmm the Seva Radharani gives me, at the banks of Radhakund but I hope I can restart it very soon, if Radharani allows me to do it again.

But, this accident has also given me the chance to chant more, to read more, to have time with my beautiful Thakurjis at home, everything has its positive side we only have to find it.

The project of our dear Krsna Svarup is stopped at this moment, due to the pandemic we are still in lockdown and transportation is not regular until now, so it is difficult and risky to travel here in India. This project will be continued as soon as Krsna Svarup can come to Radhakund.

I was also in contact with Gour Gadadhar, she sent me the invitation to her wedding at Mayapur at the end of this month, please bestow upon them all your mercy so their marriage can be auspicious and happy.

In this month I have to start again with the visa errands, so I need your help once again😦 to send a letter to Panca Gouda prabhu. I will send you his mail via what's app. Sorry for this but unfortunately even if we are in Radha-Krsna's realm, everything moves with papers.

Thank you so much for your time but specially for your mercy to this soul.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP! paoho. Thank you for the news. Please send it more often.

We just sent a letter to The P. G. Das with a copy to the Tunga vidya Devi Dasi. Did you get it?
